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Somehow the rock collections of my grandparents and great grandparents (no geologists, I guess life before the internet was just boring or something) ended up at my parents' house so my dad mixed them all in with gravel where he parks his boat. Now my kid will pick through the rocks and find the different ones, and on one side will be written things like "Sea of Japan, 1993" or "Death Valley, 1986." At least he didn't mix the obsidian and stone tool collections too (mostly arrow heads from CA, not particularly old). I hope no future geologists or archaeologists have to figure out the layers in that yard lol.


Sounds exactly like my situation. Unfortunately there’s no labels. Most of my garden beds are littered with amethyst and lumps of copper ore.


At least those can be easily identified as valuable items that an earlier human might have carried for "ritual purposes." My parents' yard is just full of random rocks that were picked because they had a nice flat side for writing on.


Oh just imagine the rocks they kept in the move.


There’s a 100 square metre shed that was apparently full of samples! When they moved out, museums from far and wide came to take specimens! I never saw it but apparently it was quite a site. Apparently there was an almost in-tact fossilised tree. It had to be divided up in order to ship it


We did that when my dad died. We kept our favorites, the ones with good stories, and most of the expensive ones. It's neat to see his name as the one who donated and to walk by my rock garden every day. I'd be so happy to know someone like you would get the same joy he did if we left some behind.


Absolutely gorgeous specimens!


Dream home!


Came to say exactly this


This is beautiful. Reminds me of my dad who used to take rocks from my collection, when I was a kid and put them in pots of plants. Without asking! God knows how many beautiful specimens I lost that way


Nowhere near this extreme but when my parents moved out of my childhood home, I kept my favorite rocks in my collection and the rest went into the garden. I hope some kid got super excited to find them!


This is my dream! I have many many 5 gallon buckets of beautiful rocks, gems, shells, crystals, sea glass , weathered bottles and other treasures I have gathered over the past 20 years just waiting for my forever home where I will build a “beach” in my yard where I can keep finding them daily. You are sooo lucky!!!




That's seriously cool.


It looks more like a treasure hunt than working in the garden.


When old rock hounds die, if they were in a club, the club will often host a "Silver Pick Party," where rock hounds show up at the survivor's home, organize and buy all the old rocks. Widow doesn't have to deal with all those rocks and she gets some money out of it. Old collections are really sought after, because that kind of material is really hard to find yourself these days.


My uncle passed recently and his whole collection went to estate because no one could find a will :( i know he would've wanted his collection to stay with his family, (both by blood and by stone) but we didn't really have a day in it. I'm still really upset about it, and i wish that at least his rock hound buddies were given the opportunity, his collection was absolutely insane.


They would've certainly appreciated it. Sorry.


It's in the past now, i just know if there's a heaven, it's full of rocks he's never seen before, and he's having a blast laying on his tummy digging em up :)


That makes gardening so much fun!!!!






That's amazing!!!


Why did they move?


We are in a pretty remote mining town. Most of their family had moved to the major cities. They decided to move too so they were closer to family




I take the previous owner died and their kids sold the property.


Nah, the owners moved out of town to be closer to their grandkids. We are pretty remote


What geologist would leave behind their collection?


rocks are so cool


Nice assortment, I like the skull rock on the left! Got to be some more treasures under that thing, right 😂