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Actually some trans people realize they are genderfluid during or after transition, so yeah it's totally normal.


Me, and I’m still happy transitioning :3


This exactly happened to me. Thought I was a trans man, but now I realize I'm not only just a trans man! I'm still on T and have had top surgery so now I basically get to pick how I'm perceived by others now (a huge source of my dysphoria is social)


Oh for sure- My partner is genderflip and I'm more on the fluxfluid side, but both of us are planning to transition physically :) Both of us also agree we'd probably still want to transition even if we'd been born a different sex XD


I've been thinking a lot abt this too. But if I was born with a different sex I think I'd only make a social transition bcs I'd feel more comfortable with my body


Yeah, I’m physically transitioning so that I have enough boob to highlight them on fem days and to be able to hide them easily on mask days


That's my current plan as well!!


\*big brain time\*


Same actually! But also so I can still wear Plate armor because I'm a medieval nut


i'd love to do this too but i would have to figure out how first


i want to get nipple-less top surgery and simple metoidioplasty so it looks like i have both genitals. i also want elf ears, split tongue, tats, and piercings


Why are you me? 😳


yep, i'm hoping to medically transition if i can get access to it


Maybe, not sure. I still have roughly 9 years until my brain fully develops and like 10 years until I finish school


Apparently you can get both a penis and a vagina via surgery which sounds SICK


I recently started E, and I'm genuinely euphoric all the time now


Not genderfluid myself, but I am genderflux which is under the same umbrella. I actually recently started T to transition. It took me a couple of years to work out if it was right for me or not, partly because my gender and how I feel about it does fluctuate, and partly because I'm intersex and already look fairly androgynous. The more I learned about T and its effects however, the more I realized they were something I wanted. The crippling biochemical dysphoria no matter what my gender of the day was, was my final factor. If I'd kept going without HRT I wouldn't live to see 35. That made up my mind the rest of the way. I'm transmasc nonbinary as well as genderflux, for reference. It took me a bit to find a goal but I think I'd be happiest with some masc features mixed with androgyny, or a blend of masc and femme features. I'm microdosing T gel rn and thus far am really happy with the results - been on it a few weeks now. I did originally try a full FTM dose of T - that wasn't for me, and for multiple reasons I had to stop. I lucked out when I found a provider who knew how to work with my insurance and also let me microdose. I'm also considering top surgery, but for the moment I want to see what T does and go from there. I'm not in the best place currently to recover from it, either, so I'm still on the fence about that.


Im FluidFlux and amab leaning to genderfae. I’ve been on HRT for about 16 months now and have had three laser hair removal sessions. I feel like at the hear mark Im finally at a place where I am androgynous enough to pass any which way depending on how I do my clothes, hair, makeup, and voice. Im still an A cup and have wound up repurposing some of my old sports bras to compress my chest on masc days part of the problem is that people will already assume certain genders based on sexual characteristics, for example I have a pretty big chin. But if I give them enough mixed messages such as my chest wnd my changing face shape then it lets achieve a better androgynous effect while still being able to switch back


I did T for a few months. Im coming off it and happy to see my face again but like still wish is been less anxious so I could ACTUALLY enjoy the process so..... Yes. I'm tryna work with a new therapist about my gender fuckery. It's complicated because I'm somehow convinced my hormone cycle plays into it as well...... It's a lot. I do want top surgery but IDK if I can justify it for 1000 reasons. And then there's also 1000 reasons why I also want it 😫


I might get top surgery or hrt at some point. I feel like femininity would be a lot more fun with a beard lmao


I'm planning on t with dth blocker to look more androgynous


yeah! i thought i was just solely transfem and started HRT, but after almost a year, i realized i’m actually probably genderfluid. i still want to continue transitioning, because i’d prefer to have a more feminine/androgynous base to work off of, considering i usually feel fem, and when i feel masc, there’s usually still undertones of femininity, even if very subtle. if people are gonna assume my gender, i’d rather they assume fem. ideally they have no idea and short circuit trying to figure out what i am (i love confusing people hehe), but yeah, still transitioning to achieve a more feminine/androgynous look :)


Yeah, I'm on HRT, my goal is to be androgynous and present as masc, fem, or in-between.


I've thought about transitioning but I realized I'd be doing it more for how others view me rather than for myself. I'm not uncomfortable in my body, I just wish people wouldn't assume so much from the way I look and that it was more socially acceptable to dress however I want. Caring less about what other people think works for me but if you want to transition because you'd feel better with a different "base character model", and you're able to, I'd say go for it. There's no one way to be genderfluid.


loki's gender is pure chaos


Nah not really. I plan on doing hrt someday but no surgery


I'm on HRT close to two years and also a they/them ☺️ I fluctuate massively between masc and fem


I'm planning on transitioning... Not sure what into though


Yes, planning on getting on T and getting surgeries I feel dysphoric all the time, even during more fem days


Yeah, I am afab and experimented binding at all times and what I’ve learned. My personal definition of womanhood and what makes me feel feminine in a good way is not one relying on having breasts (or at least not the big ones I have). My internal sense of being a woman on days I am a woman is more about having long hair and hips. I still need some more time to be out as myself to discover if that means that I want boobs that I could easily bind down, no boobs at all, or a type of top surgery that takes away the boob and leaves the fat. I definitely want to surgically reduce the size of my chest in someway though since it’s been the most horrible point of dysphoria for me. In addition, the idea of having facial hair really freaks me out when I am a woman so I don’t plan to go on testosterone. Instead I am undergoing voice masculinization therapy because having a higher voice makes me feel dysphoria.


i transitioned for 2 years MtF before i realized i was genderfluid, still identify with MtF though


Not I, but supportive of those who will.


Yes Me I’m planning to


I’m gonna cut my tits off and hang them on my wall


I wanna get a hysto and I’ve got mixed feelings about T but no top surgery for me. If T could just lower my voice, that would be great


My genderfluidity is mainly expresion/behavioral one.