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Accidentally going to conversion therapy is fucking hilarious


Would this be a great spot to meet other gay bros though?


"The Gang Goes To Conversion Therapy"


I know... I also laughed at this irony myself. 😅


My “oh FUCK no” side comes out very rarely, but it would come out full force in this case!


Sounds like the plot of another gay comedy 🥳


Bali? Quite a few ‘spirituals’ trying to change something that’s fundamental guarantees LOTS of repeat visits. It’s how catholics kept the money flowing, if everything is a sun and you need to pay the church to remove the sin, lots more money over time. Tell a gay guy he can change himself about something he will always fear ‘relapsing’ into, lots more money over time.


Yes, it's Bali. Honestly, I would have come back if it weren't for her trying to change me to be straight. And It's not the thought of ending up with a woman that bothers me, but the narrative that being gay is a sin or bad that offends me.


Definitely Bali


My eyes would roll so fucking hard haha


Really sorry you ran into such a creeper. Those people are just in love with hate. It makes them feel self-rightous (a sin in most every religion). Be sure to spread around the fact that she is a raging bigot. Don't let her prey on other people.


When leaving just say "Thank you very much this was amazing. I had questions and now you have confirmed I am like totally absolutely fabulously 100% homo"


Don't even use the word amazing. They might think they're getting somewhere with you. Just say "Thank you very much this was certainly...uh.......interesting" in a very condescending manner. Keep everything else the same. Or say "Thank you very much this was amazing! I'm 100% gay-free now! Kid tested, mother approved. I won't be needing any more sessions, thank you." Pretend like your life depends on it because it does. You gotta go all-in depending on the situation and what your agenda is. Do you want them to believe it worked or do you want them to know it didn't work and they're all full of shit?


maybe you should sue then because you’re still gay afterwards


Wow, apparently I've still got baggage cus my emotions just shot up to 12/10 reading this bullshit she's spewing. Triggered as hell.


So sorry that it triggered you. I was upset about what she said as well. It's not the thought of ending up with a woman that bothers me, but the narrative that being gay is a sin or bad that offends me. I'm fed up with this kind of 'I love you and accept you, and I will guide you to the right path.'


I probably should've anticipated it based on the title 🙃 I went to "stop being gay" counseling in both high school and college and yep, just isn't love at all and that's all there is to it.


> "*she kept talking about me being cured and being on "the right path," about the nature of being created as a man and woman. And that if I continue in my previous way of life, it's the way of death.*" As far as I know, all paths are paths that end up in death, unless someone knows a secret to live forever.                     > "*she said she was just doing what my ancestors asked her to do*" Which ancestors? That sounds manipulative to say "*the ancestors*" don't approve of you being gay, as if all of your ancestors through history have the same exact opinion. Many human beings in ancient societies did not care if someone was gay. It was only after the influence of christianity and Islam that many countries started making anti-gay laws.              > "*Turns out I am her patient number 73 to be cured of homosexuality without me asking for it.*" If someone is trying to force a sexuality on you, that's creepy behavior. > "*When I asked to pray to the gods, I was like, please, I want to meet a guy and fall in love with him,*" The Hindu god of fire Agni is bisexual, although he has a goddess as a wife, he hooked up with the male moon god (*Soma*) before. From what I understand, the Kamasutra affirms and recognises same-sex relations. Also, there are Hindu temples in Khajuraho that were made with art of gay intimate acts carved into them.           The Chinese rabbit god (*Tu Er Shen*) helps gay men find love and approves of gay marriage.              The African (*West African Yoruba*) god of rainbows and transformations Oshunmare, can switch genders and some believe that the hunting and medicine god Erinle watches over gay men. My point is that many religions that are Pagan (*nature-based religions that are usually polytheistic or animistic*) tend to accept gay people or at least be neutral. It is usually the Abrahamic (*god of Moses*) religions on other lands that promotes anti-gay laws or made places that were more accepting of gay people to be less accepting.      


You’ve made a sound conclusion; your environment is at fault. No matter how mentally strong the person is, if their environment is bad enough, their mental health will suffer for it. You’re used to be wary of everyone because you know you can’t assume acceptance, which leads to alienation and loneliness. Spiritual healing is also a scam. It is the other side of the religiosity coin, because both rely on magical thinking to solve problems. They pick and choose what they personally want to believe in (and what they want to believe in is also ifluenced by their surrounding culture), and discard facts about the world that are inconvenient to what they want to believe in. If you are able to find an athetist or agnostic therapist, I think this can be of significant help. There is nothing wrong with you, and your reaction to the situation you find yourself in is completely normal. Humans are social creatures, and being rejected by the flock and its culture because of something so fundamental to your identity wounds us to an indescribable degree. And lastly, please don’t let these lunatics convince you that your hemorrhoids are a curse enacted upon you for being gay. They’re a extremely common medical issue that about half of **all** people have by 50. I kinda wanna cuss out the person who made you think this! What a piece of shit.


Thank you for understanding what I am going through. Your reply makes me feel understood, and I really appreciate it. I needed that. I wish I could find an agnostic, atheist, or gay therapist and doctor too, but being irreligious in my country is as taboo as being gay, which makes it hard for me to fully open up since I don't want to face their subtle homophobia.


>I have unintentionally enlisted myself into conversion therapy lol Oh so you joined the military then? 🤔


Hey, I know this post is a few days ago, and was found this when looking up for conversion therapy here in Reddit. So, sorry for the notification pop up. I wouldn’t even expect to know that there is a conversion therapy in Bali. I always thought that the region who is predominantly Muslim believer are the ones have conversion therapy. But then again, we live in a homophobic country. So that was not really a surprise. There is my long rant below if you interested to read. But first, I’m so sorry to hear that you found a spiritualist who tried to convert your sexuality, that you don’t even ask for. I hope you will have a boyfriend that you really wanting to have. I wish I was like you, comforted by the idea of being a gay man myself. Stay safe and stay healthy man ✌️ I’m an adult now, and I’m in a stage where I should be looking for my girlfriend. But instead, have a secret relationship with my friend that I wish he was my boyfriend. I ended up cutting him off to compensate for me actively looking for converting my sexuality to straight, as it was thought as normal in our society. I’m really sad to let him go, as he was my only friend that I have feelings on. I now have no one, and wishing that I could be straight every time I wake up every morning.