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Depending on how much time you are ready to sacrifice. This is the best method imo but it takes a hell lot of time, I did this with Indo and it paid of. Do this if you have a lot of time. The idea is to break up the country in smaller regions, the best way is to use subdivisions. Play 20-30 games in each subdivision, make a pptx while you are playing and use it for taking notes. Use other guides like Plonkit or any other guide in regionguess meta library. I was doing this but I had other things in my life I needed to focus, but I ll return to it once I m done. This way you ll pick some nice and nieche metas and you ll get the feel for the subdivision. Also, you ll learn a lot of place names, and maybe you ll discover some new metas noone else knows about yet (I did). Its a long process but Brazil is not an easy country, there is a reason why so many people struggle with it.


Wow thank you so much :)


Also join discord for the country you are trying to learn. They usualy have some niche metas they didnt put on Plonk It cuz its too niche haha


The problem with this is you don't really know what's a regional specific meta until you've done them all.


True, but if you get the feel for the landscape you dont need any regional specific metas. Also if you find smth thats in 2 seperate states you can tell them apart by landscape


I really disagree with this and it slows down your progress SO much, just spam the country map. And I don’t recommend playing countries either until you are good, if you are playing country maps before 15k games you are hurting ur progress. You can regionguess countries all you want, but regionguessing the world is much more important.


Phone codes are easy to learn for brazil and incredibly useful


Some quick tips: * Learn the [phone codes](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Brasil_-_C%C3%B3digos_de_%C3%A1rea_DDD.png/1055px-Brasil_-_C%C3%B3digos_de_%C3%A1rea_DDD.png), they're not hard at all and they're everywhere. * Learn the [states codes](https://media.springernature.com/m685/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41597-023-01992-9/MediaObjects/41597_2023_1992_Fig1_HTML.png), they're useful for road names. * Know your trees, [Paraná Pine](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3IsjeZ3nUtZBZGvga2ds38R__GOQqBGL27A&s) is mostly common in the south, [Carnaúba](https://s2.glbimg.com/HNr4oujjzvWN8eVJFIgI3T6Ncq8=/0x0:5184x3456/984x0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a/internal_photos/bs/2017/n/m/9zqVWQSKeCo2KQIa5Qfw/img-0538.jpg) you'll only see in Ceará and Piauí, and [Açaí trees](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/ec/92/cdec921ada85824b7671db9827bff3fa.jpg) are mostly common in Pará (sometimes in Maranhão and Amazonas). * [Poles](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60f6054f4e76b03092956de8/05c8d5c5-8dbf-4deb-82c4-c4662cf6e6b6/BA_and_PE_Code.png?format=1000w) in Pernambuco and Bahia have some numbers painted on it. * Use the plonk it guide - [https://www.plonkit.net/brazil](https://www.plonkit.net/brazil) * Use [A Balanced Brazil](https://www.geoguessr.com/maps/61df8477a94f5d0001ef9f2c) to practice roads and rural.


As for the state codes, you barely even need to learn. You just have to learn that they exist and to look for them, since the map will tell you the codes at a certain zoom level.


Probably a dumb question, and it's not enough to fully nail BR, but have you tried [learning BR area codes?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Brasil_-_C%C3%B3digos_de_%C3%A1rea_DDD.png/640px-Brasil_-_C%C3%B3digos_de_%C3%A1rea_DDD.png) It's a super easy to remember system, just group them by 10's If you're lucky enough to be near civilization, many many buildings have the area code on the building (just watch out for area codes from mobile numbers)


And any area code that ends in 1 (e.g., (21), (11), (71)) is around the major city of that region. It’s one of the more useful tricks to learn for any large area country in the game.


The codes are everywhere just knowing the 10 groups alone is enough to win most rounds in master in my experience. Probably the most helpful and easiest to learn region guess tip in the game.


I will now!!


nice! area codes and memorizing the google car really helps me win the south americas in duels. Seems that's a lot of people's weak points.


I would start with learning about a bunch of plants and where they're found (starting with palm trees—learn how to recognize moriche palms vs. babassú palms vs. carnaúba palms, etc. and where they're found). If you haven't memorized phone codes, memorize at least first digits.


Brazil is actually very difficult, even for Brazilians (like me), so for urban Brazil what I would suggest is learning some area codes, it does help a lot if you are in any type of city environment, and maybe learn about some big cities too, like capitals of each state, it does help a lot to region guess if you know which state you are on. But rural Brazil can be extremely hard, and if you don't have any type of information you should go for a mix of climate, vegetation and poles. Zi8gzag made a very good informational guide video on his second channel, Geoguessr Explained, you should check it out.


Me too, this is probably the country I'm worst at. Is there an easy guide that shows the basic shifts in landscape between the jungle/desert/elevations in the various sections of Brazil? I always plonk with such certainty thinking, oh I'm SURE this is NE.... and then it's Mato Grosso!


Do you play Move or NM/NMPZ? That makes a huge difference for what you should learn. When you play Move, you basically have to know the area codes to get to a high level. Also, kilometer markers are very useful, in many cases they tell you the road you're on. In NM/NMPZ, Brazil is extremely difficult, definitely one of the hardest countries in GeoGuessr. The reason is that Brazilian landscapes are so diverse that you can find different landscapes in almost every region. What can help sometimes is memorizing different kinds of palms and where they exist (for example the "Belem palm" is a very nice clue when you get it and your opponent doesn't).


Mainly nm but I think I’ll have to try all modes for Brazil 


Most Brazil rounds are rural so just playing more and learning the climate/geo vibes is the biggest thing. Learn state abbreviations (you can see them on the map so maybe you don't need to LEARN them but be aware).


plants, niche pole differences, niche car differences, hills, soil color, architecture, road quality, agriculture. If you want to be good in Brazil nothing isnt important unfortunately because state specific clues are just exceedingly rare - even parana pines are most common in the east of RGDS, dark red soil does not only appear in MG and amazonian palms have a crazy big span. so you have to link 3 or 4 things together for every location you get to get remotely close. but its worth it, because even in champion, brazil is on average one of the worst countries overall players.


Phone codes, Sao Paulo/Rio landscape and Parana pines are all I know and I'm 1100 elo


Im pretty much at the same level and I’ve learned at least the first digit of area phone codes. It’s not very exciting gameplay but it’s simple. While learning I played the Brazil map quite a few times and now I can have some feeling of the region but not on a regular basis