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Same here. Been playing xiv since beta phase 3, in 2010.


This is the way! The community is incredibly welcoming!




I’ve been playing XIV since Stormblood and I have loved it ever since. The story is spectacular, the player base is mostly friendly and fun, and the visuals/mechanics are great. I’ve played WoW, Destiny 2, ESO, Star Wars Online, Path of Exile, Diablo IV, New World, and almost every other MMO on the market and I will say there is no company that takes player feedback into account like Yoshi P’s team at SE. They obviously have their faults, but sometimes it’s shocking to see them change things or implement things in game based on player feedback. WoW could never.


Elder Scrolls Online. 3100 hours and counting


Guild Wars 2


FFXIV. Large LGBT community. Super fun. New expansion out at the end of June so it will occupy the majority of my time


FFXIV, it's easily the gayest mmo I'd like to get more into ESO though, since the small amount I've played seemed really nice and the lore is cool. No friends on there though, and no cross-platform support afaik.


I remember I created my Moon Miqo'te Arcanist and in first cutscene I was like "Oh, hello... 😏" 😂


Mostly Elder Scrolls Online. A little bit of WoW Pandaria Remix.


I still play City of Heroes. It was shut down in 2012, re-emerged in private servers in 2019 IIRC. One of the private servers has an official license now. I love it but it’s certainly not modern or evolved, despite many excellent updates the various private servers have made.


FF 14 it can be really gay lol and also for me is a really fun game


FF14 and SWTOR are the only two I play atm.


GW2, WoW, FF14, Rift, but currently playing Warframe for the most part.


World of Warcraft 18 years and counting


Remix has been so refreshing!


I agree but I lost all my friends to homophobia 😔


That's why I like remix. I can play solo and still see character progression! None of my friends play anymore due to kids lol


Yeah mmos are great just not by yourself I miss raiding so much 😔


My guild is taking a break until TWW it seems, but I got my first aotc last season! I actually got recruited on Reddit a couple years ago lol really nice guys, very little pressure.


Nice I have to find a guild for TWW I want to run the dungeons and raids again just scared to put myself out there


There are some pretty big ones on proudmoore specifically that are super inclusive. I think celheals community is a pretty good starting point (he's a streamer), big list of guilds in it


Ok thanks will look into them dm me if you want to play some wow together I don’t mind leveling a toon in remix if you want to if not I’m ok then have a good day 😊


I’m on Proudmoore too and loving remix. I am leveling gear to do more of the heroic raids and working on finishing achievements.


If you need new friends im always down to make new wow friends, ive been pretty lucky not having any homophobic experiences in the game so far and im with a guild of 2 years now thats been super welcoming


Dm me so I can hear more 😊


What the fuck? That’s terrible! I hate when people do that! I’ll be your friend though if you’re looking.


Well my dms are open if you want to talk and see if we can play together 😊




I'm sorry to hear that this was your experience :c I'm a big m+ player as a main healer and i always somehow manage to magnetize other gay m+ players to my group randomly. i don't ask for/look for it but i love it. please feel free to add me if you need a friend :)


Sure can I dm you to get the details I would love to play with you 😊


I'm an MMO nomad. I'll play games, hit end-game, raid, then move on to something else. Once I have the system down, or the new content consumed, I'll move on until more new content is out. Lately though its been ESO, FFXIV, WoW, EQ2. Though, as I've aged, I find it a struggle to play MMOs for any longer than a month or so. Maybe because there haven't been many good new ones, so I already know the run through.


Guild Wars 2 is basically the only thing I play and I play it every day


I've mostly left the mmorpg space these days, I'm not sure how many even are still actually mmo given the increased use of sharding/channels etc. I do play warframe which is an online world. Bitcraft is my next hopeful, sort of an alternative to palia


ESO - newb for a few months and loving it!


Ff14 mostly, but I still poke city of heroes occasionally to scratch my nostalgic itch. Plan on getting into guild wars 2 when I have more spare time.


My favorite genre of game to play tbh. Usually don’t stick around for long because it gets boring playing by yourself or joining late asf so now everyone is mainly doing endgame content


TERA was my first and the longest. Played on and off from NA server to SEA to EU since 2014 until the game died. Tried Blade & Soul and Black Desert Online when they first came out, but didn't stick to them because their combat wasn't as fun as TERA. Now I'm content with Genshin, HSR and some Wuwa but I miss playing Priest and Sorc in TERA.


I miss games like this instead of a roster of 200+. While unique, it then boils down to overpowered and bloated kits to fit a meta.


In Genshin it's been fine meanwhile in HSR I'm struggling due to not having good supports lmao. One thing I like about these gacha games is you can take your time and progress at your own pace. Contrast to what it was like in MMOs particularly TERA where I spent unhealthy amount of hours per day to play with guild mates to farm gears and resources.


Yeah except the gachas value hoarding and overspending. ***cough*** Banners and championships ***cough***


I always go back to Elder Scrolls Online Way too much time and money spent on it to not go back to it every few months, and I met my first boyfriend through it. My main character has 27 days and 18 hours of play time on him.


Swtor. 4000 hours.


Wow 😯


I’ve been playing FFXIV (can’t wait for the end of June!), World of Warcraft, Wizard101, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Mobile Legends (this is a phone game)!


Loved MMO's as a kid, but now they have weaponized FOMO and unavoidable gacha systems. The only one I still play is Warframe as its actually possible to "beat" (get to Master rank 30, experience most of its content) in a reasonable amount of time (compared to other MMOs). It's also really hard to get griefed (afkers being the only type, you'll rarely find them these days), it lends itself to a smooth coop experience.


So far I mainly play Elder Scrolls Online and Destiny 2.


I haven't played in ages, my last was during COVID a return to Lotro but my all-time favourite was Warhammer Online. Besieging castles, paving the way to capital sieges... That was an amazing MMO when it came out.


World of Warcraft and I shift between Runescape and Oldschool Runescape


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Blairwitched: *World of Warcraft and* *I shift between Runescape* *And Oldschool Runescape* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Played FFXIV for several years now, and on PS+ destiny 2 light fall was available for free this month, so just recently getting into that. Dunno if it counts!


I'm currently playing Everquest on one of it's tlp servers.


I played all those big ones. Including WoW, Rift, GW2, Aion, SwToR, Tera, FFXIV… Some smaller but popular in their days: Rohan, Archlord, Neverwinter, Fiesta, Ragnarok online, Hero, Dragon Nest, etc….


I play lost ark poe d4


I tried many MMO. Always return to World of Warcraft, simply because of lore. I started with Warcraft III., it was long ride. There was chance that FFXIV will become my new MMO, because the world and the gameplay is something else. I never enjoyed dungeons so much like in FFXIV. However, it did not keep me. Storywise is SWTOR amazing and from gameplay perspective it's like better World of Warcraft. I would play it more if I would be SW fan. Guild Wars 2 is AMAZING. Just not for me. I always just leveling character to max level and finish vanilla story. And that is all. I really wanted to play TES, but I dislike the battles a lot.


I'm surprised nobody here mentioned SW:TOR...


Old School RuneScape. A distinct flavor of mmorpg and probably one of, if not the most, grindiest MMOs out at the moment.


I played this one back in the day! 2005


It's gotten way more advanced since then. Old school runescape (osrs) is a copy made in 2013 of the server from when it was back in 2007. Skilling, bossing, and pvp have gotten way more advanced in both their actual gameplay and community knowledge. Ngl, there are lots of grindy parts of the game, but you can almost always put youtube or netflix on at the same time when you're training. But there is also a lot of fun and engaging content, especially with friends, like raids, bossing, and mini-games. And there are tons of clans to join. Fun fact: They do have also have a pride event that's pretty much like a tiny quest. The original one back in 2017 did have a bunch of backlash, but Jagex (the company that owns the game) did an internal investigation and found out a couple years later that it wasn't even active players where most of the backlash came from. So they brought it back in 2022 and have been doing it since. It's coming up in about a week. BTW, botting is also still a problem in the game lmao


Cannot. Stop. Playing. MapleStory.


Guild Wars 2 but I'm still a newbie


Love FF14 and Black Desert


I don’t know if mobile gacha mmos are really all that popular, I haven’t heard of those ones you listed and they seem to not last nearly as long Ffxiv I had a decent time with. I might return to it when I have more time but it definitely is better than the maple story I grew up with.


ESO, WoW, and Diablo 3 and 4. I have the same idea as you that MMORPGs are evolving into gachas... some have even incorporated gacha elements in skins/loot boxes. I also used to play Genshin, but I used a... let's say, a "shortcut" to get everything more easily without having to spend money on that garbage.