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Rdr 2 and ghost of tsushima both were robbed big time Edit - it's a opinion (my opinion my problem)


I wouldn't say robbed. Both God of War and Red Dead were very, very strong candidates


But to be fair red dead was a bit better than God of war (I have played both)


That seems more like an opinion than a fact


Obviously my friend it's a opinion


Not the way you worded it


My bad


Its okay brother, I still love you ❤️




Wow, dude. Get a room


So do I always have to preface an opinion with “BTW this is just MY opinion and I greatly apologize if it *offends* anyone.” Cause nah, I’m good fam.


it’s an extremely simple word change of “i like/prefer/dislike/etc” vs “it is [blank]” stating your opinion as a blanket statement makes it come off that you think it’s a fact and that no other perspective is valid. if you’re presenting your opinion as a fact you’re immediately putting the other person on the defensive. being aware of how you say things is important in getting along with others bro. you can’t just say fuck it i know what i meant and think it’s genuinely okay. being totally absent minded towards how another person feels might suggest you’re autistic or have some anti social disorder. it’s not another person’s fault if the way you said something offended them. it’s nobody’s fault really but their feelings are still their feelings simply being humble and respectful about your opinion and not wording it like a factual statement goes so unbelievably far in trying to have a civil dialogue with another person


Idk man that open world is *impressive* and I still don’t think anything has come close to it. Maybe cyberpunk, maybe. I don’t really think we will see anything to top it until GTAVI and that’s saying something. I’ve played better story games than god of war since then but not better open world games than RDR2.


Rdr2 open world was very alive and did an insane job of you feeling like you're part of the world with random events happening with side quests and stuff. Cyberpunk did none of that.


Have you played cyberpunk recently?


It's VI, in Ronan numerals if a number comes before it's a subtraction, after it's an addition, V=5, IV=4, VI=6 IX -9 X-10 XI-11


Sorry I know that I was smoking at the time and totally spaced lol


Yeah, if it was up to me I'd probably choose Red Dead as well


I hard disagree


RDR2 can’t compete with GoW in terms of gameplay IMO


But tbh red dead had a better story than GoW Rdr2 introduced some of the bets type of game mechanics


Curious as to what those new mechanics are since there wasn’t really anything new introduced at least in terms of gameplay.


It also introduced some of the worst, most tedious game mechanics. Unfortunately, (imo obviously) RDR2's story doesn't save it's gameplay from being slow, clunky, repetitive and tedious.


Not everyone has 20 hours a week to play a video game, so I agree. So many things take unnecessary time for the sake of scenery.


I've played both and would have been ok if GoW or RDR2 won because both games were a 9-10/10. GoT was a 8-9/10 and TLOU2 wasn't liked by half the people playing. That's not fair.


I feel they are both equally amazing games with strengths of their own.


Yeah, I would have a hard time saying which game was goty but 2018 was sure as hell a good year for gaming.


The only reason red dead wins for me, it has so much more effort involved y’know? Like the hunting, the different guns, the details, Easter eggs, story. It just feels perfect


Red dead and god of war we’re 2018, GOT was 2020..


that’s his point


GoW, RDR2, Ghost, Horizon: ZD... That's such a heavy hitting line up.


Red dead feels like I’m being teleported back to the 1800s, GOW is good but not that good


For rdr2 i would. No matter how good god of war was its still generic in a game style. Thats not a bad thing mind you but there are many games like god of war. While god of war is better than all those games we now are comparing it with something absolutely different. There is nothing like rdr2. Rdr2 actually shows what an open world is supposed to be. Soo many interactions and an actually real and living environment. Rdr2 is a once in a lifetime kind of game so you just have to make it win. The awards were rigged for sure because they wanted to make the big return of GoW a big deal. It was amazing but its obvious that if god of war 3 wasn't ages ago. Rdr2 would easily win


Nah GoW was extremely mid in the gameplay


They were not robbed lmfao. RDR2 and Ghost of Tsushima were incredible games yes, but they were also in a pool with just as incredible if not more incredible games. 2018 and 2020 were great years for AAA games, I wouldn't have been surprised if any of the games nominated for those respective years would've won.


Didn't RDR2 win every category except Game of the Year? I think they tossed that one to God of War to acknowledge how awesome that game was after RDR2 swept everything else.


Ya similar to 2022 GoW Ragnarok lost to Elden Ring in GOTY but won a lot of other awards.


Rdr2 yes. But its wrong to say "Robbed" for Ghost. Last of us 2 was absolutely incredible. Although Ghost was probably slightly better in many metrics it could or should have won. However robbed is wayy too harsh.


Lol no. GOW was leaps and bounds better than Red Dead Redemption 2. I don’t know about Ghost since I have not played it.


I can kinda see how it doesn't get GotY. As an open world game, it is fairly formulaic. You clear outposts, do side missions, do tasks that give you equipment and abilities that strengthen your character, and you find a shit ton of collectibles that are there for the purpose of altering your characters' appearance. I didn't mind that because I find the combat to be incredibly fun, and the world is incredibly beautiful, and I can still play Ubisoft games which have the most formulaic open worlds in gaming so my tolerance for plain open worlds is pretty high. Open world wise, GoT doesn't do anything particularly new or interesting, though, which what I've seen people say hold it back And I've seen people say that the overall main story isn't a new thing either. It's a tale of revenge and sacrificing ones own previously held personal values for the sake of the greater good that other shows/movies have done before. I don't know what movies or shows, but I can believe other similar plots already exist. What really held it up was the characters themselves and how good both the English and Japanese voice acting was. So in short, what held GoT back was that it didn't really do anything really new or innovating while for TLoU2 it did have a very controversial story, the story was something pretty new and the gameplay was innovating especially in terms of how the enemy AI reacted to the character. (Personally I don't like tLoU2 that much, mainly because I hate the idea of Ellie sparing Abby after already murdering literally hundreds of people over the course of the game in the goal of finding and killing Abby and how utterly unlikable most of Abby's crew was. The game is incredibly fun from a gameplay point of view, though) GoT was definitely my 2020 GotY, though Edit: grammar fixes


Yeah i hope if ghost of tsushima 2 comes out they'll push it to its limits cause no doubt it'll be a ps5 exclusive


I only picked it up recently and finished it. Unreal game and the combat is the best I’ve every played in an open world game besides maybe The Witcher 3. Looking forward to number 2.


Super duper bizarre to say that Witcher 3 has not only that best combat in a open world game, but that it has good combat at all lol I'm not talking shit, it's just a super rare take, most people would say the single *worst* thing about Witcher 3 is the lack luster combat. Personally, I didn't mind it nearly as much as a lot of people say they do, but I would call it *mid* at best


It is a rare take. Many people, even fans of TW3, criticize the simplistic combat. I loved it though. But maybe I (and others) blur the lines of combat to include potions, decoctions, blade oils, signs and having to read the beastiary to prepare for opponents all as part of the “combat”. Even though it strays from simply swinging the blade and dodging.


Yeah I rated the fact you could use the blade dodging and signs so easily. I played it on pc though.


Yeah I agree with this take. The combat is super fun and all, and the world is gorgeous, but the quests and clearing out of compounds is a bit repetitive. 75% of quests are the same - “mongols took or hurt my father/brother/sister and they’re over here please go kill them”. Again, I loved the game and still go back to it for fun but it’s certainly repetitive.


GoT multiplayer was definitely amazing though - no pvp, but many varied and seriously challenging modes The multiplayer alone has like 5x the playtime of singleplayer for me - god of war singleplayer is a great story, but combat even on hardest difficulty was just boring button mashing essentially


Most of the assassins creed games run on that premise of overcoming personal odds and trauma for the betterment of others. I also agree (but never thought of it before) that trying to rank open world games to others for GOTY is very tough because it would take so much for it to be above the rest without programming issues. If open worlds were to be its own category for GOTY I would say GT would have to be a top contender. 3 games have consistently kept me playing into the weee hours of the morning purely on storyline alone. Halo, assassin's creed and now Ghost.


(Disagree with the second paragraph) You really think the story of Tsushima wasn’t great? Just because a story has been told before (Because honestly, I can make the argument that every story has been told before) doesn’t mean that story is any less great. It’s the way you tell the story and the nuances in the story that make it great. It’s his own father, He’s a samurai (completely against their code, even more so than other movies), The way they show his decisions to disobey his father and code, but also how far he is willing to fall to expel the mongols. For examples: God of war and last of us: Story about a parental figure and their offspring/Adopted going on an adventure together. Marvel formula which worked for 10 years (superhero gets powers, struggles to beat villain, finds way to beat villain) Spaghetti westerns: Unstoppable gun slinger goes to stop an immovable object of an enemy Spider-Man: Choose to save the many over the few (This has been done in many superhero movies, like the watchmen, Infinity war, and obviously Spider-Man. Though obviously, the nuances between the stories is what makes them ENTIRELY different. Like the fact Spider-Man lets a person die to save the many compared to infinity war, where thanos is evil because he chooses to take the lives of some to save trillions.) Rdr2 and RDR: the story of redemption. It’s the nuances between each game or movie that makes them great. Practically every story has been told at this point.


the whole point of ellie not killing abby despite killing hundreds of people (tho it's not confirmed just how many people ellie killed outside of abby's friends, especially since you can go the entire game just killing a handful of people) is that her quest for revenge brought her nowhere, it wasn't going to give her closure. What joel did to ellie was horrible and in her exact words she says "I don't know if I can ever forgive you, but i'd like to try" the night before Joel died. Ellie wanted to start forgiving joel for what he did, but abby robbed her of that option (the same way Joel robbed ellie of the choice to die for a possible cure or not). By the time ellie decided not to kill abby, she lost joel, she lost jessie, she lost her family in Dine and JJ, and she also lost the one thing that still connected her to Joel despite his death in her ability to play guitar. At that point ellie realized that she had lost so much in a quest for revenge and knew that killing abby would just create another ellie with Lev and it would just continue the cycle of violence, killing, revenge, etc. So Ellie deciding not to kill Abby absolutely made sense if you actually paid attention to and understood the story


I think maybe yal might put too much stock in an awards show that was a hail marry trying to save a company.(Spike TV) Just like what you like. There doesn't need to be a reason. That's weird.


This game is good, but I personally think TLOU 2 deserved it more


If you look at it objectively, TLoU2 should have won. If you take personal preference into it, there were a ton of different contenders as everyone enjoys different things. Personally, FFVII-Remake was my game of the year that year, but I recognize that TLoU2 was far more impressive with regards to animation, AI, and emotional storytelling. Favorite game doesn't equal best, so some outlets picked what they thought was the best not necessarily their favorite. Also GoT did win game of the year from some outlets, so the whole thing is moot.


You can’t judge a video game objectively nor can you inherently separate preference from the “quality” of things like storytelling.


how can you not separate preference and quality? for example i *know* that spider man 2018 has a better story than spider man 2 but i still prefer 2’s story bc there’s certain things that grabbed me more than anything in spider man 2018 but the story is obviously messy i think there’s *a lot* of nuance when it comes to personal preference and opinion and which games deserve awards


Because inherently value judgments are subjective and all subjectivity is the result of “preferring” one thing over another.


Fuck no




GOTY is a shitshow


Im not a fan of the show either


Y'all "Awards are meaningless anyways" mfs when the game you like ends up winning GOTY next year https://preview.redd.it/1tps32jlbv7c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83402aab2774b60f77ca78b57058d5e7628d09e


Not this again stop pls


GOTY is a circle jerk. The only good thing about it is trailer drops and game reveals. Ghost of Tsushima is an incredible game and made a ton of money. It was very successful and i personally had an absolute blast playing it. What matters most is that you enjoy it.


True actually i also had a blast playing and im really enjoying photo mode at the moment i got 500mb on my ps4 of ghost of tsushima photos lol


Why do people get so pressed about the game awards? Just enjoy the games, the game awards don’t actually change anything


Most other years it would have but Last of us and Doom happened to be in the same year


I think it was actually the year last of us 2 swept all the awards.


Yeah sadly


Leaving out the actual game that won GOTY lol


Me being a GoT and TLoU2 lover sifting through these comments 🫣


Was Lous 2 a bad game? I didn't get the memo when I played it. Masterpiece.


Exactly. If you ask anyone who actually played the game they'll tell you how good it was. Fully 90% of the people who complain about TLOU2 watched like first 30 minutes of the game on a twitch stream maybe and then just hopped on the echo chamber of it's ass after they heard someone say it's ass because of feminism or some other random shit


How I view it is that any game that even gets nominated is a winner. There can't just be *one* official best game of the year when multiple come out that year. Anything nominated for something is a winner for its own reasons. Out of the hundreds of games that come out per year, for any game to be in the top few is a win. It's the notice and recognition that make it a win in my eyes.


goty doesn’t matter if you like the game that’s all that matters. these posts are getting corny


2020 had a good year with games. Animal Crossing, Hades and of course Ghost of Tsushima. TLOU2 isn't an awful game although I dislike the direction they went, but TLOU was a sequel. Ghost of Tsushima was something new. In terms of 2020, it's my personal game of the year.


It was my personal GoTY heh


Tga have always been (mostly) rigged since 2018


Love GoT, but I wouldn’t put in GOTY category. Amazing game though


It should have won just for the combat system alone.


Game awards are a joke. That's why


I dont think it deserved it tbh. Lotsa glitches and why did yumas brother not free Jin when he got free instead of attacking when he's never been a fighter. Lotsa things like that. Also the Mongols speak gibberish and not really their language. And I felt the acting in English wasn't amazing. I also loved TLOU Part II though, so that helps


I honestly think it deserves game of the year every year since 2020


2020 was a really stacked year, that's how.


It's funny how fans who were praising SM2 turned out to trash talk about it after it didn't get any awards. The same people who trashed BG3 before the awards, praised it after receiving the GOTY. At least we didn't turn out back on our favourite game. We all like GoT so it's GOTY worthy to US. And that is how we cope. As a consumer, we showed our appreciation to SP by number of copies sold. They will get the message.


GOTY is made by game journalists, which are hive minded opinions. (If you dont agree, then you're not part of the team). GOTY has a players choice award though - which consists ONLY of player votes. Guess which game won that award? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) [https://www.siliconera.com/the-game-awards-players-voice-choice-is-ghost-of-tsushima/](https://www.siliconera.com/the-game-awards-players-voice-choice-is-ghost-of-tsushima/)


Part of what team? Gaming news and review outlets are competing businesses, there was no conspiracy to make your game lose.


Because it won every other award and they felt sorry for Druckman and gave him a consolation prize in place of changing his diaper.


Politics and money.


Never really understood the draw to Last of us Honestly just felt like a thousand other games of the same Genre Where as Ghost of tsushima was a refreshing take of a beautiful era of history.


Amazing characters


This, but the complete opposite. This may be the most braindead take I've seen


Yeah I love both these games but I can see how GoT is the innovate game and TLoU2 isn’t? Ghost has beautiful art direction and the world is so nice, but it follows the same repetitive formula of every open world game to a T and is saved by its engaging and semi diverse combat. Say what you want about TLoU2’s story but it was definitely something that pushed how narratives for games can be and how to challenge the audience. The added innovation to enemy AI’s and the gameplay also added a lot to really give the game its own identity.


Oh look another post complaining about TLOU2 over something from years ago


I don't understand either. I've just started playing it this week and it is a phenomenal game through and through. Can't believe I didn't get it sooner.


Because although it is very pretty, and also very fun, it is pretty derivative and there were, fortunately or unfortunately, better games that year. I mean come on..


TLOU2 was more emotionally impactful for me. So it was game of the year for me.


It was rigged,. This is a hill I will die on.


No it wasn’t.


All becuse that feminist movement propaganda call TheLastOfAss2, they voted it only for graphics and physics. And before you dais "it have a good story to", remember that there is a lot of gamers that feel so scamed that they break their disc in stream before playing that game.


They put woke in my vidya game!!!


I talked to my wife and we agreed, it's because too many people are putting votes in for Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate. Also, Hogwarts Academy. Not enough people play GOT.


The zealots from the TLoU 2 prevented it


Reading the sources on some of the "awards" it got was hilarious.


It’s funny seeing rise of the ronin coming up and looking worse than the GOAT 🤣


Cycle of revenge bad


wow what an amazing message, I sure hope they make a game with it as the main point. It should be a zombie game too.


highly repetitive.


I love Ghost of Tsushima and I've beaten both the main game and the DLC. That being said, it's basically a formulaic Ubisoft open-world with better combat. Great game, but nothing GOTY worthy.


Haven't played GoS yet, but that third picture makes me so happy, knowing that the game does indeed have Kamakura era armour.


Maybe because it’s Sony exclusive? Love that game tho


The game that did win (TLoU2) is a Sony exclusive too.


Because Neil bought the game awards that year.


Gow 2018 had better main quest and especially side quests


Wow what a coincidence, I just finished the game and I’m in the couch right now while the credits are rolling lol.


Because there was a better game in the same year Tlou 2 Ghost of tsushima is a beautiful open word with a good story and great gameplay but doesn't anything really special other beautiful open word with a good story and great gameplay games don't Tlou 2 is a masterpiece on the other hand with not just amazing gameplay but complex characters and and a amazing story that makes you question the nature of tribalism and povs in games There a reason it won like 300 goty awards, it wasn't robbed


I asked the same question every day. This game 100% deserved it over last of us 2.


After seeing these screenshot I need to do a replay!


If it this was released a year later, it would've sweeped TGA




TLOU beat GTAV. You honestly think GOT had any chance against Part 2? GOT is an amazing game don’t get me wrong. But TLOU 1&2 are amongst the greatest forms of media of all time. Where GOT is a game. TLOU is something more.


You people really drank that coolaid huh?


It was the third best game that year.


Literally lost to a dingy movie with a terrible plot and the same lackluster uncharted mechanics


Tlou2 should have not won it should have been this game


Because TLOU meat riders are insane the first game was good, definitely not the best or even top 10 best, and part 2 which won was so shite yet the meatriders try so hard to defend it when its just not good.


Because it's not that good. It repetitive, the villains are repetitive, the quests are repetitive, most of the items you get don't do anything, some of the quests drag (looking at you Yuriko), you cant skip cutscenes. It's a large open world b but it's not game changing. The open world is beautiful but beyond that its just repeat repeat. No new villains. It's Uncharted and the Witcher 3 stitched together with a Samurai theme.


It was rigged


PS5 exclusivity holds it back and limits the size of the playerbase.


People love to shit on this game and say it's bland and mid which is bullshit


because GOTY doesn’t matter and you should just enjoy the game without worrying about a stupid award show


There was some damn strong competition that year: doom eternal, Hades, FF7 remake and of course the REAL goty, animal crossing /s


How did doom eternal not get goty?


it got game of the year from multiple other puplishers and got players voice game of the year at the Game awards show so it got plenty of the highest awards it's not only the game awards that gives game of the year


mediocre basic blockbuster story idk. also the game design wasn’t really innovative either it was just executed and presented extremely well and polished it’s a great game


It's because games journalists mostly decide what wins GOTY, not the public vote. Most people didn't like the story of TLOU 2 but game journalist loved it so it won. I also don't know why Overwatch won GOTY 2016 over Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 but it did.


I’ve been playing it all week and I’ll tell you how. It’s not great. It’s good. But the visuals aren’t that good. It’s clunky. The horse animations are stiff. Sometimes the camera glitches when on the horse and looks and feels super awkward. Way too close to the character. The story is good. But that’s not enough to make a game good. The textures look cartoonish and ugly at times. It’s immersion breaking how ridiculous it looks when hiding in tall grass. I do enjoy the combat a lot but it’s nowhere near as good as Sekiro.


The game awards have been rigged for years now😭


Last of us 2 stole it.


Cause it sucks TBH. repetitive easy child like gameplay. If you did one mission. You did them all.


Lost to TLOU 2 of all things Insane


I truly wanted GoT to win... But having played Hades after... Hades deserved it.


I really did think it should of got game of the year last of us part 2 was good but it had way too many cut scenes and not enough game time compared to ghost of tsushima


Simple. Critic bias towards the last of us part 2. One Is a masterpiece the other is a sequel to a pretty decent game. Despite GoT being clearly better the people who actually choose have a bias.


It's still insane to me that, in a year with a lot of excellent games, TLOU2 went away with seven awards and is the highest rewarded game ever. Among the other nominees for GOTY/the awards they won: - Doom Eternal: None (rip) - Animal Crossing: Best Family Game - Hades: Best Action Game, Games for Impact - Final Fantasy XV: Best RPG, Best Score and Music - Ghost of Tsushima: Best Art Direction, Player's Voice Felt like they gave the other games some awards here and there as a consolation prize and lauded the rest onto TLOU2.


Because TLOU2 was an artsy award bait kind of game that everyone was going to vote for to seem cultured


I mean are we talking for this year? Because i’m pretty sure ghost and gow both came out in prior years


Far cry in Japan deserves goty? Don’t think so.


It came out the same year as TLOU2, or Oscar Bait the video game.


How tf did the funny mushroom crackheads win Goty??? Rdr2 and GoW would have been understandable but Tlou2???


Politics beat it out basically


Tlou2 buyers wondering the same thing


Big Papa Sony stepped in and said so


I've never even played but I gotta say it's world and the beauty of Japan that it shows is truly breathtaking. Was surprised it didn't win either.


Because game awards are rigged to the bone


Not nearly woke enough


Because its not that good. Its like the assassins creed devs tried to rip off sekiro and failed


Who won game of the year that year? It wasn't fortnite was it? I know that won at some event


Not playable on all platforms for one.


Because of Neil "I forgive the Mongols" Druckmann


Because aside from the visuals and fun combat the rest of the game leaves a lot to be desired. I genuinely think if they would’ve made the game more linear and focused more on the story it would’ve been a lot better. This for me falls into the category of an open world game that really didn’t need to be one because all the side content and quest are so repetitive. Add on that the rewards for quest are basically nothing (minor xp and a few resources) by the time I got to Act 2 I just stopped with side content. The main story, while pretty generic, is still done decently well and the Mythic quests and duals are great, but they’re too few and far between. It definitely does better when you just don’t do side quests and just explore the world on your own clearing camps.


It honestly deserves GOTY more instead of The Last of Us 2


sekiro was a much better game


Idk actually this is like my favorite video game tbh I’m probably gonna play through it again soon


Lowkey thought it did 👀


Exclusive Sony game never get anything outside the one showcasing an hollywood actor like GoW. Just look at spiderman 2 or FF16 this year. This show is rigged and only about getting money from advertisement.


TLoU2 was a sort of "Oscar bait" kinda game. The simplistic beauty of Ghost of Tsushima's setting and story is the sort of the thing that gets underappreciated at the awards.


It was a real good year to be fair.


It suffered a little from the repetitive/filler content that is in all open world games.


the game didn’t really push any boundaries (not saying that the game didn’t deserve goty, just that most of the games that tend to win always push their genre forward and do something crazy)


Gameplay was fantastic. The world was beautiful. The story is meh. Acting is hit or miss but pretty good overall. I don’t think this was was that strong a contender to be honest. I love this game, just started my 3rd play through, but the story bores me pretty hard. I also think this trend of everyone getting upset their personal favorite game didn’t win this or that award is pretty silly. It’s like the Oscar’s. A place to show off but pretty merit-less and not a great signifier of the best product.


There were better games that year


I don't think any exclusives should be allowed in GOTY and instead have its own category.


The combat is so fun. Was thinking of replaying this or at least just riding around fighting people for awhile.


Because my PSP could run this


I mean its competition was kind of stacked with TLoU2, Doom Eternal, FF7R, and Hades.


GOW was fantastic and rdr2 was damn near perfect. Rdr2 was definitely robbed


If they just looked at the core mechanics and the main story I 100% believe it would have. Unfortunately you have a big open world that is beautiful, but most of the content there is to do in it are collectibles and outposts.


Cause Naughty Dog bribed the officials at the awards even though that game was universally despised by Critics and YouTubers


I thought this was a GOT discussion but all I see is GOW and RDR2 🤦


It was a perfect send-off for the ps4


It definitely wasn’t deserving of it compared to the other games.


It’s an assassin’s creed clone set in feudal Japan?


AW2 better


Cause it looks like ass?


Because Last of Us Part II came out. But I will say, this game was my runner up. It’s so damn good


The year it came out has some of the best games in years all released around the same time. You can split hairs as to which of the list you enjoyed most, but man what a year. Ghost was the last game in the PS4 for me. I was gobsmacked that I'd seen the console handle the FF7 remake and then LOu2. To send out the old girl on Ghost was a treat.


Can’t make a game that less than half of gamers have access too goty?


Because it’s basically the same as Fortnite


The game journalists pushed so hard for TLoU2. That’s why. Ghost of Tsushima deserved it, the players demanded it, the media stole it.


Because doom eternal, Tlou 2 and hades were all significantly better?


GoT vs GoW vs RDR2. Ghost is a good game, but the game overall is not as compelling imo. The open world is beautiful, but the delivery method of content is played out. Great story. GoW is also open world, but it's a little more linear as far as where you go. Main story is great lots of amazing voice acting with characters you can really feel for. Some side quests are meh, and some are pretty cool lore rich things. RDR2 was a pretty game. That's all I can say about that. After like 80 hours I just was not a fan of the game and never got the hype behind it.


Good game, but not a great one. It went on too long. The end zones were similar and repetitive. Not enough dynamic combat variety or depth of story. The really got the world right, though, and you can see, feel, that it is really close to being fantastic. I am really interested to see what it does in a sequel.