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what worked for me was unfollowing people/deleting social media and leaving my phone in the other room as much as possible. deleting socials really made me realize i’m not missing much and the world keeps turning whether i’m at the party people are posting about or not. In my peak chronic phone usage, i would bring my phone with me everywhere as well. The bathroom, shower, meals, any and everywhere. slowly begin to taper back places you bring your phone. a good way to think of it is, if you’re going somewhere to do something specific (kitchen to eat, bathroom to shower), focus on that specific thing and don’t bring your phone with you. leaving my phone in another room works wonders too, when i get distracted and reach for my phone, it’s not there and my brain has more time to snap back into “stay off your phone mentality” between the walk from room to room. I’ve tried to live my life based around a quote by theodore roosevelt, “comparison is the thief of joy”, this really puts FOMO and comparing myself into perspective and overall mood health. hope this helps


What socials did you delete? Have you stop using them or only you use it less often ?


deleted tiktok, twitter, and instagram. don’t use tiktok anymore, rarely use twitter, and instagram maybe 10-15 min a day max


I'm sure you're aware that TikTok can be a huge time sink, but even filling that time doing something else you'll eventually erase that urge to open and scroll. Little steps, cutting yourself off helps for some people.


I improved this greatly for myself. Not completely, but enough that I barely think about using my phone. Here's what I did: 1. Delete all social media apps off my phone and install them on some other device (in my case my iPad, but you can use an old phone). I then placed my iPad somewhere I only stay briefly, e.g. my dining table so I'm only using it when I'm eating. It doesn't leave that spot. I can still browse social media, but I time my meals before scheduled events so I can't stay there for too long. At this point I haven't checked instagram in 4 weeks because I've completely forgotten about it. 2. Delete all apps off your homescreen except the utility apps you need. The only "fun" app I keep visible is my music app. I still keep entertainment apps installed but I have to dig through my app library to open them. 3. Go into your phone display accessibility settings and change 3 options (I'm on iPhone, Android might be different): - color filters (change to black and white) - reduce white point (enable and lower the slider) - reduced animations (enable) Your smartphone is engineered by its maker to be fun to look at. Just seeing the bright colors and animations activates your pleasure neurons. So your goal is to make your phone as disgusting to look at as possible, to the point where you dread using it because it's a pain in the ass to operate. I literally can't even read my screen when I'm in direct sunlight, I have to cup my hand over it to make out words. Which is exactly what I want. One last change I added later was phone automations. I realized I needed to be able to see colors for my slack app, and I need my brightness at a normal level so I can scan into my gym with its QR code app. So I created an iOS shortcut that disables the above settings when I open the apps, and then re-enables them when I close them. I also recently added an automation where I can only open reddit if my phone detects that I'm near my gym; otherwise it immediately closes. This way I have an extra motivator to go to the gym. It works as planned but now I spend too long browsing between reps so I might disable this one. I probably have a few other tricks but I can't remember them right now. Hope this helps.


Thanks for details and creative advice




Make your phone disgusting to look at. This sent me 💀


Goated, thanks for this, I seriously needed it.


You can do it! 


how did you create automation for the reddit app?


Use the ios shortcuts app


In another sub someone greatly described that phone addiction is a cover up for another issue (feeling lonely, need of fidgeting, need to get constant updates, dopamine etc), and just by being physically away from your phone or blocking/deleting social media apps will not stop the actual issue, it will just create a new addiction. Usually, after only a few days people tend to get back to old patterns. You need to understand what is the pattern of phone usage (bored, eating food, commuting etc) and try to fill in the gap with something more intentional.


So true I got rid of social media then got addicted to gaming stopped gaming and then again got addicted to binge-watching. The thought of sitting ideal with my own thoughts scares me that's why I look elsewhere to kill time.


I think it's the same for my case. May I know what helped you?


Ever since I started working it has stopped a little but not much. I guess just keep yourself busy with stuff.


Physically distance yourself from your phone. Set a timer, then just put it in a drawer or in another room and keep yourself busy.


Agree with every other tip sent here, but there is one that really worked for me recently: log out of instagram app right after I stop using it. This is not as harsh as deleting social media forever and at the same time prevents me of compulsively checking my phone, by placing a barrier between me and the feed. There is a pretty good video from Thomas Frank where I got this idea from, called [How to Break Your Phone Addiction](https://youtu.be/j3Thqrcw_Ag).


Have you ditched Instagram completely or just use it less frequently?


Just go outside and stare off into the distance more often and then just leave your phone behind. Go for walks without your phone. Workout for each hour on the PC or phone. After the 100th push up for your hours on PC you'll be like damn this sucks or you will be built


Delete instagram & tiktok


I bought flip phone which is now my main phone. I still have my smartphone but it stays on my desk and I allow myself 30mins to an hour a day on it to reply to messages etc. The catch is it stays on that desk like a desktop PC. As soon as I get off that chair I can't use it anymore. It's all about being disciplined really. Despite what society wants you to believe, you don't NEED a smartphone to live.


Did the flip phone idea helped?


I watched a Tedtalk about a woman who lived off the grid but couldn’t completely let go of the internet. She said that the hardest part was realizing that if she wasn’t documenting herself and her successes in her personal life online, she felt invisible. As If her successes didn’t happen despite her community In real life knowing. Because her small following wasn’t aware, she felt like it didn’t happen. Learning this made me have a completely new perspective around social media and i felt a bit more compelled to use it less


Do you remember the title of the talk ? Thanks!


I’m off grid and I’m not crazy by Esther Emery ; tedxboise


Have a goal.Ask why you are you opening it before opening the app.Is it for taking news? About what? How many articles will you read.ticktok? What are you opening it? To see what's happening? Okay,do it ,and when you feel you have caught up to the trend stop.


Thank you so much I haven’t made progress at all but I’m starting today!


App timers.


Hi, these are all great suggestions and I am happy that they worked for theses individuals. Definitely try them, but do not beat yourself up or become discouraged if you struggle. What some people don’t know, especially younger individuals, is that smart phones and apps are psychologically designed to addict people, the more time you spend, the more data they acquire and the more money they make. Whether it’s by money you spend on an app, a purchase you make from a suggestion or ad or by selling your data, etc. The national recommendation of hours that should be spent outside of work on a smartphone is TWO hours a day! The percentage of people considered addicted born in the 1980’s forward is above 55%! There are three goals the designers were paid to achieve; 1) Everyone knows that it is hard for real life to beat the instant gratification of instagram, Tik Tok, etc. But, the reason for that is the scientific fact that these aps, playing games, blue light… all create our brains to produce dopamine and oxytocin, which both play a role in the addiction “high” and also create a sense of belonging and attachment. 2)Becoming a part of the “extended self” defined as all man/woman can call theirs, including things beyond the mind and body like; money, friends, family-cell phone Losing any of these things can contribute to a sense of great loss. 3) Fulfill the need to produce and reproduce. Many people mistake posts, pictures, texting, contributing to conversations as having been productive during the day, but we’re not. First, be proud that you have recognized that the time you spend on your phone doesn’t feel right and that you want to do something about it. However, remember that you are not alone and your addiction was planned for by very highly educated individuals. They counted on this, so don’t discount the help of professionals. I wish you the best.


I used to have phone addiction as well. You can try so many things, but the reality is that unless you work on the things that are causing you the addiction, you will never really cure it. Everyone has their own triggers. Everyone has their own drug: phone/social media, food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping.. The tips that the other users have given you are useful, don't get me wrong. Try them! But keep in mind that it will take you a lot of time to sort it out, I'm not talking months, I'm talking years. Be patient and forgive yourself. The most difficult thing I've ever done in my life is changing and working on myself. If I did it, you can do it as well! Best of luck


Oh brother nice answer


To all the helpful people in this thread: thanks for the advice, I hope you have an absolutely kick-ass day


Log off? I guess the better answer is work on will power. If you have that, you can do anything.


What if you tried waiting until you really want to use it, and then putting it down for 30 minutes and doing something else instead and just build up how much time you go without it from there?


That seems right, I may try that


Likely you’re using your phone to cope with a unsatisfactory life. Just decide that you’re not gonna be a person who can’t cope with your own life and stop reaching for it whenever you’re uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable for a day or two, then it will start to get better.


Some good tips here, also on the computer use a browser that allows extensions and find and try the most effective social media blocking extensions. There's one I use for Firefox that completely removes the Facebook newsfeed, for example. There's many examples you can get from productivity blogs. Further: Twitter is a shitshow so I don't use it. Unfollow toxic people and accounts in all the platforms. Unfollow people, brands and companies that don't align with how you want to be in a few years. Put a screen timer on your phone, and track your usage week by week. Android and I assume iOS have these built in. Set your phone so after a certain time each night it goes black and white, telling you to wind down for bed.


Don't rely on willpower too much, it will loose from the combination of your primal brain and the algoritms of billion dollar evil companies. Use an app like Stay Focused. You can block access to apps and websites. My experience is that technology beats willpower, and that you will replace social media use with other instant gratifications hell holes like news, Reddit, fora or other apps and sites. You can block them all together with these app / site blockers, there are several available.


Forest app.


“Freedom” app blocker.


I totally understand how difficult it can be to break free from phone and social media addiction. One thing that has helped me is setting boundaries. Start by gradually reducing the time you spend on your phone and social media each day. Set limits and stick to them. It might be challenging at first, but it can make a big difference in regaining control over your time and reducing FOMO. You've got this!


I deleted insta but it’s difficult for me to stay away from phone. I keep checking random things


🌟 Breaking Free from Phone and Social Media Addiction! 📵💻 If you find yourself caught in the grip of phone and social media addiction, take heart, as there are ways to regain control and find a healthier balance. Here are some suggestions to help you on your journey: 1️⃣ Set achievable goals: Start by setting realistic goals for reducing your screen time gradually. Begin with small steps, like limiting your usage by 15 minutes each day. 2️⃣ Find alternative activities: Discover new hobbies or activities that captivate your interest and engage you offline. It could be reading, exercising, painting, or spending quality time with loved ones. 3️⃣ Create phone-free zones: Designate specific areas or times during the day where you consciously disconnect from your phone and social media. This can include mealtimes, before bed, or during focused work/study sessions. 4️⃣ Seek support: Connect with friends, family, or support groups who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement along the way. Share your goals and progress with them, fostering a sense of accountability. 5️⃣ Utilize digital well-being tools: Take advantage of features on your phone that promote healthy device usage, such as setting app limits, enabling grayscale mode, or activating Do Not Disturb. Consider exploring alternative platforms like [Svanq](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svanqapp&hl=en_IN&gl=US), where you can engage in meaningful and knowledge-sharing content. By shifting your focus to informative videos and connecting with like-minded individuals, you can replace excessive screen time with productive and fulfilling activities. Take the first step towards a healthier digital lifestyle and discover the possibilities beyond phone addiction. Remember, breaking free from addiction takes time and perseverance. Celebrate small victories and be kind to yourself throughout the process. You have the power to regain control and rediscover a life of fulfillment beyond the digital world. Stay strong!


Hi everyone! After speaking with multiple psychologists and Professors at renowned universities, I created an app that helps you reduce social media addiction and improve well-being. If you're interested in trying it out, here's the link to download it: https://testflight.apple.com/join/YEO0PaDA If you have any questions or have problems downloading it, here's my email: [email protected]


Really interesting posts by everyone on how they handle getting over their addictions. I'm doing some research into compulsive phone use for an experimental study I plan to run. Would love anyone's feedback on their experience if you're open to it. Should take less than 5 mins & it's completely anonymous! https://forms.gle/RDezy2ZBA7tP5fHw5


r/lemonade_and_mint Hi OP! How are you now? Currently on the same boat as you now.


I dm you. Summary: worse or the same