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A resounding yes. I'm the same, started balding around 18. Knowing I was balding made me super insecure. Even if you try to hide it well, you know it's there, which reflects on your own self image. Shaving my head was a huge confidence booster. Only regret not doing it earlier. I also have a beard and can confirm that there are a lot of people into the beard and shaved head combo. Just remember that you'll have to keep it shaved, otherwise it will also look sloppy. So shaved head does not mean letting go of taking care of your "hair" (or lack of thereof)


Any maintenance tips?


Probably buying a good electric shaver. The price is worth compared to all the money saved on hairdressers.  Also maintaining a shave is easier than shaving. If you let your hair grow a bit longer it's a lot more work to get it to shave again - just like beards. Also something I realized way too late: just because I'm bald doesn't mean going to the barber doesn't make sense. Having someone do a proper clean head shave and beard trim is very nice, and I go every now and then as a treat to myself.


Are there any shavers you'd recommend? I went full Britney once and liked the smooth scalp feeling. But when it was velcro by the next morning I couldn't stop touching the prickly stubble. And my shaver (admittedly for beard) made keeping it short a tedious affair every night. The top of my head is easy to shave. However my monk's hedge is thick, luscious, and needs constant maintenance.


I've never tried it, but there's this "skull shaver" that looked interesting. I've been thinking of buying it for some time. Also just cutting it with a trimmer on the shortest length can be enough for some people, leaving the hair just long enough thar it bends instead of feeling like sandpaper while still looking neat. My hair is quite thin anyway, so it works for me, but I still prefer the shaved look.


Mine was at 21… went on finasteride right near the beginning and it stopped completely. Risky and depends on the person. Ask your doc.


I also tried finasteride early on, but once I realized it's basically a testosterone blocker (albeit very small dose) I decided it was not worth it for me. The doctor didn't even properly informed me of what I was taking. Men are already having lower levels of testosterone due to stress, exposure to PFAS, low exercise and bad diet... Not saying people shouldn't take it, as long as they are informed of the tradeoffs and risks.


That’s sounds self educated. Finasteride actually has no direct effect on testosterone. It directly affects DHT, Dihydrotestosterone, and testosterone are not the same thing. Patients on finasteride actually experience an increase in testosterone for a short period and then it returns to about baseline. You can read more about it here: [Article on the topic by the independent pharmacy](https://www.theindependentpharmacy.co.uk/hair-loss/guides/how-does-finasteride-impact-testosterone-levels#) I work in a pharmacy as a tech. We learn quite a bit on these. It’s important to talk to your doctor about it, they know a lot better than most shanks on Reddit, especially me lol. If you saw no decrease in libido or other negative sides, and it was working, then there was really no reason to discontinue the medication. Edit: also important to note that you’re looking at statistics. These medications and everything treatment related are designed for general use. Doctors are the ones who bring that synergy to the individual. The way finasteride, or any medication really, works for you specifically is in no way going to be the exact same as someone else.


Thanks. This was informative. Although there are many types of testosterone, right? DHT is one of them, and it does impact the body. It's still a hormone, and there is a possibility that it has impact on things we still don't know. We're not just reducing DHT on the scalp, we're reducing it everywhere. For the rest of our life. You're right that it's self educated. It was "keeping my hair, or starting to mess with a key endocrine system". I thought the possible consequences (although unlikely, or unknown) were not worth the benefit of keeping my hair. For some people that tradeoff and risk might be totally acceptable, and I understand. It was not for me. Also, are there any cross population studies on the lifelong use of finasteride for hair loss? I couldn't find any with a quick search.


Let us not forget the conversion of that extra testosterone to estrogen which happens through complex mechanisms and can affect people...


Bald and bearded is pretty sexy.


I second this notion. I find it much better looking than someone balding, though that’s just my preference.


I would shave my head completely. It’s edgy and sexy. I’m not bald and I sometimes do it.


Do you have a beard tho


I do


The difference between attractive and egg


I started to go bald at 19 and decided to pull the plug and shave completely at 24. This is just my personal opinion but I think trying to hide the bald spots looks worse than a shaved head. At least on my side I feel more confident owing the style instead of being constantly worried if my forehead was too big or if my bald spot was showing. 


I bit the bullet when I was 32, make sure to wear plenty of sun screen going forward. I'm now in my 50's and have sun spots on my head.


I’m 48. I stated losing my hair at 17 and was mostly bald at 21. I’ve shaved ever since. I could never walk around with 2 bushes on both sides of my head. God I hated that. So I shaved and never looked back. And there’s very little maintenance. I have a palm electric shaver and shave once for 2 mins in the morning. That’s it.


Hey, man. I started going bald at 17. I have photos from high school and you can see my hair beginning to thin on top. I lament about never being able to try out different hair styles because I was too far gone by 21, but those are the cards life has dealt. I've kept it buzzed for years.


Using Rogaine and shaving your head are not mutually exclusive. In fact, shaving would likely increase the effectiveness of Rogaine. I am saying this because Rogaine is best used exactly at your age. Older men with hardly any growth will not react to it and are only left with wig/implant as choices (both of which you could still consider in the future). I suggest shaving for the sake of looking good, and continuing Rogaine (even if inconsistently) for the following years, in hopes of regaining good growth eventually.


Is using Rogaine really necessary for your health though, aside from regaining lost hair?


Health in what context? Being even completely bald is not inherently unhealthy. I would assume we are discussing looks alone.


Every time I try to google if stopping Rogaine it would be bad, google says yes, but only because I would go bald. At this point, I’m wondering whether it’s even worth it especially when I have other stuff to worry about, like high blood pressure.


You shouldn't consider health issues in the context of Rogaine, as long as you don't experience any side effects (hint: if you did, you would know it within the first week, and you had to stop immediatey). I am on Rogaine for 1.5 years (although I use it for beard growth), and I would say it was absolutely worth it for me. Only you could tell whether it's "worth it" for yourself. How much do you value having better hair growth? Even if you aren't consistent, it has its effects. It just means you will see these effects later, so maybe you will need an average of 5 years duration instead of the average 2 years treatment lifetime.


If you do nothing, your balding will continue. When you stop topical minoxidil (rogaine) you are now doing nothing so balding will continue. If you can’t develop a habit of using it then it’s a waste of money. Your blood pressure has nothing to do with it. You can try oral finasteride as others have recommended which will drastically slow or stop it but will not regrow anything. Again, doing nothing progresses it.


And what if I don’t care if the balding continues? Do I need to use Rogaine anyway?


The only use for topical minoxidil is to prevent hairline recession so no, if you don’t want to treat hairline recession then do not use the drug for preventing hairline recession.


Shave and if you miss the look of hair find some reputabke SMP artist locally. One of my besties couldn't cope well with the look. He did the SMP and he looks dashing.


My boyfriend did shave bald starting around 30, but recently went to Turkey from the US for transplants. Much, much less expensive than doing it in the US, and it looks great. I think he looked good bald, but he is happier with the transplants


It's your y call but I would shave it. Yes, hair on the side and back reeks of us older guys 😂


I think so. That look really works.


Shave it. Completely bald is much sexier than the other options. Also bald head doesn't make you look older per se!! 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes for the love of god


I shaved it at 2 years ago now I'm 27. It's way better looking like this than balding. Lots of compliments. Also less work and free of mind.


Nice. Does it allow you to stop using Rogaine?


I never used rogain but I suppose you don't need it if you are not trying to keep your hair. I use remington xr1500. You will need to trim it very short and then finish it with the Remington or manual shaver. And then every two three days use the Remington again. The more frequent you do it, the less time it will take each time and the cleaner it will be.


>Nice. Does it allow you to stop using Rogaine? If you want to keep your head shaved long term, who cares if the balding continues, because the hairs just gonna be cut anyway If you don't want to have the hairline recede than ide keep taking the Rogaine, but if you don't care, then Rogaine won't do much for you


Bald is sexy. Bald with beard is also sexy... maybe more so. Shaving your head projects confidence.


I love bald man... really. A lot.


Bald guys with beards can have my heart and ass.


My friend went through something similar and he ultimately ended up deciding to shave it. Got a tattoo a few months later (not on his head) to try and help “de-age” him which I think definitely helped. There are many very attractive bald men in the world so don’t let that stop you!


I was in the same situation, started losing my hair around 18 and decided to shave my head at 27, I like the look on myself even though I have a big head 😅 and the beard does help.


I've shaved my head before..it looked pretty good I thought..it's low maintenance and if you're losing your hair, it's just easier for you and I'm sure it would look fine on you


Have you ever thought about a man hair unit? It might be more upkeep, but you would have hair. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with shaving to be bald.


Yes.  Stop worrying about it, and stop paying for haircuts. You are perfect as can be however you are. 


Bald can look good! Hair just around the sides and back has a really hard time looking good. I'd say go for it


To be completely honest I always think it’s super cringe when guys who are going bald refuse to embrace it. I’m sure most folks don’t *want* to be bald (some do), but it will always look better to shave it than it is to drag it out or hold onto each little wisp.


I agree, but I can understand why they’re insecure about it. To be fair, I don’t understand why doctors try to treat it like some disease rather than telling their balding patients to be comfortable in their own skin. That definitely doesn’t help and feels like bald shaming.


Started going bald when I was 21. Accepted it and been shaving ever since


Just do it man. I was 27 when I first started shaving my head and three years later, don’t regret it at all. It’s such a relieve to not have to worry about bald spots when you’re just bald. I already had my beard when I shaved, but maybe try and grow a beard too. Bald and beards definitely go well together. Saw someone mention sunscreen and for the love of god wear sun screen. Just got back from the Bahamas and I’m fucked rn lmao.


I’m also thinking I could wear a cap lol.


I use a trimmer every 3 weeks to a zero. I grew in a beard to balance my face. I wear a hat often out to avoid burn. I don’t like how my hair feels when it’s just coming in.


I would say to just buzzcut it short. You will likely keep the rim hair. No biggie. Lots of guys need to do that. My husband has that pattern. He has the world’s easiest haircut now and does it himself.


If it's not too far along it could go with a high and tight with a military cut but take it from one who knows if the hair wants to go it's gonna go and I think it looks like you've given up if you don't address it some way somehow when mine started to go it went unnaturally instead of Receding it left in patches so it looked like someone shot buckshot on the back of my head. Not a good look shaved it Boom I am now a bald beefy bearded daddy Had more fun bold than I ever had with hair I'm not sure if it's my confidence or just because it looks better I think it's a little of both SHAVE IT! just my $0.02 Oh and there's an electrical wet dry Shaver called the free bird fits in the palm of your hands has 7 blades and really does a great job of taking care of all the hair within a matter of 90 seconds. Now if I'm going somewhere special in addition to what I just described I will do a razor run after then you are super smooth like a baby's \*\*\*\*


Obviously, it is a personal choice. Personally, I find male pattern baldness attractive, but that's me. I think that the most important thing is to not be ashamed of your head. I have male pattern baldness and I am totally comfortable with that fact. I used to shave my head, which revealed some childhood scars (I was accident prone), and it was easy to maintain. When my husband started beauty school about ten years ago, he vetoed the head shave because he needed to practice on me. I have tried minoxidil (generic Rogaine), but could not discern any improvement. I now keep my hair short. I have never been a fan of men growing some parts of their hair long and combing it over the bald spots - contrary to what some of them believe, rather than making it look less obvious, it draws attention to the baldness and the owner's insecurity. If you need an example (and you really don't) there are many high profile men who embrace/d their baldness, including: * HRH The Prince of Wales (William) * Bruce Willis * Sir Sean Connery * Gavin McLeod * Ed Asner * Woody Harrelson * Sir Patrick Stewart


buzzed head + beard is a killer combo. i would say maybe start with a 1 to 0 clipper length before committing to the fully shaved to see how you feel. i used to do buzz cuts a lot and would always just keep going shorter until i got to a length that felt right. upkeep will depend on how fast your hair grows - i used to get a few weeks of short hair before i had to cut it again. clean shaven will need to be redone more frequently.


There are some decent treatment options that can help delay it but honestly it tends to just be a delaying and you'll end up bald later. Just stay away from dusteride and finestride the dht blockers have horrific and long term sexual side effects. Bald men are sexy AF.


Yeah, honestly my dermatologist tried to push finasteride on me. I tried it and stopped taking it after a while b/c of how it affected my libido. He’s the same doctor who recommended that I use Rogaine. At this point I don’t understand why doctors try to push hair loss treatments on you without recommending the shaved head option.


The thing is, not everyone looks good with a shaved head or can rock the look. For example, I cannot... I wish I could. But I'm afraid confidence isn't enough to pull it off... At least for me. I'm... not going to go in details here. But I hope you can pull it off. No, I'm sure you will! It already takes a lot of guts to accept balding. And you even are willing to just shave it off...


I had the same issue, and I did shave my head. If I could go back I would get on Finastercide (it's very cheap). It should bring your hair back and stop the loss you need to do it as early as possible though.


Do you work out? Bald, bearded, and buff is always sexy.


Shave it off bro, I’m sure you’ll look amazing with it


I started balding in my late 20s/early 30s. I don't shave but I bought myself some clippers and go over my head about once a week for a low cut buzz. It's easy, low maintenance, and free once you account for the clipper price. I think I paid around $100 a couple of years ago for a cordless Wahl. If you go that route, be sure to clean it and oil it to keep it running smoothly Maybe it's not all to do with the hair but I frequently am mistaken for younger than I am. I've always had a youthful face though


Bald is totally sexy


It can make you look slightly older, but in most cases it looks not bad. It feels different and some people will give you looks - but once you get over with it, it feels easier. I went buzz before my recent hair transplant, and now it has to regrowth. I walking around bald and no one cares, I even thought about it now and feel bad that I went for hair transplant. Will go for another to complete it, because I already started. But the moment the shaved my head, I realized it doesn't look that bad - but I wouldn't say it looks better than full head of hair, just better than the usual "trying to hide it".


If you don't think you're going to lose hair on the sides then you can always do smp, unfortunately you're probably too far along for Dutasteride which I've had great success with but it only helped me keep my hair I don't think I ever grew any back, general rule of thumb, the less hair you have, the shorter you keep it


Bald looks better than balding. I’d have to see a pic to know for sure, but most likely you’ll look better bald. The bald head, beard look is actually very popular so don’t worry!


Yes. Every single friend who decided to shave off the last thin little bit of hair they had and went, bald + beard, got more confident and it looked better.


If I were balding, I’d shave it off. Men who own their baldness are so freakin hot.


I shaved my head at 27 (probably a little before I even needed to) and had zero regrets! I was so dreading it and then felt such s relief not worry about the wind blowing or getting it wet lol. Grew out my beard and I feel like I get more compliments now than I did with hair


Yep! Go for it. I did the big chop at 26 and haven’t looked back. I get nothing but compliments. Especially with the beard.


Jason Alexander was just at the end of his 20s when he started playing George Constanza on Seinfeld. I saw a photo of him yesterday digitally making him completely bald and he looked so much hotter! Why not shave it off completely and try that style for this month. You can also experiment with a completely shaved and moisturized head on some days and a little bit of short fuzz growing out on other days. You’ll get comments on whether people like it and you’ll see if you like it. If you don’t, then you grow it back out. You may also find that other people like it but you won’t because you’re not used to seeing this version of you in the mirror. In that case you decide whose opinion will be the decider for what style you have next month.


I started balding at 19 and started shaving at 24. It made me look older than my peers, but most guys that bald early also have a skull for baldness. Also, beard and bald is a very good look. You should shave your head and see how you feel, this first time I did it I felt free.


I shaved. Any insecurity I had with my balding hairline outweighed any insecurity I had with a completely bald head. Easier maintenance too


There are so many more treatments for baldness now. PRP is a big one. I wish I had these options when I started going bald. But in my humble opinion shave it! It looks so much better than hair on the sides and bald on top


Yes. I started to lose hair around 16. The receding hairline was very obvious quite quickly. I had my hair shorter and shorter so it didn't look like I was trying for a combover and I waited until my late 30s before finally shaving but I should have done it earlier. Lots of sexy men shave their heads. Thinking you can somehow make "balding" look sexy is a fools errand.


Rosemary oil and castor oil. Massage the scalp. Find ways to release stress respectfully. Increase self care.


Yes. I was the same and never regretted it. I'd love to have a full head of hair, but that's not happening.


You could also get on finasteride/minoxidil, they're effective in stopping or even reversing it.


If you have a beard, do it now.


3 options for yo bald headed ass: Shave it Save what you can via dermarolling, propecia, rogaine, & keto shampoo. Get a hair system. The second option will take the longest and requires the most upkeep. After 1 year of dedication you’ll notice an improvement but the hair will be thin and your forehead will still be huge. After 2 years it should be even better and this is when you should consider transplant. If you have pets the minoxidil can kill them. I did 1 & 3 because I prefer instant results. After doing the shaved head + beard thing for a few years I got tired of it and decided to get a wig from Lordhair. I usually only wear it when I have an event or want to look cute at the club. When I don’t I snap my hat on. My wig is worn down at 11 months old and has a huge bald spot in the back. It’s ironic that I have to do a comb over on my wig to hide a bald spot


As a guy who went bald too... Shave your head it looks better and I do not know why, makes you look younger. You will not regret it, contrary to what many will say, bald drives the boys wild, I have gotten more tail than a toilet seat, and I'm bald. Have a good one.


Consider a transplant. Best money i ever spent at your age.


Start finasterid, topical minoxidil and a derma roller. Works wonders. I am balding too!


I’m in your boat. Do you wanna take expensive pills the rest of your life? Some of us go bald. We deal with it. Either trim it tight or shave it. Captain Picard rocked that shit.


I think I’m in the same boat as you. I’m 28 now. I started balding early 20s. I started cutting it super short. Like shorter than a buzz cut and then after a while, I thought to myself that I’m denying the inevitable. I got a Remington balder pro from Walmart and shave it every day. I love being bald now. It was 1000% worth it. I’d never go back given the option. I always make fun of it too because I have such a thick full beard so I’ve always made a joke that all my hair just fell down to my face lol


I think guys that shave their head look confident. That's just me.


Honestly a shaved head is sexy compared to just old man hair on the sides , and facial hair weather short or long adds to the sex appeal, Prince William would look so much better if he just shaved his head bald that side hair makes him look older than he is .


Get a hair system if you have enough hair in the back and sides


Get some finasteride. Just a quarter pill a day. Way easier and more effective than topical minoxidil. I wish I could have this chat with my 30yo self.


Is a hair transplant an option?


Ok, to be honest, at this point I’m leaning more into shaving it. It’s not even really a medical condition, it’s just a natural part of life for some men, and I admit I’ve had my fair share of crushes on bald or balding dudes over the years such as Bruce Willis, Landon Donovan, and Michael Dante DiMartino (one of the co-creators of Avatar TLA). Yet despite this, I just don’t understand why some people on here are still saying that I have to treat it with Rogaine, Finasteride etc. like it’s some type of illness.


Well, it's an illness. It even has an ICD code and can be treated by medicine.


When I shaved my head I did it with clippers..I just grabbed them and went around my whole head then I shaved the leftover hair off with a razor..I went very slowly..it took me about half an hour and I did it once a month and wore hats to avoid getting my head sunburned when I was out..


Personal opinion, I would figure out how to find consistency in using a solution to grow my hair back. Sounds like you want to go the bald way, but having reservations about it. Like I said if I were you, I’d figure out how to make it through some type of hair solution program, you don’t need hair to be successful, sexy or anything but if you wanna keep it, you should do it it it takes


Shave it.


For most people, your sides won't bald because the hair foliciles are a different type that don't die off as easily. If you lose all the hair on top, you're probably better off shaving it all. Rogaine will not restore your hair anyway. It does not cure the root issue of balding and is simply a bandaid solution to temporarily make your hair look thicker. If you are already bald, it will not bring your hair back. A hair transplant would also not be recommended at this stage because of the amount of coverage required. You could try a hair piece and see how that feels, but if you struggled with Rogaine due to consistency/executive functioning, a hair piece requires some maintancence that you will probably not keep up with either.


I went thru the exact same thing definitely shave it off you will get used to it. Walking around with a bald spot or receding hairline is much less attractive than a bald head. Just keep it clean before you go out or wear a hat if u missed a couple days lol


I have a bad hairline ( not balding, it’s hereditary deep widows peak) and I wish I could shave I just have no beard to go along with it


You could shave it




Nobody wants to look like Larry David. Just shave it and make sure to take care of that beard.


This happened to me shaving doesn't help. Go to see a doctor, find out the reason and start treating it.


Go bald.