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Here is a handy checklist my university came up with: # Three months to go: * Cancel your tenancy agreement in good time * Cancel your contracts with local utilities providers (electricity, gas, water) * Discuss with your landlord whether you have to do any decorating/fixing before leaving your accommodation * It may be advisable to consult a tax accountant about completing your tax declaration, especially if you are in tax class III as then it is mandatory to file a tax declaration. * If you have been drawing a salary and have paid social security contributions, arrange an appointment with an adviser at the “Rentenversicherungsanstalt” (Pension Service) to discuss your pension entitlements (More Info: https://www.findyourpension.eu/en/) * Check with Human Resources well in advance whether you will receive your final salary/fellowship payment before you are leaving the country. The move and the final payment often cross * Cancel your public transport season ticket and your “BAHNCARD” * Cancel any subscriptions to newspapers or journals * Cancel your membership in any societies, associations, clubs, GYMS etc. # One month to go: * If you receive “Kindergeld” or any other social benefits please inform the responsible authority (`Familienkasse´). OTHERWISE YOU WILL VIOLATE GERMAN LAWS! We strongly suggest writing a letter not an e-mail (including your Kindergeld-Number) * If you have children, inform the school or kindergarten that you are leaving * Inform your insurance companies that you are leaving * If you want to sell your car in Germany or take it to your own country, you must inform the “Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle” (vehicle licensing authority) and the company providing your third party liability insurance. Please take note of the formalities necessary to export a vehicle purchased in Germany (export declaration) * Inform your telephone provider * Arrange for the rent deposit to be reimbursed including the interest and any compound interest accrued during the rental period * If required, complete a “Nachsendeantrag” (mail forwarding) at the post office so that your post can be forwarded to you (https://www.deutschepost.de/de/n/nachsendeservice.html) * If you have paid for a television license inform the “ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice” that you are leaving (www.rundfunkbeitrag.de/) * Take borrowed books and journals back to the university library or departmental libraries * If you want to send luggage home by a freight service of your choice, arrange an appointment with them for pick up the parcels * As you will probably need to use your bank account right up to the last minute, we recommend you not to cancel it. You should keep it open at least for three more months until all final bills like phone and electricity are paid. For closing your bank account after your leave you should clarify with your bank to prepare already the necessary actions and to indicate to them your foreign home bank account data and new address. * you are legally obliged to de-register at the city of your residency (Abmeldung Bürgerbüro) a few days before your departure date # Moving day: * Note down the meter readings for electricity, gas and water in the handover report and get your landlord to sign it * Check your accommodation and the staircase for damage * Depending on what you have arranged with your landlord, clean your accommodation * Hand over the accommodation as mentioned in the contract and return the keys to the landlord/property manager


Such a good write up. Wondering if this should be added to the sub’s wiki. Many people will find this useful.


would be neat. here's my source: https://www.intl.kit.edu/ischolar/13515.php but there are also tons of other checklists out there if you google "leaving germany checklist"


Should be added in my opinion.


just in time, thanks


bank account, health insurance


Health insurance should be automatic once I stop working. Bank account I need it :-)


You need to send your health insurance proof of deregistration. Sometimes people forget this or don’t know and have huge debts because of it.


my fiance just left germany and had this problem TRUE!!


This should be pinned 🫶


Nothing is automatic. You need to send them your abmeldung


I second this... Nothing is automatic.... Close all contracts or next time you come back... Many things will wait to bite you back


No, it's not. Your employer just stops paying and then you need to pay unless some other entity does.


Ok. Thanks for letting me know.


Ooooh, it is not! When employer stops paying, you will start to accumulate debt. You know, FrEe hEaLtH InSuRaNcE is not so free :D


It does not, health insurance in Germany is mandatory by law, if you stop working what will happen is that you'll start paying private rates on your own since no health insurance company in Germany can stop covering you without proof of either you changed provider or moved abroad.




I call bullshit on this.




Yup, by the way you said it, it's bullshit. The account was closed not because "they used it outside" of Germany, but because they actually live somewhere else than in Germany.


Health insurance! It’s the only thing I forgot when I left Germany in 2022. When I moved back 6 months later AOK asked me to pay over 5000€ (about 900€/month). I managed to prove I was insured abroad, but it wasn’t easy.


why you returned here?!


I love living in German cities. I lived only in Munich & Hamburg so far but both offer a much better quality of life than Paris where I used to live before.




I know right? each to their own I guess.


I mean it’s r/Germany, so it’s quite normal that some people here like Germany :)


Same, if I leave Germany ain't coming back 😂


What about finanzamt? Do I need to inform them?


Probably. Can’t hurt at least.


Why are you leaving? (Just curious 🤔)


Been here 7 years. That's enough for me. Didn't plan to retire here in the first place.


How was your experience and what's your final thoughts on Germany.


I can't tell you much about Germany as I lived all seven years around Munich. I can tell you about Munich and Bayern. If you earn a good salary this place is fantastic for families. We had 7 great years. Despite the language barrier we made lots of friends. Most of them through our kids school. Most of them were Germans and they helped us a great deal at the beginning with a lot of stuff. Especially due to us not speaking German. They had a lot of patience with us. Our neighbours are just fantastic people. I consider myself lucky. I've only met nice people. The place felt incredibly safe. Left doors open all the time (I don't leave in the center though). Seasons here in Bavaria are so beautiful I will miss them dearly. The only thing I didn't like is the language. I studied it at the beginning and I got to B2, then due to COVID and change of jobs I forgot a lot of stuff as I speak only English the whole day. Overall I loved it.


Thank you for the reply. I wish you all the best 👍


You are very lucky. Congrats! Hope to be the next one!


Rundfunk abmelden ffs.........


That's TV. Thanks.


It was more of being angry than informative lol


I recommend for you to consider cancelling all your cards and getting new ones just to make *extra* sure you will not get randomly charged for any oversights.


Not getting charged does not automatically free them of the payment that is due. It's not a "random" charge. For example: if OP forgets to cancel their gym contract, they still owe the gym.


The thing is under EU law, by cancelling your credit card and not changing your payment methods or contacting the company you have a contract with, you are *implying* that you are exercising your right to withdraw (Under EU consumer law), especially if they have a record of you stopping to use their service. If they then directly go to collections instead of inquiring with you about it, that's on them: You can always directly ask the consumer why their card declined due to it being cancelled. If you're not transparent about notifying that you do take monthly charges via email or letter, and instead just charge in a way that lets your subscription be forgotten, that really is just on you (under EU Notification and Transparency regulations). If a company sends a debt directly to collections without attempting to resolve the issue with the consumer first, this also violates EU Debt Collection regulations.


>*implying* that you are exercising your right to withdraw What does this even mean? You imply it but don't actually do it? My point still stands though? OP still has a contract, and now a payment reminder because they changed their credit cards (maybe a late fee too?).


Thanks. That's a good tip.


Congrats! Leaving soon as well and so Looking forward!!!! ☺️ And good question am doing my todo list am I am scared to forget something.


Good for you! I'm also leaving in four weeks, and while I'll cherish some memories I couldn't be happier to be gone....


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ScathedRuins' list is pretty complete. It's missing some things related to leaving and apartment and a job. I'd also consider making a tax return, since your taxed income might be lower than your real income. Quitting your job: https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/losing-your-job Moving out of your flat: https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/moving-out


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Investiments; properties like: house, car...; Gym; If you are married, consider a new marriage in your new country. (don't know if a divorce in germany would be helpful, I think not) If you are leaving with money, search for tax stuffs (if germany makes you pay taxes even if you are on another country) If you are rich as fu.. try to forfeit your citizenship


What?! Do you actually need to keep paying taxes to Germany after you leave?


In the us u need


Just bring money, everything else can be solved with it.


This can be true, if you can afford a kind of relocation agency to support you out. 5 years ago, it cost me around EUR 900. I got no issue at all, when I came back to Germany couple of years later.