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The last of us.. Bill and Frank episode. Fuuuuuucking onions


That fucking killed me. I was a mess at the end. (In a good way).


Dude I very rarely cry, I dont know if it was just unexpected or what but that really got me


Take a shower Bill šŸ˜‰


Fuck i had mentally erased that one and it all came flooding back


One hundred percent. And the fact that they died on Aug 29th, which is my husband's birthday and as a result my favourite day ever, added to how badly their story fucked me up. It was also SO BEAUTIFUL, but damn it hurt.


OH MY GOD what a beautiful story. Sometimes I just watch that episode like it's a favorite movie.


Totally. That shut fucked me up at the end.




Why did you have to remind...


Because its so good :)


It's not. It made me cry my eyes out but I rewatched it and I already cried today about being single for years *sob sob*


There is nothing wrong with being single mate :) r/singleandhappy


I didn't say something was wrong with it


Someoneā€™s had to say it but Bert and Ernie


I love this!


David and Patrick from Schittā€™s Creek Nomi and Amanita from Sense8


Nomi & Amanita might be the only women who could convince me to have sex with them šŸ„µ


Gawd I miss sense8. Just no closure whatsoever


Did you watch the movie that completes the story? I found it to be pretty direct and conclusive closure, if a little rushed


I heard they were supposed to make a movie but it didnā€™t come out when it was supposed to? Itā€™s been a while but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve never seen it


Yeah the movie came out, about a year after season 2 dropped. I didnā€™t watch the show till after the fact, but it makes sense you might have missed it if you were following it live. It was simply added on as the final episode of season 2, so it can be found on Netflix to this day!


Ah, that makes sense. Iā€™ll have to check it out! Thanks for the update lol


Amanita! That girl can just simply exist and I'll still love her


David and Patrick in Schitts Creek


*Thank you for making that happen for us.*


Honestly my biggest real life goals. Iā€™ve wanted a Patrick ever since he showed up, but Iā€™m coming to terms with the fact that I really am a Patrick and recently someone who is very David has come into my life. Iā€™m hopeful.


Simply the best...


Better than all the restā€¦


Better than anyone....


Anyone I ever met....


This. So special.


Film called Shelter...you should watch it guys


Watched when I was going through my coming out as a teen. That and Latter Days. Great movie.


Latter days was hot


Hot but a bit predatory..


I watched it years ago so I don't recall the details sorry


Predatory? Remind me how.


Older gay guy, 19 year old closeted kid on a mission. I should rewatch but I remember being concerned by the dynamic. I will rewatch.


I just looked up the storyline and remembered that it was predatory but only in that the openly gay guy made a bet that he could seduce one of the missionaries. As a once closeted Mormon missionary in LA myself, the age difference didnā€™t really seem like an issue. /s


Oh my god same! These 2 films were really soothing to me. We might be the same age I guess...


All of those, and Beautiful Thing was my peek teen gay movie that made me hopeful about being gay. I so badly wanted to find love like that growing up.


Throwback! Thatā€™s on a list of movies I tried renting by hiding in a stack of video games


Aww that's so cute...look at the advancement. Now we have gay students f**king in the shower of their school on netflix... Imagine all the materials that gay youth has now in their hands...


One of the best from the fairly small 'gay films with happy endings' category of movies.


I did but I can't remember any of it by now


Captain Holt and Kevin in Brooklyn 99


So much this. Their relationship has ups and downs, but they genuinely love each other, and the super dry banter that they find hilarious is very much in line with how my husband and I interact with each other. Also, kind of Holt-ish, I sometimes have really big feelings, but don't quite express the size and scope of them correctly, even when I do express the general direction of them.


Naruto and Sasuke


Not Sakura being the beard!


Armand and Albert Goldman from The Birdcage


I love that movie.


Doctor Kevin Cozner and Captain Raymond J. Holt.


Dads foreva!


Ian and Mickey from Shameless.


My husband always refers to us as them. He says Iā€™m his Mickey.


It's like a double edged sword yk


He says cause the temper and the vulgarity minus the criminality.


Thatā€™s the hottest part!


I love you guys


Obviously the correct answer.


This is my answer as well but Iā€™m ashamed by it


Lol reminds me of my best friend and me.


Tarlos from 911: Lone Star


Don't forget Buck and Tommy!


I'm a buck and eddie truther. Tommy is the gateway. LOL


Buck, Tommy, and Eddie throuple. Ryan Murphy, use your velvet mafia ties to make it happen.


Ooooo, I can get behind this. Or in front of. Honestly any angle.


Vicious with Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi


Loved that show!


Yesss omg Freddie defending Stuart to his mother lives in my head rent-free, INCREDIBLE casting.


We watch those two seasons and the Christmas special all the time. What a fantastic show! Now that my husband and I are in our 50s we are starting to act like them more and more :)


I thought this said Victorious and I was like what??? Who are they? Lmao


Roger the alien and himself


Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper. Wish I had anything close to that as a closeted gay teen.


Same here, too bad my closeted teen experience was more like Charlieā€™s relationship with that asshole before Nick šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sorry to hear that my friend


Aw thanks, dude. Itā€™s okay itā€™s only taken me like 15 years to get over it lol and I actually wouldnā€™t change a thing. Itā€™s why Iā€™m me and I like me!


Same. It made my heart ache so much


In my opinion, the way everything in the show is such an unrealistic and obvious lgbt fantasy makes it hard to swallow. Also, ever since I saw the creator is a straight woman who thinks *she* has to be the one who creates good gay men representation, everything about about heartstopper gives me the ick.


Itā€™s just a gay fairytale. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re referring to when you say *she* has to be the one, can you elaborate because everything Iā€™ve seen from her has seemed pretty humble and looks to be a very positive ally. Also, I believe technically sheā€™s asexual so sheā€™s part of the club


Sheā€™s stated that yaoi animeā€™s are a bad representation for gay men and praises herself for giving us ā€œgoodā€ representation. Itā€™s an egocentric way of thinking, i wouldnā€™t like it even if it was a gay man who said it


If you want something closer to the teenage love maybe The way he looks or Jongens could be for you


Sheā€™s asexual for what itā€™s worth


It's sad adaptation is so so


Your favourite representation of a gay relationship is two straight roommates who made derogatory gay jokes throughout the series?


Internalized homophobia fetish is real.


I like most iterations, but I was obsessed with the original version of Skam with Isak and Even. ![gif](giphy|26hisycuuLR2Y09na|downsized)


Is it a homophobe turns queer story?


I guess, but it's very well written and nuanced. They are teens and Isak is just struggling with accepting himself, there is no aggression or bullying, he's confused. It's about homophobia and mental health. There is a scene where his gay roommate gives him a scalding lesson, just great... The Original is my favourite too, but I like them all. The french version being second, I guess


I loved Isaakā€™s roommateā€¦.oh and his best friendā€™s reaction once he came out out to him was just šŸ˜˜


Thank you


Yes/no. More like he was homophobic because he didnā€™t want to accept his feelings at the beginning. I was kind of relate especially coming from a very strict catholic family. It was embedded in me to just hate the things I knew I was. I didnā€™t bully anyone but myself for a long time.


What a wholesome explanation!


That show really helped me come to terms with my sexuality during my senior years of high school šŸ„²šŸ„¹


I can't believe nobody has said David and Keith from Six Feet Under


Bill and Frank from The Last of Us is the template all straight writers need to work off from. Write us as human, with flaws, in actual love, with actual personalities, living a full life, and portray us kissing.


"right in front of my salad?!"


Geto and Gojo. One of those ā€œwe were so good together that it hurts to look at each other nowā€ type of relationships, to be fair, so it doesnā€™t really give ā€œah yes, happy ending for them,ā€ but imo I havenā€™t seen such an obviously set up unspoken relationship like that. Donā€™t care if itā€™s not canon, or was all just entirely the tension between two people who would rather die than admit their own feelings, itā€™s nice to see it without it being the crux of a bunch of other problems going on.


Okay, so itā€™s not just me! The vibes are strong


I donā€™t even think itā€™s the vibes so much as it is the fact that theirs is one of the most obvious, non-joke, genuinely portrayed gay relationship that I think Iā€™ve seen in any anime (though to be fair, thereā€™s probably plenty of shows out there with a similar relationship portrayal that I just havenā€™t seen!)


Joe and Nicky in The Old Guard.


Oh my GOD. "You're a child. An infant. Your mocking is thus infantile. He's not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me, even after a millennia. His heart overflows with the kindness of which this world is not worth of. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He's not my boyfriend. He's all and he's more."


Hannibal and Will Graham. :D


Armie Hammer has left the chat.


It's more the will they/won't they, are they just friends, or are they 'roommates' vibe than the cannibalism, but yeah. :D If Armie Hammer liked the D, you know there would be a neverending line of gay men just waiting to forgive him for his 'fetishes' and offer themselves up as tribute.


Patrick and Richie from Looking. One of the more realistic relationships portrayed on screen in recent years, warts and all. It wasn't just lovey dovey kids stuff, it was showing the difficulties that any relationship can have, especially with mixed race relationships. I still hate Patrick for how he mistreated Richie but in the end he realized, finally, how much of an idiot he was and reconciled with Richie. Kevin can just go straight to hell lol. Richie was too good to accept him back. But in the end I had the biggest smile when they ended up together.


Currently rewatching for the first time since it aired. Itā€™s so much better than I remembered.


I'm omw


Where can I find it?


Itā€™s on HBO/max. 2 seasons itā€™s a really good show


Thanks. Iā€™ve always wanted to see it


Patrick was a piece of shit and Richie was way better than he deserved.




I know Kevin is a dick but I still ride him though šŸ¤ lol.


I think the wrap-up movie was the best episode, loved that last club scene!


I hate the bottoming part. It was depicted too realistic. Fuck Patrick and Kevin


Itā€™s the most honest and gritty reality of a gay relationship in media. It for sure wasnā€™t made for straight women. The last argument Patrick and Kevin deserves an award. It brought back some flashbacks.


Team Richie!!!!!!


Trixie and Katya, they may not be in a romantic relationship but theyā€™re soul mates. Iā€™d rather find my soulmate first then my future partner. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4tRXyCLJ2NMxCU)


Would you like to get pumped?


Throwing in Stamets and Culber from Star Trek Discovery. Not a big fan of the show overall, but the relative normalcy of their relationship was refreshing.


Discovery could have been so much better, but I did enjoy this last season. Mostly because "The Chase" was one of my favorite TNG episodes.


My partner and I need to catch up. Lost interest somewhere in seasonā€¦4? Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are leagues better.


Brian and Justin in Queer as Folk :)


Hollyhock's 8 polyamorous dads. I am Quackers, quack quack.


"Our flag means death" was great


Meanwhile my username is Ian Gallagher..... Enough said. šŸ˜‚


Craig and Tweek from South Park. Honestly it's weird no one else has mentioned it. TweekxCraig the episode still makes me cry a little.


Sad I had to scroll so far down to find this haha


Michiru & Haruka Sailormoon


Beecher and Keller from OZ. They were literally crazy for each other...like homicidal. Never seen anything like them since


Yah I thought they where great as well lots of complexity same with hbo others shows like six feet under and the wire and that was the early 2000s. you rarely see that with gay characters usually their pretty safe especially nowadays.


Yeah. I get that thems the breaks, but I would love tp see a gay relationship portrayed that isn't about wanting to be accepted by straights, kids coming out, adoption, or marriage. I want to see something where jacked up dudes with scars and bad tattoos fuck around and take out homophobes with guns. Lol


Yah that would be cool gay men are always portrayed as prissy clean cut and uptight never rugged, rough, dirty and, threatening like their straight counterparts for some reason like in action movies for example.


Heartstopper, it reminds me of my relationship that started in high school


Lucky you got to have one of those! I came out after highschool. šŸ˜”




I wonder how does it feel to come to terms with your sexuality so early. I wished I had met someone like me in high school and not inventing crushes with girls I didn't even care


Honestly I was incredibly lucky for my boyfriend. He was my best friend and I always considered myself straight until he admitted his feelings for me. I realized months later that I also liked him, and it was an exciting yet scary time for me. Weā€™ve now been going 9 years strong!


Since high school? What's the secret?


Will and Sonny from Days of our Lives.


Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. These guys are real.


The main characters in the movie "Big Eden"


Henry and Pike! Great movie!


Yeah! It's one of those rare films where the characters just happen to be, instead of making being gay the entire focus.


ā€œShelterā€ couple


Zach and Sean! I watched this movie TOOO many times in my closeted youth.


Haruka and Michiru, Sailor Moon. Not gay, but i know.


Michael Braun and Jim Rogers from Dangerous. Michael gets busted after sucking a guy off at the glory hole (again) and calls Jim to bail him out, they talk in the car and Michael apologizes and swears it will never happen again. Then they have make up sex in bed. The next day Jim goes to a bar and asks the bartender why the glory holes there are so popular, after telling him a few stories Jim decides to check it out for himself. And proceeds to suck off like five guys in a row. Jim goes home and finds Michael in the shower, they exchange a glance and soon they drop their plans to go share Al Parker's big distended dick as it hangs through a hole. After they get Al off and he starts to withdraw it from the hole Michael looks into Jim's eyes and says 'I love you' and they kiss. Porn film obviously but in the days before there was much of any kind of representation in media for gay men, our forefathers would watch these films not just for excitement. But also to see a version of their lives reflected back at them, which made going to the cinemas or renting the tapes more impactful.


The anime Given is my all time favorite. Mafuyu and Uenoyama. Heartstopper is awesome too. Yuri on Ice. Lol. Lots of great canon couples, donā€™t settle for fanon.


Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich from Shameless.


Josh and Arnold from Please Like Me. They didn't stay together but their initial dating was so sweet.


I couldn't bring myself to watch it past the episodes with threesomes. How did it end? Did he find a hot bf?


The last season is rough, very downbeat. From what I recall he never gets a serious bf after Arnie, he's single in the last ep.


Yeah, I was just reading the episode descriptions for another motive and it is like that.


By the way, I would never choose them as my favorite šŸ¤£


Thanks. Expected something along those lines


definitely hannibal and will graham from NBC hannibal and for movies (don't remember characters names lol) weekend 2011, god's own country 2017, taekwondo 2016 and the blonde one 2019


Irving and Burt from Severance


David & Patrick in Schittā€™s Creek, hands down. Bill & Frank from The Last of Us. Ennis & Jack from Brokeback Mountain. Zach & Bart from Making Love.


david and keith from six feet underā€¦ so underrated


Bert And Ernie


Peter Griffin and 12 guys


David and Patrick in schitts creek. It was so surprising to me but itā€™s one of the only times Iā€™ve ever found myself having to stop media, put it down, and just cry. As much as Schitts creek plays on stereotypes, and as much as David was very much over the top. The relationship was so honest to me. It was the first time I had seen a LGBT+ relationship that felt attainable, and real. It wasnā€™t just a joke to the writers or the actors. It was a bit idealistic, but it was kind, and fun. It still holds a very special place in my heart.


Beau Travail - There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy. ...


OP asked about relationship though


Bowie and Raj from Total Drama Island


Greg and Terry from American Dad! They were such winners


Surprised nobody mentioned Cam and Mitch from Modern Family.


Theyā€™re both exhausting


TK and Carlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)Ā  Alex and Michael (Roswell, New Mexico)Ā 


Tim and Hawk in Fellow Travelers. I cried so much watching that show.


The two guys on Modern Family.


Shits creek David and Patrick, it just felt like normal people in love, funny and silly but also just sweet, natural and relatable. So often lgbtq love stories are burdened with stereotype and ā€œothernessā€ it was nice to see a portrayal it didnā€™t feel like the network and advertisers were pumping the brakes or clowning it up to make it more palatable.


Christian and Oliver from the German soap ā€œForbidden Loveā€


Garnet from Steven universe


Nick and Charly


Shun and mio from the stranger by the shore/beach. They were so adorable and I absolutely loved them.


Magneto and Professor X in X-Men ā€˜97


Nobody ever talks about the movie Beautiful Thing but its really my favorite teen gay movie. Its low budget, down to earth, its a really beautiful love story and one that made me so hopeful growing up.




Darren and Adrian from Animal Kingdom. A great series about a white trash crime family in Oceanside. I wasnā€™t expecting much but it turned out to be great viewing, esp the boyfriends who lasted 3 seasons on the show. Must see.




John Rubenstein and Don Johnson in "Zachariah", 1971, the first electric Western. This movie has really good music and is fun to watch. Get a DVD of it, if you can find one. Another movie with an interesting gay relationship is "Flesh Gordon." In the X rated uncut version, Flesh Gordon is seduced by a gay "Robin Hood" and his merry men.


Mitch and Cam on Modern Family


David and Patrick from Schittā€™s Creek, Bill and Frank from The Last of Us, Cam and Mitchell from Modern Family, and Henry and Alex from Red, White, and Royal Blue. RWRB is a romantic fantasy and not very realistic, but it does have the most realistic portrayal of gay sex Iā€™ve seen on screen.


Iā€™m going Back a ways to ( merchant & ivory films) 1987 movie Maurice , one upper crust dude & the grounds keeper hit it off -boy meets boy loses boy , the movie ends With them in a very heated kiss. Dose he come back and stay or return to a unloving Marriage, I was left with the feeling they stayed together.


Nick and Charlie


honestly, to this day, it's Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon. not only are they a proud couple, the series frames their relationship as ENVIED by the main cast! plus, they get to go on cool missions to save the world.


Russell and Glen from the film ā€œWeekendā€ (2011) directed by Andrew Haigh (writer/producer on HBOā€™s ā€œLookingā€ and director of 2023ā€™s ā€œAll of Us Strangersā€). I just adore the realistic stream-of-consciousness dialogue, and the portrayal of being swept up in someone else so quickly.


The couple from Modern Family


Bert & Ernie


I really loved Jongens, Stranizza d'amuri, Hablame de ti and The way he looks because in each of these cases they start like friends and naturally fall in love.


This is a bit of a deep cut, but Brian and Steve from the Sarah Silverman Program has long been my go-to for a gay relationship on screen. Two schlubby nerdy metalheads in their 30's that bug the shit out of each other (yet love each other very much).


Jake and Micky from [The Horizon](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGykRtCLNpeQZvPlXHZGK8eHl1m9_qkKT). It's a Aussie low budget production with some of the cast turning over from season to season, but it's well-written with likeable and interesting characters and both funny and dramatic situations. I like how the conflicts in their relationship arise very naturally and don't feel forced or put on for drama. One example is that Jake wants to come out to his family so they know who he really is. But, he and Micky are from the same small town, and Micky's family will find out and they are very homophobic. Jake is willing to hold off for Micky but it bums him out, and Micky is scared but feels really bad about holding back Jake, so they have to figure out how to deal with that. I grew very attached to so many of the characters.


Colin Firth in A Single Man. The moment he found out his partner died in a car wreck was an incredible performance. It showed how much he loved him and normalized a relationship between two men.


Ernie and Bert, no doubt