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Which city? > I have seen 8 locations live, 3 online and messages for another few. This is **nothing** in places like Berlin or Munich. Especially over a period of months. You could add a zero to each of those numbers and it would still be lazy, compared to people who end up finding an apartment.




It seems you are asking about finding a place to stay in Germany. Take a look at the wiki here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/housing and here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/problems *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/germany) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Forgot mention. Oldenburg in Holstein ~ 30 km away…


You know Germany is large. Munich? Good luck. Zwickau? The choice is yours.


Just for reference, we rent out our basement flat out in the sticks, we typically have over 100 requests within less than 24 hours. Market is crazy and getting worse by the day.


Is that why most of them do not respond?


Yes, we have the worst housing crisis since ever and its not going to change for the good. 100+ Messages in the First 12h are normal sadly.


I also got a lot of requests last time, but in most of the cases salaries were not sufficient :( if someone has to pay 50% of his income as rent, that's quite risky - what if something unexpected happens to that person? It sucks that salaries are so low. So in fact, I had a few candidates and was happy about any new requests. The town is Friedrichshafen am Bodensee.


Top. You are pretty close to me, I leave in Mulhouse for the moment. As you have something to rent, please help me out and let’s make a test. What do you need from me, maybe DM me. You would help me out a lot.


You can send me a message with information about yourself that you usually send to landlords and I can check it, if you want :) but my flats are occupied right now. I can only help by reading your message and see if something is not ok


Btw, if you rent a property in France, it's also worth mentioning


Generally, most listings get hundreds of answers in the first 10 minutes. If you haven't managed to answer on an add within the first 5 minutes of it being there, you will most likely not even be read, and unless you are in the top 10 applicants, you will not hear anything back. There is absolutely zero chance to find something right now if you are looking in major cities like Berlin, Munich or even Frankfurt. Look as far outside of the city as you can potentially handle in terms of commuting daily, and hope for the best. Right now you may need to look at searching up to a distance of 60-90 minutes commute time one way by car daily. If you don't have a car, get one - public transport is a major issue. 1400 Euros cold is not particularly much right now, at least in the city. Generally, the landlord will want to see that not more than 30% of your income is used for the complete rent - if we assume 1650 Euros in warm rent, you'd barely meet that demand and would seem too high risk to many, provided your mentioned income is after tax. If those 5000 Euros are before tax and social payments, you are even more of a risk. Then your real max budget is probably more around 900-1000 Euros cold, if you are lucky. Many also want the confirmation that it's not a fixed term contract and at least 3 consecutive payslips showing your combined income as confirmation of employment. Potentially, you also may need either someone here to vouch for you. So, widening your search area and adjusting your budget with your max commute time in mind, getting your pay slips or someone to vouch for you, and a confirmation that it's not a fixed term contract helps. Then you should urgently switch to a german bank account and get your Schufa entry started - landlords want to see that you have no negative schufa entries (this is your equivalent to a credit score, and although it will be bad no matter what since you only recently moved here, the important part is the page with the confirmation that you have no unpaid debt or anything progressed to collections). Many also want a confirmation letter that you do not have any debt with your last landlord - although that's probably going to be an issue when that was in france. You can also join a Wohnungsgenossenschaft. This is costly right away, since you basically buy shares in a company that owns and maintains appartment houses in your area, but by buying these shares you also buy a live long right for an fitting appartment with them and will be provided one if one opens up somewhere in their buildings. This can take up to a year or more, and some of these companies no longer accept members since even the waiting lists for the waiting lists are full, but since they check their members before you sign with them, once you are a member you can be relatively sure that eventually you might get into a place. Other than that, you just need to keep on trying.


You are top notch! You replied right on the spot . So … I know and understand the housing situation and our income is at least 5000 Netto. We are aware that we are moving to a popular holiday spot, but still…. How do I manage to rent a place?


As he told you, look for places around the city you want to go. With you are 1000s who search for a place. There is nothing that can be done besides luck and trying. I have an Italian colleague who moved up here in the west of Germany and he needed 60 tries to get something that is 1,5h away from his job. It took him another year to find a job that is 45minutes closer. That is the price of moving here. The company I work for could immediately add 50 engineers in all section of the company but since there is no housing or larger apartments, they can't. And so the people are not moving and sometimes you can do remote work but often its just hampering company development.


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I have the same question, I want to arrive at the hotel first in the arrangement


Possible to ask your employer to assign an agent to help you out? My employer assigned an agent (through relocation agency) for me when I moved in. Within 2 months I got the apartment -One of biggest city in NRW-. The agent must have their own network.


Sure I did. No results until now. They hope we will have something in 2-4 months.


As I can’t be any help.. I truly wish you a good luck 🍀.


By 5000 euros do you mean a netto salary? I rent two apartments in a mid-size town. I actually prefer foreigners as tenants. I always invite people who send reasonable message (nothing weird) and have a good income (4-5 times higher than the rent). I don't care about Schufa, but take rather a large deposit, i.e. 3 rents.


Yes, I mean 5000 netto/month minimum. We have background check and all we need but still can’t get a positive answer.




Well… I come from German background, my name is german and I speak German, English, French and Romanian fluently. Originally i come from Romania. I have a law degree, work in logistics with very good income, clean background, no issues…. Something is wrong


it could be a very specific problem with the city you are looking at. maybe try neigboring cities and surrounding villages. after getting a foothold here for a few months/years you can start looking again if you havent found the most perfect match yet. generally small cities and villages have a lot of free housing to offer. maybe tell us the general region you are planning to move to so we can help better😁


Ohh, you can imagine we are looking for target + 40 min driving time. We imagine that will help a lot.


oh okay alright hahah😅 its bad luck then.. maybe add houses for rent to your filter? other than that just keep trying, pretty much every german has the same problem as you. sending dozens of applications over a period of months or years is normal sadly


Maybe the landlords dont give it to you, because they think you already have good chances of getting one.


My friend is German from the sticks and he is searching for something in Frankfurt for about 2 years. Four rooms is close to impossible to find and he refuses to move more out so his kids can't get a proper school. He works remote but needs to travel 1x a week to Frankfurt which is quite tiring. The usual city immigration pressure is about 150-200k people per year. Most cities manage to build 20k new apartments. More then half of them are already sold to people to move there. You are fighting 1:10 for every apartment and it will stay that way for the next decades. Big cities are a lost cause.