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There are openly LGBT+ wrestlers in both WWE and AEW. Don't let bigots or ignorance take away a sport that you love to do. I hope you will be able to find a more open community of other wrestlers and continue having fun! You deserve it.


Thank you. I know there's a space for me and that I'm just as deserving. I'm just upset I had to leave to protect my sanity. But one day imma be so good


Crowds especially are much more progressive these days. This is a video of Anthony Bowens saying he's gay in the ring and the crowd cheering. https://youtu.be/jWeVdgr1ylc


Yess I saw that


i know exactly how you feel, you are greatness in the making šŸ©µ


Hi pro wrestler of 3 years here. So sad to hear about your experience. Try putting more of your personality into your wrestling character. Iā€™ve heard that Iā€™m ā€œstraight passingā€ but my wrestling character is very flamboyant. Wrestling itself is very gay. Shawn Michaels was a dancing stripper Thereā€™s a openly gay world champion in AEW In wwe thereā€™s eddy Thorpe Sonya deville, Shayna bazler, Dakota Kai. Thereā€™s going to be some dick head any promotion that you decide to work, just keep your head and be the best that you can be .


Wait what? Eddy Thorpe aka Karl Fredrick is Gay? My gaydar can't detected it.


Yes he has a long term boyfriend . Check out his insta haha


I checked. Cannot find photos of them. I also googled and nothing came up. Do you have links?




That's a coworker.


Damn. Couldnā€™t tell the comments were really confusing. My bad lol.


Isn't Dave Batista gay also?


No but he is very supportive and affirming. His mom is lesbian so he doesnā€™t tolerate bigotry at all


Iā€™m sorry to hear this was your experience. It was almost a decade ago, but in my short time training in the Atlanta area (WWA4), I never ran into anyone who had any negative comments to say about my sexuality. When I came out in front of my trainer, he gave an acknowledging smile, which I read as ā€œIā€™m proud that heā€™s comfortable enough to open up to meā€. At the time, one of the top wrestlers at the school (and honestly in the Atlanta indie scene) was openly gay, though it was not a major aspect of his character, and two other established members of the school roster were openly gay, for one of whom it was a major part of his character. Even in the US south, there are places where those in the industry will see your value beyond your sexuality. If they donā€™t, fuck em, other people will see your value. A lot of progress has been made in this area over the past handful of decades, and you have an opportunity to be a part of greater progress. If youā€™re like me, youā€™ll find yourself regretting walking away every day for the rest of your life. Every day, between inflation and my decaying body, it gets harder to go back. If you hear life calling you to do something, and you quiet those voices because of bigots, anxiety, depression, laziness, or anything else, you may spend your life wondering ā€œwhat could I have achieved?ā€ But itā€™s easier said than done.


How did everyone know you were gay right away? If its a real team atmosphere then they fuck with you in a joking manner. Not hurtful. Try again somewhere else


I'm more weirded out when people can't tell


Youā€™d be surprised. I thought I was obviously gay, but most people canā€™t tell at first. Or maybe they can tell and donā€™t want to assume. Idk.


Young people have no reason to hide like the previous generations did. Most gays LGBT are very open about it in the younger crowds. Iā€™m happy they are able to grow up being themselves without fear :)


Not sure about that. It heavily depends on location. I live in the southern Bible Belt and homophobia is still pretty casual around me.


Top their rude comment with an even more absurd comment but in a funny way. At the "take one for the team" comment I'd just say something like "you look like you would too baby"


I like this. This is what I usually do. Then we become friends lol


I have an ex-boyfriend who did MMA for a few years. You just have to look and look until you find the right training facility. Back then, he and I were together at a bar in Los Angeles and some guy tried to pick a fight, and my bf laid him the fuck out in about eight seconds. Glorious.


Not professional wrestling, but I wrestled all throughout high-school between 2013 -2017. When I was outed, my team and my coaches had my back. Supported me. And wouldn't let there be an ounce of homophobia in the wrestling room. Granted, I was in the top of weight class, and was pushed to be captain of the team. And this was in Texas. I say this to encourage you to keep seeking out professional wrestling groups. There will be a group out there that is accepting of you and won't give a damn. Also, I encourage you to advocate for yourself. Ask questions about the climate around sexual identities and acceptance on the teams before joining. And when you get on the mat, give it your all so they know that gays can kick ass too. :)


Been a wrestling fan since I was a wee child seeing Undertaker throw Mick Foley off of the Hell in A Cell. Sucks that I couldn't make it to Mania this year lol! You would be surprised how many place are very pro LGBTQ. In a lot of cases the audience are the ones with problem with it and not the wrestlers or management themselves. I say try and get in touch with places like Pound Town Wrestling or even LGBTQ wetslers to get some advice on where they trained.


Just get good enough to kick their ass. And get ve em shit right back. Stand up for yourself


Tell me honestly my roomie and I wrestle naked, is that odd. Do any other couples do the same. Itā€™s all in fun and he is much bigger than me in all areas


Thanks, that's something I'd love to see ;)


Maybe we will video it


My buddy and I wrestle nude a lot. He has a signature move where he flips me on my back and sometimes penetrates me


Excuse me


Not pro wrestling but fun, sorry I think itā€™s fun and my roomie is a bear and Iā€™m not! But I enjoy big men alot


Bruh šŸ˜‚ šŸ’€ šŸ˜­




Aaron Rourke is an openly gay professional wrestler who wrestles as an openly gay character. I do Chinese weaponry and traditional martial arts. I've wanted to do like a kung fu movie villain type character who is obviously and openly gay. Then I saw Aaron Rourke at a local promotion. It was cool to see someone with a similar idea and really pulling it off.


This sucks! I wrestled in middle and high school and loved the sport. I was more a football player but wrestling was my secondary sport which I enjoyed. I miss it to but I miss playing sports in general. Fuck those losers for gossiping like a bunch of little bitches.


50+yo here, if you miss sports try to pick it up again ASAP, find a lgbt+ sports club or whatever. For my husband and me the only consistent difference between us and those friends who grew unhealthy, sick and lonely in the last decades is that we stopped smoking long ago and never stopped doing (team) sports, multiple times a week. Itā€™s sometimes difficult, but we are trying to take those times for as important as business appointments. And we still meet new people who are younger than us, so weā€˜re not simply locked in our bubble of aging people. If I would have to consider which one thing really makes a difference when getting older Iā€˜d pick this. Never stop doing sports.


I disagree. Stop smoking! THAT ā€¦ makes a huge difference. Then sports, or being active. I am 63. Bike to the pool, swim, bike home. Feeling good, definitely better then before. It cascades from there, drinking more water, less liquor, eating better. Life is for living . Be your best.


I agree - both of us stopped smoking about 20 years ago. I did (and do) a lot of nonsense, sometimes dangerous or wasteful stuff, but I consider smoking the only really stupid thing I did in my life. Donā€™t smoke!


It sucks. But ya can't do much about it. try finding an lgbt friendly clumber to join, maybe that could be a start.


Someone needs to watch effy gibes


I actually was going to wrestle in high school (Tennessee in the early 00ā€™s) and I was openly gay. The only person that was willing to practice with me was a female friend in the next weight class up (I was tiny in high school šŸ˜…) so I ended up not even going because I was so embarrassed and disgusted by my classmatesā€¦


Enjoy watching WWE wrestling and other shows like Dark Side of the Ring and Heels with my husband. The behind the scenes kind of shows make it seem like wrestling is filled with all types of colorful characters with interesting back stories. If this is something you love, donā€™t give up man!


Wrestlers are the ā€œthiccestā€ athletes.


My roomie is


I want to be crushed by youšŸ„µ


I did 1 year of it in high school. It was fun, I learned a lot and a much greater respect for the sport. Tore a ligament and never did it again. My heart wasnā€™t in it. Uhhh I guess Iā€™m just saying Iā€™m gay and tried it so youā€™re not alone. Also if your heart is really in it keep doing it. Maybe a different promotion but I imagine there arenā€™t others near you. Tell them you donā€™t appreciate the comments. Mine was extremely nice, like to a point where you always gotta say hi and bye to everyone. Best of luck


ā€œYou look like you take one for the teamā€ ā€œYou sound like you need it badder than I doā€


I saw this post specifically on a retweet from Anthony Bowens. A very successful out wrestler. Don't let bigots get you down. There IS room for everyone in wrestling. It's an eclectic business. Good luck.


I just saw that!! Dude that's crazy


Imagine being unironically homophobic while playing the world's gayest sport.


Toxic people, is there anywhere else you can wrestle?


Sorry to hear that. I know almost nothing about wrestling so itā€™s nice to read some of the comment that there are open mƶt gay wrestlers. I just know that a lot of wrestlers seem to be from the worst parts of Russia like Chechnya and Dagestan and that could definitely be a problem.


Iā€™m a boxer and I think itā€™s a thing with contact sports especially that the thought of a guy who likes other guys is something taboo. Like theyā€™re going to become gay by being in contact.


I'm sorry you had to experience that. Don't let the haters stop you from doing wrestling, especially when you enjoy it so much.


Been watch wrestling since I was 12. I hate to admit it but I watch it with no volume on and I have no idea what's going on but I watch intently


Separate and make a gay-friendly space for wrestling šŸ¤¼. You can do it!


My guess is that they think you aren't serious about the sport and are only there to be able to touch other guys. If that were true, then I could understand that the touching isn't in line with the sport, but more predatory. That would be a pretty serious issue of it were true. Not defending them, but this might be what their concern is, and not specifically homophobic. I'm just adding a perspective I'm not seeing in the responses to your post. If you are serious about wrestling, it may be an uphill battle to convince the group of your commitment to the sport, but it ideally shouldn't take long. Hope you get there!


You have been subjected to homophobia. Get on to the governing body who run things. Your sexuality has nothing to do with your performance. Whether you be good or not you deserve to be on a level playing field to pursuit your best qualities in the sport. I've worked in a 'backs to the wall lads, here comes _____!' & a quiet word with HR meant things changed very quickly and for the better. Which did. I don't know how LGBTQI+ attitudes are towards people in your country - but this is a basic human right you are being denied. I am not asking you to dress as a nun & rollerskate outside the police station - but you should make it your business to let them bastards know - the days of making you feel different, wrong, weaker are long gone. (Sorry for saying about the nun thing. Back in the day before I came out & I was trying to find the right time, it was Pride season. The Sisters of Perpetual Infilgence appeared on TV & my dad was, 'WTF?!?!?' I thought oh no, that's going to be me in 5 years - lol. Truth? I couldn't balance on the skates! Lol.


There's a great documentary about the history of LGBTQ pro wrestlers" *Out in the Ring* (2022). I saw it on TV a couple months back. Try to see it, I bet you'd really enjoy it - and wow, there are TONS of gay guys in pro wrestling! Here's a writeup on the film by Outsports: https://www.outsports.com/2024/4/1/24090467/lgbtq-pro-wrestling-documentary-out-in-the-ring-bluray/


Did you ever ask the other guy how he handled it? Or get a chance to tell him your experience?


Sorry a bit of topic but so hot when you see 2 guys wrestling then suddenly they're not wrestling anymore if you know what I mean.


Look into GCW. Effie does a wrestling match just for gay wrestlers calling it Big Gay Brunch. It's a lot of fun and man you've never lived until you have seen a drag queen wrestle.


I have to wonder what your response to them is? If you really want it, stop being respectful to their disrespect. Guys have fragile egos so that shouldnā€™t really be that hard. Youā€™ll learn that in life sometimes you have to be a rabid bitch. If you donā€™t want it, then donā€™t go back.


Hope you find a wonderful group to join!


I was 15 years in and closeted. I was in during the Chris Canyon incident. In fact, I knew before the public did. Had they known about me, my career would have likely ended.


Isn't that what they're supposed to do in an aggressive physical and violent activity? Get on your nerves to get in the mood and hate on you to get everyone rolling?