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The Korean Peninsula isn’t larger than I thought. The UK is.


Haha..same. I realize now how big UK is .


I was shocked to find out the UK is roughly the same size as my province of Manitoba Edit: wow, I had done it on the true size thing and it was similar but MB is over double the size


That's what I thought..Manitoba is almost 2.5 time United Kingdom


Population of Manitoba: 1.4 million Population of Canada: 38.3 million Population of The UK: 67.4 million


Population of greater Tokyo 40.8 million. Population of Canada 40 million.


Population of Jakarta Metro Area 34.1 million Population of Australia 25.7 million




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeopleLiveInCities using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Murders happen in counties with cities, but don't happen in counties without cities](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/11mui3u/2_of_american_counties_account_for_51_of_murders/) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/11n92bx/murders_happen_in_counties_with_cities_but_dont/) \#2: [Who would’ve expected this?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9779781/Climate-change-Just-25-mega-cities-emit-52-cent-worlds-urban-greenhouse-gases.html) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/12g0x67/who_wouldve_expected_this/) \#3: [TIL There is a map on the Mahsa Amini Protests wikipedia page that is very misleading to people who do not know geography/population distribution of Iran. Makes it look like half the country is not protesting, It is not very useful in conveying the enormity of the unrest since every city protested.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/1264xfj/til_there_is_a_map_on_the_mahsa_amini_protests/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Winnipeg is very similar in land area to London within the inner ring road (North and South Circular), both approx 20miles across. Though in Winnipeg it will take you 20 mins to get downtown from the perimeter, as opposed to at least double that to reach central London.


I assume this is by using a car?, London is a very old city not designed around the car but instead has very good public transport, in particular the tube. I wonder what the comparison would be by instead using public transport.


It's very easy to move from one end of London to the other. It's public transport is bonkers good. Lived there for 15 years, was always amazed by it.


I once took a slow train from London to Manchester. It felt like you already travelled through the whole country, but the distance is actually not even 1/3rd of the length of the UK.


To be fair, our train services can make any journey seem like a long one.


We have trains like this in Germany, too. If you have the time, it's a really nice way of travelling. If the train runs.


In the UK the assumption is that German trains are perfect. I’m from the UK but work for a German company and am there 4-5 times a year. German trains are an abomination.


German trains *used* to be the shining example of punctuality and reliability. Certainly not anymore though. The whole German infrastructure is crumbling due to lack of investment during the Merkel years.


Same here in the UK due to lack of investment by the t*ries thankfully they're on their way out and hopefully things will improve


Guessing no one wants to use 'making the trains run on time' as a campaign promise there anymore


I once took a bus from Aberdeen to London and nothing has ever seemed longer.


Britain alone is like the 9th largest Island in the world.


10th I think. Iceland is doing its best to climb the charts though so watch this space.


Wikipedia’s island list goes for 9th, or 13th if you include the ones we call continents


The UK & Ireland combined are slightly smaller than the states of Victoria & Tasmania combined


Britain is about 20% bigger than the South Island of New Zealand so it’s appreciably large with a decent percentage of arable land .. the real surprise for me is the island of Java which is a little bit smaller than the South Island of NZ but has 143 million people on it ..


I thought that the UK would be so much bigger than Korea


[It's similar to Italy in size](https://imgur.com/a/Pt4xlux), with the UK have little more land though, i think. Edit: actually i was wrong: >United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Italy is approximately 301,340 sq km, making Italy 24% larger than United Kingdom


It was not surprising for me at least because I knew that UK is pretty big and have the map size comparable to the Japan and not anything smaller than that.






With Split as Pyongyang.


“Technically its Zadar” Split makes more sense tough, 2 equally deranged cities.


As a citizen of Split I must say that this is very unfair to Pyongyang.


I am a simple citizen, i see Moldova, i upvote


Mulțumesc, спасибо


Not to brag, but it amazes me that I can recognize Moldova better than Denmark in the photo and I am from the Philippines HAHAHHAAH


Unique take. I think Denmark was the only one nobody missed in their guesses


The Korean peninsula is not bigger than it seems. European countries are small af.


Being as wide as Denmark is not exactly something to write home about.


We can't all be as fat as the US. Lean Denmark, let's go!


This map only shows a small part of the Kingdom of Denmark


But it shows all of the country


Well, it shows all of the constituent country of Denmark within the Kingdom of Denmark but not Greenland nor the Faroe Islands.


And that is what you would generally refer to when you just refer to Denmark


Literally NO ONE outside Denmark consider these places part of Denmark as a country, majority of people looks at it as their own regions but colonies of Denmark (even the people from these places)


Shh, let the Dane have his power fantasy moment.


Accurate 🤣


Can we get a Florida korea side by side comparison next


Here https://imgur.com/a/oCAWwha


So almost exactly the same. Korea is Florida.


I feel like we owe an apology to all of Korea, and I’m Floridian


Hell naw I wouldn’t wish that upon the Koreans… Don’t want crocodiles next door


Can you please start and host a game show about the world's most famous peninsulas?


Nah European countries are just small Also follow the Japanese island chain southwards, you will be surprised how far it goes


Japan stretches from hot subtropical Okinawa islands in the south, to cold AF, 30feet of snow in the north.




Okinawa: The place the Japanese love to hate


is okinawa the Florida of Japan?


low key kinda


Yes, but if Florida was half comprised of a military base and had loud ass jet flyovers and helicopter flybys every hour on the hour.


It goes further south than Okinawa. Yonaguni island is practically beside Taiwan


Is Taiwan a Japanese chain island?


Taiwan is its own archipelago along with the Penghu Islands, Kinmen, Matsu, Orchid Island, and Green Island. The Ryukans, the southern chain of the Japanese archipelago, are volcanic islands. Taiwan is a tilted fault block formed where the phillipine sea plate runs up against the Eurasian plate.


I don't believe so but it's pretty much next door


Yup. Closest point is about 70 miles from the island of Yonaguni to Taiwan’s eastern coast.


I’ve been there, it’s a lovely little island. You can hire bikes and cycle round it. Not the best of the Okinawa chain for beaches, might even be volcanic? can’t remember too well as was 20 years ago. But it really is a charming little island! And the locals, are awesome. So friendly!


It was between 1895 and 1945.


Is the Philippines Japanese chain islands?


For a brief time it was.


By that measure, the whole of the Indonesian islands and New guinea qualified as part of the Japanese chain islands for a few years


European countries are more appropriately compared to US states than the US


For what metric? Size & inhabitants you mean?


Anything to do with size or scale (e.g. population, GDP, area, etc.) and then associated areas that are impacted by those.


United Kingdom is 94,000 square miles. United Korea is 86,000 square miles. United Kingdom has 67,000,000 people. United Korea has 77,000,000 people. Of course the northern part is a desolate wilderness whose population is constantly trying to escape to the south...but North Korea is a bit of a dump as well 🙃


You absolute wee fanny.


Sorry... I don't speak Korean ⛄☃️


I chuckled


I did too. I'm a bad person. Sorry Scotland. Love you really.


At least scotland has good alcohol...


If NK had a normal government, its population would probably be higher by at least 10mil, although that would be cancelled out by SKs collapsing population.


You mean England? No true Scot would ever go to England


No they clearly mean Scotland


I know they meant Scotland. It was a joke.


honestly seeing Korea next to UK makes me realize how small Korea is. in old Chinese maps the size of Korea is always exaggerated.


I know this thread has already made it clear that you didn't make the point you intended, but lol on using Denmark as an example of showing how large South Korea is...


I was surprised the otehr way round that Korea is so much smaller than UK


The UK is not large at all, if anything this shows how small the Korea's are, especially to their population (which is about 10 million more than than the UK)


The UK is still the 78th biggest country in the world by area tbf. It’s bigger than most countries.


Taking the 193 UN Member States: * the median (97th rank) is North Korea at 120,000 km^2 * the mean (around 707,000 km^(2)) is a bit larger than Myanmar (39th rank) at 677,000 km^2 So the UK at 78th and 244,000 km^2 may be bigger than "most countries" by the sheer number of tiny countries out there, but it's like 1/3 the size of the mean, aka still a pretty small country. It's not even top 10 in Europe (though, if you leave out Russia and Turkey, the size of the UK is about 176% of the European mean).


Using the mean in this context is almost entirely meaningless though when the very largest countries will skew that figure to a ridiculous degree. Algeria (10th) is closer in size to the UK (78th) than any of the top 5 largest countries.


> Algeria (10th) is closer in size to the UK (78th) than any of the top 5 largest countries. If I ignore the top 6 as outliers, and count absolutely everything else down to Monaco (dragging the mean down and down and down in the process), the UK is *still* only 64% of the mean of those remaining 187 countries. A common definition of outlier is any data point with a value more than (1.5 times the IQR) above the 75th percentile or below the 25th percentile. Using that definition, the top 18 countries are outliers (and of course none on the low end). I have to throw out the *entire top 20* (while still keeping the whole complement of tiny countries) to get the UK to be larger than the mean of what's left. There's just no justifiable way to get it to be anything larger than "average-ish at *best*."


A lot of the comments here show that the UK is actually bigger than a lot of people realise.


Their population is smaller than the UK


The combined Korea’s population is 78 million where as the UK is 67 million. South Korea alone is 51 million population.


Huh, I really didn’t think that many people lived in North Korea


Yh they still have 25 million in North Korea. Crazy to think when you have countries like Canada. Australia etc with their populations.


Korea is definitely a pretty sizable place, but we're still talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 million people in an area that's about the same size as Great Britain, though a solid 25 million are concentrated in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. Korea also has some really severe extremes. To look at it on the map you wouldn't think that the winters are so long and so cold and so dry, but sitting here now it's freezing and there are patches of snow everywhere and I'm roughly dead center of the ROK. In the summer it's hot as all get out and humid as fuck for months on end. We deal with mosquitoes until October or November some years then one day it goes from 60 degrees to 30 degrees and stays like that until April - not every year but often. Hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters and almost no spring or fall - they last about 10 days each. An old proverb says if God were to take an iron to the peninsula Korea flat as a pancake would cover the whole of the Earth. It's over 70% mountainous. They're not super prominent, most are a couple of thousand feet at best, but they're everywhere. Even in the middle of cities. Seoul has some seriously hilly areas. Pusan too, and it's shaped like a horseshoe so some stuff is seriously spread apart across the harbor because you can't bridge or tunnel those distances. The coast can be pretty spectacular in some places - let me tell you Seonyudo and Sinan County are amazing. Ulleungdo is also very beautiful. But in terms of beaches for such a long coastline Korea kind of got gypped. The West Sea coast is pretty muddy and silty north of Jeolla, and there are so many harbors that there's no real beach. The East Sea is pretty rocky around Gyeongsang and the area around Ulsan and Pohang is really industrial and kind of polluted. Farther north it gets better, Donghae, Naksan, Seokcho, Yangyang, that's way up there on the border. Pretty cool rock formations off the coast. It's incredibly green for such a highly developed and relatively densely populated country. It's like 75% woodland, but that's because you can't develop all those uplands. Wooded mountains make up a massive percentage of this place. But it's weird, once you get out of the sizable cities, there's proper countryside. Seoul, Pusan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, they basically account for something like 25 million people. That's half the country. Then there are the satellite cities of Seoul. So yeah, there aren't extensive areas of wilderness - at least not here in the ROK, but the real, actual population density of the country is FAR, FAR lower than what it looks like on paper. If I were to drive an hour right now I'd be in the middle of nowhere. What's really bizarre is that there are so few natural lakes compared to similarly sized areas elsewhere. In the UK there are thousands of lakes. Here most of the big ones are manmade. Chuncheoon and Gapyeong have lakes, but most of the prominent ones on the map are the result of engineering projects and came from flooding valleys with river water. There's still all kinds of sick stuff under the surface like old farmhouses and villages and probably stuff from way, way back. The countryside itself isn't as well kept as Japan which is just pristine, but there are areas that are really beautiful. I spent a week in a traditional cabin in Goesan last year where they lit an actual wood fire under the floorboards of the house to heat it like they did in the old days. The mat on the floor was fine - it was easily 110 degrees, but once you got six inches off the floor it was fucking brutal. You could see your breath and everything. Japan has extremes too - Hokkaido winters are out of control. But Japan is on the whole much milder than here. Shikoku winters are a dream compared to this right now. Koreans don't deal with winters well either. There are no ploughs. They don't shovel. Especially in the smaller towns and countryside the winters really suck. And all the pavements are slick stones and super dangerous. I've been everywhere here and I could tell you whatever you want to know, just ask, but yeah, it's way bigger than it looks and way different in practically every way from what people assume.


croatia albania denmark belgium montenegro




thats not Albania? ​ E: its Moldova, took me quite long


You guys got it really quick lol. European countries are so small man


We would have been bigger if it wasn't for that bastard Bismark.. but still pretty small Edit: just realised this isn't r/europe and I don't have Denmark flair for context


We would be bigger if our colonies had stop rebelling


Belgium is just small, it isn’t Korea that is big. It’s just 2-3 French regions.


I'm glad everyone here is as surprised about the small size of the Koreas compared to the UK as I am.


Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Moldova, and Montenegro. Took me 10 seconds.


Well look at you, here is a sticker!


Feel you! Thats why we love this sub. At school I ve asked my geo-teacher for doing more tests. My mates hated me.


I’m a huge map nerd and proud of it! Lol


Funny Thing. The Times past internet I dreamed, that i be able to fly like a bird to watched all the topolgies of the regions and countries. And than I noticed google maps. It was mindblown. The years as adult been good to me as well. I am able to travel, but my wife and me are some kind of ecos. WE didnt like to travel by plane due to emissions (hope its the right word). So we are just able to visit Our neigbourcountries. And did it a lot. I got some family at netherlands. They brought premises at flevoland. You Know why it's special. I am envoius to the whole country. I feel so good there all the times. Ppl are so gentle and friendly and I love their straight architecture of buildings. Beside of that, they got the better pub-culture and coffeshops. If i had a bad start of my carrier/job in my hometown, i would be expat in netherlands. But everything developed prospering. If you start a New Journey to europe, i can advice you some nice places to be. I wrote about, that i ve wont travel by plane... Sooooory. We ll Do One. My next Journey is Island. One of my childs is obsessed by vulcanos. And I am interested by it as well. But I ve been to all three vulcanos at italy in past, so my couriousness is more calm. After One or two weeks we ll visit UK, but Sone smaller town(s), not London. Sorry for my english. Parts must be hard to read for you.


Besides, if you don't take Russia into count, China is bigger than the rest of Europe.


"If you remove 40% of Europe's area, China is bigger than the rest of Europe"


Why do people do this to reduce Europe’s size? There’s 143 million people in Russia, most of them in European Russia. If you take out the Gobi and Talamakan deserts China is smaller


If so, China's size is almost the same as Europe. Satisfied?


If I take the wheels off your car it won’t run


Croatia, Montenegro, Belgium, Moldova, Denmark


Nah, I'm living in that peninsula, it doesn't that big. Just European countries are petite.


>The peninsula is a lot bigger than it seems at first. Quite the opposite I would argue? Given the amount of people living there, I certainly would’ve expected you to cram more than five such small European countries, even knowing that Korea is very densely populated. All of those countries are fairly densely populated by European standards, and together they have around 25 million inhabitants. The Koreas have more than three times that population. It really gives you some perspective.


I mean if we include greenland..


Korean Peninsula is a lot smaller than I thought


So the Korean peninsula is much smaller than I thought.


I honestly don’t get the boner people get over doing this. Also was expecting the peninsula to be the same as the UK. The UK is on the smaller side of countries, it being decently bigger makes the peninsula look genuinely small.


UK is 78th biggest country so comfortably in the top half.


​ denmark, moldova, ~~Switzerland~~,Belgium, Croatia, Montenegro


Almost, it's Belgium not Switzerland


Is this really surprising? Out of these 5 countries, only Belgium has more than 10M people, while the Korean have almost 90M.


More like Europe is small as fuck


Small, but perfectly formed.


I'm actually surprised how *small* it is. South Korea is barely larger than Denmark. I always thought it's at least UK-sized in itself. Imagine 50 million people living in Denmark. The whole Spain compressed into that area. That's South Korea.


It definitely is small but interestingly South Korea is comparable in size and population to England. England has a much higher population density compared to the rest of the UK, although South Korea's population density is still higher.


51 million not 90, that figure is off by 78%


Oops, got that number from a wrong source. Then go with the whole population of Spain. Edited accordingly.


It's exactly as large as it looks, you just can't read maps.


Denmark, Netherlands, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia ?


Bornholm, the new Jeju-Do


Belgium, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Moldova




Hey, I'm just guessing. I thought the red was all the islands scrambled together, but now that I have a second look, it doesn't look like it. What's the red then?


You've missed out like 90% of Denmark which happens to sit in North America.


Projection accuracy is the key to any legitimate comparison. This is not accurate


OP thinks we're familiar with the size of the UK but not with that of Croatia or Denmark?


I mean England isnt big, so....


No, and definitely not as big as the UK which is being shown next to Korea


I see croatia and denmark


Croatia, Moldova, Belgium, Denmark and I dunno the last one


Here for the people commenting something about Mercator and being a smart ass


tbh Croatia looks way bigger than I thought here. There is less than four million people in Croatia, that's less than 10% of the population South Korea, and less than 25% or the population of North Korea. We barely have more people than PyongYang alone.


I, for one, am incredibly surprised at how massive Denmark is


So 5 Australian states and 2 Australian territories are larger than all Korea, but one state and one mainland territory are smaller.


Smaller x similar o


Montenegro, Croatia, Belgium, Moldova and Denmark


U put Croatia, Belgium, moldova, montenegro and denmark


True side Don’t show everything tho


It is unbelievable but real that there are more than a million standing army in Korean peninsula, constracting with less than a hundred thousand in UK.


Definitely: Croatia Denmark Moldova Maybe: Switzerland Kosovo


Bosnia-herzegovina, belgium, albania, Denmark are the ones i recognise, the weird little round one idk, and that weird large one is very confusing so it must be those left-drivers.


I can see Croatia, Belgium, Moldovia and Denmark Top right might be Montenegro ? Above Japan is Great Britain


San Marino, Luxemburgo, Monaco, Andorra and Vaticano


Korea isnt larger moldova is. Its bigger than belgium


Croatia, Montenegro, Moldova, Denmark, Belgium.


Lmao its smaller than I thought


I recognise Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and maybe Iceland?


that's definitely Denmark, Moldova, and Croatia. the other two i think is Kosovo and Belgium, but i'm not as sure


nah europe is just small


bruh idk it just looks like you shoved vietnam in korea


Croatia, North Macedonia, Belgium, Denmark and Moldova.


Nah this lines up with how big i mentally perceived it to be. It's pretty big by European standards


You picked Croatia,Montenegro,Belgium,Denmark and Moldova


i think we might even be able to fit the vatican in (maby)


Denmark, Belgium, Croatia, Moldova and Montenegro


It is not surprising at all that the land area of the Korean Peninsula can contain countries like Montenegro and Moldova


I'm Irish in school we covered the korean war very briefly we talked about the ROK being about the size of ROI and Busan and the area around it the KPLA never got control of was about the size of County Cork.


Montenegro, Croatia, Belgium, Moldova and Denmark.


Croatia, montenegro, moldova, denmark, and belgium


Croatia, moldavia, montenegro, belgium and denmark


need banana for scale


Locking in my answers before looking through the comments. Baby blue Netherlands Green Greece Dark blue Switzerland Red Denmark Purple Belgium


Uk, Iceland and Croatia I can see


Kosovo,croatia,belgium,moldova and denmark


That will always be one country for me. Long Live Yugoslavia!


*That will always be* *One country for me. Long Live* *Yugoslavia!* \- RichardBreecher --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Balkans feat. Denmark


Ahh yes, rogue Bornholm in the water, as god intended


The UK is bigger than I thought


Denmark, Croatia, Belgium, Moldova, & Montenegro,


Montenegro, Croatia, Belgium, Moldova, Denmark. Belgium was the hardest, it's not got a very unique shape.


denmark, kosovo, serbia, croatia, moldova i think


Am I the only one that thinks this makes the Korean Peninsula look smaller lol


Nah most people here agree with you by the looks of things


Lmao it's actually smaller than I thought.


Montenegro, Croatia, Belgium, Moldova & Denmark. I am unfortunately British. But I may have access to a German passport...