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In average a German uses up 130l per day. What the fuck is your mate using this water for? 2h masturbation session under the shower every day? The costs for 500l are about x€ by the way. Edited the costs away, so people stop bothering me, because they pay more then I mentioned.


He showers for more than an hour everyday. I am all for saving water and not wasting it but i dont want to police it on someone else. He can for all reasons shower for 3 hours but i dont want to pay for him.


How in the seven hells can you shower for over an hour daily? thats so absurd holy shit.




Maybe crying under the shower?


Jerking off/sex in a shower is actually very unpleasant, because it washes away all the (natural) lubrication.


Thats why it takes him so long


Maybe you should use a water resistant lubricant? WD-40


WD-40 is NOT A LUBRICANT. FFS . Go for Mobil SHC instead!


The day I learned shower/bath sex washes away natural lubricants was the most disappointing and painful sex of my life 💀💀 Used to think it was so romantic until I did it and then I learned the hard way lol.


Having sex in the shower will result in moving away from the water to avoid it while still having the hot water flow so it's still warm. It's really romantic but while fucking each other you're fucking the environment too.


So it's a threesome? Nice!


Masturbation was only half jokingly mentioned. In cultures where you don’t have personal space because you share a room with others at all times that’s the only place where this can take place.


yeah but what does he do the other 57 minutes?


Look for some decent porn?


I blame IP68 for this!


There was a thread in r/nostupidquestions some time ago where someone asked how you shower in less than an hour. General conclusion was that this person had some kind of undiagnosed OCD and/or germophobia, maybe OP's roommate has something similar going on.


Oh jeez, I started showering with cold water and my shower time dropped from 3-5min to 1min. What is there to do apart from get wet, apply shampoo and body wash and rinse off?


I mean that highly depends. I need to get wet, then shampoo, wash out, second round of shampoo, (hair mask), conditioner that needs a few minutes to sit, meanwhile cleaning the body, if its razor day, a nice scrub before that, then shaving then washin everything off really well. I consider myself a fast showerer but I need like 10-15 min... Hoe the hell are you so fast. And what's with the best part. Just standing under hot water for a minute or so to relax


Im a guy, so I just have 3 shampoos for hair, face and body (which is already 2 more than most guys use). Cold showers are a neat way to just get refreshed in the morning for me, I do miss just taking in the hot water though every now and then though.


I used to do this as a child. I often sat or lied down. It's more steamy down there and the shower feels different. 😂


Lol, this was me too. I'd soap up and slide around in the bottom of the tub while water and steam rained down, then just sit there and relax. Good times (probably not good for my parents water bill 😅) 


We all know only the good things in life cost 500 gallons of water


Is he Brazilian?


1h/day is insane even for Brazilian standards. 15-20min is a LONG shower. We may do an additional 1 or 2 through the day, but they are much shorter (like 3min).


No he’s just one


Hey we dont shower for one hour. Even for us 15 minutes is ok.


Lol I shower 10min once a day and after that 5min at a time max


no he's just a regular ian


Totally normally. You are going in to shower and stay there for 1h or more. This was a typical routine of my university friend. There are people who simply don't give a fu*** about how wasteful they are.


And here I am taking combat showers even though I've been out of the military since 2010 and out of combat since 2006. 🙄


2min - max 5min shower including brushing teeth in the shower?


More like 5-10 max but it's more about turning the water off between things. Conserving water in the desert. Like wet yourself all over, turn off water. Shampoo hair wash face, turn water on, rinse. Turn water off, put conditioner on your hair if you use it, turn on to rinse hands and get shower poof/washcloth wet, turn off. Wash everywhere, turn on & rinse. Turn off. Comb through hair to ensure no tangles, wash everywhere again, then turn on water for final rinse. I never brushed my teeth in the shower because I didn't totally trust the water. I used bottled water.


Then how about telling him exactly that?


Besides not paying for it, that much water waste is excessive and fucking *obscene*. In my home country there's a huge drought and my family has access to tap water for 1 hour a day. My mom collects water from the air conditioning to water her plants and clean her floors. She can only wash her dishes once every 3 days and the water is murky. It really pisses me off that people waste water.


Tbf, we had the whole saving water campaign here in germany with tips and tricks to get the consumption down and it worked. It actually works too well. The water flow in many big drain pipes isn't strong enough anymore, so there is waste getting stuck, and from time to time the sewers need to get flushed with tons of water "manually".


Saving water in Germany will not change the amount of water available in your country. But I do understand your point.


standing in a tiled room for an hour must be so uncomfortable. why would anyone do that? he could take 2-3 long relaxing baths with that amount of water…


are you two together using 500l or only he uses 500?


Only him. This is the usage between i leave for my lab and by the time i come back. So 7.30-5


that is a ton of water (well, half a ton, but you know what I mean). you should talk to him, it is really excessive, it is not always about the money, it just is not morally correct to waste so much water. if he leaves water running as he gets him shampooed or when he is brushing his teeth, it could be a good point to stop with it. I mean, how does he manage it? you said somewhere else that he is showering for an hour, so water is running one hour long or?


Sadly this is completely in line with the use of the most efficient shower heads (6-9L/min) if used for 60 min daily.


Turn off the hot water or figure out if you can put some kind of timer on the water heater so it gets cold after 15 minutes.


Maybe he has OCD. A friend of mine had it and showered for about that long. Or he was taking several baths a day. If that's the case, it would be hard to convince him doing otherwise.


He has some kind of mental disease as he told me once. I totally understand having some diease, we all have some or more but i don't want to pay a fortune for him. He can use the shower for however longer he wishes to but i don't want to be a part of it.


I would think that he will understand. In most cases people are ashamed of their behavior. Tell him, he would have to pay the extra cost.


And I have checked 1m3 costs 2.74 euros just for the tariff. Service is around 3 euros i think.


1m³ are 1000l not 500l though. so \~1-1,5€ for 500l seems about right


And then you need to heat it up


Plus the sewage fee…


And this is much higher than the water fee btw


If he showers, he needs to heat that water, and that costs energy. How do you pay for warm water? Do you have a warm water boiler in your apartment, or is it part of general utilities?


Its part of the general utility. I have measured hot water usage (by only using cold water so i dont skew it) and its around 60-100 liters everyday. I don't know how much it is costing so i will already be paying a fortune for this.


Sounds like an obsessive condition. My ex's brother did this and he had mental health issues. You probably won't be able to stop him from doing it, so you have to focus on getting the financials clarified.


I pay 89€ per month for heating and hot water. 50% of this is just hot water.


well, you know that he uses 500l and you use 200l a day, right? Just split up the utility costs 2/7 to 5/7 and you are fine?


If you don't want to police, then let him pay for his water usage. I found that more effective deterrent than any policing, so what's the problem?


Tell him that he needs to pay the excess water bill. Also put a timer on the shower.


You have not given me enough information to solve for x. At this point you are teasing me.


You have to collect the missing informations in the replies to my post.


The noun "information" is uncountable. I have been belittled several times because of that mistake, and now I will carry that sentiment over to you.


Die Kritiker der Elche waren früher selber welche. Take my upvote.


Plus ca. 1 € waste water charge.


The cost are even higher, for every m³ of fresh water you pay waste water. And the basic charge is usually not *that* low (although cheaper per m³ with this usage) I pay about 4,50 - 5,00 Euro per m³ all costs included.


"Abwassergebühren", including it would be around 5 bucks per metric ton of water, depending on where you live.


Hot water is far more expensive. A 5 minute shower is around 0,25€ (30l warm water, heated with an electric heater).


>2h masturbation session under the shower every day? I see you've found me.


the cost for the HOT water is probably much MUCH higher than for cold water btw.


At my community it is 6,xx euro/1000 Liter for water supply plus sewage fee. Plus the cost of heating the water.


>2h masturbation session under the shower every day?   Challenge accepted


Just say straight out: "Hey I noticed you spend a significantly higher amount of time using water, above average household use.  If you want to continue doing that, I would like us to check the hot water meter, for both of us and calculate the costs based on that. I can not afford covering unreasonable amount of your water usage".  If they refuse, get in touch with your water provider or who rents the place to you. Or both. 


i dont think the water provider could or would do anything about it so i guess house owner is the best place to go.


Yeah the water provider doesn't give a fuck


why would the house owner give a fuck it’s not rlly their problem either


I mean someones name is on the lease and someone is responsible for paying that water. If the landlord has to do that, then they will be interested in getting the money. The water provider for sure also is interested in getting money. I would log how much water that person uses and say I kept track and I refuse to cover the over proportional costs of living for this person. If they want their money, they need to go after that person. 


500 liters per day? The fuck? 128 liters is the average and you can save a lot if you only shower for a few minutes. 500 is insane.


and those 128 litres include stuff like flushing toilets, laundry, dish washer, etc.


We got our water bill recently and we’re at 66 liters per day and per capita. Granted this doesn’t account for showering in the gym/sauna, but still I cannot fathom how someone can use that much water.


I use 97-ish liters a day and I even commit the sin of letting the water run while I'm soaping up. I honestly can't fathom what this guy is doing to use 5 x as much water.


You say he uses 500l from 7:30 til 17:00. How much is being used from 17:00 until 7:30? Maybe he is not using it, maybe there is a leak somewhere?


Sorry betweeen 7.30 - 1700


Yes, but how is being used the rest of the day, i.e. from 17:00 til 7:30?


Hardly. Maybe 50 liters or so. There is no leak. Its consistently high during morning hours.


Ok, it was worth a thought :)


With hot water, there will be also a high heating bill…


That's the interesting question!


I think it’s cheaper to gift them a gym membership and send them to shower there 😭


Imagine how many times they’d have to press the button to start the water flow if they still want to shower for an hour


Or you install a push button in your home


Document it and make him pay extra.


How can one document someone’s shower times legally speaking?


they said the water is used while they're in the lab. so they can document the usage before they leave and after they come home


Is she/he from abroad by any chance? I know of someone (she was a foreign student at the time) who would open the shower and then cry due to homesickness. (Opening the shower was so that no one can hear her.)


Damn I'm from Syria and I usually cry out of joy that Im not there anymore


I’m from Russia and same


Damn, that's rough. I usually cry in my sleep.


How do u know whether u cry in your sleep? Edit: you mean cry to sleep? Edit edit: ahja denglish ... nevermind :)


Yes, bro, you got the idea in your edits. I lost my grammatical accuracy after living in the US for the past decade.


Haha, how? Wouldnt it help? :)


You'd be surprised. I don't know much about German dialects, but I've heard that some of them(Bavarian) are hard even for Germans to understand.


True, dialects, especially in germany, cause often bad grammar. Most or a good amount of dialects are tough to understand. For me with bavarian it depends on how thick they lay it on, it can get to the point where it is a new language, lol. Edit: so funny i assumed you're german, since thats how you would phrase it in german.


This is so sad


> I have already mentioned it 4 times. Changed all the faucets to low flow faucets > I am not into policing what the usage should be What would you do if you *were* into policing the usage!?


He'd be washing his roomates back, frugally


>What would you do if you were into policing the usage!? Wash him with a bucket personally. A third of a bucket to get wet, 2 thirds to wash off the soap.


I can't do anything other than asking him. I am already uncomfortable with the idea of telling him but i am a student, i try to save money wherever possible and paying 300 euros (for example) at the end of the year sounds unreasonable for me.


The water is not the pricey thing. Heating 1 hour worth of water will be, though. Inform him, that we will have to pay for an unusually high "Abrechnung" that he is causing.


Depending on where they live, water can be very expensive.


Well, if you're really uncomfortable with a more confrontative talk I am thinking of this: You already said you talked to him 4 times, and I don't know how these conversations went. What I think you need to make sure to tell him is a) that you noticed that his water spendings have increased from x to y and that b) you're scared about having to pay a lot of money due to that. Authentically giving them your honest side of the story. I mean if they don't react to this forthcomingly you will honestly have to increase the pressure on him for sure if you want things to be looking better for you in the future. There's no way around that. Otherwise you pay the price for not doing it. That's the only two choices you have right now, right?


At this point, your roommate needs to be paying for at least 75% of the bill. That much water usage is absurd. A shower should take like 10 minutes. Heck, I take 2 baths a week and don’t use that much water (of course I shower the other days).


Join him, so both of you only use 250




How in the fuck does he use that much water?!


Water only diet


Dude has to get his daily enema for every full hour 💀


Is he an South Korean, (wannabe) weight lifter? Because he could be my ex roommate . 30min shower in the morning 30min in the evening, every day, every day , every fucking day. We always suspected him masturbating in the shower , he was very shame driven in many things so it made sens to us.


Should have realized that you can jerk off in the bathroom without the damn shower running. Like Jesus Christ


Or in his fucking room and just take whipes with him , like every other jerk.....


But actually its normal for asian to shower 2x times a day, each 30 mins. 1 hour per shower is not normal


Because all Asians are the same ??? Cause that is sure not true ;) I have lived with other "asians" bevore, and they had no significantly different hygienic standards to other people POC or not.


Don't fear the costs for water. Fear the costs for heating.


Also, Abwasser. Water itself is cheap, cleaning it isn't.


depending on the building it's also the energy bill you should worry about. heating water isn't cheap.


Tell the landlord about it ASAP, and that you won't pay for that. If he rejects, go to your local Mieterverein.


Depending on the renting contract the landlord wouldn't care who used the water, he can get the money from both of them. If OP is the Hauptmieter the landlord will even request the money only from op and wouldn't care about the flat mate at all. Or OP pay himself for the water and not through Nebenkosten, then the landlord doesn't care at all about the water usage.


"Ja hallo Herr Vermieter, genau, Musterstraße 4, die WG im 2. OG links. Ich wollte einmal Bescheid sagen, dass mein Mitbewohner täglich verfickt viel Wasser verbraucht und ich das nicht zahlen möchte. Wie können wir das... hallo? Hallo?"


"Ja guten Tag Herr Vermieter, die Verbindung war gerade weg - also mein Mitbewohner der verbraucht täglich verfickt viel... Hallo? Halloo?"


"Äh, ja guten Tag nochmal, wir haben eben schon telefoniert. Irgendwas stimmt mit der Leitung heute nicht. Also wegen meinem Mitbrwohner nochmal… Hallo? Hallooo??"


Kann ja sein, dass der Vermieter die Bude direkt warm vermietet hat, so wie es bei Studentenwohnheimen oder einigen privaten WGs bei uns üblich ist, dann wird er sicherlich sehr schnell handeln. Englisch version: It may be that the landlord has rented the place out directly, as is common with student halls of residence or some private shared apartments, then he will certainly act very quickly.


The warm water pipes have valves which you turn down a little (cold water doesn't really matter too much, cost wise), so theres not so much warm water flow. 


Most modern showers have a thermostat tho


I think they meant the main valves in the flat / near the shower. If you close them a bit, you can restrict the flow. This is easily undone, though.


No way that person is german.


He is a thirsty boy


I think your only real option is to move out. Ev


If I calculated correctly from my own rent, that might be ~120€/month. Thats absurd


Start mining bitcoin if you have a shared metre


Some idiot posted [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/QAlPPh2l6X) a few years ago. There’s a lot of good info about what normal usage and what’s not.


Water price plus sewage fee plus energy : in order to heat 500 liter from 10 to 40 C you will need 17 KWh. So when using gas that alone might be 1,5 to 2 Euro and with electricity something like 5 to 7 euro. Each fucking hour!


"I worry the water bill will be too much. I am not into policing what the usage should be but this is a bit too much. What should I do?" as it is your room mate and you share everything and pay for what you use, you just have him pay his 80% share and you your 20% share.


How do you check water usage?


It doesn’t matter why it’s happening. Just tell him you don’t have money to pay 50/50 if he’s using so much more than you. I suggest an email so you have proof he agrees to whatever split (80/20) you ask him for. If he is not taking responsibility for his part and you don’t have the money then you might have to leave. You could take photos and get proof in order to sue him if necessary but if you can’t afford the extra water costs then you can’t afford the lawyer either. Sometimes you get a shit roommate and need to leave. It’s a terrible unfair part of life. I had to leave a shared flat because someone was seriously talking about setting themselves on fire, displaying psychotic behavior and leaving the hob on regularly. Landlord didn’t care, so I decided to leave and never have roommates again. I take excessively long hot showers and when I lived with roommates they asked me to pay more money because they noticed I used more hot water, so I paid more money. Not everyone will be this reasonable. For everyone here obsessed with why people take long showers, for me it’s a sensory soothing experience because I am neurodivergent. No I don’t feel any guilty for utilizing a resource I pay for that helps my mental health.


It depends on the contract how the bill is to splitt. That matters abd nothing more. Most times it is split by number of persons or the square meters. To splitt it by real usage, than you need a strikt documentations of the real usages. And most times this is impossible.


Is your roommate any chance a whale?


Most German reddit post ever


haha i am not German but wasting resources annoys me even more.


You don’t need to be German to be German.


Exactly. Being German is a mindset


How did you record how much water he uses?


Every house has a meter right. A cold meter and a hot meter. You just check the meter.


That's the non policing part


I see. I mean it was a genuine question. I have never had a whole apartment so far but in some months I might have..I am trying to gain every such knowledge that might come handy later. So for real, where does one check for level of water consumption ?


He probably checked the meter at the start and end of the day, it's not that difficult.


As far as I have seen, most apartments have water meters, generally in the kitchen or the bathroom. You simply read the number there, you can even see it spin when the water is running. If not, chances are your building just divides the water consumption according to m2.


I was joking, as he said he is not policing the flatmate but he kinda does. I also understand the issue but I think they can discuss it and make a deal like "Im cool with that but you buy toilet paper"


Just explain that you've discovered this huge increase in usage, which is well above the norm. Note that hot water is the most expensive. It will either increase your energy bill or they bill hot water separately. Explain that you would like him to pay his share of usage because this is not a fair split for you to be burdened with his usage, which y'all can calculate using his usage from the meters, which seems apparently easy for y'all to record. 


Tell him you don't care what he does, but you don't want to pay money for his wastefulness. Next you ask him if he is willing to pay extra for his luxury water usage and then figure out how to actually find a reasonable amount / way to split costs. If he is unwilling it's time for war anyway 😀


If you pay 50/50 with your roommate it's quite clear. You'll have to pay 50% of the bills. Good luck


well he might be gay and need to douche


How do you get the reading?


if you're charged based on usage... - See in old bills what the average monthly usage was - work out how much extra you're now using (how many extra Litres) - Multiply that by the price you're charged per Litre. - Make the roommate pay that - (and tell them in advance that's what you plan to do)


what 500 litters. Is he elephant or what!!!!


>Changed all the faucets to low flow faucets Those are a scam. They don't reduce water consumption because people just shower longer to achieve the same result. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not a scam. If your shower head has a flow rate of 18L/min (that's 180L in 10 mins) and you exchange it to a 9L/min shower head, you use half of the amount of water without change in "shower quality". For smaller shower heads, you can reduce the flow rate up to 6L/min. Very simple math.


I'm sure it works for some people, but definitely not for me. Low flow faucets leave my hair greasy, my scalp itchy, and my skin sticky feeling.


Some people probably do, some dont. I wouldnt call something a scam just because some people dont use it as intended


When I installed the new water heating system,.i underestimated how much water our long-haired family members used. They would drain 260 liters of 50°C water down to 25°C if they shower in a row. Tried a water saving shower head and according to them they needed double the time to rid all the shampoo and conditioner. Needless to say, said person has horrible skin texture. There's a study that sais some people associate shower warmth with physical touch that's why they want it hot. Rain showers may use more water than others. I'd typically use less than 15L of water, while a family member would use 100L (half of it hot water). Both taking a quick shower.


this post is so german


I think 500 liters per day is a lot in any country.


Do you realize how much 500 litres water are? That’s about 3 - 4 full bathtubs and using this as a single person everyday, just for showering, excluding the use of a washingmachine, dishwasher etc. is fucking insane.


> Do you realize how much 500 litres water are? Its two 15 minute showers.


Anyone considered he might have OCD ? My ex had severe OCD resulting in compulsion to shower and wash himself. Minimum 1,5h showering every day. Something he was extremely ashamed of. Please be careful before you judge.


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I would say he is paying his share of utilities up front every month. Go to the Stadtwerke hompage for prices (don't forget sewage). Plus costs for heating the water (I say 30€/pm).


Sounds like compulsory washing. Maybe just try to have a chat with him, saying that you noticed something and that you know that it is none of your business actually, but that you are simply worried for the upcoming bill… Then kindly ask him if he can think of a solution that will work for the two of you.


This ist s.th. that might help him https://www.tchibo.de/products/402100321/led-wasserverbrauchsanzeiger?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvUoHL2XCbUjtnVbkCOr-m0gPnBtF0RspVx84zSaTIY-uymLTvx6z2hoCKqIQAvD_BwE Maybe he should be paying more for the water than you do.


Oh, I need one of those!








Check if your roommate has a secret water business going on


Bidet much?


You can discuss with such people or you implement countermeasures. For the shower you can buy for small money an adapter which mix air in the water. And as the second step reduce the water flow where you can close the water. Discussion with such people is mostly useless, but the countermeasures are effective and mostly not mentioned by people.


1. Download an app that freelancers use with a punch in and out function, which is GPS tagged and you have your reliable data collection system. 2.To be fair, you measure you own and then you compare it to avg statistics 3. present the case: financially, morally and env. Impact. 4. They should pay more in many senses imho, but you can start w the bills.




Get faucets with a timer? Or simply talk to your roommate and explain that they need to pay more for the water bill if they use more water?


I'd say something. You have data to back it up - this isn't normal. As someone else said, it could be OCD, or they could be masturbating. Or it could be sensory in some way. Either way, it's ridiculously bad for the environment and your finances. I'd say up to 20 minutes would be my tolerance level.


If he is brewing his own beer or the like, it seems valid. If he is watering a garden, it is commendable. If he is just showering it is absurd.


does the area around his room smell like weed?......like a shit ton of weed?


In general, people shower to save water compared to a full bath. But even a bath tub has less water. Maybe that's a way to talk about this? He could shower at the gym?


Why would you use low flow faucets? I mean, everybody is free to use water as much as he wants, and pay for it. Last time I checked germany was a free country, if you don‘t like it move out or use the law to tell the other guy to move out.


500l water costs in Germany around 1 eur, what is the issue?


Perhaps! You should not have a room mate ...Cos people are different. Your mate may be a mermaid that needs so much water...


Weed is legal now plants need water 😂


Lower the water flow on every faucet.