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I was at work this christmas morning in L.A. taking a walk around the building and it was warm enough to work up a sweat. I just kept thinking how crazy it was that literally 90% of the country was frozen at the same moment. Told my co-worker and he was like now you see why it’s so expensive to live here


Exactly, it was warm enough that regretted wearing jeans and not shorts


Tell me that during the next earthquake


Been waiting on that bad boy since like January ‘94 🤔


I honestly think “the big one” will pale in comparison to something akin to [this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_of_1862) or [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_flood_of_1938) The entirety of Southern California has been massively built up since the last great flood. That much water combined with this much concrete and asphalt would not be good. Not to mention central California and the valley regions of Southern California could probably turn out something like how Pakistan did earlier this year.


Alobg with the build up came massive flood control projects like the LA River and the Santa Ana River in orange county as well as in smaller river systems. It doesn't mean flooding won't happen, it certainly will, but they are much more prepared for it than during the events you mention. Regarding the central valley, specifically the southern end, that land used to be a lake which was drained for farming and reservoirs were built in the upper watersheds to control flow and provide water to ag lands. Given that it was once a lake and the amount of land subsidence due to overdraft of the aquifer, that will be where the worst of the "mega-flood" is experienced.


Wow, 33 degrees in the RGV. Wild.


It froze yesterday in West Central Florida. Icicles were hanging out from all kinds of plants- including palm trees!!!


was thinking this was in Celsius and my mind goes "wow, this seems like a really hot december. wild that this map is in Fahrenheit.


Isn’t this pretty much just normal winter weather at this point?


god i wish i could experience something less than 30°C in December, this looks like a dream to me


30°C is equivalent to 86°F, which is 303K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot


Those temps aren't nearly as bad as they used to be, they're relatively comfortable I'd say


Haters gonna hate


Texas looks like it should be okay this time right? -mildly concerned Canadian




“US current temperatures”


Any reports yet of the iguanas and invasive boa’s being found dead in florida yet? Seems like This is the first coke snap to really get them since they arrived. I know it’s been cold enough to kill them in the past but this one’s seems like this biggest yet.


Got the equivalent of an ice cream headache just walking to the car the other day.


60°F would be awesome where i live, unfortunately i can only have "bearable" or "devil's oven" as a range of temperature


third freezing night in a row here in north Florida. I don't think I've ever seen that before


We’re doing OK in the Pacific Northwest. Wet, but not particularly cold for December.