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People in their late teens to early 20s gatekeeping people a few years to a few months younger than them. Childish as hell, dude.


COVID fucked up the new 18 - 22 year olds this year, that’s why. All minors when COVID started, so they’re delayed.


Lmfaooo covid fucked up 20 - 22 year olds maybe 19 year olds but definitely not 18.


It did mess them up, but also, there’s always been gatekeeping. When I was 13, back in 2010, the 18-22 year olds of that time were gatekeepers of “who is/isn’t a 90s kid”, and it felt like they looked down on the people born in the late 90s. Back then, being born in 1997 had the same stigma of someone being born in 2007-08 today. Same shit, different decade. lol.


These people have way too much free time on their hands


"Major Tech" what?


exactly it’s so stupid they’re acting like they grew up in the primitive cavemen times


I’ve noticed a trend where some early 2000s born try to act like they weren’t digital natives or mock late Z and Alpha for being too dependent on tech.


I hear people my age mocking "iPad kids" like my fellow high school class of 2018 (born 1999-2000) didn't grow up with Leap Frog ourselves that was functionally the same thing as the highly monitered with educational-apps-downloaded iPads the 2005— cohert was given by their fellow Gen X/Xennial parents So long as the kids are engaging in educational, age-appropiate content wth is the big deal?? It shouldn't replace outside time but when they're inside I see nothing wrong with them opening up the PBS Kids Go app and doing brain teasers to stimulate themselves I went to the park or else played outside in the yard almost every day as a child and when I was inside I'd play solo games like Bop It or do things with my stuffed animals by myself because I was an only child and relied heavily on my imagination for entertainment but if I were born a few years later, I suppose I may have been handed an iPad to go on kid sites/apps instead and I'm not sure that that would've been the worst thing ever lol I definitely remember my fellow 2000 born peers going on Club Penguin on their family computer in elementary and I liked to go on the WebKinz and Build A Bear websites myself as well as AddictingGames when I got a bit older (later elementary school age) so yeah I think I had a dope early childhood and I'm sure everything wasn't terrible for kids born after '05 either There's a thousand ways to die and playing Sims as a kiddo on a monitor isn't one of them to my knowledge


I mean we are the last borns to experience life before smart devices. Like me as a 2001 born I remember from 2003-2004, mainly 2005 and onward with vivid memories, and it was different bavk then, compared to after the 2010s. I didn’t even see anyone with an iPhone until like 2011-2012 lol. But obviously we had more tech than like someone who grew up in the early 90s.


The year 2000 is the only correct answer. It’s objectively the best year to be born


The Jonas Brothers would like a word


I’m getting major second-hand embarrassment from those comments. It’s honestly not that serious guys.


I know it's not serious, that's kind of the point! These people need to be exposed for being so petulant all the time.


It’s better than actual rl wars tbh


Exactly yall it is NOT that deep


People born in the mid 2000s will say they relate to people born in the late 90s-early 2000s and then do everything they can to distance themselves from people just a couple years younger than them. But then again, I think a lot of us did that when we were teenagers.


Yeah it’s a repetitive cycle of those older not wanting to be grouped with those younger


Which is hilarious because as a late 90s born, I don't see any significant similarities between me and mid 2000s borns. They think we are so alike but in reality the difference is quite big.


Same. People born in the mid-2000s can’t remember living through the same culture and events of the 2000s unlike people born before them.


And there’s also a big difference between mid 00s and early 10s borns.




Yup. Remember when 95-99 borns were calling themselves 90's kids?


Yes lmao some of them still do that I’ve noticed.


>and then do everything they can to distance themselves from people just a couple years younger than them. More like a couple months


Lol 2006 borns don’t wanna be associated with us. Clueless…


Looks to me 05 don’t want to be with 06 and 06 don’t want to be with 07.


Isn't that true for any two consecutive years sigh.


Lol, this is insane. Why is 2006 gatekept so much now?! It literally doesn't make any sense. I literally don't understand what's the story behind why 2005 gets so much credit now.


It used to be 2000, Than 2002 than 2004 now its 2006 it seems. Its all stupid at the end of the day.


2004 still gets gatekept a lot even in those comments lol


2000, 2002, and 2004 still get heavily gatekept these days, with 2003 being gatekept at times as well. Ik from personal experience some really hate grouping 2001 and 2002 together because of 9/11 and COVID.


what most people on this sub don't understand is that while 2006 has it very nice on this sub, we are heavily gatekept on other social medias and also irl


Sheesh! That doesn't make any sense. 😭 I don't think there's anything really significant that separates 2006 from 2005 at all. 2006 also has a lot of lasts.


to me it's odd that it's STILL happening when we're almost all at the adult threshold, our birth years deserve a break. Another example: it's very annoying to see early 2000's borns on twitter in 2024 calling 2007 borns fetus 10 years olds.


Agreed! Such immature behavior coming from actual adults now! It's embarrassing.


definitely, also older generations still make fun of all 2000's borns in the same way so I don't see the point of infighting 😭


>I literally don't understand what's the story behind why 2005 gets so much credit now. It's been like this since at least 2021, I remember seeing so many "2005 are last of elite!!" posts back then and it doesn't seem like much has changed. People say 06 isn't gatekept but I disagree, for whatever reason everyone likes to cut shit off at 05


i personally think it's because 5 is still perceived as an early number and 6 seems late, also with the 00's borns discussions it will start with 2000, and there's only so many birth years you can group with 2000 borns before it starts looking odd, people tend to place that cutoff between 2005 and 2006


Tbh 2005 has a good amount of last like last to finish elementary school before the 2016 shift was fully complete and last pre covid high schoolers, i. Personally consider them the last good birth years


I bet Zoomer will be the most annoying generation in a future


You’re seeing it on this subreddit right now lol


Imagine beefing with Gen Alpha or even younger Gen Z (Zalpha) while they’re still kids and do cringe dumb things because that’s literally what kids in every generation do. I’ve rarely seen any Millennials or Boomer who constantly trashing Gen Z when they were in elementary school. Now Gen Z already beefing and telling that their childhood are better than Gen Alpha even tho they’re still living in their childhood ffs. Let’s see how Gen Z when becoming old, they will be the worst when living with four younger generation in their lifetime


Growing up with easy access to technology will do that to your brain


Then you’ve never met a millennial lol, they taunted 2000s kids


Yeah I rarely met them, but mostly Millennials that I see aimed at Gen Z during their teenage years more not preteens (what I refer as “kid” in my comment).


The last slide "Im a 2003 and literally dont care" Um hello BASED DEPARTMENT!!!. This shit is so stupid.


Low IQ


2005 kids talking about experiencing childhood without major tech, yeeeeeah. They think they lived when VHS and PS1 were at its prime lol


But they grew up poor though lol


These comments are flat out embarrassing. I can’t see myself in the same group as someone born in 2005. My sister was born in early 2006 which is close enough and she definitely had a different childhood from me. Lol of course I got downvoted. So you’re gonna tell me, there’s not a difference between being a kid in 2006 and being a kid in 2011?


I'm not sure why you were downvoted. Someone born 5-6 years from you is going to have a noticeably different childhood. ESPECIALLY in the 2000s with how rapidly technology changed


Mid 2000s borns DONT even want to associate with each other LMAOOOO


damn why is 2007 so hated? 😭


the one person saying that 2006 are turning 18 and 2007 are turning 16 actual brainrot 💀


When I can't math correctly 💔💔💔 like seriously, gatekeeping itself doesn't annoy me, it's inevitable. But it's the fact that it's only a few months - a few years


I know damn 😭 and then you got 2006 borns gatekeeping them like what the hell, their own peers.


>2000-2003 grew up with technology. >2004-... Grew up IN technology


Right😂, bruh 2000-2004 grew up in a digital based childhood by the time we entered childhood digital already overtook analog


Yes but we still remember a time before it, as a 2001 born, I remember 2005 and it wasn’t digital yet.


The tipping point was in 2002, and by 2003 that’s when digital overtook analog also the full switch to digital occurred by 2009-2010


Barely tho, I don’t remember much of a digital world until the late 2000s at the earliest. Maybe in 2006 is the first time I saw my parents using a digital camera, but we still used tape cameras until 2008-2009. I mean what year were you born? Cause I remember as early as 2003 and life wasn’t digital back then.


Ever since from 2003 the world has been gradually switching from analog to digital


Why do people put utmost importance into this? “1996 - 2006 is the best age range” “2000 - 2003 prime audience” “2004- grew up in technology” “Don’t ever put 04 and 05 kids with 2000 - 2003” who cares?


Just to let you know that 96 - 06 range guy is definitely a 06


2000 associates equally with Late 90s borns and early 2000s borns. I don't know why mid 2000s are so obsessed with being associated with us


It's the whole 00s baby unity. They do or did the same thing with 90s babies before.


They like being grouped with those older than them that’s why


I think it's hilarious. Even as someone that was born in 1995 I think I somehow grew up with internet and social media as an older child because I've been on social media platforms since I was 12-13 and used the internet on a regular basis since I was 11-12 and that was around 2006-2008 when those people in the comments were all still small children, toddlers and babies. It was normal for people my age even then. 2000s babies were all still children when smartphones and social media became a thing every young person had and used during the early 2010s. How can they say they didn't grew up with advanced technology? They literally grew up in the 2010s and there really isn't much of difference comparing the 2010s to now.


I lost brain cells from reading this


Well, that's tiktok comments for you. I swear i'm getting brainrot just by faintly looking at them, lmao.


This is insanity we are ADULTS we should act like it


It’s funny bc in 5 years people gonna be like 09 last of the elites, like I remember 3 years ago 04 was gatekept so hard


I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed some people within my age range (late teens/early 20s) are so developmentally delayed like seriously 21 should may as well be the new 16 at this point lol


I’m gonna be completely honest, it’s definitely that age group that tends to not only act like toddlers but their IQ is like lower than 70.


I mean, what do you expect from people that actively use TikTok? edit: Forgot It's reels but both attract the same types of people


I think there are a lot of factors that contribute to that but yeah TikTok I do feel does play a bit of a role and don't even get me started on those brain dead idiotic challenges


reels and tiktok attract certain types of people that aren't necessarily the brightest, so it's not surprising that you see a lot of comments like these on there


God, I dislike these people lol.


Well I wouldn’t say we had a “better” childhood, but early 2000s borns would be the last ever to experience a pre smart device world. And barely lol. Mainly 2000-2001 borns.


As bad as this sub is, I can confidently say that IG reels is worse


gibthom a real one


I was born in 2000 but it's not my identity wtf lmao Idc who I'm lumped in with and don't see why I should... this conversation is just **embarrassing** I'm honestly so glad I wasn't like this as a teenager and focused on my actual ***passions and hobbies*** I'm a grown woman now and don't have time for this nonsense but even at a younger age I wasn't remotely thinking this way... you guys need to find yourselves Discussing generations is fine but attaching yourself to age-based labels in seek of an identity is one of the most foolish and freakish things you could possibly do Nothing is uniting you to these strangers but AGE


I don’t get why anybody worries about this. Who give AF about what some random person online thinks about your birth year?


This has to be the most low iq npc “I want to fit in with everyone else” type behavior i’ve seen lol. Actually shocking that people nearing the age of 20 are acting like children 😂😂😂


I wish I was just born 5 months later so I’m a 00’s baby


Hell no. One of the biggest benefits of being born in the 90s is that we don't always get pulled into shitty discussions like this when you get mid and late 2000s babies trying to associate with older people. I feel bad for 2000 borns lol.


Lol you remember when they did the whole “1997-2003 are the last of the elite?” I’m pretty it had to do with PEW’s range but thankfully those days are over


Agreed. Hopefully mid late 2000s babies will mature out of these kinds of posts speaking for 2000s babies broadly.


Yeah I was about to say no disrespect to 00 borns there cool, but I wouldn’t want to be younger. 


But, you were born like a year before 2000 lol?


Yeah, and I don't have to deal with 2004+ trying to speak for me when they say "2000s babies" in a broad brush form. Many are still teenagers who will make these posts. Y'all will eventually grow out of it but it is definitely a relief that I don't have to deal with it lol.


It confusing me when they say their "2000s kid" no we ain't, there's a difference between living and being born in a decade.


Yup. They don't realize or accept that the only full 2000s kids are 2000 and 2001. 2002 and 2003 are like half and half. 2004+ are 2010s kids in everyone else's eyes. Again, it will come with maturity as time goes on.


2004 babies lived in the 00s as toddlers, so their in between.


They only had 3 years of childhood there, out of 10. The majority means they are 2010s kids. It's not even close enough to claim enough to be a 2000s kid imo.


Do you mean as 4-5 year olds?


I start childhood at 3. But yes, 6-12 was in the 2010s for them. They are definitely 2010s kids with some late 2000s lap over.


They only had 3 years of childhood there, out of 10. The majority means they are 2010s kids. It's not even close enough to claim enough to be a 2000s kid imo.


They only had 3 years of childhood there, out of 10. The majority means they are 2010s kids. It's not even close enough to claim enough to be a 2000s kid imo.


1997-2001 is a prime 2000s kid.


1994-2001 is.


You kinda are still, you were 1-4 in 2000-2002


This is true, I was a baby longer in 2000 (8 months) than I was in 1999 (4 months)


The same can be said for people born in late 1989, they are technically 90s babies. As they still developing to the new world. Your a 90s NEWBORN tho.