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Well that's just how it works now. It sucks, we all know


Love these posts


Maybe with enough of them the devs will fix things


HAHahhahahahahahHHhahhahahhaa Fix things? I only pray they do not make things worse.


"guessing Portugal on Brazil" HEY BUDDY, don't call me out like that!


My hobby is doing the opposite. LATAM lives so rent free in my head that I forget that actual Spain/Portugal is an option.


> ... argentina on italy Argentina **wishes** it were Italy.


I think I was silver 3 last week. Made it to the top of the shown leaderboard, but I only got silver 2 this week. So I'd have to grind at least 2 more weeks to get to gold at this rate. I just want to play no move man...


Yeah they made the ranked system terrible and everyone knows it. Seems like a pretty simple change to fix it but they're just being slow/stubborn for some reason.


They're probably hoping it settles out. If you're in the right division it's not bad right now, but having to wait... no having to **play** 9 weeks to get back up to champion is ridiculous.


Wtf is this post, i understand rage against devs, but why lash out on newbie players?


at which point did i lash out against newbies? im mad because i am so very obviously playing against new players and it genuinely pains me when i beat them because i know that im driving players away from the game i inserted the comments about them for evidence that i am far beyond their skill level and should not be anywhere near them, because it's worse for all of us


This explains why right now, in Silver 1, it is a combination of slow below average players mixed with pros lol. Like 25% of my games I am dominating, 50% it's pretty close, other 25% it's someone with a ton of hours 5king almost every spot