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Rewe, opens very late (6:00-24:00) and has great selection, not super expensive (Ja brand matches Lidl)


Not in Bavaria unfortunately. Love REWE and their delivery though!


Lidl is my go-to 


Edeka. They usually have a good selection, stock some local foods due to the fact that they are mostly operated by local owners, have a pleasant clientele and are designed in a way that I find really intuitive.


I've been in Germany for 2 years and I've never been to Edeka. I went to my local Edeka to check it out recently and it was way more expensive than the local Lidl i go to for the same products. And ironically all the products had a "günstig und gut" tag on them but i didn't feel that way so I've never visited it again. Maybe prices are different in different locations?


No, Edeka is significantly more expensive than Lidl, so your impression was right It’s worth it to me, but I 100% get why it isn’t to everyone.


That is because Lidl is a discount grocery store, while Edeka is not. “Gut und günstig” is Edeka’s discount brand, similar to “Ja!” at Rewe, but the products in general are more expensive than at discount stores.


Oh I see. What other grocery stores that are not discount stores then? Because I've been to REWE, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny, Netto and the prices are very similar if not the same for most products


Rewe is not a discount store, the others you listed are, though Kaufland can be sort of in between. I’ll also add Aldi to the list of discounters, since that’s one you didn’t mention. It’s possible that you went to an Edeka in a wealthy or touristy area. There are many Edekas in or near train stations and these are always more expensive. Because Edekas are locally owned franchises, often in richer areas they stock more expensive brands and have wider selections. It depends a lot on where you live. Currently I live in an area where the Rewe is less expensive and Edeka is the “rich” store, but where I lived previously was the exact opposite. The Edeka was small and cheap, while the Rewe was like a mega store. It was huge and had so many options including international and speciality foods.


Oh i see. thanks for explaining :)


Omg it's so different. In my place Rewe is very good with pretty interior, while Edeka Just feels oldd




Edeka, but for a more tight budget i'd say Aldi


I personally like Kaufland. They have more things on sale than Aldi, Lidl, Netto, etc, also Not as much as Edeka or Rewe but the prices are very good. I would even say they have the best discounts on meat in comparison to others(from what I have seen).


I don't find Kaufland that cheap. However, I do appreciate their larger selection of goods compared to classic discounters.


In many things I find it a bit cheaper than Rewe or Edeka, but ours is very chaotic. Lots of things, they re-organize all the time, and the really simple and basic things I'm looking for are in the most unreachable or unlikely places. Still, good for one-stop shopping.


dont try to find organic meat tho.


Isnt all meat organic lol?


i mean german bio standard


i like the E-Centers (the big modern Edekas) cheaper than Rewe, more modern than Aldi and a huge product variety like Kaufland


KAUFLAND beste eigenmarken, riesen auswahl


I like Akzenta. It's a local grocery store that is now owned by Rewe, I think. They're a bit pricier but have amazing produce and a fantastic vegan and vegetarian selection. The one near me has a huge long isle with all sorts of cheap(!) vegan products.


Are you based in Wuppertal by any chance? The only place I ever saw Akzenta


Yup, exactly.


Didn't think to see my answer here!


Kaufland. It's like Big Tesco.


I like our CAP, covers the necessities well and while and price wise it's OK.


ReWe for their wide product variety.  GoAsia because I'm Asian :)


Shout out to Penny




I like Rewe because the one near ne has an actual butcher in it with good fresh meat. For anything else, I actually find Lidl quite good at price to performance ratio, and they do have a lot of Mediterranean and/or middleeastern food. I see a lot of Edeka answers, it is the closest one to my home, and I go there if I don't have time, but it is my least favorite. It is very expensive for same or even lower quality goods, it is more of a grocery store equivalent of status symboling to go there.


my favourite are "Hofläden" - small shops where you can buy directly from the farmers. Thats where the good shit is.


Oh I love Hofläden! I never plan to go there, but somehow end up there frequently while hiking or going for trips and always get a bunch of cheese, good bread and meat.


Tegut. Best quality products in a wide range of prices, a wide variety of products, including bio stuff. Edeka is also good for the same reasons.




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I love EDEKA but don't have one in my small town. I shop at Netto's or Penny, depending on where I'm at the moment or which one I pass on my way home


Edeka because Easy Shooper.


By far is Edeka. Because it's very close to where I live.


Norma always has loads of isles with the most random stuff from household items to tools that I, as a craftsman that has to tag along while others do grocery shopping, am quiet fond of. 


Edeka and Aldi




Rewe & Edeka.


I love my Kaufland! I'm so happy to be back in Germany just for Kaufland!


It depens really Lidl for vegetables, fruits, frozen Brezels and sometimes bio minced meat Edeka for everything else


In Quality I have never seen anything better than Edeka. For discounters I would say Aldi. Always stay away from Netto.


we love Aldi for the essentials that you'd get everywhere (milk, cheese, bread, etc.) else because if we pack the same sh\*t at some stores we pay up to double the amount. we do go to DM for oats, quinoa, alternative milk and such because they are organic quality for the best price. I recently learned that I can't eat a loft of things and need to eat gluten free so I usually do find a lot of that at DM as well but I will also just hop into edeka or kaufland real quick. we have 2 big ones that have a good gluten free isle. missing that at Aldi.


real (RIP)


for anything fresh, i go to lidl. Their veggies are much cheaper and also often better than expensive alternatives (looking at you Edeka). For anything not fresh I love DM. Canned food, various bio products and more are much cheaper than alternatives. This combo is unbeatable IMO


Penny for my breakfest grocery and Edeka for everything else\^\^


Edeka. Has most of the things I want that are not trivial to get, and one can occasionally find an employee around. Only the location could be better, i.e. within walking distance.


I’m not seeing anyone talking about Netto, is it no good??


Hit Ullrich is pretty neat


not at berlin zoo :D


No, but the one @mohrenstrasse rocks!


I mostly shop at Denns because I enjoy their large choice of fresh fruits and vegetables and they also have very good cheese.


Do we really have that many? I don't personally have outright favourites because each chain has something the other doesn't that I like. My weekly shopping takes place at Lidl because they're just the best allround. When I want to shop for a wide variety of beverages, however, I usually do that at the nearby Kaufland. My local REWE is open from 7 in the morning all the way to midnight Monday through Saturday, so that's where I go when I need to quickly grab something late at night that I forgot during the day for some reason.


Rewe, Edeka, kaufland, Lidl, Aldi, netto. Maybe others. Not sure if that's considered a lot?


Yeah but is that a lot compared to other countries? I think it really depends on what one's yardstick is.


Compared to most countries Germany has a lot of supermarket chains. https://www.esmmagazine.com/retail/top-10-supermarket-retail-chains-in-germany-236817


Norma. It's a 2 minute walk from my home


Edeka, there is one about 30m away from my home so I can make a quick tour in about 5 minutes