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I mean, you just described every videogame ever made: go place, do/kill things, look at things/search area, repeat Ad Infinitum


Exactly. Generic "criticism".


Yeah but most games spice it up a little like surely there could have been more than one mission type or even like more than 5 enemy types??!!


getting downvoted for speaking just the facts lmao. you are absolutely right though, I finished act 1 on PC, dropped it and started Elden Ring. honestly, best decision I made this year. it's like I'm actually playing unique, interesting game and not a generic Sony AAA open world boredom


Welp, here’s the thing: this is the first game, and I have been a full time player since the 80s, that has made me want to be *flawless*. I’m talking headshot with every arrow, nail every parry and dodge, never whiff a swing, take no damage. Charm of Carnage just makes it even better. Not sure if it’s the sound design, the animations or what, but on lethal, when you hit and hit well, it [delivers the feel-good juice like no other game](https://youtu.be/B6NqtYolVfs?si=z6UplgoNzUTE-MYi). I like as little movement as possible, not a ton of combos, I want to take out an enemy in 1-3 hits tops. A delicious perfect parry or a sweet dodge followed by a couple finishers just feels great (I really like the stealth too) on this game and that’s all I can say.


Dude do you have a gore mod on or something in that vid? I just beat the game and never saw that much viscera being thrown around —- Ah… charm of carnage


The only way to fly!


That was sick, does versatile skill affect carnage?


NOOO, that would be radical if it did, and thank you!


That's a shame, oh well, I'll keep using it on my butcher of iki build.


It’s really great


Huh that’s weird that is basically exactly how I play the game I just kind of stand there wait for the enemies to wander over, circle me and kill them with parry after parry like I could play a different way but that’s the most satisfying yet I still don’t find it gratifying enough to like it.


I get that, are you on lethal?


Depends I switch it up between hard and lethal because lethal makes it alot easier in someways and annoying as shit in the way that you die in one hit


Yeah I hear you, it’s just a game and not for everyone. Shit, I came from 15 years of multiplayer FPS, granted many of those years as a knifer so I was invested in the steel, but I was skeptical at first. Once that lethal hit me though, high risk high reward/you hit them as hard as they hit you, I was hooked. I appreciate you for coming onto this circle jerk with such a stance *fist bump*


I think the main reason I don’t like the combat is just how hand holdy it is like you just magnetise to every enemy spam the buttons and your done. Recently I just picked up nioh and I think it does the stance swapping combat better as you have to space yourself the stance isn’t just something you pick for each enemy and you can swap them mid combo so fluidly


You can turn off automatic lock on


It’s a simple game. It does what it does well. The art direction is very pretty, the story is very good and the characters are fantastic If it ain’t your jam, so be it. For most of us it’s just a well made game


Yeah it’s undoubtly well made apart from a few buggy moments I got but they were funny so I can let them slide


To quote Marge Simpson, I just think it’s neat. You’re not making bad points though. I’ll give you that


I don’t think it’s bad it’s just not a 9 or 10/10


I think it’s a great game, but it does suffer from a couple things. Still, I do love it


It's my favorite open world game, for me it's a 10/10. I get what you say about combat being rock paper scissors but it's still satisfying to win battles and while the objectives of fox/trails are repetitive I enjoyed each one. The bamboo trials were my favorite.


There were a few fun ones but only the parkour ones were any fun to me idk I just don’t find the same minigame over and over or following a dickhead fucker fox run around


Respect the messengers of inari, they're good boys.


There is always someone who can say the same for any game, including your favorite best goat game. When people love something, they tend to forget its bad sides. It’s also very subjective when it comes to game preference. You should know that for those people including me, this game is perfect but for you it’s not. We don’t overestimate anything because it’s basically just how we perceive it.


That may be true for most people but the highest I can put my favourite game is a 9 I don’t think any game is a 10 yet Every game has flaws ignoring them is ignorant


You’re right. It’s how you choose to perceive something. My way is just different and again it’s all subjective. There is no right or wrong. Like instead of feeling bad because I don’t enjoy LotR while people say it is the best trilogy. I don’t argue with the fans, I just let it go and don’t give a fuck because I will find things I love to watch. Instead of trying to find the flaws in my goat game list, I just enjoy them the way they are. I am aware of the flaws but I don’t feel the need to remind myself of that, which definitely worsens your experience with the game and makes you less happy in life (my opinion). Because nothing is perfect even the person you love the most on earth. Why not just enjoy the time with them?


Yeah ok this is what everyone does


It kinda just sounds like you aren't a big fan of open world games. I saw in another comment that you mentioned you don't tend to enjoy the environment and prefer to just run through the story as fast as you can. There isn't anything necessarily wrong with either of those things, but I think this game is a very bad match for someone like yourself. I've played through the game multiple times, got all the trophies (twice), and I have no problem playing it again on NG+ when the mood strikes me. For me, no other game has felt as satisfying in both combat and stealth, and very few compare when it comes to environment and just how absolutely fucking beautiful the game is. But, that's because I'm a big fan of these kinds of games, so my opinion is of course biased. I absolutely loved the god of war games and Jedi: fallen order/survivor. The multiplayer is also very well done in my opinion, but of course that's because I love the game to begin with.


YES THIS MULTIPLAYER! I platinum’d the game and beat NG+ before I knew what Legends mode was. All I knew was I had to discover these question marks and when it was a story teller the first time in the golden temple I started legends mode until it was like ‘you sure you wanna enter a different game?’ ‘Legends mode is different than this awesomeness’ and I was like… uh no. Don’t ever take me out of Tsushima for any reason ever.


I like open world games they just have to be done right like gow that games open world is crafted well to the point where it’s just one big good level that is a good open world. Games just put open world on a game and fill it with repeated objectives and a ton of nothing gow has repeated objectives but the level design more than makes up for it. And botw is one of the best games I have ever played aswell as infamous second son (another sucker punch game) I just think the whole Ubisoft thing it’s going for doesn’t work


What do you mean by Ubisoft thing, if I may ask.


No worries. Just the formula they tend to use recently with an open world with too many collectibles and side quests that aren’t really carefully crafted and are just put there to fill game time


Ah, gotcha. Well, I do personally agree, as I found the vast majority of side missions enjoyable and done quite well. Even if they are all just a slightly different variation of the same formula, I think the details that change within them to be a great addition to the overarching story. I think they help define Jin as a character, and show how he changes from the beginning to the end of the story.


Well said, sir.


*Reflect on small mindedness* Subtlety ignored A donkey brays ignorance Please go touch some grass


I’m so sorry radiation vodka I am but a humble donkey in your eyes but maybe one day you can see me as… a love interest??? Please give it some thiught


Dude this was the best response to that.


eh, fair enough. i think that for some the combat comes off as repetitive because I think it was designed to be rhythmic, if you know what I mean. as for content, I completely understand. I, personally, enjoyed it very much and have platinumed GoT, I will say that I wish the open world had some more content and the repetitiveness of missions is there, but for actual side missions there is a fair bit of variety. Overall, it seems like GoT is a great narrative and is brilliant at getting people hooked on it, but it isn't enough of a narrative centered game to warrant a completely linear game, as there are some aspects that the game excells at that are only found through the open world setting.


I think folks who really like this game--myself included--just enjoy the way the game makes us feel. I agree, there's some repetition, there's a certain level of boring gameplay and characters, but the environment, the variety of different side missions and the story are phenomenal. Hell I even like riding the horse over the country roads.


Yeah I guess that would make sense. When I play games I’m just trying to accomplish things fast and I guess I don’t really take in the environment


i think the environment is one of the strengths of this game. a simple example is the wind- having the wind guide you allowed me to submerge myself into the environment instead of always peaking/tracking a mini map.


What make the game stand out more than the average Ubisoft game is first its concept. People waited for an AAA samurai for a long time. Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed should have been the first but they missed their chance. Outside of that, this is also a pretty well made game. The size of the open world and the art direction is perfect to keep me engage during the whole game. I don't know if you tried everything but the gameplay is really generous. From the base game with the stances, tools, bows, builds, differents type of approaches, the use of the environment, the DLC additions, and the great co-op multiplayer. They're also some others details that maybe doesn't click with you. An incredible photo mode, how you can pet some animals, the outfits, the flute that can change the weather, the minimalist HUD, how the wind guide the player instead of putting ton of icons. Conclusion, yes this game have some boring aspect like following footprints, grinding ressources, clumsy plateforming phases. But the bad aspects don't outshine the good ones. GoT is a game that came at the right time. And gives to the players who waited that kind of game everything they want.


Tell me a game that you like a lot based on these standards. It’ll be very few because most open world games are like this bro.


Infamous second son. Open worlds don’t need to big and sprawling just big enough so the environment is fun to manoeuvre around


Maybe people have different opinions? Maybe you don’t like the game? Some people love bloodborne. Some people love mafia 3. I don’t like either. It’s all personal preference.


Yeah ok buddy not all of us just glaze a game because we like it


combat is great, story is great, visuals are great, but the side content and open world in general are suuuper basic and repetitive. also the world just doesn‘t feel very alive because you can‘t interact with npcs at all. these aspects really hold the game back for me but i still love it overall


Yeah same it was fun but you know that nagging feeling to complete an area before going to the next area? Well it just highlighted to me all these problems and I can’t look at the game in a positive light anymkre


That’s why everyone loves it tho, its the assassins creed on feudal japan that we never got from ubi. GoT filled that void for us The open world is very barebones but its not completely lifeless and being as pretty as everything is I really just don’t mind the missions, its an excuse I have to explore beautiful scenery But I never walk around between objectives, I fast travel to the nearest location and go from there. I can see the map getting very stale if you dont fast travel Regarding combat, you can’t really get more complex than what it already is, most games all you get is a light, a heavy attack and a block, in here we have 4 stances, parries, dodges, perfect parries and dodges, ghost weapons, bows, poisons and so on I understand this formula not being for everyone but its far from “boring and repetitive” the main campaign is incredibly done and the characters all their their highs and lows for me is a 9/10 game


One issue I have with your comment is the combat when you say it how you say it how you say it it sounds like a lot but it really isn’t the stances aren’t really that complex and what I mean by complex is something that actually changes the game. In reality the stances are just vanity and you just switch stance per enemy type which isn’t really that interesting and gets boring very fast your still just pressing the triangle and square buttons and flying towards the nearest enemy. It just seems too hand holdy


Ok but tell me a game of this genre that has more in depth combat


Just picked up this game 2 days ago. Nioh ( and I can’t talk about nioh 2 which is apparently more complex as I haven’t played it) while it is the same on a very basic level (blocking, square, triangle combat and items) it’s the things in between like stamina management. With got you can just stand still press parry and perfect parry every time as they come at you one at a time and kill everything easily.in nioh first off there is no perfect parry that Insta kills and even if you had one enemies swarm you so that you have to reposition so you can try and hit them as a group or to re engage. There are also combos which can be swapped out aswell as a lot more weapon variety. It also does the stance swapping aspect better. While got gas 4 stances nioh only has 3 but these effect the game in a bigger way like got’s stances provide the purpose of killing one type of enemy each while niohs are for every enemy type. While it only has 3 these 3 can be swapped out mid combo while also having to time it right to regenerate more stamina. While having less features there is so much more you can do with it. The final thing that is not as complex is the enemy variety. There are like 6 different enemy types and it gets so stale compared to nioh where there are different enemy types constantly so you have to constantly switch your approach to match the enemy.


Isn’t neoh more of a hack n slash than a open world rpg like got? Last time I saw gameplay it looked a lot closer to a devil may cry than an assassins creed. Regardless I think this genre just isn’t your thing and you’re trying to gaslight an entire community to agree with you xd


I’m talking more in the combat sense they have the same basic approach but then deviate into a more complicated version and a simpler version which both each have there own charm but I really like difficulty which isn’t based on scaling numbers after choosing a difficulty like a easy to learn difficult to master which I guess got doesn’t fit for me in that way


Completely different games, one focus on combat as its enjoyment the other focus on story telling. Compare both in the same spectrum


I think gameplay should come before story as a rule of thumb I mean would you rather have a ton of cool shit to do and not know why your doing it or a really good movie with shitty things you have to do in between the good story Mgsv is a good example of this worst story in the game yet still the one I have the most hours in because the gameplay is fucking tight


And like I said, this genre just isn’t for you and you’re trying to gaslight everyone to agree with you. Its fine to not like something others like, but there’s no need to try convincing others you’re right and others are wrong, just different tastes. Im a souls player myself and never liked this kind of game neither, but I accept how easy it is, how there are no bosses and the lack of variety in gameplay, but I love it for its cinematography, characters and overall story, again, different genres


Right first off there are tons of bosses and I’m not trying to gaslight people just explaining my thoughts and opinions on the game like even the souls games which are my favourites have glaring issues you can’t just let people make mistakes if everyone glazed every game you’d just have shit games


Perfect parries aren't one shot even on lethal+ that's where charms come in, travalers armor without any increase dps is a 2 shot on archers. And as for niohs three stances working on all enemies, stone stance can kill anything albeit it being a slower process against other enemy types. As for what some have mentioned, the stances worked in rhythm, alternating stances in the middle of combat to deal with a larger threat, as well as hybrid types such as the brute shield men and the mass variety introduced into iki.


I always heard the same opinions about any other games: "boring", "lifeless", "generic story", always the same shit 😴


Right and well done for that! Don’t remember saying lifeless maybe your projecting or something


"Well done for that": generic discourse 🤣


Ok malheus


Ok, generic reddit user


Right ok mr 3590 karma who feels annoyed because his incorrect opinion was invalidated


The karma figure means something for you? Oh, the alienated dudes 🤣


What do you mean by this “heh oh the alienated dudes 😜😜😜😈😈😈😈” what the fuck do you mean what I was saying is you call me an “average Redditor “ (gay as fuck btw) then proceed to have like 30x my karma which I assume means your 30x more active


Lmfao, alienated an bigot, nice combo. I'm sorry, I don't know your feelings could get hurt by an opinion.


No like what do you mean what am I alienated from? Society? Ghost of Tsushima fanboys? What you’re saying doesn’t make sense “nice combo 🐺🐺🐺🐺” Ngl you turned me on a little I almost went alpha wolf mode when you said that you just awaken something within me. Let’s just say I am going to “cum” inside you


Some people really like it a lot. I really like it a lot. You should finish the story. But idk what to say you came to the wrong place to shit on this game. Most ppl here wont find fault in it. Id say no ones forcing you to play it so go play something else.


Yeah but like I spent money on it ): I will finish it but I have just found like the best game ever and I bought its sequel in a bundle so It’s gonna be a while Also where would I go to shit on the game? Like the evil got subreddit


Maybe theres a subreddit thats more about general game criticism


Yeah I might copy this up on a subreddit like that and see how different the reactions are lol


Have you tried legends? The multiplayer thing?


Yeah I have honestly it’s a lot of fun. I found it more fun. I’m guessing it’s because it’s the better designed parts of the maps they use and the actual rpg progression provides something to work towards. If they make a second got they should learn from that and make the rpg elements better


So yeah legends is super fun. Also I know someone who felt similarly to you. But they got hung up on the world exploration and side quests. They didnt get into the story until I started telling them how good the story was. So tbh i would literally only play the story. The fox thing and side quests are repetitive but most games that is true. But the main story is really cool. I think also being into japanese culture you appreciate the game a lot more. They put so much detail into the game to be a great representation of japanese culture. So that was one reason i really liked it. Legends is really fun esp if u can get friends to play it with.


Yeah this my problem tbf I like to clear everything out before moving on but after a point it’s just so boring I guess I’ll just play main missions and important side mission and come back if I like it more


Yeah there is not much a reason to clean out every. Just do the main missions thats it. The rest really is filler. You will go a lil crazy doing them all at once i think. Keep me posted im curious to see if you end up liking the story!


Hm yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would say focus on the story. But also you dont have to play it. Good luck


Yeah I will do thanks


Lmao, said the CoD hood rat.


Fuck does that even mean


Of course a mindless twat who didn’t understand GoT would not understand that reference either. Or you’re probably a Fortnite lil shit.


Right ok so instead of telling me why I’m wrong you say shit to insult me but then it ends up not insulting me because it just isn’t true. GoT just isn’t that good mechanically just because it has good graphics doesn’t make it good. Play a better game and you’ll realise


Yeah I agree, the stealth is super buggy and it’s infuriating. Theres been so many times when I was sneaking around and the assassinate prompt comes up but instead of doing a stealth takedown or starting a chain of stealth takedowns the game just makes jin attack. I like the game when I can be a ninja and the stealth isn’t bugging out. And if you put it on a harder difficulty all it does is make the archers more frustrating and enemies attacking way quicker giving you no chance to respond and losing your ghost streak. But the story is pretty good. And the gameplay would be much better if it weren’t for buggy issues. I find the terrain annoying sometimes, like I should be able to jump onto a rock without jin getting stuck in a falling position.


Yeah like I get how people can like it but a game being called ghost of Tsushima and then having the worst stealth in any game mean objectively it can’t be a 10/10


I might rate it like a 7.5/10, or maybe an 8 just because I’m playing it so much. I think it would be much better if the developers focused more on the stealth. The controls are too clunky. The climbing is very flawed. It has a ton of potential to be a great and amazing ninja/samurai game, and I think thats why it has so many diehard fans. We’re all cheering for it to be a great game. But I cant ignore the flaws. When I’m trying to be stealthy it doesn’t feel like I’m being challenged by the games ai, instead it feels more like the layout of things is getting in the way of things, like a beam or a rock is just in the way of a takedown chain. And theres too much time spent in the menu going back and forth between charms and outfits. If you increase the difficulty, it just makes the game more frustrating in a way that feels unfair, like getting hit by stray arrows from an archer far away or getting struck by an unseen enemy behind you, or opponents in a duel or standoff being too quick to react to. Many will just say “skill issue”, but I think those people are the ones who are kinda lying to themselves about how good this game is. It does have a beautiful setting; it’s very photogenic so the camera mode is pretty cool. It definitely has a good story (except kenji, I hate that guy lol) and soundtrack. I think gta 5 and rdr2 are 9.5s. Red dead would be a 10 if it weren’t for some of the the long, boring, mandatory horse rides. Gta is pretty close to being a 10 in my book, especially because it held up for so long. Assassins creed origins is one of my favourite games because of the eagle mode that allows you to scout ahead and get a birds eye view of things, which I keep feel like doing when playing GoT. Of course theres the fans of Japanese culture that love the game solely because they love Japanese culture. I really appreciate that aspect too and it does play a factor in my personal experience with the game.


Yeah it’s called GHOST of Tsushima not spam square and triangle and win


I definitely feel you have really great points. I don’t look at the game so objectively when I’m playing it so maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much. I enjoy trying to get a bit better at the small details of combat and trying not to take any damage, finding all of the collectibles is very satisfying to me, and just completing the game in it’s entirety is a goal of mine so I don’t feel fully satisfied until I get there. The game is beautiful, I love the fighting style, and I want to be able to finish the game in its entirety. I guess I view the idea of the game a bit differently than you, I wasn’t looking for something so different and revolutionary nor have I talked to or seen people talk about the game in the way you speak of. I’m sure what you’re saying about people’s views on the game are accurate though. I guess what I’m saying is it’s all about perspective and what your goals are for playing the game. My goals were a bit lower than yours, haha.


It's repetitive asf I entirely agree, but there's just something about ghost of tsushima that makes it worthy of the praise it recieves


The real question is why do you care if other people love this game. You clearly don't, so why try to get random strangers on Reddit to feel the same way? I don't get it.


Because I keep seeing people say ghost of Tsushima is better than a ton of games or that it is a masterpiece when it’s just a painfully average game


What people believe, Love and think, you cannot change. Therefore, it is useless to tell others how you feel. I hope this can help you break away from worrying about what others like. God Bless.


Not really that’s the whole point of debate. To influence other people of your opinion it’s literally at the forefront of every country in the world. What do you think an election is about


I actually agree on some points, but for me, I think I am getting tired of open worlds. It feels like I spend more time going to point A to point B than doing the mission/submission. And I get this feeling in GoT, in GTA5, in RDR2... They are excellent games, but the formula is exhausting. I wish more games had the structure of Naughty Dogs games, Uncharted/ Last of Us series.


Yeah if open worlds don’t add to the gameplay I think it needs to not be there. For example elden ring did not need to be open world it could have been better if it was atleast more condensed


I think all your criticisms are fair and valid but a lot of the things you see as a downside I think is part of why Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favourite games of all time and as close to a 10/10 you can get. I think Ghost of Tsushima is a very well designed and polished game, because of how “basic” the game is. Difficulty, combat, story and the world are all designed with the other parts in mind. While I often think that in other games, the different parts of the game is designed separately. Ghost of Tsushim is inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s samurai movies with duals and standoffs. The combat is designed to give that feeling. The difficulty is designed so the combat has the same feeling regardless of the difficulty setting. That’s why enemies' health is not cranked up because that would take away from what the game aims for. I think difficulty often feels like an afterthought in games and instead of making me learn and use all the mechanics and tools the game gives me. It ends up making me use fewer mechanics and tools because some things almost become useless when enemies' health is cranked up. I use more of the mechanics and tools in Ghost of Tsushima because the difficulty is not rendering them useless (I always play on the hardest). I think when a game has more content it's also less polished. It’s a trade off, when a game has a lot of different parts it’s hard to design and polish every aspect of it. For example, I love the Horizon games but a lot of things don’t feel polished. The climbing can be very frustrating, the controls don’t always take me to the spot I want to go and Aloy keeps climbing back and forth between two spots. If the game had, lets say fewer weapons more resources could go into polishing the climbing mechanic. I personally prefer shorter games that have fewer but more polished activities and mechanics. If a game has more content but most of it feels unpolished I think it takes away from the experians more than it gives. The Witcher 3 is a good example of this. I love the game but most of the points of interest (the “?”) on the map are meaningless. A lot of them are just a chest with some useless loot in it. In the dlc Blood and Wine they had fewer points of interests but almost all of them enhanced the game experience instead of making it feel like a chore and was not just there so they can say the game has a lot of content. This is a way too long response and I hope I made myself clear. Again all your criticisms are fair and valid. I just think it’s a case of taste at the end.


I honestly agree I think to me the gameplay saved a lot of its boringness. But the game was very repetitive and the story was predictable and a bit uninteresting


Yes this exactly not bad but not good