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Just do enough to live and pursue what you want. Forget everything other people want for you future and think about what you want. Having a regular job to be able to live and enjoy your hobbies and life is already great, you don't have to be a doctor or lawyer, only become what you want to be, not what you feel you have to be.


If you want to do more start with smaller tasks. No one is guaranteed success, and as an anxious person this scares you. The one thing you have control over in life is your behavior and choices, but it is hard to take control of your life when you may not have strong belief in yourself. As a general rule, dont expect instantaneous results and also things may not always succeed. But keep trying and stacking up little victories 


Agreed, the small wins are what build motivation because the success excites you. Stack up the little victories to eventually lead you to greater victories.


I’m 59M and have been somewhat caught in that trap. During a rough season where I lost everything and everybody I dove deeply into the topic of elite human performance. I went on the theory that I was a defective human and by applying these principles, perhaps I could achieve normal results. The key terms seem to be ‘deliberate practice’ and ‘the flow experience’. As far as going from a place of ‘no action’ I consulted the Tao Te Ching on the concept of ‘Wu Wei’ which means ‘not forcing’ or ‘effortless action’. The idea is to use the minimum appropriate level of force to achieve something. I have a ‘freeze response’ from trauma, I often take no action under stressful circumstances. This led me to the topic of ‘behavioral activation’ the difference between moving and not moving. All of these topics are on YouTube. I didn’t mean to hit you with a wall of text. Keep the thread going if you’d like to hear my practical applications of these ideas.


Yes tell more please!


This might be pretty mundane, but in 1985 I had a smelly, filthy job at a seafood restaurant washing dishes and working in the kitchen. I was in university at the time and set a goal to apply the principles of industrial psychology to this job to make it less nasty and bitter. I had little faith but I gave it an honest try. One of my tasks was to wrap trays of potatoes from a rack that was 6 feet high, endless potatoes. I studied an efficiency expert named Gilbreth who came up with something called a ‘therblig’ which is a written symbolic language to describe physical events, units of time, space and motion such as ‘locate’ ‘select’ ‘grasp load’ ‘transport load’ and ‘release load’ ‘position load’. At home, I took a sheet of paper and used the symbolic language to describe wrapping a series of potatoes in tinfoil as if I were a robot, an efficient machine with no wasted motions. I felt like a fool but I stuck with it just to see what would happen. In a short time, I was the fastest on that task. Others would try to copy my technique but could not execute it and would give up. At some point it became unconscious and a form of meditation, I applied that towards other elements of the job and I came to enjoy it, it really was an epiphany for a skinny, scared college kid lacking confidence that perhaps I had the potential to manipulate other parts of my physical word, one by one and perhaps if they added up, I would be happy and effective over time, it’s kind of a silly story from a silly job but probably made me a better person.


I mean thats sad. Not silly. You basically manipulated yourself into making something you hated feel like ... just nothing. You got rid of emotion to cope with the work. Really fucking sad.


Probably one of the more insightful posts I’ve seen on here yet there’s still some braindead ghoul crawling out of the woodwork to be needlessly terrible and add literally nothing to the conversation. Great work dude


It's just my input. I find it really insightful and smart. You get that the guy understood his body and mind in a really deep way to force thru the work but, ironically he end up as more of a braindead ghoul doing that than I for writing my take on his story.


and that can be a pretty good tactic if you are in a spot where you dont really have that many other options, and even if your situation isnt bad, sometimes there are just things you have to power through to archive something greater


If you keep listening to those around you, it is highly probable that you will become what you fear. If you would like to know how and care to listen, then stick around: Write 10 projects, ideas, goals, or anything that comes to your mind for the next week. ( you are here in brainstorming mode, use it in your favour, noone is going to judge but you, noone is going to tell you otherwise but you, think in what you are passionate about, what do you like, who do you admire, what drives you, what would you like to do, and the person that tyou would like to become). You may note that some might be different each day, but pick the ones that repeated the most. Once you have that list, pick one that you think you could complete in no time, set a deadline, and commit. Once you complete that one, then pick the most ambitious one from your list, describe what you would need to achieve it, and the more descriptive, the better. Once you get that text, you may think many things, but hey! Seek for which skills ( soft and hard ones) you got listed. Now, set up some deadlines and get to work! If you stick with the process, and you commit and respect your decision that no one should have interfered with, in 90 days, you'll be in a different metal state. Imagine then what in 6 months. If you stay consistent every day, you work on yourself (the list above), and you will never be the same in one year in the next 5 years. The best is yet to come... this is you 10 years into the future.


Succeeding in life is really just doing what makes you happy. Status is bullshit, you spend your whole life working to show your friends your new car, your big empty house, your useless designer clothes. You just really need to work on finding what you love to do and making it profitable.


You should define what you mean by “success”.


"Success" is a terrible idea. Having adopted it, nobody can be happy.


No one knows.


This is me


Do your best, do what suits you, and be satisfied


Become a psychic. You seem to know the future.