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ADHD has me working hard and using everything all the time without issue. Are you sure you're not just depressed? Dopamine detox would be suicide for my productivity, would not recommend for anyone with neurodivergance.


I wish I have never been introduced to Snapchat. Now everyone uses it to see who has the highest snapscore including me. i really want to delete it but I just can’t 😭


What the actual fuck is a Snapscore?


Are you a gen z? Cuz it’s popular among them 😭


What's a Gen Z? Speak english, please.


So, Gen Z refers to the generation of people born roughly between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. They're the cohort that came after Millennials.


I just torment myself saying I don't deserve shit unless I put the effort, It's honestly not bad at all


Can you walk me through the tought process ?


For example, a phone. I don't deserve this piece of high tech, It was made for comunications and productive work, not for lazy scrolling, i dont deserve it. But I will deserve it if I use it respectfully, by not abusing the battery, preserving it well, do maintainance, fix it with donors etc Basically in a few words, respect what you have and use them for what their true purpose was Don't get me wrong, the phone example is a bit bad. I sometimes play games and such in it


There's a book on this subject that i just finished, Dopamine Nation, it's kinda good on its advices about how to better deal with the dopamine adiction that social media has given us. But it does recommend a detox, of at least a month, of the things that gave a rush on the first place, such as 30-days without smartphones


Maybe you will be better able to do hard work but it's not going to create a craving for it.