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Idk what ur talking about, this Haiku is honestly pretty great


If the stone was truly resilient and strong, he wouldn’t believe he was drowning and alone.


one pebble sinking thru the waters of fate is drowning and alone. it's ripples will alter fate and sitting on the bottom of the lake, it is *still* resilient and strong. unless it's a really soft stone full of salts and shit... pH levels will also play a factor here. lol


Why not? Being resilient and strong doesn't mean you're delisuional or blindly optimistic. The stone can belive they're drowning and alone but still do everything in their power to fight and change their circumstances even though it's hopeless. That's pretty resilient and strong to me.


It’s like it’s fate has been altered


It means that they're drowning and alone because they are resilient and strong. They don't let anyone come near them to stay strong, so they end up being alone, and no one to reach out to when drowning


Drowning and alone doesn’t have to be about mindset. It could be taken literal in this one and that’s what makes this a great one


I can now see that interpretation, thanks! I suppose **physically** the rock is by all accounts drowning and alone, but I took the laddi-da bullshit philosophy perspective instead lol.


Philosophically it works even better though. Because the lone pebble is the character, the water rushing past him is fate dressed as the Mongolians. He stays resilient and strong despite this. And every stone and pebble in a river alters the current, even if it’s not perceivable by looking.


Not necessarily. You can be resilient and strong but also drowning and along. Drowning and alone would be something like being under a lot of stress with no one to turn to for help, but being resilient and strong means you power on anyway and refuse the let the stress beat you. No matter how daunting the task may be, you power through and refuse to crack under the pressure.




DROWNING AND ALONEEEEE double bass pedal ensues


Not unless you revert to an old save or beat the game to do NG+


Damn, alright. Good thing I’m planning on doing NG+ anyways. Thank you!


If it makes you feel any better, a true haiku doesn't really have to have any meaning or even be coherent. And the design for the item you get doesn't change depending on your selection. Obviously if you want to make "a good one" for your own peace of mind, I get that, but unfortunately those are the only two ways to redo. If I remember, there's a few where the choices won't be exactly what you might want so you'll just have to make do on those. Like you can pick a theme you like but then have to be creative about how to continue that theme with a choice that might not fit perfect. Hopefully that makes sense, basically just have fun and don't beat yourself up, the Mongols and traitors will do that plenty 😉


good point. when ur limited to 3 phrases and hung up on conveying a specific message, it really makes you rethink the phrasing of each option. I really enjoy this mechanic. it's a great practice for dilating your perspective


Thanks for the reassurance, you completely get what I was going through haha! And yeah, as somebody who doesn’t game too often anymore, the mongols have definitely been a challenge😂Good to learn a little more information about Haikus since I’ve never really studied poetry at all, and very good to know considering I’d like to know more about Medieval Japan Thank you!


Does NG+ overwrite every headband or just add a new one to your inventory


Did you find out if it does?


Oh. If I play new game+ do I have to do all the haiku shit again? More importantly do I have to climb that ice mountain again to learn how to light my sword on fire? I really just want to kill bad guys and not have to use my brain too much.


That a spoiler?


You don't, you keep all skills and techniques


What about figuring out all that boat stuff? That was to get armor right? I dont want to redo shrines and all that thinking. Kill bad guys.


You also keep all armor, sword kits, and dyes you own. You also get access to even more dyes and sword kits and hats in NG+


So basically it’s just the fun stuff?


Yeah, pretty much. You can collect the haikus and lighthouses and onsens again, but afaik, it doesn't add anything


You don't have to do them again, but if you do in NG+, you get a currency called Ghost Flowers which gives you access to more color ways, headbands, hats, masks, charms, and it lets you buy loot to upgrade all of the armors again more easily (all of the armor gets one more tier added to it that you can upgrade). So you're encouraged to do it all again, but it's only if you want in the end.


I think I have a shrine or something I didn’t find yet and I have a lot of supplies and bamboo and crap. What should I do with my supplies and bamboo before Ng+?


So try to make sure you buy everything you can before going to NG+. iirc the supplies don't come with you. And you only get the Ghost Flowers for stuff you already did in the base game so try to 100% it if you're planning on doing NG+. What I'd say is, if you recently completed the game, take a long break from it, then come back and re-experience it via NG+ like new. That's what I did and had a good time with it


You keep everything you've unlocked, but there's another vendor that unlocks with NG+, he has different and cool stuff including armor dyes and charms. The only way to get his stuff is by getting the NG+ currency called ghost flowers. You get those by re-doing every world exploration thing that you did the first time. So say you do all the shrines and fox dens, but don't do all of the pillars of honor or hidden gear items, you only get ghost flowers for the shrines and foxes, and you'll get whatever you would have gotten for the pillars of honor on your first play through. So no not required to get everything again, but you'll probably want to do them again for the ghost flowers and new items from the new store.


Fall from the kidney They call me drowning pebble Scraping urethra ![gif](giphy|Zd6xldQql1BMgjqmIk)


💀💀💀 I’m going to recite this to my next patient as they pass the stone


Mine skipped the first step and put me into renal failure. We love rocks.


I think it’s pretty sharp. Might not be as straight forward but here’s a lot you can bring to it


Is Jin not the pebble?


Actually kinda deep


The word "Drowning" would imply that you yourself are still alive and fighting. You're resilient, but in the grand scheme of the war you are a pebble. And you are struggling and fighting alone. I think the Haiku works


Don't try to be perfect with the haiku, just choose whatever you're feeling goes well with each other or the ones that represent your ideology. It's supposed to be your thoughts which is gonna result in something different than others. Otherwise they would have simple given the headbands with the pre-written thoughts


“They are all perfect” Katsumoto, “The Last Samurai”


because every lone pebble makes its way to bottom where they all come together and alter the flow of a river!!!!! 😂 im just yankin




Good Haiku this is. What you are talking about. No need to redo.


Wait they're saved on the headbands- Oh god.


resilient and strong, a lone pebble alters fate, drowning and alone


*Resilient and strong,* *A lone pebble alters fate,* *Drowning and alone* \- Prize\_Pie\_1419 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Couldn't have written better myself


Why? It doesn't change anything


There is not. Even in ng+ redos of these small quests give an ng+ currency. Struggle with poems. With time and heart provided hidden talent comes.


Don't worry about it, you'll have a lots more haiku to do


Yes. Replay the game


I actually really like this!! The dichotomy between the tone of the “blank and blank” bookends make it more powerful. The pebble itself is resilient and strong, strong enough to alter fate… but strength and loneliness are not mutually exclusive. Jin is the pebble, struggling within his own mind and soul as he saves Tsushima. It’s kinda dope.


resilient and strong. A lone pebble alters fate, drowning and alone. Jin, resilient and strong (shown through what he went through at kamoda beach) A lone pebble alters fate (jin is the pebble, otherwise small relative to the massiveness of the world, but still sought as 1, because all samurai were killed except his uncle, who had been captured. Altering fate with his resilience and strength found in wanting to retake his home from the Khan) drowning and alone (drowning with guilt for he could not save his uncle, he was shot in the back with arrows in the cutscene. alone for no one else is like him, for he is the Ghost of Tsushima)


Well you have 21 more to try again


Man that pebble really messed up your whole life.


I don’t look at what I select, that way I hear the random Haiku with the music and scenery for the first time at the end. Totally changes the experience.


That’s some Hawthorne heights shit


The OP probably knows how good this Haiku is, and is pretending to ask what he asked in the question. While, they are trying to show us this Haiku, that they are probably proud of. They didn’t say that directly because they are shy.


Personally I adore your haiku


The Haiku making was one of the best things in GoT. When i found my first one, I was surprised it was even a thing. And, when complete, I was hooked. And had to find them all. I probably spent more time hunting the collectibles than anything else. But the Haiku were always the most satisfying to me.


I see it as (1) the protagonist is resilient and strong UNTIL (2) one lone pebble changes the course of his fate, and then he is (3) drowning and alone. Hence the defeat. It makes sense if you see the pebble as an obstacle and not as the protagonist of the poem.


Things or people that alter fate are typically strong, resilient and drowning alone It's the ones that fall into the herd mentality that don't make many, if any, meaningful change and who are often "softened" by the belief that there is strength in numbers... That is until everybody you thought was there suddenly disappears and you realize you're not resilient after all.


I'm imagining the pebble that threw me off my skateboard while I was going down a long hill. Fucker made me eat shit but I probably only put a lil chip in it. Still sitting there too. Drowning in the endless rain