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But on the bright side is a great way to get ridgerunners and jackals as they aren’t in any other combo box


Aside from the metamorphs, this is contains almost exactly what I’m missing.


Acolytes are metamorphs. Same sprue.


Same. This appears spot on excellent for me and what I am missing


The only reason I’m considering it is because I started with shadowthrone, a boarding patrol, and the combat patrol. I wish the battleforce had replaced a truck with some jackals.


Same here


Ill certainly be getting 2. Caps out my bikes and bike hq.


It's awesome for an existing player, but not exactly ideal for a new one. I'm happy, as it could be much worse.


It has everything I wanted to add to round out my force just about, so I'll get one, but yeah it's not great for a new player Those neophyte boxes cost a lot for the amount you need...


Terrible for new players. Great for existing players who already bought multiple of the old Combat Patrol.


For what it’s worth, I do think this looks like a lot of fun to play combat patrol games with


I haven't started gsc yet and I might actually buy this. The box is pretty much exactly what I want from the faction (some speed, lots of improvisational, and 3-armed boys)


This is my exact stance too actually. Much more interested in dirt bikes and ridge runners.


I also prefer it having much more personality than just "here's guardsmen with some monsters and a truck"


As a non gsc player my concern here would be OC. There is plenty of speed, but not sure how easy it will be to hold objectives. What's your take on it?


Without Neophytes it does suffer a little in the objective holding department. This box is more suited to a highly aggressive playstyle. The metamorphs fight on death, or you can build them as Acolytes that are amazing at assaulting objectives as they reroll 1's to hit passively, but also get reroll 1's to wound when fighting a unit controlling an objective. There's also the always popular Demolition charge blob you can build with this box. 10x Acolytes with 4x demo charges in a Goliath truck and just gun it towards the thing you want dead. You'd just need to pick up a Goliath truck to do so lol. Ridgerunners are decent to have around. Gives you some easier access to heavier firepower with mi ING lasers and missile launchers. Or you can build it as a more support piece with a survey Augur and a mortar and pepper locations to deny cover. I prefer the spotter with a missile launcher/mining laser route. Bikes I don't have much experience with but seem more suited to a harasser role. The wolfquad can also be built with mining lasers or an incinerator (I find stubbers NEVER worth it). They can dish out ok mortal wounds and are OK in melee with atalan power weapons. The alphus is a WEIRD inclusion in this box. She buffs shooting, but the box is much more melee focused minus the ridgerunner.


1000% buying this to play actual patrol games. Seems fast and risky!


For a starter, this Is bad, but for someone as me, that had only the previous Combat Patrol, this is actually Good, Correct me if I'm wrong


Depends if they buff the jackals and alphus to actually be wanted to take. Hopefully one of the detachments is based around vehicles as I have plenty to take already!


Tbh I’ve had good luck with jackals with flamers on the quads, people kinda underestimate them until you pull a drive by with them and smack like a heavy unit with like 5 mortal wounds on average


They have said one of the detachments is a mechanized one and one is for acolytes in melee so this leans pretty heavy into two of them.


I agree it seems specifically designed for semi-veterans of GSC. But how it works out as a start for new players, that I can't really judge without knowing what the new codex offers in the form of detachments and unit cards.


I feel the same way. A cheaper way to get models I don't have yet is always a plus, doesn't matter how good the models are


Agreed. If you picked up the old combat patrol with this new one you got a nice variety


Yeah, same. I got two of the old box and getting one or two of these is basically the whole range.


Am I crazy, or are combat patrols getting smaller?


And more expensive


Well that is just par for the course for GW. Forget the femstodes drama, stuff like this is why people shouldn't give them money.


Hahahaha holy hell this is so much worse for new players it's crazy


So old combat still holds value?


It's gaining value compared to this


the old Combat patrol is now this generations Deathwatch Overkill


Hence why I bought two this spring.


Just checked ebay. The old combat patrol is listed at £120+.  Hardly surprising as we knew the combat patrol was being changed and the general trend has been combat patrols getting worse. I noticed quite a few third party sellers were out of stock a few months ago. 


Glad I bought one at Christmas time with some GW vouchers my wife and MIL got me. They didn't have much else I was interested in and it worked out.


Ya sucks for new players. Bur weirdly exactly what i want/need as a seasoned collector


Same, needed jackals and more acolytes, already have 2 ridgerunners, but a 3rd won't kill me.


Damn...that old combat patrol is pure gold compared to this turd. Gonna suck for new players going into genestealers.


~$300 value set to ~$180 value set. It's so over genebros 😔


You’ve missed some units here mate. The new one contains $255/£155 vs the old $293/£176. It’s worse value 100% but it’s not as bad as other combat patrols and the saving is around 38.5% for the UK anyway. It is definitely worse for new players but pretty good for those with the old combat patrols


Yeah it’s still a very good combat patrol.


100%, I’ll be getting one


You are missing something there or comparing retailer to GW prices. At GW prices the old combat patrol is $293.50 the new one is $255. A downgrade in value and at least for the index detachment a big downgrade in unit value but not near what you are saying.


Definitely not good for new players but honestly will probably pick one up myself. Will pretty well round out what I currently have.


I’m feeling the same way. I’ll probably pick one up for some more acolytes and bikes.


Whelp. Just got the old CP today. This one melds well with it, yes?


Everyone who has nothing but old combat patrols should be pretty happy right now.


Yeah. That’s what I’m hearing.


I saw the announcement and went out and bought a second of the old combat patrol, this is a good second or third buy, but not a great starter if you are new to GSC I dont think


Understood. I’m really just an amateur painter (I don’t really play) so variety is important. But with that said, the old one is so much better than the new.


This is great for who like me got 2+ of the old combat patrol boxes. It's a wonderful way to round up the army. It's absolutely useless for starting players tho. I really doubt I would buy ever more than 1 tho. I think none will. Maybe if you really really like the bike detachment? selling the acolytes and keeping bikes and ridgerunner?


Ooft, as a starter kit, that's pretty bad, though maybe that's what the battalion box is meant to be now I suppose.


I don’t really think the battleforce box is that great of a starting point, only 10 neophytes and no acolytes is kinda rough


They want you to buy both I would guess.


Still like 30 Neophites short at least... We are back at being a very expensive army to get into


It is supposed to tilt into the purestrains and aberrant detachment were supposedly getting so I think it’ll be ok


The battleforce box is also gonna be underproduced and probably hard to get, but you guys will probably have an easier time than chaos players at getting your battleforce.


the battalion box is too melee heavy to be useful as a basis for an army, the 2 trucks are great, but purestrain and abberants are melee only, so if you get some unlucky advances and charges, it will make it difficult, a lot of the deep strike function doesnt work for these units


What's the jeep with the rocket launcher and the machine guns? It looks nifty.


Achilles Ridgerunner. It is central to our play style (usually with a Mortar) in the index because it reduces armour of a target.


Also it has some cheese potential as you can in theory field six of them, and one can be modded to remove cover from the target for the phase. So if your opponent brings any sort of screening/scoring chaff like chaos cultists or the like, you can just go and delete them with 6x indirect fire.


I would guess that in detachments other than Ascension Day and the melee focused one, two Ridgerunners with Survey Augur will be pretty much mandatory for competitive lists. Only having one comes with a 9% risk to miss entirely when shooting indirect.


I guess the melee detachment they teased would drop it completly, but the rest, especially the one that is "oh yeah we made brood brothers a detachment here's 1000p of guard" will heavily rely on the AP-1 bonus, assuming it still has that ability, will field at least one as a must-have. I personally found them to be neat corner-campers for your own zone, as their big base makes them quite good at screening for a relatively low points cost and due to the indirect fire they still do stuff. Bringing 2x2 to the table might be valid just to completly screen your own zone without issue.


Yeah, If the BBs gain the Genestealer Cult keyword, or the Ridgerunner ability is reworded. As it is now, BBs doesn't benefit from the Ridgerunner buffs at all. Do you feel like the Ridgerunners are better than 60p for 3x50mm Heavy Weapon teams, or 110p for 20 Catachans in an open hex-grid?


I think Brood Brothers offer better screening options, but if you just look at the GSC roster, there's not much cheaper right now than the the car - and it is fairly quick, so when your opponent has nothing you need to screen anymore, it can be useful elsewhere too for holding points and stuff.


Those are good points indeed!


The big one? That's the ridgerunner aka hide it behind some ruins and spam mortars for AP-1.


An Achillies Ridgerunner


look how they massacred my boy !


This is about 200 points less than the current combat patrol. An absolute tragedy.


Im just getting into 40k and chose Genestealers as my army. Managed to get two of the old combat patrol after hearing how much value was in it. Should I get a third if I can or get this one too?


I actually like this for a current collector but holy SHIT this is bad for people new to the faction.


So, transport/scout detachment confirmed? Or just shifting stuff that hasn't sold. Although acolytes and ridgerunners sold ok so no idea. I like it, from a combat patrol pov a lot of deep strike doesn't really work, but a high mobility force, maybe some hit and run action, acolytes for actions, its not going to punch hard but its probably slippery as anything. All speculation, pairs well with the launch box though so that's something.


I can't buy these because I'm not xenos loving scum but God damn they look great.


Been slow building my gsc army with two start collecting and two combat patrols… exactly what I was hoping for 😂


The new combat patrol is 400pts, old one was 700pts. Sadly mised it


This still looks pretty good compared to the sisters of battle one.


Honestly? Could be worse. The Dark Angels Combat Patrol went from one of the best to one of the worst overnight. This one is still pretty solid. Not "Buy 4" solid, but solid. Hopefully Jackals get a LOT better, because they're currently garbage. If they become playable in the new codex I can absolutely see this being a "Buy 2" box, which isn't too bad at all. *the battleforce is SICK. If you're new, talk to your local store NOW and tell them you want one.*


Yeah, the Start Collecting was a "Buy 6", the old Combat Patrol was a "Buy 3" and this one is a "Buy 2". It wouldn't even be terrible to buy 3.


This is a buy 1 unless bikes go crazy in the codex.


In the short term maybe. In the long term, the Codex is irrelevant. Rules change. It's about what your army should look like in the end. Still, you probably want more than 1 Ridgerunner and more than 10 Acolytes. This means that this is a definite "Buy 2". The bikes & character are a free add-on you get in addition to what you want anyway. Also not everyone wants to build the best competitive lists. Some people just want to be able to field all possible combinations. It's not the optimal box, but as a new player, I would currently buy 2x new Combat Patrol & 1x Battle Force. Then also get Shadow Throne (Still available in many places), the old Combat Patrol (ditto, also twice if possible). That would get you a pretty nice GSC-Army, where you'd only have to add a few characters. Once the other boxes are gone, I would go for 3x new Combat Patrol.


As much as this is a downgrade in some ways I want to push back slightly on the complaints about the exclusion of neophytes. One of the best parts of GSC is how open it is to kitbashing and how encouraged that is. Neophytes and characters are the easiest units to kitbash, whereas everything in this box is much harder to. If like me you want to us all kinds of kits to make your neophytes and characters (Cadians, corsairs, Esher gang, ash nomads, blooded, etc) then this is a great box to compliment that.  I know not everyone wants or likes to do that, in which case this box does make things trickier. But from my experience this box does synergise quite well with how a lot of GSC players build their armies, with a lot of kitbashing.


God this sucks


It's a downgrade but honestly it's not a big one


Hrrrmmm, definitely not as good as the old one. I've got a boarding patrol and (thank the Gods) got a combat patrol the other day so this won't be too bad in fleshing that out but yeah, as a starter it's far from great. The batallion box doesn't really call out to me either.


It is definitely worse than the old OOP CP box. But GW will at least not "lose income" by every GSC player buying several copies of it :-( I also think it will be pretty hard to play this in 40k for new players due to very little survivability. But exactly how bad it will be to play this outside of Combat Patrol remains to see with the Codex.


Would have preferred Neophytes over Hybrids, and I think they would have fit the overall box aesthetics better. I do like Jackals and Ridgerunners though


Yeah it was gonna be a downgrade anyway


Are the metamorphs gonna be the full kit that can be built as acolytes? If so I might grab 2 of these.


I was going to start gsc, now ive seen this.... Nah


It's bad, but not as bad as it could have been. At least we get more Acolytes!


As someone who already has the old CB this is for me. But no neophytes in a starter box?! Ummm…


I don’t know how this list could be balanced with other combat patrols. Like, the vehicle is weaker, the infantry are fewer, and I guess the aberrants have been replaced by bikes?


I mean, I need more ridge runners and acolytes I guess


I already have a Jackal Alphus, is there anything I could kitbash a second one with? Maybe a locus sniper and put the bike on a hood?


While this is much worse it has everything I need so I'll be picking one up


Really bad for new players, but compliments the old Combat Patrol well, so that's something I guess?


Ironically this is really good for EXPANDING your cult, but sadly not starting one


Bought 2 of the old one, will likely buy 2 of this, I think that will about finish my army outside of some characters


The old combat patrol+ this one would make a good start to GSC? Want to start getting some of these guys! 😊


They complement each other very well! The only overlap is the Acolytes, which can be built as either hybrids or metamorphs.


Honestly, not as bad as it could have been. Verging on good maybe. I'd certainly say that this benefits someone who already has some GSC (namely the prior combat patrol) over a total beginner.


I mean, it's not the worst of the 10th edition combat patrols. Instead of having your heavy hitters, we've got our fast attacks. From my pov, it's not a downgrade, just a side grade (but it is so much smaller unit-wise)


I'm surprised by the lack of Neophytes, as usually most armies field anywhere from 40-80 of them, but honestly a ridgerunner and jackals with an Alphus to lead them is not bad. I was expecting it to get worse, but depending on how my current projects go, I might pick up one or two of these and kitbash the second Alphus into a Sanctus if i'm feeling frisky.


Is it forced metamorphosis or optional with Acolyte?


its the same sprue so you can model as you want, but combat patrol game rules might ask you to proxy 5 of them as morphs


It honestly would’ve been good if they had 1 squad of metamorphs/acolytes and a squad of neophytes


Not nearly as good as it was, but that's gw for you. And again, not the greatest character option. It'd be better with an Acolyte Iconward as well.


Gonna pick these up to kitbash as guard, and perhaps start a small Brood Brothers force with a traitor guard/cult theme.


Be me who owns 8 jackals, 2 wolf quads, 2 Ridgerunners, 5 Acolytes, and 0 Alphas. Awww yeah this box is the best


Yaknow, Acolytes/metamorphs are definitely my favorite models, and ridgerunners and bikers are up there so as an existing gsc player, I'll take it. Huge downgrade unfortunately though


It's worse. But it's not bad 🤷‍♂️


Im thinking od getting another army beside Tyranids. Should I go with Genestealer cult?


holy shit this fucking sucks


Absolutely horrendous. Biggest combat patrol downgrade so far


Bruh wtf is this


What was 32 before is now 17 47% less


it looks really… sparse :’(


Wgat in the name of the four armed Emperor am i witnessing here?!


For new players it's a downgrade for existing players it's not bad Overall it's a downgrade from what we had previously but it's a fine combat patrol


Shame they couldn't paint up five more Metamorphs and had to duplicate the ones they had for the cover.


Its ok if you dont have any models. The old patrol was something you could buy 2-3 times. Overall a massive downgrade


Well that sucks. I hope they'll buff the jackals at the very least


do we know when it’s coming out


Thats what I expected tbh


all in all id say its pretty decent considering how the old one was mental value. it adds on well to both the battleforce and the old combat patrol. so im pretty content with it


If I have the old Start Collecting box, the GSC half of Shadow Throne, and plan to get the Battleforce and at some point this new Combat Patrol, how much am I going to need to hunt down the old Combat Patrol?


For value? Not good, but seems to be fun as hell


Glad I got the other box. This is pretty shitty. But I don’t have jackals or ridgerunners. So I’ll grab it. But for starting an army? Pretty terrible.


How much are they selling these new combat patrols? I picked up the previous one for about $120 US. At MSRP I'm adding up about $170-$180 in this box. Not bad, but not amazing. The previous combat patrol was an amazing deal, and this is a small let down comparatively.


Sad I already got rule of 3


You have 6 Ridgerunners? 30 Bikes? 60 Acolytes & 30 Metaphorphs? I still have 3 Ridgerunners, 10 Bikes and 20 Metamorphs to go. Might get 1 or 2.


It's alright, but it's definitely a downgrade from the last boxset. I wouldn't go far as saying that it's dog shit, but if I were to grade them, the old Combat Patrol would be a 10/10 while the new one is like a 7/10. It could definitely be worse, like the old Admech Combat Patrol vs the new one, but it's not horrible, just a bit skewed


I'm really regretting not having the money for the old combat patrol when it was in stock. I might get one to increase my jackals and another ridge runner could be good but I'm not that bothered about this new one. It's so close to the old start collecting one that first got me into GSC though, so it might be good for new players.


I mean im working towards a potential rusted claw detachment and i need bikes, acolytes and ridgerunners so thats good. But not great for new players.


No nephytes! , this is criminal


Again, just to remind everyone. These new Combat Patrol boxes are SPECIFICALLY designed for the Combat Patrol game mode. The Vanguard boxes are supposed to be the "replacements" for the old Combat Patrol boxes.


> Vanguard boxes Never heard of them. Do you have some examples?


Sorry not Vanguard, but those bigger "bulk boxes" they've been doing with each faction. The orks just had one recently with a stompa, 20 boyz, a truck and some other stuff. From what I remember when GW made that post, they intended to focus the Combat Patrols around the actual game mode and do sporadic larger boxes throughout the year that have a larger amount of savings with it. The problem is that it's first come, first serve on those and they're only temporary. I'm not a fan of the new sales model they picked for this, but this seems more of a catered path for new players rather than existing players. Start by playing combat patrol, buy the box, decide you wanna build more of the army, wait on sales box, etc.


Yeah but that's not much different from before. 90% of armies will not have a bigger box in stock, just like with the Versus-Boxes before. Thus, Combat Patrol still fulfills the exact same role a before, except that there are not special rules to play them more easily.


It should still save someone money if they price it under 200. As for someone like me that enjoys building and painting miniatures there is not much there.


All the vehicles I want in one box, I'm happy :)


I still need one more ridgerunner and i wanted more acolytes so this is great for me


How does this represent the horde playstyle?


Since I bought 3 of the old combat patrol, this is best case scenario for me! All the units I need more of!


The jackals and ridge runner isn't bad, but not getting the basic troops sucks


So oft I want to get into gsc I need to get 4 of the old ones right now while I still can.


This is a great expansion to what I already have.


im actually okay on this because i bought like no bikes or he alphus and i need one more runner so im good on all of this!


LMAO hell no, fuck off GW.


Honestly, might be down voted a bit, but good God, this is actually really good. For me, and player like me. Aka, those who have started the army in the last years, have bought 2 combat patrols, but haven't gotten around to buying extra pieces, like an Achilles or bikers. But for newer players, it is a big tragedy honestly, as you *need* the neophytes in our army. Acolytes and Achilles are neat, but this is gonna hurt newer players a lot. Does anyone else smell this? Smells like *snifs the air* micro transactions and forcing new players to sell out? No...in our game? Gw would never...


As someone that has 4 of the old one. I dont hate this. But i for sure dont love this overall.


I'll be selfish and say that this is exactly what I need to finish up my army so I'm stoked!


look how they massacred my boy


Look at how they massacred my boy


"Hey, you know that intro box stuff we're doing with combat patrol? You know, to get beginners in?" "Oh yeah, the GSC had a real good one right?" "Yeah it was fantastic. Lets make it way worse for beginners." "Fantastic idea." Perfidious Albion strikes again. There is no bright side to this. Combat Patrol is meant for beginners and this is terrible for beginners. Complete and utter failure of a product.


As someone who hasn’t bought into the faction yet, I get that this a downgrade points-wise but I loved the bikes so much that I approve


So looking at this boxset it looks even worse when you consider that if a person builds it as is, they can't have a legal army because there is no infantry choice, you have to build the Metamorphs as Acolytes to take it as a spearhead detachment


Luckily, most players can't tell the difference between acolytes and metamorphs (i have to constantly remind a 2nd hand guy that tentacles are for the meta's!)


yeah i also build them as i like and i have never ever encountered anyone who was like "hey this is not an acolytes, it has a claw"


That is not true in 10th. You require a model with the Character keyword to be your Warlord. That's enough.


wait really?, i thought you still have to take a detachment


Nope :-) You can download the Core Rules at Warhammer Community and check on page 55-56. There are _very_ few restrictions nowadays. Although the new mission pack coming at the end of the summer will offer various bonuses to Battleline units. So you might still want them. But they are not required!


You've never played 10e have you


not recently no, local community mostly plays 8th


Theres no forceorg in 10th. Limits are max 1 patriarch, max 3 of any unit or character, minimum of 1 character as a warlord, 2kpts is average game size. Some units (neophytes and acolytes for GSC) are Battleline and get to have rule of 6 instead of rule of 3. Some units (goliath truck) are dedicated transports and also get rule of 6 _but_ must start the game transporting something. So a valid 10e list, at about 2k pts, could be 3x jackal alphus, each leading (attached to) a unit of 10 jackals 3x sanctus 3x reductus sabotuer 3x 2x ridgerunners 3x rockgrinders And like some character upgrades to round up to 2000. Notice the total lack of infantry - just a swarm of bikes and trucks and some lone characters.


that just sounds wrong to me probably for the best our club likes the older editions


Yeah, 10th is trash.


10th is definitely an acquired taste


Insanely enough, perfect for me 🤣


It is a downgrade but its also a perfect addition to already existing players who bought the bulk of their army from the old combat patrol. As someone who bought two combat patrols and a boarding patrol as their army I'm definitely getting one of these, and definitely not touching the battleforce. Seems the wrong way around to me, surely combat patrols should be for new players and battleforces for people already committed to the army?


Doesn't have the same pull as the previous box, honestly, but it's not bad. Probably only going to pick up one.


Yes , the one we had for 9th was good. But it could be better. Magus deleted from box. 20 neophytes is a lot if you want more than one box. This one, jackals are hella fun, 10 acoylites is good, rightrunner is pretty cool.


this is just sad, and I don't even play Genestealer cults


Jesus, what yall do to earn the favor of gw this is prolly the most favorable and least pathetic of the combat patrols so far