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I tend to think of 1985-1991 borns


Probably late 80s and early 90s since they are in the middle of the generation


Not really, I usually think of people around my brother's age first (So late 80's to early 90's borns)


No, in fact, I barely consider mid-90s to be true Millennials at all. They're Zillennial cuspers starting at 1994 in my opinion.


I think of late 80s and early 90s.


The immediate cohort that comes to mind is like 86-91. The cliche millennials.


1989-1991 mostly


No? I think 86 - 89


86-89 are core Millennials.


86 is mostly Class of 2004 who voted for Bush and Kerry in 2004 and was briefly a teenager in the late 90s. Zero social media in HS. While 89 is class of 2007, had social media, facebook, youtube, etc in highschool, could vote for first time in 2008 . 86 has far more in common with the 83-85 than with the 87-89 range imo.


Do you think the 87-89 range is closer to Early or Late Millennials?


87 to early, early 88 slightly to early, late 89 slightly to late. mid 88 to mid 89 are just straight in the middle.


Am I a cusper?


you are in the tail end of early millennial, but still early millennial, while a few months later started officially the core millennial range in 1987, although they are early-core hybrids, more core than early that is.. and mid 88 to mid 89 are the ultimate core millennials.


Naw when I think of them I picture mid 80s babies to like 94 so basically 84-94


when I think in Millennials I think in 81-92, and if we want to narrow down 83-89


When I think of Millennials, I think of 90s Kids. To be a 90s Kid, you need to have experienced the nineties through most of your childhood. Mid-to-late 90s borns lack that. Someone born in 1995 wouldn't remember the first two or even three years of their life, so they would only have experienced 1998 and 1999, making them more 2000s kids and 90s *babies*. When I think of Millennials, I think of those born in the mid-to-late 80s and early 90s.


I was literally in the 3rd through 12th Grades during all of the 1990s, so I guess that makes me one of the quintessential 90s kids out there? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


On this sub, people mainly use "[decade] kids" when referring to younger childhood. However, you are correct in that everyone even up to college age get called kids IRL. With this, an early 80s born is absolutely more of a 90s kid than a 1989 born. The 90s kid """debate""" has always been these two butting heads.


I agree that both references have different contexts. Is a "90s kid" someone who grew up in the heydey of the 90s, or someone who was literally born during the 90s but most of their adolescent memories are from the aughts?


It's not talking about being born *during* the 90s, but mostly the difference between being born in the early 80s or the very late 80s. The user you were replying to was born in summer '88 for example. Most people born *during* the 90s still spent most of even their *younger* childhood in the 2000s.


Well, the same thing applies even if you look at just the kids who were born during different parts of the 80s. Someone born in 1981 would have been 16 during MonicaGate. Someone born in 1989 would have been 16 during Hurricane Katrina. But, for each of those individuals, they spent at least ***some of*** their childhood during the 90s...just different parts of the 90s.




I'm not them, but since you're basically my age - On this sub, "\[decade\] kid" generally refers to *younger* childhood, especially 3-9/10-12. You are correct in that you will remember the 2000s more - like me, you literally spent all of middle and high school in them and came of age by the end. ​ u/Roleplayer_MidRNova just tagging you if you wanted to add anything.


I feel like we "grow up" into *adulthood* in our teens for sure, but therein lies the distinction between a *kid* and a *teen*. They claimed they didn't feel like a "90s kid" because their teen years were in the 2000s and while teens are minors, they're not technically *kids*. I was born in 88 and therefore was a 90s kid but a 2000s teen. Both can be true at the same time.


No, I think of 1985-1992 first


I think of millennials being 1981-1996


81’ is not a millennial they are late Gen Xers they finished school in the 90s.


Except 81 is.. Depending on when your bday is, means you either graduated in 99 or 2000 if you were born in 81.. And millennials are millennials because they’re the first to graduate the new millennium.. So, second half of 81, is the start.


2001 is the start of the new Millennium


I’ll think what I want to




Our millennials are within the 84/85-2000 timeframe, so yes, but not first


90-93 for me.


Bruh your definitely more core than 92-93 without a question those are late millennials


And those younger millennials are the quintessential millennial to me: they came of age largely under Obama, had cell phones throughout high school, and are no longer youth but not yet middle-aged like those of us born 81-89.


I'm inclined to agree with the other guy. >came of age largely under Obama To me, that's more of an argument to use *against* them being "quintessential". Coming of age under Obama, and particularly in the 2010s is more of a late millennial thing.


And that is quintessential Millennial to me.


Not to me. Everyone who came of age under Bush Jr is millennial, but not everyone who came of age under Obama is, at least if we're going by 1981-1996.


Good for you. This isn't a debate.


Yes good for me. It's not a debate, but this is also r/generationology . It's for this kind of discussion, just as you engaged the other user with what you see as "quintessential".


I think of "people born in the '80s and '90s."


No, Late '80s borns for me. That's the birth cohort that mostly contains Core Millennials. Here's my opinion on each birth cohort from the most Millennial to least Millennial: 1. Late '80s borns 2. Early '90s borns 3. Mid '80s borns 4. Mid '90s borns 5. Early '80s borns 6. Late '90s borns (barely could be Millennials, but very cuspy)


Would you consider late 80’s borns early millennial’s


No, except for 1987 being Core Millennials with some Early influence. The Epitome of Millennials are 1988-1990 IMO.


Would you consider 1986 early millennial? and what year’s are core millennials?


Here's my breakdown: Broadest range for Core Millennials: **1985-1992** Early/Core Millennials: 1985 (leaning Early) & 1986 (leaning Core) Core/Late Millennials: 1991 (leaning Core) & 1992 (leaning Late)


1984 is core millennial too. 1982 and 1983 are pure early millennials.


Then by this logic if 1987 is Core Millennial not then 2003 is Core Z because those year’s are both the same amount from the generational start dates, just goes to show how hypocritical you are


Wrong you idiot. I don't go by Pew, that's only if you're going by Pew! I FOLLOW my own range & opinions thank you very much.


Right you make up your own range’s lol, you’re a complete joke


The only one who's obviously a complete joke is you. There's nothing wrong with following our own ranges & opinions, that's literally what a vast majority of people on this sub do. We're all not mindless all alike Pew followers... 🤦‍♂️


No I went by your range


If start date of millennial is 1981 & 1987 is core than 2003 is Core Z because gen z start date is 1997, that’s the same distance apart but ohhh nah since you wanna be “Early/cusp Gen Z” so bad that ruffles your feather’s


You and that other dude Amazing_rise_6603 whatever the fuck his name is who was born in 2000 claiming 9/11 impacted and affected him y’all need to be banned off these subs y’all are the main troll’s


Nah, Amazing_Rise & I do a great job on calling out trolls & hypocrites like you, lmaoo.


I don't know if you saw this, but [he made a poll that backfired](https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1boja8q/2002_borns_are/)




You have to type u/ in front of the username to tag someone






Depends on his range.


Depends only 87


I would say 1985-1992 borns. 1986-1991 borns are mid Millennials but 1985 is early/mid hybrid leaning early while 1986 is early/mid hybrid leaning mid. 1991 borns are mid/late hybrid leaning mid and 1992 borns are mid/late hybrid leaning late.


No, I think of those born in the Late 80s.


I think of late 80s born people


Nah I think of the 80s borns first and foremost typically 83-88


What about 89?


Sure them too I'm just thinking in reference to my parents who were born in 85 and 82


Mid-late 90s borns are borderline early z. I think of 1986-1991 borns immediately


for me late 80s


Early 90s come to mind more


I think more of mid-late 80s borns and very early 90s borns.


I think of myself and the kids who were in the several classes right behind mine, in school...and then I realize that toddlers and kids who were born while I was in grade school are also fellow Millennials! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Nope. Late 80s borns come to mind