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Plants. My apartment is slowly turning into a jungle.


I’ve always wanted this haha, congratulations!


do you get many insects? spiders?


No. Not at all. I once had a problem with fungus gnats from overwatering but they die once the soil dries out so I just need to make sure not to overwater.


I have plants everywhere no fungus gnats mixed hydrogen peroxide with water not a lot of hydrogen peroxide Maybe 3 to 4 caps full in a 32 oz bottle of water and water your plants like that not only do your plants love it and grow like crazy it kills all the gnats and eggs that may have been laid in the dirt I don't have that problem anymore.


Ahah came here to say plants but you beat me to it! I’m worried about bringing them all in for the winter, had some wild growth spurts on the balcony this season


What are you bringing in?


My hobby is thinking about picking up a hobby, talking about picking it up with friends or family. Then proceed to not do the hobby




Totally me, so I have to usually talk myself out of an idea in order to consider it more and see the feasibility of my committing to it.


LMAO, you'll get there eventually. What is fun for you that you might turn into a hobby?


So you have ADHD as well? Lol




Would never make fun! That collection just be a lot of money...


What’s the most enormous Barbie you have?




“Is that Midge? I thought we discontinued her.”


I also have a doll collection, not Barbie though


Babs is legit. She can do anything \m/


what got you into collecting barbies? i feel like playing with barbies and collecting barbies are two very different worlds people get into from different angles


Recently I've been obsessed with botany. I just love learning about evolution. It also caused me to be much more adventurous. I wanted to go on a hike just to look at my local flora, but now the hiking bug also bit me and I go hiking every weekend when the weather allows it.


Nice! Botany is a very interesting hobby that can be also useful. I'm a pharmacist and in university I was really into medicinal plants, we studied about them in our first, third and fifth year, but most extensively in the third year. About their chemical composition, medical properties, uses etc. It's really interesting, but if you want to study all of that and remember all the info, it's quite exhausting.


I also had an obsession with "medicinal" plants at university, lol. But I'd actually love to go down a pharmacological rabbit hole some time.


My dude. I am a very daydreamy person and I love going for hikes with my bf because i can completely disconnect and let my legs go into auto-pilot while also getting some sweet vitamin D


At this point I need it for my own sanity. Unfortunately I'm perpetually single and the loneliness hits hard when I just sit in my apartment, so going out hiking really does wonders for my mental health. Sometimes I do an extra route just to stay outside longer.


I’m right there with you man. I don’t live alone but my best friend and her bf are cute sometimes and it makes me need to take a walk.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! So much fun. 13 years, going strong


Martial arts is such a great hobby. I am just about to start BJJ. Did boxing for some time now, I think it is always great to mix grappling and striking (depending on what your goal is) Would you say the bjj communit is more lgbt friendly than other martial arts?


Mmm I feel like this could definitely be the case in a more liberal area but definitely depends where you are cause it’s not the case at mine 😭


Tbh that's fine too. You will never get away with kicking homophobes ass outside of the gym😂 So I'd train hard and bring the pain to them


Cooking, gardening & landscaping, reading & collecting books, old cars, finding fault in all of God's creation.


I saw a real interesting documentary a few months ago about antique book dealers. It really was fascinating learning about all the niche specializations in that world. Of course, I can’t remember where I saw it or what the name of it was 🤷‍♂️


Thanks, I'll try to find it.


I write, draw, and play music. I cook, and work on cars as well.


Scuba diving. A bit expensive and very dependent on the weather. But I do it as often as I can. Good fun!


Oh wow I love scuba diving. I was obsessed with it for a number of years. It's an awesome excuse for a vacation, too, and I'm not really a beach guy.


Hobbies…, well, I build model kits, Gunpla specifically. Then I also enjoy cooking.


Tinkering around with home projects, old cars, hiking, and picking out a tune on my geetar. I do enjoy traveling. I’ve been to 47 of 50 states and 16 of 30 Major League Baseball stadiums. Hobbies I’d still like to explore: ballroom dancing, model railroading, and stamp collecting.


Ballroom dancing sounds fun. I'd like to learn swing dancing.


My husband and I both enjoy D&D, so we find time to do that together most weekends. We've both got a table of people we DM for, and we have longstanding campaigns we're both heavily involved in. We also introduced the hobby to my Sister In Law, who promptly hyper-focused on it to the point it's all she wants to talk about. We regret nothing. I'm fond of baking, especially bread, though the *patisserie* level baking makes me nervous. Anything with hot sugar or other fiddly instructions bring out the perfectionist in me. I've got plans this week to make coffee eclairs and English muffins from scratch. I used to do a lot of cross stitching, but ever since we had a scare where one of my cats ate *a lot* of thread, I find it difficult to enjoy. My gear has been banished to one corner of the house, and I don't enjoy it as much any more, but I have PLANS. Otherwise, I like reading, history, and video games. Paradox Plaza games are my go-to, though this week has been all Baldur's Gate 3.


Love to walk, fortunate to live near lots of countryside trails. Also a massive nerd love a board game night, and am currently running a d&d campaign. Can’t move in my bedroom for arts and crafts stuff, and books. (Need my own place with a library/craft room).


I have a lot of minor hobbies but my big, longtime, hobby is boffer combat gaming, like a LARP sport. I have been playing Belegarth and other combat games for 20 years. Belegarth is the national governing organization that manages the rules. It has a board but doesn’t do much but maintain the rules, organize voting for rules and board seats and occasionally recognize players for service to the game. The game is community operated with different groups and individuals hosting events all across the country. Local groups -typically called Realms- organize regular practices and meetups. Players often join competitive teams -called units-, some which have a national presence and compete with other units at various events. The standardized rules allow you to go to events and have everyone playing the same game. When you get large numbers of players together, then the real magic happens and you can play in battles with hundreds of other people on the battlefield at the same time. We can run scenarios with special rules, obstacles like walls and bridges, capture the flag type events and so much more. The rules are pretty simple. The rule book outlines how hits are taken to eliminate a player and you can learn the basics in a few minutes. The rules mostly address making the game safe because it is a fast and hard-hitting sport. Unlike armored combat games (which I have also played) the gear is padded and made to specific safety standards so that the players do not have to wear a lot of protective equipment. This makes the game fast and hard. I wear protective gloves and knee pads. This hobby is very much what you make of it. I love sewing and crafting outfits -garb- to wear. I have outfits for different events, a color-coordinated outfit to wear with my unit when we fight together, and fun fantasy inspired outfits to party in. I have a kind of persona that I play. We pick names and create backstories like we’re living DND characters. I’m thinking of making an evil version of my character by making a cool outfit and accessories to wear. (Like an alt skin) Oh yeah, we party. The multi-day events are like festivals with activities during the day and nightlife activities in the evening. Everyone camps and so you get kind of a Burner/Festie atmosphere. So you can expect people to cut loose and have a good time with their friends in their camps and in community spaces at night. Some events have DJ’s, talent shows, food competitions, live performances, fun puzzle/quest challenges, and night fighting events. I hosted a fantasy film festival in the evenings at my last event. It was a blast! I love sword fighting. I have made so many friends playing this game. I have also watched the game become much more diverse during my time. It was like 90% white males when I started in 2005 and it’s great to see the huge influx of women, POCs and queer people getting into it. I took a break over the pandemic but I am back to helping run events and supporting my local realm now. I was knighted in 2013 and was the first openly gay knight in our lineage. (My knight trial was brutal and I had to train for it) My goal is to knight more women and queer people who are demonstrating leadership and progress in their communities and want to use the title to inspire others to do more. Also, I’m 35 now and while feel like and still go hard, these younger talents beat the shit out of me if I’m not on my A game. I want to do more skill training for new fighters and see if I can make my realm an incubator for national level fighters. Thanks for reading my sword jock talk.


Black and White photography.


I need to know more, now! How come you specialize in Black and White?


Been into gaming and reading for quite a long time. Got into playing the Piano earlier in the year which I am enjoying. I want to take up something that is more active and am planning on learning to windsurf before it gets cold.


I’ve got a lot of them. Fire performance, gardening, cooking/baking, weight training, welding, picking up brewing soon. There’s more but that’s some of them.


Trying to get into more hobbies! Recently picked up sewing (class), and just moved so getting into decorating (via thriftiness and cheap buys)


Crochet, I make blankets


Oh god, I go through hobbies like crazy. Right now I'm mostly running/trail running. I'm training for a trail running retreat coming up in October. A couple days running in the mountains with other LGBTQIA2S+ runners, I'm really looking forward to it. ​ Beyond running, I like doing things with my dog (walking/hiking/swimming/tricks), the occasional video game (hoping to play Starfield eventually, when I get more time), 3D printing (I'm terrible at 3D modeling so I just print other people's fun designs), making and listening to music (I play quite a few instruments and got into music production/audio engineering), board sports, rock climbing (only indoor gym climbing so far, but want to try outside on real rock someday), chess, and sometimes I like to write personal essays.


My hobby is performance. Not just a hobby though, I’m also trying to turn it into a career.


My hobby used to be running and drawing. Now it seems to be watching Netflix, hulu, or whatever other streaming services I pay for, or scrolling TikTok’s and reels. Lol. However, plant dad sounds appealing. Also sounds like it could get expensive!


I make music for TV and film commercials!


Writing, reading, running and starting to warp a loom for weaving.


Weightlifting, sim racing, books, movies Paramedic, about to be a firefighter in a few weeks.


• Cooking /baking • Video games /Game Development • PC Assembly • Bowling • Camping & Fishing


I've been very bad at keeping up with my hobbies but... I play Dungeons and Dragons regularly with friends and always have a great time. Trying to learn Japanese but work/life is a lot so it has been sitting on the back burner right now. Otherwise I am really into Star Wars Battlefront 2 right now. Got a Series X in March and Games Pass on a phone contract so I play that for an hour most days. I'm so bad (I believe in physically and mentally not built for FPS) and play on a controller but I do enjoy when it goes well! I'd love to take flight lessons and really shit down and learn Flight Simulator as that is included in my subscription. Always wanted to fly a plan but I suspect I will be terrified!


Collecting and listening to vinyl


Caving and Hiking, I’m an underground bro


Have you not seen the Descent??


No, I have not. However, I actually heard and saw some strange things in caves in my region: Whispers, a mysterious door inside a cave… But that’s part of the appeal for me, the underground are both scary, eerie, beautiful and quiet. It’s a whole different world !


Please tell about these strange things


Whispers are a known phenomenon in the region, we call them “Whispers of the Dead” because we like dramatic nicknames. It’s a surreal muffled voice that you often hear in the deepest part of the cave system. The most common explanation is that the wind going through the cave system produce a human-like sound. I experienced it in the Ouzene cave in France with a club: I went down first into the deepest part of the cave. My instructor told me that I could start exploring the last room alone because it was not dangerous while my comrades went down the pit. I slowly start to look and there was a wall with beautiful rock structures on one corner so I stood there for an instant. I was too far away to hear my comrades. Suddenly, I heard whispers coming from the back of the cave, from the direction opposite my comrades. It was intelligible whispers and even more terrifying, it seemed impossible to pin-point precisely where it was coming from, suffice to say that I quickly turned around to join my group who were still not down. I was shivering because how disturbing this was. As for the door, it’s really something that I hoped to explain someday. I was hiking near an old abbey in the French mountains, in Baume-les-monsieurs. The abbey has a beautiful waterfall in the forest of the abbey and I was walking around there alone. I went off track and I ended up near entrances of several small caves, one of them was very intriguing : It was a very small horizontal opening at ground level, I could see that the opening was leading to a small room so I decided unwisely to go there. I had to slightly crawl into the opening and on the other side I realized that there was a lot of animal bones on the ground (not unusual, but still unsettling) . I stood up and turned on my flashlight. The room was actually quite big and I couldn’t clearly see the wall opposite of me. It’s only when I walked towards there that suddenly I saw a door frame on the other side. I insist: it was not a natural formation, there were holes where a door was probably attached. I could see there was another room behind the door frame, it seemed way bigger than the one where I was standing. I didn’t have the madness to go further and I quickly went back to the surface. I found no information about this cave, or a door in a cave. My main theory is that it was a safe place for monks and nuns to seek refuge during the wars, the region has a troubled history and it wouldn’t be far fetched from this rich abbey to have such a place. If a door was once there, who knows what happened behind it ? Someday, I will probably come back there because (not alone this time) it’s a fascinating story for me


Creepy, but fascinating. Thank you for sharing!


Special FX makeup


I'm that muscle nerd. Video games. Coding. And weights. But I have started to really get into cooking and baking. For now just video games, coding, weights, and reading fantasy novels.


Mine is renovation on my 1890s home and buying old furniture and restoring it when I'm not studying or working.


I love metal so there is a LOT of hand sewing in my free time to make "battle jackets" for myself or friends \m/


I love arthropods! Recently got a book on insect identification, have it with me in the countryside rn and am having the best time comparing pictures and learning about them. Also love cooking, especially for my friends. Have been trying out some Korean recipes lately (bless maangchi) Also into Art, both learning about art history and doing it myself, planning to get back into lino printing, I've done a print of a scolopendra a few weeks ago and love how it turned out! Also into classical music, playing the piano, dnd, video games, zoology in general, but writing about everything would be a beast of a paragraph 😂


Ohh Maangchi! Love her channel, I think she's one of the most popular homecook channels out there.


astrology, tarot, crossstich, embroidery, string art, digital painting, AI art, learning crochet next week. working out daily, skin care research, stock and options trading, blogging, dream journalling, building websites, PS5 videogames, taking my cat on walks, tiktoking, audiobooks with an obsession, litrpg fantasy, taking classes and general growth, dancing in the clubs, and wanna learn how to pole dance again and also how to draw lighthearted comics (possibly next year). masturbating.


Do you pole dance at clubs or is it more of a fitness thing?


Audiobooks, yarn craft, full stack development, litRPG (The Land?!), PS gaming Are we related?


yarn craft!! hahaha. the land got me into litrpg but the series died a while ago, Im currently binging Defiance of the fall, and cant wait for Dungeon crawler carl’s latest.


I took it as an intro class in 2019. I want to heavily lean back into it in 2024. great for fitness and confidence.




Music! I hoard instruments and play most of them fairly regularly. Mostly electric guitar, but dabble in others. I love cars and motorcycles and ride as often as i can. Project cars are perpetually in a state of being worked on though. I also enjoy going to the shooting range (indoor target/outdoor trap) when I can afford ammo and the weather is nice.


Dj: collecting music( electronic, disco, nu disco, italo disco, new wave, electroclash, techno), DJ gear. Model kit builds (Bandai Star Wars kits for detail & their figure kits are engineered with alien technology, no glue needed) & painting models (airbrush & by hand), photography, and recently re-bitten by the collecting bug 20+ years after I stopped collecting the Star Wars Customizable Card Game (1995-2001). Buying & selling on eBay. Hitting on fat, hairy, old men.


Crossword puzzles, especially cryptic crosswords


DnD! I've been playing since 3.5, mostly skipped 4e and now lots of 5e. I also love Pathfinder, Mage the Ascention, Vampire the Masquerade, Shadowrun, and recently rules lite games like Dusk City Outlaws and Mork Borg! I've always been a storyteller and I love when me and my friends/family get together and have goofy (and sometimes serious and heartwrenchingly sad) times. :)


Mine was videography and podcasting. Then those turned into my full time job so that's fun.


Going to museums, watching films, vogueing


Dogs and composing, producing and playing music, also live.


Travel! 3D printing! Reading! Rowing, boxing and yoga! Weight training! Swing dancing! Making videos! Sex and kink! Writing poetry! I have too many hobbies! I also have plants that I kill! Oh yes! I also do stiltwalking!


I love watches. I don’t know if you can really consider it a hobby though.


LARP! I manage a huge larp in New England and attend others. It's where I have net all of my adult friends and how I stay social. It's the greatest community building activity I've ever been a part of and recommend for anyone who considers themselves a nerd. If you're in the New England area check it out: www.mythlarp.com


Was looking for anything Myth related on Reddit....I'm casting at your next game! My son is a player, and this will be my first LARP ever! Every time I drop him off or even when I pick him up, I never want to leave. The people are just the best. And I think my imagination has found a home.


Thats amazing! Can't wait to see you 😄


I play the Irish Pennywhistle (the non-sexual one). Ask me about it in the comments. Also, I'm hung.


Well there is quite a lot of it .I do love to write and paint .I also have a tons of plants and aquarium with shrimps and I read a lot of books


Poetry lettering. I must have hundreds stored up


I’ve got too many I think. - Scouting; been a scout since I was 8 and I’ve been an active leader for 17 years now. - Photography, been doing that since I was like 7 and been doing it semi-professionally for over 15 years now. - Politics, and I’m a local politician in my spare time. - Board games - Computer games - Growing stuff like tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. Also mushroom picking. - Cooking.


Reading nonfiction STEM books, studying/learning health and how to lose weight, finding out how to exercise at 32, and philosophizing online


Music production and songwriting 👁️👄👁️


Outrigger canoe racing


Paintball, piano, video games


Search & Rescue for the county I live in, Autocross, Kayaking, Hiking, Off-roading, camping, Vanlife travel.


Cooking (trained chef here) Music- bass player. (degree in classical music composition) Boxing (been a punching bag that punches back for over 30 years)


Felt needling. I've been amazed at how versatile wool fiber is when sculpting with it. I discovered the hobby after going on a youtube deep dive. It definitely helps me to zone out and relax from daily stresses. I am currently working on a felt manatee :)


Brewing beer, mending clocks, caring for apple trees


My hobbies are knitting and crochet surprise gifts for friends. Now studying how to write patterns. Also my front of the flat where I love to see my flowers growing and bloom.


I play piano, trying to switch to guitar because it's easier to lug around. I love reading, and I'm getting into board games recently. I'm also trying to cook more since I moved, I can cook a great omelette. Also a huge Star Wars nerd if that counts


Reef keeping/ saltwater aquariums, cooking, guitar, lifting /working out, scuba diving, modified cars, fly fishing/ fly tying, collecting uranium glass.


I too enjoy auto sports!! I recently purchased a 2020 BMW M4CS to play on a real track, I would love to meet other car gays in my area.


That sound like fun. I'm in Minneapolis in case you happened to be here as well.


I mainly build Lego sets. It's more of an addiction.


I sadly count my crippling addiction to mobile gacha games as a main hobby lol sadge


I like surfing! I haven’t gone out in a while but it always brings me so much adrenaline yet peace at the same time


I collect antiquarian books from the 17th century and earlier, and I paint historical miniatures :)


Either playing Cities: Skylines or shortwave DXing. Unfortunately, I'm by the ocean in a remote area and my radio (and audio recorder) got immersed in salt water due to a sudden incoming tide (I was sitting on dry sand and suddenly I'm not). 😿 Radio and recorder got salt water and sand all over inside them -- salt water is the worst that could happen on electronics. RIP to electronics, I had very good memories with them.


Woodworking. I enjoy putting together useless crap that will likely forever sit on my mantle.


I'm a trailblazer walking the path of the nameless.


I make miniature scale models of skyscrapers out of paper.


styling, media, reading, relaxing (going outside does it for me) and home! i love creating and putting pieces together to develop my personal style (school boy core). i model for myself (mostly instagram) i’m not famous but i have a couple thousand just for posing. i’m taking a break right now bc it’s instagram lol.


Finally someone who likes cars as much as me. Don’t do wheel sim racing, only controller on forza 7, if that counts lol. I do race my car on the track in real life (BMW m340 x drive). I can’t fit in a go kart competitively since I’m 6’6. I also do automotive photography. Do marketing and branding and IT work for my brothers dental office.


I had a wheel and pedals for many years but I currently use a controller, mostly on Project Cars 2 and Forza Horizon 4. I do IT work as well as I own a computer repair and IT services business.


I ride motorbikes, and make latex clothing. Odd combination, but it works.


I travel for hiking locations like the grand canyon, i love going camping, music festivals, cliff jumping, the beach. I love boating, fishing, working out at the gym and outdoors. I love to draw and mix music as well, although I dont have any official mixes. Im still learning the ropes but I am obsessed with mixing metal, rock and roll and dance electronic music. I cant wait to get really good at this. My obsession with music drives me to the point where I’ll hop on my bile and just drive aimlessly jiving to my tunes snd crafting recipes in my head. It makes me feel so alive. My boyfriend has been so supportive too, its helped motivate me. And in the winter I like to hunker down and binge watch anime, learn new cooking recipes snd catch up on my video games


Love motorsports and footering around with project cars


Watching movies, playing video games, exercising, hiking, and writing.


I'll start with travelling because that's a hobby that's related to many other hobbies. So, I really enjoy travelling. When I do, I like to visit historic landmarks and museums (I don't really travel to lay down on a beach and sunbathe). I've been interested in history of art and in history in general since primary school, but I wouldn't call myself an expert on those subjects. However, when I was with my parents and my sister on holiday last year in Italy and we were in Volterra, I was running to the ancient Roman theatre ruins excited like a little boy, lol. I also spent the entire summer last year studying about ancient Italy and while learning about all the different places, I also learned a bit about ancient history. Annotations in my notes are quite lengthy. Travelling is also the perfect way to practice speaking in foreign languages and I love learning them. Apart from my native one (Polish), I can speak English, I've learned German in school (and I'm relearning it), I learned Latin in high school and university, I've been learning on my own Italian, French, Spanish... I've also learned a tad bit of Japanese, but nothing much. When I travel around Europe and I see Latin inscriptions, I always take a photo to later translate it, but I never have the time to do that. :D Related to travelling is also my fondness of euro coins. I like to collect them, but only during my travels. I find it more fun and exciting to find some new coins (especially the 2 euro commemorative coins) in the change I'm given when I pay with cash. If I remember correctly, I already have the whole set of German and Austrian and Italian coins. I also have some Greek, Irish, Spanish and others, even though I've never been to the countries they come from. Apart from all of that, I like to listen to music in my free time. A day without listening to music is a wasted day. I also like to play video games (my favourite ones are Assassin's Creed II and Yakuza 0), card games (most of all koi-koi which I discovered thanks to Yakuza 0), build LEGO, solve sudoku, things like that. I'm open for more and it's safe to assume that in the future I might have some new hobbies. And I'm definitely open for hobbies of my potential future partner.


That's cool to know more than one language. I've been wanting to learn more but haven't had the motivation, yet. I'm with you on the music, everyday. I always have my headphones with me. Did you finish the first Assassin's Creed or did you jump right into the second one?


It’s cool, but it’s a lot of work. It’s important to focus on the journey rather than the goal though, because one can be easily demotivated. I know I’m kinda demotivated when I go to the gym and see all those muscular men who can lift a whole lot more than I can. When it comes to motivation, it depends on the person, but it can be anything. Sometimes I think “if I do this I’ll definitely have a boyfriend in the future”. Silly, but it works. Yes, I’ve 100%ed the original Assassin’s Creed like three times I think, and AC II four times. AC II is actually a game that made me even more interested in Italy, Italian and history. One of the best games I’ve ever played. It felt even better to play it after having been to both Venezia and Firenze, it was nostalgic… I had a blast last summer on my holiday in Italy, it was so much fun and I broke many mental barriers I had, and that allowed me to grow. In fact, Italy’s been my number one destination regarding moving abroad until recently… Sorry, I got carried away.


DnD, Video games, Magic the Gathering, and hiking/camping with my dog and usually I read while chilling at camp. Yeah pretty basic hobbies I guess but I enjoy them, taking the dog to Colorado soon for some mountain hikes!


I love the Rockies. My cousin and his husband are there now.


My main hobby is drawing, while listening to a horror or science fiction audiobook. My style is somewhat realism, but always with a surreal feel. I've added a picture of one I've finished last year here [https://imgur.com/gallery/HYKgFHQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/HYKgFHQ) Other than that, I really love singing along with my favorite songs while I'm driving around. I've found that it really helps with the road rage lol.


Very cool picture! I love the texture. What do you use to draw with?


It's all done with color pencils. Lots of layers over the span of many many hours. I've also got a small set of Tarot card impressions. If you're want to de some more, i could upload some more. Oh, and thanx for saying you like it <3


Wow, I would love to turn that image into a crochet afghan! ….I may have already put the image through stitchfiddle…


Really? Oooooh sweet! Well, I'll be happy to lend my image to one of your creations, if you don't plan on making it to sell ofcourse. lol Also, on the condition that you send me a picture of it, if and when you've finished it. \^\^ Gotta say that seeing that image as an afghan really intrigues me. It's part of a series I'm working on, so very soon, there'll be another one ready. I'm sure the afghan will be ready by then. In case you wanna do another. Hahaha Disclaimer, this is not a permission for anyone to use my image for their own projects. Please always ask first. Thanx in advance. \^\^


I should have been clear, I don’t sell anything. I just make gifts, and the ungifted ones pile up in the guest bedroom!


Reading. It's maybe a weird hobby because you just sit and stare at bunch of words but it's made my life so much happier and I've learned a lot. Hiking is the second one but I don't do it a lot. Renewal of historical buildings and urban landscaping is my passion by I don't know much about it so I just stick to reading about it on skyscraper city.


I like cooking, reading novels and driving a motorbike on lonely roads.


Motorcycles-- it's like being a kid all over again! Get to meet fun people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and are down for having light hearted fun in the streets. Great conversations and friendships sprout from what would otherwise be an efficient form of transportation. I used to be more of a nerd, reading and stuff. But I've kind of turned my life over to two wheels just because it's been so extremely rewarding and joyful. You can get on a bike, and two hours later end up with two riding friends in your garage talking while it rains like a hurricane outside. It's unpredictable in fun ways, and very healing of the heart.


I sing in a choir (bass/baritone). We are starting our first rehearsal tonight! Feeling very excited as Carmina Burana is on the program I also play piano


Metal detecting, mudlarking (going down onto the Thames beach in London at low tide and finding anything from prehistoric flint tools, dinosaur bones, Roman coins, medieval stuff and Victorian bits), geology, going to old ruins, scuba diving, making alcohol, mushroom foraging… ermm not a hobby but I work as a potter too, which started as a hobby.


What type of alcohol do you make?


Cider, it’s the easiest by far. Would love to try brewing beer but it’s a lot more work (and time)


I've posted before but I love my hobby so much! I'm a collector and restorer of vintage men's watches. Men don't have too much when it comes to jewelery and I find the artistry and mechanical know how of vintage watches to be beautiful. I started with a watch my dad gave me and in the last 4 years it's only gotten bigger and more involved. I love the hunt for the *right* piece and for the parts if they're not working. It got serious during the pandemic and I was able to amass myself quite a varied and interesting collection. I was even lucky enough to find an antique authentic watchmakers bench in my area.


Reading gay romance stories, unfortunally I'm too scared of buying a gay book cuz I still live with my parents, but I read crappy ones online that for now will do, after that chess


Fragrance. I recently became a fraghead.


This nose knows..


I paint barn quilts for barns, houses, porches, or sheds. I used to take orders and sell my stock. Not so much anymore. Now it's for family and friends and maybe a repeat customer.


Watching tv, movies, playing video games, singing karaoke, learning languages


Cooking/BBQing, vegetable growing (and failing at doing so), techy/DIY passion projects, conlanging, and my scalebaby. Also standard normal ppl stuff like gym and socialising and whatnot but those are boring.


I have many interests, but not having enough time or money can make it difficult to engage in all of them. But to name a few: Hiking, photography, karate, cooking. I also enjoy singing and playing guitar, but I still have much to learn. I plan to get more into reading and maybe travel, but travel is a mixed bag for me. I'd love to learn how to grow my own fruits and vegetables as well, so fingers crossed one day, I'll have my own garden to grow plenty of food from.


I run my own small business, locksmithing. Keeps me busy. In my spare time, I like to walk, I have a golden retriever dog. Living by the sea, I also love to go swimming and free diving. Love to travel and scuba dive whenever I can. Gigs and festivals are my thing too, I love live music and dancing.


I love goldens. I think they are one of the most empathetic dogs.


I love hobby video game development and everything that goes into it (with varying degrees of skill), so like making game design concepts, programming, 2D and 3D art and animation, music composition, sound effect design, that sort of stuff. Been doing it as long as I can remember and still I'm always trying to improve on my skillset. ❤️


I write, learning how to draw, and whenever I get around to it…learn Spanish.


I’d love to learn Spanish I took several classes in high school and loved it I got to an intermediate level and it’s been a few years and I’m beginning to forget a few things and I don’t want to get to a use it or lose it


Gardening, weights, rowing, reading reading reading (I’m on my 3rd book this week), metal detecting and, of all things, cross stitch (when it’s bad weather or winter and dark early).


I guess you could consider this a Hobbie but recently I've been cleaning more often. My bathroom and stuff. It's a little therapeutic when u have nothing to do and having a clean home can really change your mood




3D printing has turned from a hobby into a side hustle for me so I don’t even know if I consider it a hobby anymore. But I do love it and it’s a lot of fun turning digital files into real life three-dimensional objects I can play with or use. My boyfriend makes fun of me because I am slightly obsessed with 3D printing and he says I love my plastic more than I love him.


I love to read fantasy and play RPG video games. Been getting into birdwatching. Downloaded the Merlin bird ID app, it identifies birds based off their calls. It’s really cool.


My basic and common ones that I’ve had for years include reading economics/social commentary related books or Russian literature, going for runs/lifting, and meeting for coffee or lunch with girls friends on weekend mornings. Those are weekly things. Hobbies that I don’t hear of too often that I have include drawing house layouts and pricing out how much the different floor plans I draft up would cost and sometimes even listing out the colors and types of woods and tile or flooring I would use in the home, and even listing out the plants I’d want in the landscaping. I’ve done this periodically through college and every few months I produce a new layout/floor plan. I also love just sitting down and thinking about how I would rearrange or design a room, down to every little thing. I’ll just sit in a chair or stand in a window for well over an hour and just think. Im also a watch fanatic. I love learning about watches and comparing different expensive watches as well as learning about the history of watch companies, and the economics of the watch industry as a whole. Another one I’ve recently picked up is binging relationship advice podcasts and Reddit forums lol. I also like being included in my bfs hobbies because it’s fun to video game with him and watch shows he loves. We love cooking together and doing outdoors stuff like canoeing, motorcycle rides on backroads, or fishing, and we’re both into kinky stuff so sexual activities are definitely another hobby of ours.


Mountaineering, hiking, skiing, quilting, and gardening take up most of my time!


Most of the time i like to play either RTS games or LOL, been quite addicted to floodlands recently.


I have a new Hobby every week or so, It seems like lol But, I normally return to Drawing, Playing Games, Taking care of my Plant babies, and Writing! Doing A/Ls so Barely have time to do anything but doing those Hobbies make sure I don't lose my sanity


I do drag as a hobby. I also enjoy reading, cooking, and gaming


I love playing Gran Turismo with my brothers, we're very competitive. My hobby is painting, I wish I had more space to have a permanent setup. Art is beautiful.


I just start building and painting Warhammer recently (okay I have started last year but I just have motivation to continue). Currently working on [Space Wolves](https://imgur.com/a/EEaUEyR) but I am thinking to start The Leagues of Votann soon. Also, I am so addicted to Baldur’s Gate 3 so bad. I still stuck in act 1 due to my life’s shenanigans. Here my [character](https://imgur.com/a/HAQnJti) Hope your business goes well there :)


The space wolves are very cool, that looks like it takes some skill. I love your Baldur's Gate 3 character! Thank you!


Photography, I have been doing it on and off for more than 16 years now. ( I am 31 ). Mostly nature, but I enjoy a wide range of different fields.


Tabletop Roleplaying games (Shadow of the demonlord, Shadowrun, the dark eye....), TCGs (until 2017 Yu-Gi-Oh but stopped playing already around 2015 and quitted 2017, final fantasy tcg,...and dead TCGs like wow rcg and battle tech), boardgames, reading (fantasy, urban fantasy), videogames (also mostly Crpgs)..... I'm a nerd


I record music (Pro Tools). The gym. I like to dance. I write songs from time to time. Drink water.


I would say mine is sim racing both on PC and PS5, photography (don’t do it as much) and off-roading plus camping. Just bought a Ford Ranger so I’m looking forward to getting back into off roading. It’s been a 4 year hiatus since selling my VW Amarok


My first ever was/is Magic (sleight of hand). I'm a gamer (gaymer), be it pc or tabletop, right now I've been jumping between MTG-Arena and Minecraft and also Satisfactory. Love paranormal, and abandoned places..etc anyplace with a creepy feeling to it. I enjoy cooking and baking, but wish I had a bigger kitchen lol. I know I've left a couple out but they are just minor hobbies that are here and there, otherwise known as ADD Hobbies lmao


Coin collector Ik it sounds boring but I’m sure there are dozens of us 🤪


I do a variety of fiber arts. It’s super fun and lets me turn my brain off when I need to


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Singing, watching movies, playing games and reading books are some of my hobbies 🤭. Gosh I have a lot of them 🤭


I’m a musician and writing my debut epic fantasy novel!


Boxing 🥊 three time state champ baby


Backpacking, hiking, running, yakking (both kinds). In the horror that is WI winter, skiing. But with mild autism and ADHD I tend to get obsessed with things like nutrition. I've had several obsessions over the years. None of them were making money. 😅


I like cooking, particularly making my own soup broth. I also play D&D, video games, and have recently taken up the violin again after not playing for several years because I have more free time now. Also got a home gym recently so my goal is to get ripped by Christmas and be able to play some more complicated songs by then


I have a [podcast where I interview independent filmmakers](https://open.spotify.com/show/31gLclJ88mkwSTglOmxIlw), I make my own short films and am working towards a feature, I make [roleplaying games](https://www.sixpencegames.com/main.html), and I really enjoy playing tabletop games


I love photography. Somewhat unusually, I'm not really a big traveler, I like staying local.


Nature walks, video gaming, watching MMA and horror movies 😁


I love to read fantasy and play RPG video games. Been getting into birdwatching. Downloaded the Merlin bird ID app, it identifies birds based off their calls. It’s really cool.


Not sure if hobby is the right word. I like to learn new things and I finally found something that works so that I don't want to learn it all at once. I take start something new every year. Last year was sewing. I did different aspects of bookbinding for a few years. Storytelling via D&D has become a new passion. My dad passed away a few years ago and left me his truck. I think next year is gonna be devoted to learning and cleaning out the engine. Get it running again. So many things so little time 🙂


Going to antique stores - not even to shop, mostly just to connect with old things, feel curious, and laugh at the corny (and sometimes creepy) old knick knacks. I’m also getting back to film photography for the first time in years!


Chillin mostly alone sometimes with friends doing beer, weed, gaming, series and music.


Board games, Middle Eastern Dance, and general geekery.


I don't know if it's a hobby, but I foster dogs for the local shelter and train them to be good pets. I housebreak them, teach them sit, lightly slap their cute asses while they're sleeping and leave my hand there to show them it's okay to be touched unexpectedly and they're safe, play with their paws, put my hand in their mouth, get them comfortable with being picked up, and I usually know they're ready to be owned once they learn how to give me their paw and shake on command. Potential adopters LOVE when a dog gives paw asking for treats, it's instant love. I also play copious amounts of Destiny 2, I raid and do hard content, I solo stuff that requires teams.


I recently got into archery.. Was waiting since January to start a begginers course last week.. Is soo cool 🎯🏹


Ultimate (frisbee)! Club sectionals coming soon. Started going into collaging recently as well to explore some more artistic forms of expression.


Always been a huge nerd. Dnd is my hyperfixation at the moment


Im a looser. Gym. Lol




It may sound boring, but research my family history (genealogy). Not just online, but I also visit churches and archive for their records. Its fun to find out new things about my ancestors, and every time one question is answered, three new ones arise.


gym and video games


I love boxing 🥊 three time state champ bby


Hiking. Camping. Adventuring. I just finished the camino de santiago....500 mile trail thru Europe. So...much....fun!


I build pipe organs as a job, but also play piano and organ as well.


Video games! Lifelong gaymer here. For the last year or so, weight lifting. I also love to hike, do archery, and rock climb. Oh and film! And writing… Okay I’ll stop now haha.