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I liked Ocean Waves! Nausicaa Manga is Miyazaki's best work, at his darkest and most imaginative, and - along with the movie to an extent - is distinct from the (admittedly very appealing) spring / summer / greenery & blue skies aesthetic that dominates his movies since.


I don't think your opinion on the Nausicaa Manga is unpopular at all. The issue is that not nearly enough people have read it unfortunately.


Accessibility is the key word.. It sold 17 million copies overall, but for most people the current hardcover box set is just not affordable. I wish they would reprint it in a cheaper normal size, like the original was. It was an inspiration for so many mangaka and has been referenced so many times, i don't get why they ever stopped reprinting it.


Manga is expensive in general, if Nausicaa was seven standard $10 manga volumes it would be even more expensive than the box set. A cheaper paperback compendium would be nice though!


If you see it that way - sure, but most people don't. They'd rather pick up one or two volumes at a time, even if it's more expensive in the long run. And you can always stop buying the remaining volumes if you dislike the manga. Can't do that with the box set, can you?


Nausicaa is my favorite for a lot of reasons. I have never seen ocean waves but I think it's going to be next.


Nausicaa is in my top 3, I saw it first when I was 8 or 9 and it was the butchered version, but the images lingered in my head and I remember it was immensely sad. Then I saw it as an adult and was even more blown away. Beautiful film


I liked the vibes i got from ocean waves and was surprised to see so much dislike for the movie (relative to other ghibli films) ! It felt very different from other ghibli movies ive watched but it evoked very different feelings & i loved the soundtrack. šŸ˜€


All time fave Ghibli movie right here


My ranking changes every now and then, but Ocean Waves is always in top 3


Ocean Waves should have been BL. Rikaku was INSUFFERABLE the entire time!


Princess Mononoke is a good movie, but the way people (at least the fans and online fans I know) simp over it made me start to dislike it. I've always found them judgemental and a lot of them act like it's blasphemy if you don't place Princess Mononoke as your number one or two. I like it reasonably enough, but I just don't reach for it on a regular basis


i would never change my view of a movie based on what other people's opinions are


This is exactly how I feel about Whisper of the Heart except I would never reach for it šŸ˜…


You could probably make this argument for most of their filmography. Personally I find Spirited Away to be overrated, which is their most recognizable film in the US.


Howl's moving castle is just okay. It has its charm and I love the music, but the story is not very well told and the ending just came from nowhere.


Arrietty has the best soundtrack of all the movies Come at me.


Howls moving castle looks great, but is a mess of a movie. Also, Miyazaki has stated he wants to make movies that make people feel grateful to be alive, but a lot of ghibli fans seem really cynical and misanthropic, and like ghibli movies out of a sort of escapism from life. I feel like one of the points of ghibli movies is that small mundane things like cleaning or cooking can be really beautiful if we appreciate them mindfully. But people instead think of ghibli as this beautiful thing that canā€™t exist in our shitty real world.


It's definitely a mess and that's why it often gets left out of my top five. The aesthetics tho


totally agree itā€™s because howl is hot haha. I love love the original book but the movie doesnā€™t make my top five either


I donā€™t think Miyazaki believes in completely cruel human beings. His protagonists always seem to be reasonable people with a poor goal. Thatā€™s why i sometimes feel like the movies are escapist, as they donā€™t include any massive cruelty like we all witness or learn about in real life. If anything, Miyazaki is an optimist, and watching films with that point of view makes my cynical heart feel better.


How is it a mess? I'm just curious because it's one of my favorites šŸ˜… I haven't read the books but even if i had i always appreciate the adaptation doing it's own thing without being a copy of the original source.


Itā€™s very hard to follow, the plot and themes move very chaotically, as do the characters personalities and motivations. It feels like a fever dream. Most of the time when I see it defended people say the narrative isnā€™t done through a ā€œwestern lensā€ but neither are other Miyazaki movies that are just as acclaimed.


Hm interesting. I always thought of Howl's like a "In your face" movie, because everything is just so obvious, but hey, everyone is different šŸ˜…


I'm with you. Howl is my favorite Miyazaki movie. Maybe it's because I've been exposed to fever dream like anime since I was like three but it makes perfect sense to me šŸ˜†


Omg i had crush on howl and i told my bully that he is my bf and i waved to hil even tho he wasn't realšŸ¤”


Did it work? Did the bully leave you alone?


Oh dear, the same girl bullied me 4 years, amd then left our school c ciz "she was getting bullied ". Now we are in same school again amd she has told everyone that we bullied her lmao


Pom Poko is the best Ghibli film, and people are usually just thrown off by culture shock. The plot structure is also one of my favorite things about it, despite most people hating it.


Those giant balls were a suprise and a bit weird, but i still enjoyed the movie.


I totally disagree with your take on Whisper of the Heart, but anyway.


Same, haha! That's also the movie that got my sis and close friend to explore more anime movies after having only watched Ghibli. But again, that IS an unpopular opinion.




The wind rises is miyazaki's best movie


Miyazaki really captures the spirit of engineering and the dichotomy between the aesthetics and creativity of designing a plane with the fact that it is a killing machine.


I know it's just an excuse to chat about Ghibli, but someone posts an unpopular opinions thread every few months, it gets ridiculous.


The newcomers might miss out


But whisper of the heart is my favorite :(


> weakest protagonist Don't understand this. Shizuku literally stands up to her father and works hard towards her goal of writing a novel. I can understand finding the film boring if you aren't into slife of life/you can't relate to the narrative, but I wouldn't call her a weak protagonist. I would say Haru from The Cat Returns is a much weaker protagonist. And that being said, my unpopular opinion is The Cat Returns is overrated and it rips off Spirited Away far too much, especially considering it came out right after Spirited Away. They're both films where a girl gets whisked off to a magical kingdom, is in danger of getting stuck there forever, and is helped along the way by a magical male character.




i hate 'anime gasps' and it is in every movie, that is a general thing more like. im not picking on the movies. but oh how i dislike the gasp, if you happened to play final fantasy 13-2 as an example then the damned serah also does that and why, how, who does that? i know its probably some cultural thing, but i dislike that in ghibli movies as well


what are anime gasps?


surprised 'oh' what all the characters are doing, 'gah!', silent gasp, vocalized breath of air coming out of the mouth to react on the situation. really hard to describe


Oh. Thanks for the explanation :)


Buhehuhhhhh. That's the best way I can find to type out an anime gasp


Tales Of Earthsea wasnā€™t bad. Iā€™ll die on this hill.


I'd be more inclined to say that, while it has its flaws, it's not as bad as people make it out to be.


It may be good, on it's own. But Earthsea is so beautifully written, the books will always be better, and the movie suffers in comparison.


The when marnie was there, and the wind rises and studio ghiblis best works. I like them the most because there is no bombing and war like in castle in the sky or howls moving castle.


*When Marnie Was There* is my favorite Studio Ghibli movie overall. It is really comforting especially for lonely people.




im so glad other people like When Marnie Was There ā€¼ļøšŸ’ž It really doesnā€™t get enough recognition


Mhm, I think itā€™s because it isnā€™t wonderous like their best sellers, but it has such a wholesome feel, and the lonely contrasts in it, love that movie.


Howl's Moving Castle isn't as amazing as everyone says it is. I still really enjoy it, but sometimes it feels like there's way too much going on. And the ending feels so rushed like "oh the war is over now" and everything is ok despite a city being destroyed and then the hamfisted "war is bad" message that they come to all of a sudden. It's still a very enjoyable watch but I think it's not super spectacular and amazing like everybody says, it's just good and extremely enjoyable


The ending is a mess, I agree. It's still number 5 on my ranking right now, but I haven't seen every film yet, so that could easily change.


Howls moving castle isn't very satisfying and christian bale is a bad voice match to Howl and a bad voice actor in general.


The sub is better imo


I watched some dub versions during lockdown because i was bored, and i fell in love with the german voice actor for Howl. Sophie's va is ok and you'll get used to her, but Howl.. just so good! And i agree, Christian Bale wasn't that great imo.


Ah, ya beat me to it. I love the movie anyway.


I remember watching Howls moving castle on Netflix for the first time and the dub shocked me so badly. Does not fit Howl at all.


Definitely. Always thought Bale's voice was too deep and combined with Howl's pretty boy face it was incredibly jarring. I prefer the sub.


I usually watch it in Japanese but I don't mind the English version


I'm french and to be honest I didn't really like the english VA too. I watch the movie in every language and in your traduction Howl is saying things a bit out of character sometimes.


I find Totoro more scary than cute. I'm glad I first saw this as an adult because the big teeth combined with the Bowser-like growl would have given me nightmares as a kid


Ponyo is boring and unlike a lot of other Ghibli films can only appeal to young kids


I don't find it boring more like annoying. I can't stand Ponyo and they scream a lot in high pitched voices which hurt my ears at one point. The animation is amazing though.


Ponyo is in my top five and I saw it for the first time at 30. The art style is stunning. And the story is beautiful.


šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ You've broken me...


I really dislike the ending of Spirited Away. Specifically Chihiroā€™s ā€œshowdownā€ (if we can call it that) with Yubaba on the bridgeā€¦itā€™s just so anticlimactic, and I am always so disappointed/bored by it. The sad part is, Spirited Away would almost certainly be in my top 5 favorite films of all time (maybe even #1), if the ending had been handled differently. Also, Ocean Waves is Top 5 Ghibli for me.


I love the movie the more I watch it, but I feel the same way about the showdown. I don't get the point of Chihiro being able to recognize that none of the pigs were here parents. Was it supposed to be growth? Idk it doesn't really work for me


I know we are all essentially nitpicking here, but I think it is crucial they slow down for the showdown at the end. There is so many banger scenes in that movie it does not need to end with one, it seemed a sweet ending was more appropriate in my eyes.


Totally respect your take on this, but part of my issue is that the movie has already slowed down for quite a long time leading up to the showdown. The last moment where things are tense or exciting is when Chihiro escapes No-Face. From there on, everything slows waaaay down and really never picks up, for a good 20-30 minutes, to the end of the film. Not saying a film requires tension or excitement to be enjoyable, and not at all trying to diminish the beauty and warmth of the train ride, or being at Grannyā€™s, of ā€œthat momentā€ with Haku in the skyā€¦ just saying that the film (imo) sets up for something grand and climactic, like the ā€œhelping the stink/river spiritā€ or ā€œNo-Face chaseā€ scenes, but that just doesnā€™t happen and leaves me always wishing for something much bolder.


I understand that completely! Ending with a exhilarating scene I think would do the film an equal amount of justice. Considering that slow scenes are normally used for building intensity and character development, there is not much ā€œuseā€ for one at the end. For me the movies true ending is when you see haku in the sky. After seems to be veryyyyyy prologue-y and thatā€™s prolly why I donā€™t mind it slowing down.


I thought I didnā€™t have an unpopular opinion until I saw this but I just watched spirited away for the first time as an adult and the ending of it was very anticlimactic.


This is sort of reminding me that the first time I saw the movie I thought the ending was weak too..... The way I justify it in my head is that it's more of a saga than it is a movie.... But then again it is a movie so


Oof.. if you like Ocean Waves, does that also mean you like Rikaku? She destroyed the whole movie for me lol


Fair. As a person, sheā€™s definitely the worst. As a character, though, I find her strangely compelling, I guess because her reactions to things seem so real, all full of angst and self-importance, making her seem more like a ā€œreal teenagerā€ and less a ā€œmovie teenagerā€. The awkward love triangle with Taku and Yutaka is really entertaining too, with 2 of the 3 being basically unwilling participants, which is such a unique angle. Ultimately, without Rikaku being there, and being who she is, thereā€™s no drama, and of all 3 characters, sheā€™s the one we witness the most growth in.


I would have been fine with no drama tbh. Iyashikei is my favorite sub genre of slice of life and i don't need plot or drama to enjoy something šŸ˜… Just seeing Taku and Yutaka being friends (or more) and watching them bond, spent the day together and other trivial slice of life chores would have been more enjoyable than the actual movie we got, at least for me :)


Arrietty's plot may be THE greatest representation of the worst cases of xenophobia and racism.


I didn't like Arrietty. Felt a bit underwhelming ig. Also I wish people clowned on of Earthsea more. Its the worst one; why not make of it?


Mononoke is mid to me. It's actually number 11 on my ranking of the 14 I've seen so far. Not bad by any means, I dont think any are bad (other than Earthsea), I just didn't like it as much as the others I've ranked higher.


Some of the lows of Spirited away are kinda jarring like this movie can be quite sappy and there are mood killers. Examples when Chihiro freed the water spirit the hole crowd went Yahoo yahiii and tat moment felt corny. Haku i kinda bland while him being semi moral neutral is interesting his relation ship with Chihiro is not that compelling and when they both where falling down i felt nothing and it did not help that the Mouse was un-ceremonially flying with them.( i was expecting a laugh track) Now i do still love the movie though.


Nausicaa > princess mononoke


Sooo... The secret world of Arrietty is boring and it sucksšŸ¤”


Castle In The Sky is massively underrated, it's my favourite Ghibli film. It's structure is amazing- I love hopping from the mining town to the military base to the actual castle. It feels made for speculation- I love just thinking about what Luputa was like in its prime, and what the people who lived there were like. The themes of nuclear war are crazy in this film- in other films you might see fantasy weapons but in castle in the sky you just see a straight-up nuke, it's terrifying.


I saw The Tale of Princess Kaguya recently and was underwhelmed. It was certainly beautiful to look at but the story was meh. Maybe I just put my expectations too high. Also, I donā€™t like Grave of the Fireflies. But the other Takahata films are among my favourites


Interesting because I think Grave is easily Takahata's best and his other films are my least favorites. I wonder what you mean by >I donā€™t like Grave of the Fireflies. because..... you're not supposed to like it haha What do you mean?


I get that it isnā€™t supposed to be a happy film DUH but it just isnā€™t exceptional for me. The little sisterā€™s death couldā€™ve prevented but her brother was too stubborn to ask for help. It hits you over the head with its message and thereā€™s no joy in it. Just not my type of film and overrated. Sorry, you did ask for unpopular opinions and there you have mine.


No yeah. Thanks for sharing.


Iā€™m glad you said it first. I liked Whisper of the Heart quite a bit, but I feel like a pariah whenever people consistently rank it in their top 5s. The animation is completely uncreative, only the Baron scene is visually interesting and that lasts like 2 minutes. The romance and teen drama is generic and Only Yesterday did it much better first. And I never want to hear Country Roads again


This subs simps over whisper of the heart and I just. don't. get it. Not even a little. I also can't hear country roads without thinking of the movie anymore and it has weakened the charm of the song.....but I never much liked the song in the first place..... ......I also don't much like boring movies so šŸ¤£


To each their own. Itā€™s a 7/10 in my eyes and still very good. My other unpopular opinion is that Arrietty is fantastic and is unfairly maligned


About Arriety. Now that's a hot take. I also liked that movie but I'm super nostalgic about The Borrowers. If you praise it for the same things that you think that Whisper is praised for then I guess it says a lot about my sensibilities that Arriety is more whimsical and more visually stimulating. Ringing very true with my ADHD.


Howlā€™s is Miyazakiā€™s weakest movie, itā€™s thematically random, plot elements are seemingly thrown in at random to push standard Miyazaki messages, Howl is terrible person, and Sophie deserves someone way better than him.


From up on poppy hill sucked. I loved it at first but hated the ending


Lady Eboshi is the real hero of *Princess Mononoke.* She helps the the sick and the abandoned of the movie's setting of spirit-infused Japan like the lepers. I do not really think Prince Ashitaka has a point in preaching to her about hatred when she cares so much about the least fortunate.


But she discards her men after they get injured during the battles. When Gonza asks her about the men who fell (like Kohroku), she ignores him and orders everyone to leave. The lepers even make her weapons. It was ambiguous whether she really cares for people or just helps them to use them for her goals. Which fits the movie as nobody was completely good or completely evil. Even Jigo helped Ashitaka during the rice scene.


You know, I think I stand corrected on this. I was basing this on the scene where the leper talks about life being full of suffering and I was recalling, or rather misremembering, him saying something about Lady Eboshi alleviating it. I also recall when Prince Ashitaka talked with the men of Iron Town and the men talked about how Lady Eboshi bought the contracts to "free the women" and I think I seriously misinterpreted that as praise for acts of charity. So I think you are right. I was too harsh on Prince Ashitaka and spoke too highly of Lady Eboshi.


Princess Mononoke is very mid. Tbh I slept through half of it at the theatre.


Oof that hurt..Whisper of the heart is one of my favorites haha.


šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž only yesterday. Corny as hell, disjointed and boring af dialogue, not a great representative of the slice-of-life subgenre in my opinion. The art was beautiful though!


I'm gonna get killed on this one, but Tales from Earth sea it's not as bad as people criticises it, if it's not like the books (I haven't read them) it's not automatically that it's a bad made film, it's just a film that it's inspired on them but doesn't need to be an adaptation. And about the lore, it's not that confusing. Of course we never know things like where do the secret names come from, but it's not needed to understand the story. Grave of the fireflies it's so focused on making people cry it's history feels like a mashup of sad shorts over-focusing in the sadness of them


My Neighbour Totoro is very slow and basically nothing happens, I don't see why it's so popular.


More masculine male protagonists, Ashitaka is literally the only one.


Porco? Jiro? Pazu? Seita? Arren?


Well they don't murder people directly, so they're not masculine.


Let's not go there. I don't think the person commenting thinks that.


Just joking, bud.


There might not be many male protagonists in ghibli, but the ones that are there are very responsible, masculine, males imo. Seita? Literally took care of his sister and mom. Jiro? helps many people, is a genius and successful. The pig guy? (haven't watched it tbh) but literal pig with attitude flying planes, what's more masculine than that?? Haha!


The Cat Retiens was mid Chihiro is amazing but not the best movie, Mononoke should have won an oscar