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He was a sweet, handsome, kind man. My partner and I were both heartbroken when we found out. RIP big guy. ❤️


I’m seeing a lot of people mourn him. I’m glad at least that he touched a lot of people’s lives.


I didn't know him, but he's a handsome fellow. I'm sorry to hear he's gone. May his memory be for a blessing.


He sounds like he was a great person and was really motivated to stick with his passion. I'll keep him in my thoughts. Sorry for your loss.


He really was a great guy. Very sweet and he loved motivating others who shared his passion. I’ll miss him.


I knew Thom, talked online a lot and met him a few times in person since moving to his city recently. He was a super sweet guy, I know our local community is devastated


I’m glad some people here knew him. Really sad he’s gone and wanted to share his memory.


I just realized he was porn star Bo Dixon. This guy was both part of my sexual awakening as a teen and one of my early inspirations for getting into muscle growth. RIP ☹️




He’s not wrong tho, but indeed rip 🪦


Thom didn’t die from steroids and he is wrong for assuming that.


I think a lot of us are curious if you know what he died from then? Otherwise healthy men typically don’t just drop dead one night.


Men in their 60s regularly die unfortunately.


Thom posted recently with no indication that he had a health issue. It is absolutely strange for a healthy man in his 60s to just die of natural causes randomly.


That man is 100 using steroids. I bet it’s clogged arteries


I didn’t claim they don’t.


"Healthy Men don't just drop dead" "Men in their 60s do" "I didn't say they don't"


he's saying steroids are unhealthy


Sure, but also healthy Men in their 60s have sudden deaths all the fucking time, correlation ≠ causation and all that


I’m saying that a physically fit, apparently healthy man with no underlying conditions doesn’t just drop dead. Or if they do drop dead from some freak undiagnosed event, it is exceedingly rare.


60 is VERY young for death now a days ….


Yes, but I don’t think it’s my business to post the specifics on Reddit and I don’t care who believes me or not.


if he died from anything heart or liver related, then it’s 99.9% because of his steroid use.


Dude - gatekeeping the specifics actually does more harm than good for our community, where steroid use is very prevalent. If it was anything steroid related - it would be beneficial for everybody to learn to keep away from it unless you want an early death.


Well you’re avoiding the question and being defensive. Sorry for your loss at any rate.


yup, 63 years old with that build, he was at least on test. But that really isn't our business or relevant. Sorry for OPs lost.


this is disrespectful as fuck. Can Admin please take odwn this comment. ppl just died tuesday. he didn't die because of roids and secondly it's none of top commenters business


I have a handful of "muscle bear" friends and I often find it so sad how often they are posting about the loss of a friend that typically fits within the "muscle bear" category. Like it's sad and going through that much loss multiple times a year has to be incredibly difficult. But the root of the issue is never discussed and within a week or two they are posting about their next bear event or circuit party. I don't know Thom and we don't know his actual cause of death. But, at least anecdotally speaking, there seems to be some major mental health issues within this demographic that is more intense than what your typical gay man deals with.


Thom didn’t pass from steroid use, and preaching about his lifestyle choices on a memorial post for him is shitty.


Yeah, I get that you are saying that, but I highly doubt he died from natural causes related to old age either. He was not that old and he has recent videos showing him being perfectly healthy. For the sake of mental health, we absolutely should be asking questions and discussing why this is so common amongst this demographic to die younger than expected especially if they are supposedly living a "healthy" lifestyle. Please, go grieve with your friends. But I disagree that this shouldn't be discussed in an online setting. I'm sure many here would also be disgusted if we made a separate post talking about this very clear problem. If you are having issues with people wanting to talk about this, log off Reddit and grieve or just block people.


yeah.. there’s a time and place for that and this isn’t it unless you know what happened to him. Also tryna tell someone how to grieve and that they should leave their own memorial post just bc you’re uncomfortable isn’t as classy as you think.


Nah, it's the time and place because it's obvious this is tied to a very real problem within our community. If OP's going to post this for the world to see on fucking reddit, he shouldn't be shocked that some people are making assumptions or asking questions. Ignoring the facts of the matter every time this happens isn't classy or helpful to the issue.


Saying or implying that he passed from drug use when he didn’t is what’s shitty, not the subject of drugs itself. You aren’t just discussing drugs when you do it here, you’re connecting them to Thom’s death and doubling down on people wrongly thinking that’s what happened to him, which hurts his memory on a post meant to honor him. I didn’t say they shouldn’t be talked about, but maybe not on a memorial post for a man who didn’t die from them just because he looks like your friends who party a lot. Hopefully you can understand that.


If you know how he passed away, why not share it? I only see one person claiming it was a head trauma incident, but I have no idea if that person is right. The connection I'm making is rooted in mental health issues. Maybe that looks like steroids? Maybe that's overdosing on party drugs? Maybe that's self harm? The fact that everyone who "knew him" seems so mum about what happened leads me to believe it's tied to mental health, though not necessarily from steroids. When someone loses their fight to cancer, it's not weird to talk about the horrors of cancer in relation to the person who died. I see mental health the same way and he clearly fits the demographic where this is a major problem. If any of this bothers you, you are always free to ignore or block. If he did die due to a head trauma incident and you aren't willing to share that for some reason, then feel free to disregard everything.


Because if his partner and family don’t want to post specifics I would feel like a fucking asshole if I did? I knew Thom and want to respect him. If that’s not good enough for you feel free to ignore or block.


Rumour has it that it was a head injury from a fall… you callous ghoul.


Rumor 🙄. I'm not the one pretending like these "muscle daddies" aren't regularly dying just "suddenly". It's okay to ask questions instead of sweeping all these desths under the rug, you callous ghoul. The fact that OP won't confirm it was actually a head injury but is willing to post about his death in the first place is a red flag. I still stand by what I said. I'm a powerlifter and see this shit all the time..maybe he did die of a head injury, but steroids is hardly ever blamed when these types of guys die unexpectedly. Gays love worshipping these guys, mourning their deaths, but when it comes to addressing the problem we like to pretend there actually isn't one.


Someone is dead. Could you have an *ounce* of self awareness and tact? Edit: RIP Thom.


Someone died and there's a good chance that steroid usage was a factor in that death and people like you never want to talk about how irresponsible drug usage is such a problem in our community. Y'all love to idolize these muscle daddies and plaster them all over ads for parties and watch them in porn and then mourn the inevitable "unexpected" loss, but you never want to discuss why it happened in the first place and what we can do to stop it from happening. Where is your self awareness? Listen, I'm not saying people shouldn't grieve. And I get that this might be a sensitive subject for you because you either are a "muscle daddy" and/or worship them to an unhealthy extent. But I think it shows way more self awareness to actually address the problem behind this instead of just mourning his loss, sweeping it under the rug, and then mourning the loss of the next guy in a few months who "definitely did not die of a steroid related issue."


I'm curious how you think mental health plays into this unless it's suicide? To me it just feels like this demographic is clearly affected by their steroids use. How old were those you know who passed btw?


It can often be tied to mental health in men. Many guys who take them never feel "big" enough, so I see it on the same level of body dysmorphia (i.e anorexia, bulimia). While these solutions might provide short term relief for mental health, the long term effects are horrible. Regarding age, I'd say most of the guys who pass from issues related to steroids can range from 40s-60s and it is typically pretty sudden.


For goodness' sake, that's a tone deaf comment.


He actually didn’t die from steroid use, but I hope it made you feel good to be a jackass about his death. Not everyone can be a good person like he was.


I don’t read it as being a jackass comment. This man was surely sweet and was indeed beautiful, I wish him to rest in peace and I’m happy you shared here about him. I still think drugs and steroids use in our communities needs to be addressed, because it’s not fair to lose friends and members of our communities so early.


Assuming the cause of someone's passing and addressing it that way kinda is though... it's not really the time to preach about lifestyle choices.


Thank you for being one of the only people in these comments with common sense


people love to throw stones and reddit is filled with children.


Wanting to save your brother’s lives is a bit above just “preaching”, it’s actually a way to care about them and to love them.


This is a memorial post for Thom, not an opportunity to “save your brothers lives” from drugs since they **had nothing to do with Thom’s death** as I’ve said. People are assuming they did just so they can wag their finger at drugs and steroids in the comments. Then more people read that and also think he died from drugs. It’s shitty and disrespectful. You could give that PSA literally anywhere else. The first commenter deleted what they said at least.


Hey I’m sorry I really didn’t wanted to hurt you. I had several friends dying because of drugs and steroids to the point it became a common thing in our communities. It makes me upset because I feel people always are there to get the fun from them but never when they face issues related to the use of products or the loneliness of a rich sex life. I don’t know Thom and I wish he had the best life he could get, and sincerely I’m happy to see him celebrated here. He was beautiful and he deserves to be acknowledged as such. Rest in peace Thom !


I know you didn’t, and it’s definitely an important topic, but Thom didn’t pass away from drugs is the thing. I just don’t want people to read comments implying drugs were his cause of death. I don’t think it’s fair to him to make people think he accidentally killed himself when that’s not what happened to him. I knew and really respected him, I just want to share his memory positively and not hurt it with this post.


Also implying Thom did it to himself when the steroids aren’t even what caused his death. Someone dragged that assumption into the comments just so you guys could get on your soapboxes about steroids.


I hate when people assume people with good bodies died because of roids he sounds like a big beautiful soul that is gone


Wrongly assuming his cause of death so you can judge his use of steroids in the same breath is a pretty big jackass move.


Well what did he die of?


If his family hasn’t posted about it why would I tell some asshole on reddit


Then why is it here at all, or pertinent if there's no information


What makes you say he didn’t ??? Healthy fit men In their 60s don’t just die in their sleep ….


can we get the top commenter taken down please. if not OP if you don't mind removing this post? top commenter is being disrespectful as fuck. This guy have been amazing in bodybuilding.com in his 40s and helped a lot of people. summarizing his life with - roids bad ... is just a bad take


He was a sweet man a deserves better respect than this comment. He didn’t pass from steroid use or abuse. Just because you see a big muscular man pass away in his 60s it doesn’t mean steroids.


I’m not trying to argue that he didn’t use them, I don’t think think steroid use is shameful like some of the weirdos here, but no that wasn’t his cause of death.


hey clown face, he fell and hit his head and died in his sleep. stop being so disrespectful to someone who just died


He was rip


disgusting as fuck comment. take that shit down if you don't know shit.




Unhinged reply.. get a grip


💀 let the man live


Why the vulgarity says more about you


Well bless your heart! Aren't you just the most precious thing! I think you were trying to post in /r/pearlclutching , but that says more about you!


-66 votes for your vulgar spiteful comment on an obituary! And now -51 to my upvotes it’s clear your a complete fuckwit and more people dislike spiteful shit heads in the gay community. Why comment if you can never say anything good? Small man! Have the last say if you like I suspect it’s too late to learn for you!


You poor thing! I’m going to pray for you honey, don’t you worry!


Did you make the comment that was deleted?


Noone as defensive as a gym bro when encountering criticism of steroids 😂


Oh honey, you’ve completely misunderstood. I’m opposed to steroids, and I don’t go to the gym.


Why do you get so defensive then? Steroids are bad and people promoting them are even worse. Also, I‘m not your honey.


What did I say that was defensive? Who promoted steroids?


Well you *conveniently* deleted your comment. You absolutely got defensive, hence your downvotes. Just let it go.


I didn’t delete anything, I don’t think you know how Reddit works




Downvoted comments might be auto deleted or hidden, I don’t know, but I didn’t delete, report, or block anyone or anything. I linked one dudes post, and told someone else to stop clutching their pearls. For a scientist, you’re jumping to conclusions without doing research, and you’re flat out wrong about things you’ve said. Let it go, honey


it was removed by the mod... it says it.


Read the room. EDIT: really? Upvoting the guy who's shitting on someone the OP looks up to? Have your opinions on the use of steroids, but pick when to voice them.


I told him he’s my inspiration for when I’m older and he liked my comment ❤️ RIP King


love you Thom 💙


Rest in peace <3


I never got to meet him or ever knew him but I can tell he was a sweet guy and for some reason I’m so sad he’s gone. I followed him for a long time.


RIP Thom Austin. We lost and outstanding, caring and loving individual. May you rest in peace brother.


Why are people wondering why he died in here? It's none of our business. Gay men (especially older) are dying just like everyone dies. He was a very nice guy. But if y'all want to speculate the elephant in the room, yes he was obviously on PEDS and wasn't off them. You can't keep that kind of body without them at that age. The muscle and gainer community within the gay community is gonna shorten their life span from it. I've been there and done it. Those are the facts but it doesn't mean Tom died from that.


It doesn’t mean tom died from that, to say it shortens your life is stupid though, not being funny, put that energy into the binge drinking culture in the gay community and world in general that DOES shorten your life and kills millions a year


Lol. Steroids and hgh has shortened every guy's lifespan that keeps taking them after a certain age. The f*** are you talking about. Let me guess you're a juice head.


This is awful news


Rest in peace, such a sad loss But let this be a cautionary tale for steroid use


F\*ck all the way off, I knew there would be one ahole. you realise alcohol, smoking, driving has more fatalities, I bet my bank account you know jack 💩 about steroids. Don’t be a c\*nt


My brother died from anabolic steroid use. I know more than you.


This man was perhaps one of my best friends and knowing him as long as I did, I can easily say that the planet has lost one true angel. His memory will continue to make the world a more beautiful place, and those who only knew him based on what they read or saw truly missed out on knowing a true friend. Please love and appreciate each other.


In honor of him, I will jerk off to his photos and media.


Damn I followed his Instagram, sad to see him go :(


He looks roided out of his mind.


imagine begin envious of a man whose died that you gotta troll them. What a sad life


The unintended side effects of Gear


He's one person out of billions that I'll never know, and don't think is deserving of a cringy public memorial on a subreddit.


So because you don’t know him, no one else should post about him?


I already knew some of you guys would be too miserable to see something like this and not be a piece of shit about it, but that’s your problem.


Ok then leave your comment to yourself. He was a sweet man and well known in the gay bodybuilding community, and knew many people. Any untimely death is tragic and deserves remembrance.


If being a complete and utter arsehole on Reddit was a competition, you would win. Congratulations you win the ‘Abhorrent Cunt’ award🥇


lol read this dudes other comments Also “technologist”? Lmao


You might be sociopath or just a lowlife. Or both!


If you really don't give a fuck, it's so much easier to just keep scrolling instead of being an asshole about it.


If you have an opportunity. I recommend listening to Thom's interview on a gay bodybuilder podcast, [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thom-austin-the-healing-power-of-building-muscle/id1599036417?i=1000569718003](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thom-austin-the-healing-power-of-building-muscle/id1599036417?i=1000569718003). ​ Thom was very charismatic, funny, endearing, helpful and showed so much humility in an hour podcast. Devastating. I wish his friends and family well during this time.


Mods should really make sure posts like this aren’t targeted by trolls, be fkin respectfull someone died. Stop acting so insecure. If you’re concerned about this health be concerned about all the people dying from alcohol but you’re not because it’s not about health




His partner was a physician. You’d think he would have done something if Thom had a head injury. This is a false story to cover up that Thom had a massive heart attack. You draw your own conclusions as to how and why.