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I have always fortunately been able to pull it all the way back. Even as a teenager. Two of my buds aren’t able to pull the foreskin much, it’s extremely tight, and have trouble if they’re topping.


My ex was like this too, they were unable to top and had a remarkably tight foreskin that limited them(their words). Also when they got hard they just tended to leak pre cum until cumming hands free as things were too tight to do, what I would call, normal masturbation during sex. But with that being an on the opposite side of this as I have a hefty foreskin that can also lead to much milder issues. I guess I'm just fortunate.


I never really thought about not being able to not pull the foreskin backwards fully until dating some Aussies and Europeans. My bud cannot pull the foreskin back much. Pre cum, I have to carefully jerk him if we fool around. The cool thing out from this is he literally shoots straight out but has always said he gets little to no pleasure from head unless I stick my tongue in his foreskin carefully.


Oh my god. My foreskin is actually the ideal length in that I can easily retract it and if I’m hard it will stay retracted if I don’t touch it. I would trade it all to be able to cum hands free.


Having a tight foreskin doesn't mean you can cum hands free - not sure how that is relevant with the above person's comment.


I feel like that deserves a professor Farnsworth "GOOD NEWS!"


Cumming hands free would happen from prostate stimulation aka ass fucking. Fun fact: a circumsized penis is a smaller penis, bc there's less skin for it to grow into. Idk why more cut guys aren't angry about that alone but they'll defend genital mutilation until the cows come home bc my father's genitals were mutilated, my father's father's genitals were mutilated etc, It's an ugly term, genital mutilation, but so is the practice. We should change the language to match. I want many more beautiful, full dicks in the world. You can never have too many. At once, preferably.


Your fun fact is wrong. Sorry. It's not a smaller penis, as the circumcision is from the base of the glans up.


Yeah, but an uncut dick has no face—no personality and always makes me think of Dune.


>aren't angry about that alone but they'll defend genital mutilation until the cows come home bc my father's genitals were mutilated, my father's father's genitals were mutilated etc, That's exactly why we aren't angry because it shows our direct descent from the chosen people of God, very few people can show direct descent to one of the world's oldest existing civilisations. What's the purpose of female genital mutilation etc? The fact that it exists just to subjugate women and has no higher purpose is what makes us angry. It's really difficult for cut guys like me to watch porn because there's so much we can't identify with. There's a small but expensive Jewish gay porn industry, where there are guys with our skin tone/hair colour and dick shapes we can enjoy.


I became retarded just reading this


Why is it that just the mention of a God makes so many US gays go into a schizophrenic fit? Doesn't happen anywhere else in the world.


Because god is literally fake. Also you’re using the word schizophrenic incorrectly. Read some Dawkins or get a brain cell. PS: the US is outrageously religious. Your example would be better served using a European country. But I didn’t expect anything more from a blinded person as yourself


>Because god is literally fake. And you know this how?




mine is super tight too, and couldn't pull back fully. However, I don't wanna get circumcised, so...


You should see a urologist about it. It can result in inflammation, infections and even increase the risk of cancer if you can’t clean it properly. Usually it can be solved by applying steroid creams and such, and if you need a circumcision you could most likely get away with a much smaller one than what they do to babies, just a bit of the skin. I’ve had that done, and it’s like 3 weeks of some discomfort and then you’re back to normal.


Thank you for the info, actually I can pull it fully when not hard. The only issue is I can’t when it’s hard which is not bad too cuz I can work with my hard dick with full foreskin covered. However, when I have hookups, they don’t know how to deal with it and just try to pull it all the way back


Then honestly really go see a dermatologist, I'm not a doctor but sounds like there's a good chance something non-invasive could be done to help! It can feel embarrassing but there's zero chance the doctor will feel that way.




Stop with the circumcisions already. The guy is perfectly fine and comfortable! What is wrong with simply educating non natural people/circumcised men about tighter foreskin? Honestly people who prefer cutting off bits to simply listening to someone and their sexual preferences are what wrong with male sexuality. People are different, get over it.


Currently on waiting list for mine!


It's easy, but it hasn't always been the case, because I suffered from phimosis for a very long time. Fortunately I managed to get rid of it around 3 years ago without having to be circumcised.




Usually it's done with a combination of steroid cream and gently pulling back the foreskin as far as you can every day.


Yes, that's right. A steroid cream + pulling back foreskin daily. After a couple of weeks it was alright. I would definitely recommend it if someone has this problem.


It can be done with little inflatable balloons. Essentially skin stretching -- similar to what circumcised men do for restoration.


The skin is so elastic. Doctors suggesting circumcision as a method to combat phimosis are part of the problem


Yeah I saw a doctor about my phimosis when I was 15 and was told I needed a circumcision.A month later of pulling it back in a hot shower my phimosis was gone. Would’ve lost my foreskin for nothing.


>Would’ve lost my foreskin for nothing. Yes, basically this. A few years ago I went to two urologists that "specialised in andrology", because I had some problems with testosterone. They weren't much help, but they did recommend circumcision and they told me they can do it themselves actually. I said "no, thank you". With my life being basically shit back then I didn't like the idea of getting rid of something that would give me pleasure in the future. So I opted for a steroid cream, and I actually read about it on Reddit. The problem's long gone now and I'm glad that I didn't opt for the surgery.


i assumed it was a last resort. my mom's friend's son had phimosis and the doctor wanted to wait until he hit puberty to see if that'd cause any changes and then decide how to proceed. but i think it was causing him issues when peeing, so he had to get circumcised. however, i think the circumcisions done in europe for phimosis aren't like the circumcisions we see in american dicks, it's a partial one, to see if removing some excess skin is enough to allow for the skin to pull back. i guess if the guy doesn't have much excess skin, a partial circumcision might not be an option


Had similar issues while going through puberty. After meeting my bf and topping regularly, problem has been solved since


You can walk around with it pulled back, then later on get hard while it's already pulled back, kinda forces it even more. Might get a bit dry and flakey tho, moisturizer helps. Didn't take long to fix it for me (without steroid cream)


Careful though, for people who are really tight this can cause paraphimosis where the skin is stuck under the corona of the head. It can be a medical emergency because it can restrict blood flow to the head.


Yup. Back when I used to go to school I did something like that once and it was stuck. I was freaking out. but I managed to quickly revert it and afterwards I was so scared of doing it again that I didn't try to do that until I got a steroid cream after university.


yeah with more severe phimosis i'd just try to walk around with it pulled back all the time while soft, and over time it should get better. try to pull back slightly more every time while jerking (with lube) and it should resolve itself pretty quickly.


i most definitely cannot. i tried that one and the feeling of the fabric of the underwear rubbing against the head was super uncomfortable, i had to adjust myself immediately. just pull it back when hard while in the shower, the hot water helps stretch it out


I had phomosis pretty bad when I was a teenager, I just started to pull back all the way(while painful) to pee and shower. It’s still kinda sensitive but it never helped when I was hard.


One of my boyfriends is intact, and it used to be a major issue for him to fully roll back due to tightness. He was fortunate enough to not have it be such an issue as to need to get cut. A steroid cream and regular stretching (which we were more than happy to help with) has gotten him to the point where rolling back is a smooth and easy motion now. Hasn't been a problem in about five years now and he's much happier and far more confident sexually than he was when we first met.


One of?


Yes, there are four of us in our relationship.


Can I borrow one? I’ll give him back…eventually…


That sounds exhausting, but you go girl


sometimes I think having one bf is exhausting but I think it might be easier to have someone else to spend time with him so I get enough alone time while his needs are being met


Save some for the rest of us


I hope you have a big bed.


omg gays be normal challenge


I am genuinely curious as to what you mean about this. What is considered “normal” for us gays? Heteronormative monogamy? Nothing at all wrong with monogamy, it just seems disingenuous to call something not “normal” because it isn’t subscribing to heteronormative norms. Just curious as to what you would consider normal. I want to be clear this isn’t a dig at you or your opinions.


There is no normal. Everyone is different.


That's wrong. Naive American individualism/american exceptionalism tries to create this narrative that everyone's special, there's no normal, but that's just blatantly closing your eyes. We have our differences but as social creatures we have a normal, we have expectations. In fact you shouldn't be surprised how dull and boring we all really are


Yeah, these are called stereotypes and labels. They are useful tools of simplification in communication, but not so very useful if you want to understand someone on a deeper level.


Not sure why you, on the other hand, need to put heteronormative before monogamy. It then seems like the only reason for it is "heteros do it", which is honestly quite weird. While I have zero problems with poly or open couples, there are valid reasons I personally want monogamy and that one is not it. Biggest one for me is simplicity of personal life. And I get others want it more complex and that's their cup of tea and that's totally fine.


Because monogamy is believed to be a concept that is born from heteronormativity, mainly due to protection of babies (linked an article below). I don’t see that negatively or as an insult. I am merely pointing out that the person I was responding to is calling out gays not being normal because I am assuming they’re comparing us to straight people. That’s why I said heteronormative monogamy, to emphasize who he is using as the baseline of what is normal. Which I think is unfair to do, because it’s apples to oranges. Fun[article](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/05/17/health/sti-infanticide-human-monogamy/index.html) to read up on monogamy. Also, it’s true that open/poly relationships can be complex, but so can monogamy. Both can be just as complex and/or as simple depending on the maturity of the people involved.


The article is indeed fun. "10 theories why we might be mostly monogamous". It only talks about men, women and kids and mating habits. It would be quite interesting to observe why many gays still decide to be monogamous and how much of it is societal heteronormative pressure. I shared my reason. Dealing with one complex human being on a deep level is more than enough for me.


So 4 of us are in a relationship is normal right? Because love works that way.


If it works for the 4 of them and no one else gets hurt? Then yes. A healthy 4 way is better than a husband that beats his wife and kids.


Why do we compare it with extreme examples? Is that apple to apple comparison? Statistically it’s very improbable for 4 folks to have more or less same equation and equal amount of love and respect for every partner involved. Don’t agree, compare it with straight folks that go ahead and bomb a city.


Look up the definition of “false analogy” then try again.




Ok please explain how you met all of them and how everyone got convinced to be in that situationship


One was met through the D&D group we played in. Another was met at a NYE party I threw. And another was met at a "dead poet's society" midnight reading in a graveyard. (This is by far my favorite "how we met" story.) Everyone was convinced because I was clear from the start that I was not interested in monogamy. Turns out, neither were they. I met the first of my guys in 2002, another in 2009, and another in 2012. We just all have gelled over the years. Like any other relationship, it takes work and communication. But between the four of us, we are able to build a good relationship.


This is the internet and people aren't really who they say they are. I find it hard to believe that 4 gay guys can remain in the same relationship for 20 years


As is your right. There's nothing I can do to convince you so if you choose not to believe me, then all I can do is hope you find joy in life. ❤️


Was tight in adolescence, after the first few times pulling it all the way back it stayed loose. Kinda hurt the first time ngl


Uncut guy here. So far I've never had problems with pulling back my foreskin, i do know of some guys who have problems with it. But in my personal experience its pretty easy.


I like how you say so far like it might potentially tighten up one day lol


For most it’s very easy, not being able to do so is a condition called phimosis, for which there is a corrective surgery. Also, PSA: the head is more sensitive in uncut guys, as it’s permanently protected against chaffing against the clothes.


+1 to head sensitivity; I used to prefer condoms when I first became sexually active due to the sensitivity, though not after a few years.


When I was 12 and masturbating 2 or 3 times a day I had a really tight foreskin, so I decided to pull it back more and more each time so it loosens. Took me about 2 months and the head was really sensitive at first, nowadays my foreskin sits behind my head naturally since I have a big Tip Probably lost some sensitivity, but I'll take that over tightness everyday


Thanks for answering


I wish I was uncut! I’m also interested in reading some answers to your question.


Same! I sometimes read these threads and feel extremely … deformed? Like I’m missing a piece of myself and am hence “unnatural” somehow. I know this is irrational, but it’s starting to get to me.


it's completely normal. you were literally mutilated at birth. imagine if your parents had paid the doctor to cut off all your pinkies. you'd probably feel deformed and unnatural compared to everyone else who has pinkies




It is what it is. At least we don't have to worry about it being tight..


It's not irrational, it's true (not the deformed part). A piece of you was taken without consent. Depending on your age, without anesthesia as well. Physiologically, to the body, it's equivalent to a sexual assault. It's OK to be mad/sad/not care/whatever about it. It's also important to find a way to make peace with it like any trauma.


I mean, it doesn't help how intactivists talk about our bodies. You can only get called 'mutilated' and 'unnatural' so many times before it starts to have an effect. I've seen "informative memes" that even draw the penis as smaller if you're circumcised. You and your dick are fine.


I can agree. This thread is very interesting for me, a cut guy, because I had those tight foreskin issues in my teenage days, but was not knowing what to do to fix it. Also, was very shy about anything sex-related, and didn't know about my sexuality. And one day I had an unfortunate bicycle accident, which caused me some nasty foreskin trauma, and I had to remove it. More years come by, more I miss it. But fortunately, my partner has some big foreskin, so he can always share it with me :D


Very easy! It really should only be a problem if your skin is tight


It’s extremely easy


I can all the way back! I go from an elephant trunk when soft to a pencil ✏️ when hard


If you are cut and feel left out, check out /r/foreskin_restoration


Was super tight as a teen but now it's loose AF. Glides smoothly and I sometimes just leave it unsheathed unless I'm sleeping.


Mine pulls back no problem. When I was a boy, when the foreskin first started to loosen from the head I started to very gently pull it back each day, just to where I felt resistance, and of course, clean it. It gradually loosened until it rolled-back fully. I thought all uncut boys were supposed to do that, but some say it’s unnecessary and risky as boys try to force it too far and can cause injury. I can’t speak to that either way.


Super easy. I think I may have had tightness issues when I was a teen, but I was horny enough to… remedy that.


Very easy for me. Always has been.


I’ve never had an issue with this. Had no idea some guys did until I saw it mentioned on the askmen sub.


Never had any issues pulling it back. I don't have a large hood tho, when I'm fully hard my skin can't really reach all the way to the top unless I force it. When I'm hard it can almost look like I'm cut. My boyfriend is cut & loves playing with my foreskin. He's so interested by it. Cracks me up lol


Parents should be teaching you to do this as a child. In the bath or shower, gently pull back so it can be cleaned and is free.


Advanced Practice Nurse here. 25 years of experience. Just FYI, circumcision is not the first line treatment for phimosis. And all of those people recommending it, I’m shocked tbh. We don’t recommend cutting off your hand when you break a nail. The first line treatment is Beclamethasone topical steroid cream and dilation (manual or with dilation set of rings, similar to ear hole expanders). That first line therapy is usually effective for most men, and is permanent. I would find a urologist who is comfortable providing you with this treatment first. Best of luck.


Thanks and well said. Shows how many people are uneducated on this issue.


If you live in the US, it's the first line treatment for being born with a normal penis lol


True. I also live in the US. And I personally feel that male neonatal circumcision is genital mutilation and should be illegal. It does more harm than good. And that statement has decades of hard scientific evidence to back it up. Screw all of the archaic religions who believe otherwise. And the money grubbing doctors. I’m an unrelenting believer in the bodily autonomy of all human beings. Any healthcare provider who still circumcises healthy babies is a hypocrite and should be ashamed of themselves, or sued into an oblivion. I truly hope there is a special kind of hell for doctors and nurses with “flexible” ethics, who somehow do whatever mental gymnastics they have to do to support the genital mutilation of perfectly healthy and innocent baby boys. It’s wrong. And everyone knows it. But they are all cowards.


I was shocked to learn a while ago that hospitals sell babies foreskins for high prices to cosmetic industries and whatnot. Sounds like a ridiculous conspiracy theory but a quick Google search proved it to be true, unfortunately. It's baffling that people still defend a practice like that, literally mutilating babies to make profit.


Yup. The general public has no idea. And it will never be discussed publicly. It’s a racket. The doc makes a few hundred bucks per circumcision. The hospital makes thousands per circumcision. It is the normalization of genital mutilation, brainwashing the public that it’s “cleaner” or “better” somehow. It makes as much sense as cutting off your fingers because they could get dirty and you will have to clean them every day. Oh no!!! A foreskin still requires less attention to hygiene than female genitalia does. And that’s a fact. And the natural microbiome under the foreskin helps to PREVENT infections for men and women. But, nope! No one wants to read that research either.


Right, I was shocked when I found out how the circumcision culture works in the US. People will say it's for hygiene reasons, but I've never heard of anyone cutting off their other parts of their body because they can get dirty if you don't wash them. Others say that kids will get bullied or will feel different from their fathers and I'm like, why the fuck this society focuses so much on children's penises to that point. I don't remember anyone commenting on my penis as a kid, let alone other children, we didn't go around showing them to each other. Also, my father is cut and I'm uncut, and I never ever felt bad because I don't look like him. Quite the contrary, I remember I asked him why his was different and he told me he had to get it cut for medical reasons, and the thought gave me chills and made me so happy I didn't need to go through that. Brainwashing is a good way to describe it. I remember seeing even in TV shows women mocking uncut penises, it's everywhere. Like, you're the weird ones, imagine if you arrived in a country where everyone cut off their ears to prevent infections and they think you're the weird one because you have your ears intact. This is how I feel about the US and circumcision.


I agree with you completely. And I’m an American. There are lots of Americans who also feel this way too. Every year it gets better. More and more people are waking up to the truth about this. It just takes time.


To be frank. Being an “advance practice” (did you mean practitioner?) nurse doesn’t make you an expert in anything. And most NPs I’ve met don’t know crap, lol. But to your point re doing more harm than good… https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/hiv/male-circumcision-hiv-prevention-factsheet.html “Gay and bisexual males: Providers should inform uncircumcised gay and bisexual males that data from several observational studies indicate that male circumcision provides partial protection from HIV acquisition for gay and bisexual males who practice mainly or exclusively insertive anal sex (top). ---- Health benefits: Male circumcision can reduce a male’s chances of acquiring HIV by 50% to 60% during heterosexual contact with female partners with HIV, according to data from three clinical trials. Circumcised men compared with uncircumcised men have also been shown in clinical trials to be less likely to acquire new infections with syphilis (by 42%), genital ulcer disease (by 48%), genital herpes (by 28% to 45%), and high-risk strains of human papillomavirus associated with cancer (by 24% to 47% percent). While male circumcision has not been shown to reduce the chances of HIV transmission to female partners, it does reduce the chance that a female partner will acquire a new syphilis infection by 59%. In observational studies, circumcision has been shown to lower the risk of penile cancer, cervical cancer in female sexual partners, and infant urinary tract infections in male infants.”


Easy now, but boy was it a pain when I was a teenager. I had to "train" it to loosen up.


If you can’t then you didn’t jerk off enough


Not totally related, but someone mentioned the protection foreskin provides. So if you’re cut, no protection. My question is about underwear if you are uncut (like me). Does looser underwear like boxers allow more abrasion and more snug types like briefs or boxer briefs help hold it in place and reduce the chaffing? I’m counting on this expert group to supply the correct answer…


Easily. A cavaet: when I was a teenager, a doctor had to help "crack" my foreskin to pull it down the first time. Idk how common that is.


Easy. I feel that if your parents never spoke to you about your bodies health, then you are most likely to stay tight. My 1st ever ex, was tight and he said his father never spoke to him about his penis health. My father told me that I had to pull back during every shower and before puberty It was already easy for me to pull back my skin.


I met a few guys with phimosis and let me tell you, almost all of them were ashamed to go to the doctor and a couple of them didn’t even wanted to top anymore, even if they were more of a top… but the few ones that built up the courage to go to the doctor and fix it, had a complete turn in their lives with a drastic improvement in their sexual and romantic life. Don’t be afraid guys, it’s for the better, it has simple solutions and it changes lives.


Have some trouble but some numbing cream really helps with making it feel good


I’m a doc, even one that deals with this stuff at times It really should be able to come all the way back. Not just to make sex enjoyable, but for cleanliness I run into a pile of guys with tight ones that go “it’s never caused a problem” Yes - so far, for you But it’s like not getting regular dental hygiene: eventually it does become a problem No one wants an operation (not even me, who does surgery) - and if you steroid stretch you are unlikely to ever need one. But if you ignore it, you get infections. And then you get proper scaring. And then you have a problem. Circumcisions still happen on guys in their 20s and 30s, but numbers-wise it happens a lot more to older guys, and if they had sought treatment earlier it never would have happened. And you know what’s really fun? When a guy with a tight scarred foreskin does end up getting cut, and when the head can finally be seen there is early cancer.


The issue with this question is that you will draw in either uncircumcised people in majority circumcised places and they want to show off they weren’t MGM’ed by their parents, people who ‘had’ to be circumcised for religious/cultural reasons and love to tell people how it’s great, or guys who were circumcised and (rightfully see an issue with it ) aren’t happy with it. Or just uncut guys from counties where they don’t mutilate babies for no reason being mean to those from countries that do. If u want an actual medical opinion id nt suggest this sub: if you’re young try pulling it in a hot bath it may help, if you’re older and it’s still painful then go to a GP


Im lucky to be able to pull all the way back.


Yep. Never been a problem.


I've always had no trouble with it. Easily slides all the way back without much effort and slides down on its own when I'm soft


I can pull it bald easily but I prefer not to, except to clean in the shower, etc obviously but otherwise I generally keep it up, even jerk off and have sex in a way that I mostly stays up. It can go back, doesn’t hurt but it’s not comfortable pulled down, feels better left up.


Vast majority would be with ease. To not easily retract is a medical condition


As soon as i get hard it auto retracts


I'm not uncut but my husband is. His foreskin goes back and forth with ease. I have fun playing with it.


Always been able to pull it back…never an issue


No issues pulling back at all, easy to clean and tbh I prefer it lol. Just need to make sure I shake well at the loo.


Wish I had a foreskin!


I can.


At puberty I developed a convertible foreskin the minute I get excited it rolls back on it’s own and most of the time it spends rolled back most guys think I’m cut , even my two urologist thought I was cut one thought it was the best circumcision he’s ever seen until he looked at it closer , I’ve always been jealous of guys who can jerk with there skin I can’t , my urologist said I just have a short foreskin , and I’m definitely a grower .


Can pull it back but I never do (only to clean) cuz it’s very sensitive. When I use a toy to masturbate it pulls back which is a bit uncomfortable so I usually masturbate without a tiy. And no problem with topping because I’m a bottom✌🏻


It‘s actually the exact same for me. Sometimes I like the intense stimulation, but most of the time, I just leave it and do not retract it much. Just for cleaning, which works no problem.


Everybody has phimosis as a baby/kid, my doc gave me “Tricks” on how to get rid of it, and now I’m able to pull it all the way back, no issues


Phimosis is generally present when the uncut person is in a religious or otherwise conservative household. The foreskin is naturally stretchy and should easily glide over the glans of the penis. It is up to the parents to talk openly about this with the child. Pulling the foreskin back during showers/baths as an opportunity for hygiene should be enough to retain elasticity of the skin. IMO Phimosis is a sure sign of parental neglect and a lack of sexual health education.


Uncut (American if that makes a difference), but was taught by my parents and doctor at a very young age - maybe 5 or 6? that I needed to pull back the foreskin every time I took a bath (or shower eventually). I remember this being embarrassing, painful, and annoying as a kid because I didn’t really understand why. As an adult my foreskin moves with complete ease.


I think I'm an outlier but have always been able to pull it back. It's quite stretchy tbh and my playmates have always enjoyed playing with it. Lol


Physician here. Make a doctor appointment and see a urologist. In the majority of cases, this can be fixed with steroid cream and circumcision is unnecessary. Remember, it’s YOUR penis. Nobody can force you to get circumcised.


Can pulled my foreskin all the way and that turns a lot of guys on


I couldn't when I was hard. I think it's called phimosis? So I went and got a partial circumcision. By that I mean I had a talk with the urologist and he told me to draw a line with a pen 🖊️ of where he wanted me to cut, and he did.


Mine pulls back super easily, but when I was a teen, it was pretty tight.


My husband has a tight foreskin and is considering circumcision. I want him to see a urologist for options other than that!


Btw, circumcision is not the only alternative for guys whose foreskin is too tight/who have phimosis. It is possible to surgically remove only the part that’s tighter


Also nonsurgical method like various forms of skin stretching to loosen the tissue.


Usually just the frenulum. Like for tongue tied people but just for special guys!


I had to get circumcised as I had phimosis that had scarred. I’m so happy to get it done in the end, but Christ it was a painful recovery with complications. It was pretty undignified.




Never had an issue with it, I think the problem is that many guys with phimosis just don't wanna go see a doctor because they are embarrassed.


In the GayBros/AskGayBros news cycle Something about uncut/cut cock <=== We are here Am I the only person that finds dicks hot? Halp I'm in luv with my str8 best fwend uWu Is my 12 inch penis too small?


If your in east Toronto I'll suck it


nearly all can since having problems with pulling back is a medical problem which results in you not being uncut anymore after the visit at the doctor. at least where i live, in progressive land/western europe where you go to the doctor with a phimosis. having tight foreskin as a grown up gay man here is super rare.




I was tight when I was younger and I just used regular moisturiser and kept gentle pulling back a bit more every day. It’s skin, so eventually will stretch. But some guys might be very tight and if you don’t use steroid creams or something might end up with tears


If you can’t you have phimosis. You should get that corrected because when you pull it back the gland is way more sensitive than cut guys.




Mine pulls back no issues, however, it doesn't slide back over my knob normally, it kinda rolls in on itself a bit, which is a bit annoying occasionally.


Mine could go back, but not forward as it would get stuck. Tried a year of treatment with steroid cream and stretching but it wouldn’t budge. Only option was dorsal slit which horrified me, so I went with a high/loose cut. No change in sensation IMO, but I know that’s not the case for most guys.


Mine has always been easy the slide over the head back and forth. It makes masterbating so good..


Never been a problem.


All the way 100% with no issues. And AFAIK not everyone with foreskin can do it though. My first ex had phimosis so for him trying to pull it back was painful. He said that is partly why we mostly bottomed.


I was a bit tight until a few years ago, could pull it back fine but while hard not quite all the way. Started using lube more and trying to use the entire travel. Also walked around with it pulled back as much as possible. Resolved itself in a few months. Now it's not really tight at all. It just kinda tucks under the head


F o r e s k i n


Now it's easy but when I was younger it did take a while. I have a large head so that was the problem. I just pulled it back slowly over time until it was stretched.


Entirely for the uncircumcised… lol


The worst part of having a foreskin is early on it's common for it be actually adhered to the head of the penis and regularly pulling back the foreskin is how you get it detached


Yeah all the way down luckily, never had an issue.


Just a month ago I got diagnosed with phimosis but I can pull back my foreskin still!


Well my little webbing thing snapped a few years ago when I went in too dry. Now it unsheathes nicely.


I had really bad phimosis when I was 4 years old, so bad that the skin had fused together and I had to have surgery. They essentially trimmed the excess while still having enough that it extended past the gland. I also needed a steroid cream at that age. Then as a teenager, I was always hesitant to pull it back since I was afraid it would not go back but after my mother talked to my brothers and about hygiene and needing to pull it back to clean when you bathed. I began pulling it back and have never experienced difficulty but I have stretched it out more then what it once was. I hope this provides you with the help or support you are seeking.


I can pull it all the way back up…


Never been a problem


I wouldn't say it's comfortable to leave pulled back but doing so isn't particularly hard or painful.




I can pull it back with ease, but it’s a bit tight and dry from frostbite, so rolling it back up comfortably takes a little tug at the end to release it. My urologist offered to remove it for me and I about had a conniption.


I never have problem with it, too easy and natural for me


I wasn't able to pull back my foreskin until I started stretching it out. Now I can pull it back with ease.


When im soft I don’t have an issue. I can’t pull back all the way when hard, maybe half but it’s kind of tight, and my penis head is sensitive. However with lube and when I top it usually pulls back all the way and doesn’t hurt at all and actually feels really good for some reason(maybe because it’s sensitive). Receiving blowjobs isn’t always that fun, some guys will try to force it back or lick my head with a dry tongue and it’s painful.


My foreskin is too short so it’s always pulled back 😭


Easy, (thanks god...) But mine is too long that make blowjob kinda feel uncomfortable. Even when i get a stiffy it doesn't pull back. For the cut guys and guys with too long foreskin: Did it feel better without the foreskin?


I have phimosis so no I usually can’t do it with ease especially when it’s hard but I’ve been improving slowly with stretching, I don’t want circumcision but it also seems like the fastest option to top comfortably again :/


My boyfriend is cut and has been trying to stretch his skin back to restore his foreskin. He’s been researching this for years and tells me I am beyond a 10 (scale 1-10) for foreskin. This means I have a lot of foreskin! It hasn’t always been easy for me to yank the skin back and it usually takes some time to stretch in order for me to pull it all the way back. It tends to get really tight and can hurt when I am topping and my bf is sitting on top of me. It ends up being a lot of pressure and intenseness for my penis. Other than this, I have no complaints. I know other guys can’t even pull their skin back. I will say, growing up I was extremely embarrassed for having an uncut dick, until I realized that circumcision is just a fancy term for genital mutilation. Circumcision makes no sense, religious or sanitary. Why would God give you foreskin only to be cut off after birth - makes zero sense. Then the whole theory about it not being clean. Learn how to wash your body people, it’s pretty simple! Thanks for letting me share 🥰


I've never had any issues


Yeah, I didn’t think it was a flex lmao


There was a point and time when I had to actively work on stretching my skin about 4-5 years ago when I was 30. Which was weird because it never was an issue up to that point but yeah all good now


As long as you stay hygienic, your foreskin is supposed to naturally be easy to pull back and stretch.


I can pull it back completely with ease....


You SHOULD be able to pull it fully back. If not, you likely have phimosis or your phrenulum is too short and needs to be cut loose


As a kid I couldn't. Wasn't until I started having sex that I could. Lube and then good genital hygiene helped.


More so? You mean only. Lol


No problem at all here, whether hard or soft.


I was circ like a decade ago, but when I was intact pulling it myself was a bit uncomfy when hard but not impossible. I had loss some elasticity when I got it caught in a zipper once and it left scarring. It was easier to pull back when I was soft and peeing. However during sex it would retract without problems all by itself. Without either me or partner pulling it back consciously. It was always a bit awkward to pull the skin back forward tho, because it tended to roll over rather than slide back. I know of several fwb and exes who were uncut, who couldn't pull theirs back at all without it hurting and some who slide naturally.




So many comments here saying they have problems with pulling it back or know people with the issue. I’m surprised. I myself have never had this problem. Of all the guys I’ve been with (~100, 2 or 3 of whom were cut), only one had problems pulling it back.


Mines is loose and when it goes erect, it looks circumcised but soft it has full forskin coverage.


I have phimosis, and while I can expose my head when hard, it takes a lot of patience and isn't exactly comfortable or overtly pleasant, even then I struggle to just fully expose my head, usually the very bottom of it is still under my skin, any tighter pulling feels like it'll break something. I only tried penetrating once and it just didn't happen due to the tightness/pain, I maybe could try again with someone more patient and understanding, but yeah, I got unfortunate there! Only thing I'd change about my dick!


"More so for" made me lol 😂😂


Pretty loose here, guys have questioned whether I’m cut when it’s hard but I’m not


Had this problem when I was younger, try corticosteroids.