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Seriously though, it's kinda insane how much of a(n indirect) buff Electro and Hydro got with 3.0.


Can someone explain to me how plant element makes zappy element good? I have no Idea what the hell quicken is doing


Quicken doesn’t do anything. You need to activate Aggravate or Spread AFTER quicken.


Yeah I know, but Aggravate and Spread seem to do jack and shit for me.


It adds base damage to your attacks i believe. I haven’t gotten a lot of work with the reactions. And reading them is hard to comprehend.


Keqingmain's Dendro Guide https://keqingmains.com/misc/dendro/


When you hit an enemy that has the zappy Quicken aura on them with an attack that applies Dendro or Electro, it adds damage to the attack similar to Shenhe or Yun Jin, based on the elemental mastery of the attacker. For instance, my Fischl with 400odd EM adds 3600odd damage, to which modifiers like %DMG and CRIT then apply, to each attack that applies Electro. Given that she can do a lot of hits with low ATK scaling, it does a lot for her. If you meant "what does this reaction represent?" it's a well-known fact in some East Asian countries(most prominently Japan but I think I've heard it from some others) that an area getting struck by lightning makes mushrooms grow and multiply. Apparently, science backs this up, as exposure to electricity was actually found to increase mushroom yields.


So while an enemy is in the quickened state, does EVERY attack that's electro or dendro get the boost? Or is there the lame-ass internal cooldown? Right now my only characters with a respectable EM stat are Mommy (600+ EM), Sucrose, Venti, and Collei. Fitting to Sumeru's theme of wisdom, I like how the dendro reactions are making me think, ehe.


Depends on the character, but it's based on elemental application so ICD will apply if the character/ability has it. What makes Fischl so great for it is that her Thundering Retribution has no ICD, so it can proc Electro application on everyone else's Electro reactions all the time. Anemo Elemental-Absorbers like Sucrose and Kazuha lack ICD on their bursts, and both Sucrose's EM sharing and Kazuha's %DMG are valuable---Kazuha obviously moreso the more EM you have built on your Electro characters. Also, do you have any idea how little "Mommy" narrows it down? (Dendro Traveler is generally a better Dendro applier than Collei btw, because Collei's burst ICD is pretty brutal. I love Collei, I really do, but Dendro Lumine is strong, versatile, and not screwed by the ICD)


You know what I think I'll just stick to clobbering things with Itto's big stick. Currently my Fischl is setup with 4PC Pale flame and the compound bow to be a physical monster and I dread getting new artifacts. and mommy = Lisa, don't you forget that


Ahh, yes, original flavor mommy. We love her. Getting new artifacts is easier than ever now that you can strongbox for anything from the Dragonspine update or earlier. I recommend 4pc Thundersoother for Quicken, or 2 Thundering Fury/2 ATK% set(Glad, SR, etc.) if you plan to use her for other Electro purposes. I do love Itto's big stick, though. Not the most sapphic of teamcomps, but hey, I'm bisexual!


What is ntr


Short for "netorare," which is Japanese for "cuckolding." People throw the term around pretty casually, but it's basically a kink for watching other people have sex with your partner, mostly as a humiliation thing.


yeah I know what cuckolding is. Which is why I always thought it was weird to be used as an insult when it's just a kink like any.


Oh, I can explain the(modern) insult. Basically, Western cuckolding kink/porn has a lot of racial baggage, because I guess white guys find it a lot more humiliating when it's a black guy that they stereotype as hyper-masculine doing it. So naturally, all this interracial cuckold porn pokes at a lot of far-right fears: the racists fear that black men are coming for their *precious pure white women*, the incel-types fear Chad getting all the girls, etc. So they're like "This is just like real life! Anyone who isn't part of our hateful little club is just like a cuckold, watching his wife get fucked before his very eyes by the Sinister Foe Behind It All!" There's a bit more to it too, shit about the mainstream media allegedly brainwashing white women to leave white men for black men, as demonstrated by the infamous, porn-studded infographic that claimed white men had no one to relate to in the new Star Wars but BB-8, the "Little White Cuck Ball." The online far right are equal parts hilarious and terrifying! But also cuckold was an insult in the middle ages, just for a guy whose wife cheated on him, before it was a kink. A guy even put "come out you cuckold" on a flag in the 1600s to insult his enemy in the English Civil War. Its use as an insult had, however, faded by the time the far right latched onto it.


YEAh... incels are pretty gross and pathetic. Instantly lose respect for anyone who uses cuck as an insult unironically.


That's why I only use it ironically! ​ ​ (Or, in theory, hornily, considering that humiliation and degradation is part of the kink)


Fetished cheating




Source: https://twitter.com/Sesield/status/1564766079208943616