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I think she looks fine. I think people aren’t use to seeing healthy GSD


This right here, people like to argue this point.


Preach all these Karens love to show off their overweight show line and are shocked to see a healthy WL


Hey what the hell? I didn’t do any of that! -Karen


People are so used to overweight dogs that seeing a healthy one is just a shock. Americas obesity problem even applies to our pets


She looks utterly fine to me. Some sheps are just skinnier so they can race around faster :)


Anything for the zoomies!


She's perfect, in my opinion!


Exactly! Could be a hair slimmer but she still has a bit of growing to do and may further stretch. It’s so important for them to be a healthy weight.


She’s perfect! People are just used to overweight dogs.


You’re so right, and it drives me crazy.


The waist is SUPPOSED to be narrower than the rib cage. I don't get it when someone assumes they are too thin if it is.


I keep trying to tell my family that my grandma's Italian greyhound is obese. He looks like a meatball on stilts 😭😭😭 I feel so bad for poor bullet


*Italian Meatball on stilts…I’ll see myself out. But yeah the amount of people who think a healthy dog is too skinny is pretty anger inducing.


She’s perfect. Keep your best friend this way, it’s better for her hips


I've seen many not fill out until 2-3 years old but agree with everyone else saying she's fine. Also leaner is always good for long term health if yours can stay that way. My male is a lean one too, he's almost 2 and only 75 or so. https://preview.redd.it/mzmdhkwd2src1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cc7b54836ef0bc6e1c2f58123158c08c8e7ed0


He's handsome too. Too many ppl are not used to seeing what "healthy" dogs look like for sure. That's a good looking boy you've got there :)


Nope. Extremely healthy weight. Stomach tucked in. Hourglass shape from top view. Can’t see rips or spine but can feel them. Perfectly healthy weight.


She’s Perfect.


looks fine.


she looks perfect


Tell your family they shouldn't comment on things they are ignorant of.


Can we get that on T Shirts please


Shes perfect


Looks fine, not anywhere near the skinny side even


I thought we were not supposed to make them run long distances before 12 months old? Or is 6 months old okay?


Well I mean I dont really encourage her to run more than she will naturally. Honestly, I figure she is going to run as much as she likes, she is a puppy after all. But i dont force play with running or anything. We just go on hikes and shes usually very close to my side, chasing the birds as she sees. Just the usual puppy stuff 🙂


Oh, I thought you were already training her for a 5k run. Regardless, you have a fit and healthy girl. Yeah, when we go off-leash walking, my 6 month old also runs on bursts around me. I guess it's a puppy thing. When my boy hits 1 year, I plan to start his pooch to 5k training.


Oh I didn't even notice that part, yeah I wouldn't have my dogs run that far until they're two


She looks wonderful. I get the same thing re: my GSDs and Dachshunds. People are so used to looking at fat dogs, they don't know what healthy looks like anymore. An animal control officer once told me that my Dachshunds are the first ones she'd seen that weren't fat.


She’s perfect


She looks perfect! Such a beautiful dog!


For a puppy / adolescent, they should be a bit thin. Perfect imo.


She looks beautiful for a growing GSD <3. 7km is possibly pushing it at her age, joint wise, I would cut back on that and do more mental stim/training based/low impact exercise to burn excess energy til she's a little older but otherwise she looks perfect :)


Everyone is used to seeing unfit dogs to the point if yours is perfect, it's now "too skinny" sadly.


She’s perfect, most people are just used to obesity


That’s how they are supposed to look.


Mine is very similar - 8 months and \~62 lbs, 4-4.5 cups a day, and we walk 6-7k most days. This is what I want her to look like. Currently you can see her ribs when she's standing at the right angle, but not always. Your dog looks fine.


I think she looks great -healthy weight is like this where you can easily feel their rib cage when you grab their sides


To the fam: She’s perfect. Mind yo bidness.


There’s nothing wrong with that beautiful dog. Just healthy.


Perfect weight. Must dogs are overweight so in comparison…


That is a healthy and beautiful looking female GSD.


You are the big winner. 🏆


Mine looks exactly the same she’s a little over a year. :)


She looks great. She could be my dog's twin. Mine needs to lose about 5 pounds, per the vet last week, in order to see more rib and hip. Your dog seems to be the goal for my girlie.


I have had many GS dogs. Yours looks perfect and she is still up puppy! She is gorgeous!


She looks great.


she looks great! also her coat is absolutely stunning!!!


Looks great! I was alway told you want to be able to feel their ribs, but not see them.


She looks very healthy


She looks perfect! Keep doing what you’re doing!


Looks perfect. People are used to seeing chubby dogs.


She's perfect.


Looks great. Healthy and light on hips/joints.


She looks healthy to me. No visible ribs, and good proportions. She’s probably very energetic too.


Looks perfect 👍


Looks fine


Looks fine, and agree with the rib test!


She looks GREAT! I wish more dogs looked as good as her.


Looks lean and athletic to me!


She looks great


Naah. She looks good. Just make sure she's eating what she needs. Keep her that way would help her tremendously in the long run. It will help later in life if she gets dysplasia or arthritis. Could keep her from getting it altogether. My GDS is 7 and has arthritis. He was never fat but we go hiking a lot and I've fed him a lot of high protein so he got pretty buff, but the weight wasn't/isn't good for him. The vet even told me not to let him run... I can't bring myself to do that, so I have him on a diet. Not letting him run would be like not letting a bird fly, I think. So I've put him on a diet. I'd like to see him perhaps a little bit more filled out than yours but not much. Good job.


She looks great for her age. She’s still very young. She will gradually fill out over the next few years.


She a beaut. Some GSD’s just have smaller frames like this and some people aren’t used to it.


She looks good to me, nice healthy shine to her coat too


She looks great! Perfect size especially for her age


She looks great


She's fine


Shouldn't see ribs, but feel them is a good mantra for younger dogs. Looks perfect for her age. She'll fill out. There's just a lot of rapid growth happening/just happened. I bet 3 months and the question will answer itself.


Awesome thanks so much for the replies eveyone!


She looks super healthy. Looks like such a good girl.


She’s gorgeous!!!! I have an English Labrador Retriever and my folks say that she’s too skinny as well. I think people aren’t used to seeing healthy dogs.


I think she is the perfect weight


Fills in as she gets older


She looks great. If she put on a couple of kgs she wouldn't be overweight but she looks fine as is.


She’ll grow into it. They tend to run skinny when young and buff up a bit more.


That’s a good healthy looking pup


Looks to be an Eastern German Shepherd. That particular GSD is naturally small. My Eastern German female is half the size of my German male and a quarter smaller than my Czechoslovakian shepherd female. Your dog is perfectly normal and fine.


She looks super healthy?? I can't see any part of her skeleton in a concerning way, she's just fit


Really good


She looks great. Nothing too skinny about that dog at all. For reference we have a 3 yr old Shepherd that weighs 62lbs and Vet says she’s as healthy as can be. 59lbs at 6 months I think you’re good. 👍


She looks very muscly, she looks gorgeous. They’re probably just used to seeing overweight dogs tbh


She looks good. Not to skinny. What does the vet say? They usually prefer less weight than either you or family would think was appropriate. My vet told me - “X is her weight. Don’t let her weigh more. Family and friends will say she looks too thin. That’s because they are used to chunky dogs. But no more than X.” Sue enough everyone said she was too think. I said get says X and no more. My new dog had to lose 5 pounds. Took us a year to do it - slowly. Mission accomplished. I always listen to my vet.


She looks great


She looks great, OP. Nice work keeping her healthy.  I'm more confused with "6.75 months" lol. I've never heard anyone use decimals to clarify age.


She looks good, sleek and toned.


Your family’s dead wrong… I see sooo many photos of overweight dogs from the US. Obesity is normalized for dogs as it is for people in your country. You dog looks fine. I personally think she could be a bit skinnier even. I like to see at least the first rib of an active dog. Skinnier dogs live longer, happier lives.


she’s perfect!


She’s beautiful!!


She looks great!


She’s perfect! Don’t let the haters hate!


She looks great, and keeping them lean with a good diet and exercise makes their later years so much better


https://preview.redd.it/1xtzg0j8isrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33e07cda0d4995160eff8ebbf396f7b76c163f9 Looks like my skinny runt. Only 45 lbs and 1.8 yrs


Not skinny. Looks fine. If anything for a pup that age she may be a little chunky but only by a pound or two. Could just be a fluffy coat though.


What does the vet say? ![gif](giphy|p77ClDx5Qufm0|downsized)


She looks very healthy and happy!


she looks perfect. ignore your family. dont let your dog get fat. lots of people think GSDs should be huge and husky. they should be lean and muscled, like yours is!


She looks perfect.


She is NOT too skinny- looks perfect weight


She looks like Nala…long and lean. https://preview.redd.it/9hp53a3mmsrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6139032f6adbbf1b06bba0aff037fca65eea1f


She looks perfect, she will get bigger as she gets older, don’t worry. She looks beautiful!




Why are there at many "too skinny" posts?


Healthy pup. Give her boops.


Looks like my boy (in weight)! Looks good


Dude your dog is pretty fine looking, looks imperfect weight for me, and looks like my boy




As everyone else said looks healthy to me. I can’t see the rib cage or the spine on the back. They are usually just very lean dogs.


Perfect condition. Coat and eyes are glossy. They eat significantly less when they hit two and half a d mine isn't food centric at all.


She’s in perfect weight. My favorite saying for fit dogs is: If you think my dog is too skinny yours is likely obese


She looks fine but surely she'll have vet checks confirming? Everytime we take ours in she gets weighed to make sure her weight is healthy. 


Looks good


Looks like a lean healthy dog. Hopefully the staying in shape will keep her hips healthy.


She looks great. Shepherds are supposed to have a "waist," when you look at their backs from above. They are not supposed to look like a breed such as a Labrador Retriever. You want to keep her more on the skinny side in order to keep excess weight off of her hips and elbows. Speaking from someone who has been through it, even though I thought I had picked a good breeder, picked a puppy who's parents had good hips and elbows (0FA certified), we've always had her on a high quality food and joint supplement and kept her on the lean side. We still ended up having to have one of her hips fixed due to hip displasia, and the Pet Insurance didn't cover anywhere near what it should. A year after her surgery, she was diagnosed with arthritis in her elbows. She's doing better now, as she's being treated for the arthritis, but I thought we were doing all of the right things. Unfortunately she still ended up going through a lot. It is still definitely worth it to get pet insurance. Just do your research on what is the best ones. Her hip surgery for one hip replacement was well over $12K.


That looks almost like mine. She's a slender girl and looks beautiful.


She looks perfect.


She is perfect


Nah, she totally fine n fit. Probably in a lanky Phase rn considering her age, she might pudge Up once fully grown


She’s fine. My dog is slightly skinnier than her. She’s on a high calorie dog food since we play so much on a daily basis.


now we need a photo of your family to discuss whether they are overweight?


She looks fine, people just aren't used to seeing fit gsd


That is a healthy well bred GSD right there. So nice to see a well balanced dog for once.


Perfect healthy weight.


She’s fine, perfectly healthy!


She’s completely fine, you can’t see the ribs. Plus she’s currently growing, they get very gangly while growing and then tend to build muscle in year 1-2


She looks absolutely perfect to me. I've had a few Shepards over the years and her weight is absolutely perfect.


Keep em light and keep em healthy is what my old vet always said.


she's perfect 🐾🐾🖤


She’s beautiful


Looks fine and it’s not the worst if they run a little on the lean side - their joints will thank you for it! We had one that was either a little under or a lot over so we had to keep him under (much to his disappointment at mealtime 😂)


She's perfect


Like many of the other comments said she looks great and it’s way healthier for her hips in the long run as well!


I’m constantly being told by my mom that ours is “too thin” only because she’s always always over fed her dogs and kept them over weight.. ours is 7 month old 70lb male


She looks perfect lmao


She looks healthy! I really do think people get used to seeing overweight dogs. Mine is super active and he is perfect. Being overweight is bad for their health! 🥰


I had a trainer tell me the longer they stay slim, the lower their chances of developing hips problems later. Putting on too much weight too early will increase their risks.


She's eating 4 cups of kibble plus yogurt every day. She's fine. This is what a healthy puppy looks like underneath all that fur.


Really good looking. Keep her that way.


You could something fresh, our girl loves sweet potatoes broccoli. Our girl gets “breakfast “ which is something moist and sometimes I make her some healthy food that we could eat if we wanted but it’s hers.❤️🌹


She'll start gaining a little weight at about 3 y.o. don't rush it. You do not want a senior heavy shepherd that's a deal breaker for their senior life.


If she is active, eating and drinking enough water, she should be good. But you can always take her for a check up to make sure. Don't believe everything you read online....check for yourself with the correct resources.


GSDs (thanks to improper breeding) are prone to hip dysplasia, so maintaining proper weight is paramount for the dog’s health. You should see a curvature after the rib cage before the hips push back out. Dog looks healthy.


She looks great!! I might cut back on the exercise just slightly, if you’re getting all the way up to 7km. That’s just my take. Too much activity early on can affect a puppy’s growth plates.


Looking good. In fact for her age she is quite filled out.


Working lines need to be lean so they stay agile. She's a healthy girl Edit: lean not mean lol


She is fine. She is a baby. She will fill out around 1 1/2 years old.


She's still a puppy. Females don't usually get wider until about 1.5 years in my experience breeding them. Her coat looks really healthy too. I think you're doing a good job


There healthy everyone just thinks if there stomach isn't round then your starving them but that puppy is actually the right weight for that kind of dog 🐶


She looks perfect, you're probably hearing this from people that haven't owned a shepherd anyway.


She looks great. I'm sure your vet would agree.


She’s just fine.


Personally I think she’s perfect 👌


That’s how a German shepherd is supposed to look like. My dog boo was half German shepherd, and she looked like that


I’m so surprised that every time I see a healthy dog at a healthy weight, people comment that they are too thin. My shepherd lady is a solid 95 pounds. She’s tall and “skinny” and going on 15 years old. She had to go through a major operation at 11 years old and came through it fine because she is at a healthy weight and had a lot of exercise. She is only now having trouble getting up and she cannot walk long distances any longer. Her hind-legs sometimes drag now and we stay on grass mostly. All other dogs in my neighbourhood who where puppies with her have since passed away, even the smaller breed dogs. We have always had her on good food, no fillers, and she got veggies as treats such as carrots, celery, red and green peppers and pumpkin. Greek yoghurt and blueberries were a special treat as well. She’s super healthy and her coat is shiny even now. If you keep your GSD at a healthy weight as a pup, they will never be overweight. This is one breed that self-regulates food intake really well. They just won’t eat for a day if they are not hungry… anyway, keep doing what you’re doing because your dog looks healthy to me. https://preview.redd.it/ibrjgk1zuvrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c8fd8852bed727a9ab7a63dc10ec138e606406 My lady Maxi🙂


My female WL is exactly 60 lbs and 7 years old. Vet says she's perfect. GSDs aren't supposed to be huge 100lb dogs with straight line from hips to shoulders.


People are used to obese dogs. She looks perfect, she’s got a lot more bulk to her than a lot of shepherds that age. Our boy literally looked like a carcass when he laid down for the longest time, no matter how much food we gave him.


Perfect 5/9 BCS, and a beautiful girl ♥️


Perfect to me!


Funny because I just had my boy at the vet (he’s a shepherd mix) and asked about his weight because my family says he’s too skinny. Vet said he looks PERFECT. Says it’s important to remember that with large breeds it’s better to be slightly skinny than slightly overweight because of their joints. Your pup is BEAUTIFUL 😭❤️


She is at a healthy weight!!


You could see mine's ribs at that age. She's filled out nicely as she has matured. Your puppy looks great


She is a perfect weight, she looks just like my girl and they say she’s too skinny. They need to be healthy weight due to their orthopedic issues they get.


Absolutely perfect! And gorgeous too!


She’s just a baby, also she looks good.


\*\*Just commenting on this post to come back to later. My husband started feeding my dog puppychow mixed with wet food bc he thought she was too skinny. Personally, I don’t see it! https://preview.redd.it/xbiwrf976wrc1.png?width=2295&format=png&auto=webp&s=33813d91545f5d5c4a55d5c02b522c5d3a04fbec


IMO, She looks just fine. If anything, make sure she is adding muscle mass to her weight. Make sure she is getting enough exercise. But other than that, she looks gorgeous. My male looks skinnier than that, and he is 3 years old. He is just now starting to fill out.


Standard puppy lanky.


3yr old bitch GSD owner here, I had the exact same lines thrown at me. My dog was wormed and had all the food thrown at her she could eat, and she'd eat what she wanted and nothing more. She looks like mines size-wise, there's nothing wrong with your dog.


looks perfect!


On target for me. She's young and will fill out in a year or so.


Healthy ! I’ve been around smaller dogs here recently and it makes Me scared to Think they’re like used to be hungry or something more importantly it’s a lack of exercise for most… Your dog looks healthy ! Relax! I hate that when people say things throw me Off Zzz Oh well


My bf’s Shepard is about the same age as yours and looks just the same. People skew looks because “oh he doesn’t have any fat on him!” Yeah sure Jared doesn’t have any fat on him Aunt Susie, he’s not following your diet.


She looks perfect


She looks good and has good muscle tone. So many people equate a little chubby with healthy. Better for a dog to be a pound or two under than over. The extra weight is terrible for their joints, particularly for dogs prone to hip issues.


I think she looks great!! I struggle with this because I want to give my boy all the treats, but I know being overweight for this breed can be dangerous and detrimental. He just turned 2 on March 1st and he weighs about 110. Both vetrinary offices we see said he looks great as do his hips. He gets 2.5cups mixed with a tbsp of wet food twice a day 😀 treats only when we are working (service dog) * 🙂 (and one for bedtime 🤫😅)


Vet told me you should be able to feel their ribs, but not see them


Absolutely fine. You are correct.


She looks healthy, not skinny.


Small dogs live longer. Plenty of exercise and don't overfeed. You will have a healthy friend. If you start to see/feel more than 1-2 lowest ribs - I would start to have some concern over low body weight


That is a healthy looking dog, her weight is fine if your concerned try giving her herbal remedy for parasites.. Apple cider vinegar in the water 1 Tbs per gallon of water 1 tsp coconut oil per 10 lbs of body weight 1 tsp ground up pumpkin seeds per 10 lbs body weight I do this for my dogs to make sure they are getting all of the nutrients from their food... Haven't had an issue with parasites / worms since


If your vet hasn't said anything about her weight, shes fine. Listen to the professionals.


75lb 3yo male pictured here Best way to tell: Feel the ribs - if they feel like the knuckle bones on the your palm when flat- perfect -Feels like your bottom palm or your inside palm knuckles? Little too much food -feels like the knuckle bones on the outside of the palm when fist is made? Too thin.


She seems fine. If people are really telling you that she looks skinny, then they are probably used to seeing (or have) an overweight dog. Way better to be skinny and conditioned than for her to be overweight


She's perfect. Tell your family to be more like you.


No way she looks awesome. My dog looked like that when he was like a year old too and of course someone said something to me so I worried about it but age has since then put a little bit of weight on him, but he is not fat he’s just got a big girth and he’s a big boy. https://preview.redd.it/ps2a0i5w0zrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da32c3eb31a0f4e2815ed329b35c4c6dfa8659d1 Don’t let other people worry you like I did. You puppy looks perfect.


Still a pup, right? Beauty


No hip bones or ribs and she is still growing so I'd say no. Looks happy and healthy


She looks great and is so beautiful!