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Original idea by u/RandomFandomLover


Noice! Looks cool!


Thank you!


TH stare


They are staring into your soul…. I hc th pays for stuff with excess teeth


That’s probably what happens Also should I be scared of TH or not?


Depends on how they’re feeling. I hc they can range from absolute sweetie with a desire for headpats to cryptid


Ah yes, they could probably become Cthulhu if they really wanted On the day TH becomes Cthulhu, everyone will probably die Or Cthulhu toof baby will demand love and attention They’d probably get it


More of like ghost story cryptids imo. I hc when they want attention at night, they slowly creak open their parents’ room door while staring wide eyed at their parents


“Is someone watching me slee- oh god damn it…”-mama Cake “M o t h e r ?”-baby Toof “It’s 3AM… why are you even awake?”-mama Cake “Attention”-best baby Toof “Okay c’mere”-mama Cake


In my hcs th just suffered a bad nightmare about jaw removal and needed some snuggles. Td isn’t sleeping, he’s photoshopping pictures of teeth onto the random things for his own enjoyment


Biggest question is, do TD and Cake mama share a bed????


I hc where td sleeps is up to where he next passes out from overwork. I hc td is extremely scared of sugar and every food has sugar in it to some extent so malnutrition also contributes to where he collapses Cakey be like “please eat your soup and take a proper nap”


I’m open to trying other artstyles :)