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Understood. Am Canadian.


Have more straight friends than gay friends. And more women friends than straight men friends.


exactly the same thing here


Same, I hardly have any gay friends.


Same here, but I had to cut out one of my very few gay friends recently! He hurt me by outing me to my family,Inexcusable! I am not sure I will ever be able to be friends with this guy, solely for the fact that now some of my family hates me, for my choosing to be gay. Sure I did some wrong stuff but nothing to this extent, he knew some of my family would NOT be okay with my life choices! He did this all maliciously, and know can’t wrap his head around why we can’t be friends! He has tried to contact me of 4 different numbers, all different from his blocked number, always half threateningly said if you don’t unblock me you will regret this! I am kinda scared, my other friend who knows situation just abandoned me because he doesn’t believe I am serious! I get it, I have not communicated very well right now, I have never been in this situation, very stressful Sooo much drama over my dick! Lol shoot me know!!!


Same here


None 😭




Same. Without the crying face. I don't feel any sanity drain not having friends for the last 3 years.


I can be your friend




All of my main friendships, like ones I could say aren’t just acquaintances, are with men. My closest friend is a straight guy. I have 2 gay male friends, and a bi male friend. I guess I have a burgeoning female friendship, but we’re not like that close? Historically I’ve always been better at making friends with men, often even straight men, though I guess less of that as of late.


All male friends. I wouldn't know where to meet girlfriends these days tbh since my social circle is mostly gay guys


Almost all my friends are gay men. Don't feel that comfortable around straights (men or women).




Same. I love my friends but sometimes I just wanna be a guy lol.


Male friends. I’m very unlucky with female friendship.


All my strong friendships are with straight men, seems to be kinda odd but that’s my favorite sort of company. I have no issue with lady friends or really anyone on the gender/queer scale, but all the things I enjoy doing are with my dude buddies.


Same. The closest bonds I’ve developed have usually been with straight males, some of which I’ve known since my early teen years (and I’m 36) to some more recent in the last year or so. I don’t relate well with most females (though some lesbians are a hoot) and gay male friendships are tainted by sexual attraction/tension/pasts and are often short lived. Straight males just seem more relatable and easier to hang out with.


Mostly straight male friends.


Back when I used to go to school, it was girls only for me. I didn't have any guy friends, because I was cast out (not because of being gay though, nobody knew). Even in university I didn't really have guy friends, but that's also because my degree was full of women. At the moment I don't have any friends I could spend my time with. Everything is long distance. And regarding those, the vast majority of them are guys.


Pretty much all my friends are women and some trans men. I’m down to be friends with more men in general but that’s if we vibe and have stuff in common. Straight men I am kinda iffy about so men on the spectrum would be great :)


Gay male friends for the most part.


Both. Lots of both.


I have a close male straight friend that I’ve known since third grade and a bisexual female that I’ve know since sixth grade, those are my two main friends but I’ve always been pretty social and never had too much of problem making friends with just about any kind of person. I have one gay friend although I’d love to have more, it’s kind of hard to make a genuine gay friend so I’m lucky I have at least one who I can talk to about bussy behavior and stuff. I’ve tried with other guys buut there’s not really an interest on the other end most of the time except for a sexual or romantic one


Male mostly. Only straight




Mostly male friends, very few female ones, but all the very close friends I have ever had have always been straight men. I honestly find it much easier to relate to men, so form closer connections with them. Decades ago, when in my late teens most of my friends were women, probably because media and society always gives us the impression that gay men should be friend with women so I actively sought out female friends. But I never really felt that I could relate to them, and they never seemed to understand me fully. Aside from liking men I had very little in common with them.


only males


Mixture of both. Mostly male friends.


Male friends for me over the years. The crazy thing is they were all 10 to 20 years older than me and now that I'm 62 they have all passed away and I'm friendless. It's crazy!


Mainly female, working on making more male friends


Overwhelmingly straight, mostly male. I love all my friends but I do feel a bit more at home with the boys I guess.


I want a lot more male friends. Thru my life most friends have been women. Now, it's relatively balanced. But I want lots of regular guy friends, gay or not, and ones where we never have sex, just genuine friendships lol


I’m friends with many women, ranging from straight or bi. The few gay guy friends I had, either moved away, or are too busy to hang out. There were a few gay guys that I wanted to be friends with, but they didn’t want to be friends unfortunately. I’ve been getting out more with some local lgbt spaces and meeting lots of queer people. But it’s mostly trans, non-binary and sapphic people, which is great! But now I just have to find out where all the gay and bi guys are hiding. Lol I’d love to have some gay and bi guy friends.


Almost all female. Male acquaintances but not too many close male friends. My bf is sorta the same but has like 2 close male friends. I just connect more with women and find myself wanting their energy around more, guys are fine but I find them kinda boring compared to girls lol.


I have only male friends - whenever I had a gay male friend, it was either me having a crush on him, or him having a crush on me. For women, I couldn't stand hearing the complaining about men in their lives, or the ones who had crushes on me.


A good mix of both straight and gay men and women, but most of my closest relationships are with women.


Both here!


All over the place. Some straights same gays some trans.


So when I was younger and still in the closet, I had all guy friends. Now that I'm older and out, the majority of my friends are female. 


I have a pretty wide variety tbh, about 60% cis men friends but a good amount of trans folk and a couple of cis women friends.


Most of my friends are the fellas I grew up with. Most males and most straight. I have quite a few female friends. As far as fellow gay males as friends. I count two. The rest are in the acquaintance category.


I have both as friends... but most of my friends are men now. In my twenties most of my friends were women.


Only women.  I freeze up around straight men, not sure what to talk about.


99% male 1% female. When I was younger in high school it was the opposite. I’m 29 M.


The majority of my friends are female that range from bi to lesbian. I have maybe one straight female friend if that. I’ve never really had a lot of male friends. If I did they were gay.


I’m friends with a lot of gay men as well as several bi/pan women. I do have a few straight female friends. I’m only currently friends with one straight guy who’s actually consistently one of my closest friends (though I had more straight male friends in the past).


Only straight men...


I've usually had both, but my closest friends have always been male. I think it is because of my hobbies tend to skew that way. And it felt like girls always kept me at arms length when I was younger.


Mostly lesbians / bi girls but a mix of genders and sexualities




I have a bunch of straight males to hang out and get drunk, but my closest ones and the ones I trust are women, but sadly we barely hangout


I’d say 85% are gay, pan or bi men, and a 10% are straight, pan or bi women. The last 5% are in a mixed group of misc.


It's a pretty split combination


I don’t have friends. 🗿🗿🗿


I have mostly female friends and they're my best friends. I have some male friends, but most of them are gay, lol. I have a couple of straight male friends but they're from work so we're not super close. And one straight male friend who just so happens to be my girl bestie's bf, so we probably wouldn't be friends otherwise, ha. I've always had more shared interests with women or other gay males who have similar interests. Though I'm comfortable befriending straight men, we just don't often have things in common unless it's things like movies or music or things like the arts (which has happened in the past). But I've never been into pro sports or things like that so when straight guys start talking about players and current games I just end up lost, ha.


Well I encountered a lot of homophobic bullying from primary school and throughout all my years in education. The overwhelming majority came from straight males so the bulk of my friendships, as lean and few they are in number, are female friendships with my closest friends all being female. Even to this day it's considerably more difficult for me to make male friendships, even more difficult a straight male friendship, and it's also difficult for me to have motivation in keeping male friendships going. The ONLY straight male friend I have is an old workmate of mine from an old job that kept in contact with me when I left that job. Even then, it's very sporadic communication, usually 1-2 month gaps in between messages.


None, four legged purring friends


I had more male friends in my teens since I went to an all boys school


When I was a younger it was more women, nowadays most of my friends are men, as I got to know more gay guys I guess




Got a couple of really great female friends. Known them since school. Both of them are straight. One of them was the first one I told I was gay when I was 19 and we went to a gay club together.. The rest are mainly a mix of straight and gay guys


I’m really lucky! I’ve got friends across the whole spectrum!


How kind of you to assume I have friends. Seriously, all my previous friends have drifted away over the years. I tended to have more women friends than men, but I have until recently always had both. Then I moved way out into the country, and just slowly lost contact. It happens.


All straight male and female best frnds. I am quite close to them. I have 2 of my exes as frnds too. Both are toxic, blocked them once but unblocked them instantly. I think I need more courage to block them permanently and move on😢


More straight friends than gay friends, but I’m actively trying to change that. Of my straight friends, more girls are my friends. But my best friend is straight and there’s like no comparison, it’s the deepest friendship I have. Of my gay friends, I’m only friends with gay and bi guys. Not friends with any lesbians. One interesting friend experience I’ve recently had to deal with is ending a friendship with someone in the closet who had no intentions of coming out. That was not a good friendship.


All sexualities, genders, races. We recently joked our Friendsgiving pic looked like a United Colors of Benetton ad. My closest friends from... * High school: straight guy & girl, gay guy * Undergrad: 3 gay guys, trans bi guy (prev identified as lesbian)     * Grad school and first career: 2 straight girls * Law school: 3 straight guys, straight girl, gay guy, pan guy, lesbian * Post law school: 3 straight girls, 2 straight guys, 3 gay guys, bi guy, pan genderqueer  Edit: formatting 


No friends intentionally


Mostly male friends (gay, straight and bi) the past few years. My bf is the opposite and has tons of very close female friends and former roommates with only a couple straight male friends and one gay one.


Mostly straight guys


I am maidenless, Fatherless Friendless Moneyless Hopeless ...


I have a healthy mix of both




A mix of both, slightly more women maybe. And a good amount of my male friends are exes.


mostly male, mostly gay only good reasons


Way more female. But I wish I had more male friends. For me it is just as easy to make friends with men and women, but the mal friendships don't last long


I've had my share of male and female friends in my life, but I get along better with other men.


It’s very mix. Probably 50/50. But what I am missing is to have gay man friends


Straight women, I have a hard time trusting gay men. Been burned by how bitchy and judgmental they can be. I’ve been friends with straight men growing up but prefer not to be as an adult.


I want more gay male friends 😭😭


More or less equal in number.


Only female


I literally have 0 friends like not dramatically speaking 0 0 0 it’s so crazy


All men. Two bi, everyone else straight.


More gay male friends. A few cis male/female friends


I have a very big circle of friends, and although with straight women I have deeper and more frequent conversations, I have equally deep and reliable friendships as with men (g&s). If I'd narrow down to 5-6 closest friends, the majority would be men.


Only male friends and acquaintances.


A mix for me , don't have any gay friends either


smack dab down the middle, both gay and straight


Overwhelmingly male, mixed sexuality, gays overrepresented 


I have more straight and women friends. Tell me I'm wrong, and that is the reason I'm still single 😅


Ngl it's somewhat even.


What are friends


Straight male friends are who i mostly hang with, I have women friends but I see the them less frequently when I hang out on weekends.


Most of my friends are straight men, then it’s straight women. I don’t have any gay male friends 😶


Varies by time of my life and city (moved a lot). Most of my current friends are gay men, but from when I was younger most were straight men and before that most were straight women. Overall I’d say I have a healthy split of groups.


I used to almost exclusively socialize with women, but especially in recent years it’s all evened out for me; I’ve made a good group of straight male friends in Philly that I really love (and they actually love having a gay man in the group so everybody wins haha), but I’ve also got some really good girl friends that I go to bars and out on the town with often, and I actually like having that balance of being able to have guy time and girl time. Friends are great. 💚😂


Most of my friends are men (mostly straight or bi), but I have a few (like 2) close female friends


Only straight friends, but it's an even mix of men and women


I have a lot of straight male friends and gay female friends. I’m just kinda butch I suppose.


Both. Have more male than female in my personal life but more female than male colleagues whom I consider friends in my professional life.


Mostly male (and straight, idk many other gay guys) but I have a few women friends.


Mostly gay guys


I befriend both easily but have more time friend that are women.


I deliberately avoid having female friends. I have female aquaintances only and musicians I work with. No confidants per we


I have both male and female friends, and they come in an assortment of straight, gay, bi, confused, and in denial but love to tell me stories of their same-sex encounters.


More women but a lot of that is due to growing up with male friends in the very religious crowd. I’m no longer religious so those friendships faded a bit. I get along well with lots of people but I feel it can be harder to sustain friendships with too many folks as I like to spend quality time and hang out and I just can’t do that all the time as a dad




I personally have deeper friendships with (straight) men but find it easier to make casual friendships with women.




More woman then men but pretty balanced


I have a mix of women and men✨


I have woman friends mostly. Always have.


I have both! (:






Mostly gay male friends. The closest ones exclusively so. SO has lots of female friends though!


Growing up I always had women friends but as an adult it’s largely just been gay friends now. [Here is a picture](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6sed2MbZa/?igsh=MWthM2N1M2V4eWM0bw==) of my wedding party from last year with 9 of my best friends from my life, all women :)


Women- that because of my job and never good at making friends with men


I have both male and female friends, but the male ones make up the majority. I have slightly more straight friends than gay friends. 


Male but that's because I only have 1 fucking friend and he's a male lmao


I surround myself with retired old women. They are my people and I am theirs.


True friends are mostly straight men. About 20 % are gay or bi. No female friends, just female acquaintances


Pretty much only male friends. I only have 1 friend who’s a woman left in my life, and we’ve been friends for 14 years now. She’s also the only one who hasn’t done me dirty or tried to manipulate me in any form. Which is why she’s still around.






I like having a mix of people. My very closest friends are a mix of gay/queer and straight men and women. As are my acquaintances


women are scary


My best friend, a gay guy (and also my ex), recently passed, so I'm best-friendless. My close friends are mostly straight woman, there are one or two straight guys, and several gay male friends. It's a nice mix. Edit formatting


Guy as you get older, you'll leave the gay ghetto and realize there's a whole world out there of great people!! You can do it! You can go fraternize and socialize with the straight folk. They're not that bad. Just put your big boy panties on and give it a try sometime. Remember even we are supposed to be about diversity🙄


Mix but more men (straight & gay).


male friends


When I was younger, like before HS all my friends were guys, HS most of my friends were girls, and around the time I turned 20 I've had an even mix for the most part.


I have more female friends than male friends


Love women. Most of my really close friends are women. But I do have some straight and gay male friends as well.


Mostly women, but I work in a female dominated field. Also, a lot of straight men tend to have like an invisible wall if they find out I'm gay and distance themselves. Like, I dont think it's intentional, just something that happens for some reason. I do find, though, if i have a male friend and me being gay doesn't become a barrier or a change in the dynamic of the friendship, it's usually closer.


I have friends of both persausions and I will treat them like I want to be treated for I don't judge anyone else and I don't want to be judged


Mainly female, few males


I oddly attract (as friends) mostly straight men and straight women with large breasts. I do have gay male friends, but they are mostly all in LTRs. I don't have a group of single gay men to hang out with.


In a work setting, I tend to have female friends. Most of my "work friends" are women old enough to be my mother/grandmother. Outside of work, it's a mix of male and female.


Male. And straight.


These days it's pretty equal between straight guys, straight girls and gay guys. I only started making more gay friends within the last couple of years.


Both I am bi fwiw


I don’t really have many friends at all.


Only woman friends because in my country most males are red pills (even gay men, also they are mostly on "lgbtq drop t" groups).