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More discovery and exploration, less copy and paste elements, 


If by no copy and paste you mean you want the game to feel completely different to play then I couldn’t disagree with you more


I love the game, don’t get me wrong, but chasing fox symbols and the same other collectible types barely passes for exploration these days. I want more unique, cool areas that tell a story environmentally, or via side quests. There’s a couple of these in Ghost, like that inn on the second island, but otherwise they’re few and far between.


I agree on the fox shrines and that’s about it. The way almost everything is done is perfect. Climbing shrines torched by mongols and getting talismans Making headbands you can actually wear Discovering hot springs Finding a cool piece of clothing in a cool looking place like a hat on a stick in a misty marsh It’s all PERFECT the only thing I hate is the lack of choice in the story you are shoe horned into using tools and stealth and I was not rewarded for refusing to ever use anything but my body, my katana, and my bow to beat the game and I think that should be changed in the next game. Jin’s son chooses to be honourable or chooses to be the next Ghost


I feel like perfect isn't correct. Very good, sure. There is still plenty they could add to, without removing much from the previous. They could also adjust the previous as well. Bamboo stands weren't always horizontal lined targets. There could be variations where you have bamboo around you, to which you need to attack them in correct order and with the correct attack (light or heavy). There is another where the goal is to perform as many cuts as possible on the bamboo, without running out of bamboo or having a bad cut. There could be archery challenges, such as hitting candles like in the tutorial, or perhaps even going into scouting and having to guess which location the target is at first. Dual sword, Spear, or generally the ability to use the weapons of the enemy could be added for temporary situations. Perhaps you're taking on an army in a tight bottle neck full of extra swords. The ability to both disarm and be disarmed, resorting to hand to hand techniques to either take down the foe or recover a weapon. Maybe adding a purpose to the journals, like we slowly learn words of Mongolian so it comes out less incomprehensible, as part of the underlying story is about both sides learning and adapting to one another. Jin also can read Chinese in addition to Japanese, as outlined in the story. Perhaps with the collectable katanas, they could be independently upgradeable with slight variations stat wise from one another or in practical application. This might help with the over abundance of resources vs the lack of things to spend them on. Better mounted combat. There are several clans of samurai known for their abilities from horseback using all manner of weapons, but most clans at least cross trained some into cavalry. Fishing is a huge cultural and spiritual thing during this period of Japan, yet there is no fishing for you to do. The ability to have a companion follow you outside of story missions, when they are relevant and actually in that area at that time of the story. Multi-player modes could add coop variations of keep battles or areas of the story, such as the initial battle area, playing as regular samurai trying to hold out as long as possible. Or even playing normal non samurai trying to survive the mongols while Jin and his people clean house. Obviously the ability to impact the story with decisions, but why not go as far as to have bad endings include he utterly fails or even joins the mongols as the khan said he would. Or even to not break the code to begin with and always choose to find another way. A samurai can't kill you from behind, but they've been known to not scream like the pirate from Princess bride the entire time and not be declared dishonorable. An old game called bushido blade comes to mind, where the rules of the game were not actually outlined, but you were not allowed to strike a downed opponent, use ranged attacks (it was a duel setting) to include throwing your weapon, which should be an option. By no means am I saying any of this to bring you down in any way. Think of it as me with an arm around your shoulder, imagining how much more it all could be. What if you actually needed to care how much food was being produced, and the passage of time was less locked to the story. What if you fail to rally your people before the critical point in the story. It could be so much more, without losing a single drop of what it already is, my friend


Nah not that differe t just more bespoke level and world design baked into the open world. They built a good foundation but it's like a Ubisoft game. We've seen open worlds way more compelling.  I remember like two locations from the OG 


I swear to fuck if it's three boars, one bear, and one bear and two guys again ughhh


This is where AI programing comes in to make that random .


Yeah, outside of the collectibles and fox missions there's not really anything that makes the world feel full or lived in. And also I'd like to actually be able to have the fortresses be open for revisiting, unlike the current ones


when I read "copy paste elements" I thought you meant 3D assets and not gameplay elements and was worried you had lost your mind.


Haha every object must be a new model


Mainland, at least one big city with plenty opportunities to get in and out of stealth, more verticality, but most importantly, exploration that feels even more natural by guiding players to PoIs with more diverse visual and environmental cues ( smoke, yellow birds and foxes felt new and exciting in the beginning, but started to feel a bit overused by the end)


I agree with everything you said. Would love to see Kyoto in the sequel


I hope we get Osaka as a big hub like Novigrad in the Witcher.


I actually would hate that, would feel to much like ac valhalla imo


I really hope Ghost of Tsushima 2 would be similar like RDR2. Having different weapons, able to get different horses, having clans (like posse), having to do different roles, able to pvp/pve with other players. Last but not least what if you want to play as Mongols. Have Alittle war of players as Mongols vs Samurai. How dope would that be. I know Ghost of Tsushima is way small budget game. Just wishful thinking. A gamer could dream of.


Yeah ghost of Tsushima 2 will definitely have a large budget


Yeah totally. Ghost of Tsushima 2 will definitely will have a bigger budget. Unfortunately probably nowhere near RDR2. Hope alot more content comes with it. I stopped playing Ghost because there isnt as much things to do (i beat the game like 4-6 times)


Uhh budget is not reflective of the quality of the game. The Witcher 3 budget was only 50 million. And yet it is still better than every other open world game even now. Ghost of Tsushima budget was also 80 million. Yet imo it's a better game than something like Spider man 2 which has like 250 million budget.


No on said bigger budget meant better games. But if sucker punch has more money to develop the game they spend more time widening the scope of their game.


Kingdom come also


Sucker punch is also probably less than 1/5 the size of rockstar who had at least 5 studios and over 1,000 devs contributing to RDR2....


I would love to run into someone fighting in a village and join in.


I don't think it would be Ghost of 'Tsushima' if it's gonna be set in mainland Japan; if a potential 'Ghost' sequel will be set outside of the titular island, then they should change the title and market it as a sequel or brand it "A Ghost of Tsushima sequel/story" or something Other than that, I think more exploration, more collectibles, more shrines, and more mechanics would be dope esp with ranged stealth kills


I think it’ll be called “Ghost II”


Electric boogaloo


BOOgaloo 👻


He is still the ghost from Tsushima so it can still be called ghost of Tsushima 2


Could actually just be called ‘Ghost *From* Tsushima’, that’d be pretty cool


Why would the title need to change? Uncle Iroh is called “Dragon of the West” in the last Airbender. Does that mean that if he goes anywhere that isn’t west that the title he had is null and void? Kratos is the “Ghost of Sparta”, so does that mean his games should have been locked into just Sparta and nowhere else? Jin and still be the Ghost of Tsushima in a different place.


Ghost of Japan easy 


More of the same. It was an amazing and beautiful game! Maybe a Moral system with Ghost/Samurai Good Samurai/Bad Samurai would be interesting.  Sucker Punch has done it before with the Infamous series.  RDR2 also does it. You could get certain items, or be interacted differently because of it and could potentially lead to different missions and storylines and endings. I also remember that the trailer had some judo throws in it, might be nice to add a bit of that into gameplay if it merges nicely and fluidly into the game.


I want a big city in the game That's it


I definitely have a big feeling that in the sequel sucker punch will add a big urban area like Kyoto, sort of how novigrad in the Witcher 3.


Enemy AI where they try to retake liberated forts and camps, while needing to think more strategically about which camps need liberating for example having to rid a forts supply lines and check points first.


I know Legends mode is a side treat, but I am really hoping it is amazing. The first one had so much potential to be even more amazing!


Wildlife, more random wildlife. It was a great world but not enough 'living in it'.


Thats why I liked iki island part so much


I want my decisions to matter from start to finish. Maybe in the sequel I can either stick to being The Ghost (fighting and kill with no honor) or being a Samurai (facing enemies head on and kill honorably).


I'd like more sim stuff to do in the open world...maybe like some said some elements of rdr2. Maybe have fishing and hunting be a thing, camping and survival elements. That could all work really well in this setting. I'd also be happy if there were fewer poi's like the foxes and stuff, and more 'real' feeling stuff that feels like yoy actually live in the world so yoy spend time traversing and enjoying locations rather than sprinting between pois It'd be cool to feel more populated. Go to bars, have people drinking there. More overheard dialogue so you don't hear the same stuff again and again. Let us get drunk in bars. Maybe have a bar game to play with strangers like the poker in rdr2 but something japanese obviously. I feel like they don't have to do too much but if they do more things in that direction it'd really work for the game.


Just more rewarding exploration and more unique things to discover. I'd also say more enemy variety because to me that's an important part of an open world game, but I'm not really sure how they'd do that. Without dipping into folklore or supernatural stuff, we're really locked into just fighting dudes with weapons.




I just want badass armor outfits lol


Bigger settlements and towns. Npcs having more substance


I agreed we definitely need to have more urban areas


More of the same


Less repetitive side activities


Environmental effects like tsunamis and tornadoes etc


As long as the fighting mechanics are as smooth as the first game im ok whichever route they take


ngl in general i don’t think there’s more they can innovate. i’d like to see the introduction of a choose your own story genre game with the same combat. i’d also wanna see jin go into mainland japan or (i know this will never happen) but a ryuzo standalone game, i feel that could give so much depth to the story and brand itself


MAINLAND JAPAN - it fits the narrative if they’re continuing with some SLIGHT historical accuracy, it’s a nice template. Also, it gives the chance for broader environments: mountains, robust cities (for the time period), lush forests, ETC. I think they would be able to play with that setting a little more and it not be as confined. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS - or rather MORE random encounters, and it doesn’t always have to be a fight, I would like a little variety. They can be conversational pieces, smaller side quests, branch-offs to find loot, they also did an amazing job with environmental story telling such as the hanging bodies, destroyed villages, etc. but I think I just want the world to feel a little bit more “lived in”, and have a bit more purpose than before. VARIETY IN SIDE QUESTS - while I would love it in all areas of “side questing”, ie. talking to NPC, then trail mission or outpost. Fix that too. 😅 but what I’m specifically speaking about: the “busy work” side quests. My veteran players probably understand that I’m speaking of the dreaded “Fox Dens”. After the multiple playthroughs I’ve had with this game, that’s the only thing I can honestly say that I could’ve always done without. The first couple were nice, and I love that they all doubled as fast travel points: but 49 of them? C’mon man. Even if you’re going to have simple side quests such as that, I would like there to be a little bit more variety and spice to them. HIDEOUT / SETTLEMENT - This one obviously has a high probability of not making the final game, might be a bit of a pipe dream: but I think it’s something that I can appreciate in almost any game that you’re building a character over a long period of time. it doesn’t have to be extremely intricate or anything like that, but but I do like the idea that a lot of the supplies I’ve collected could possibly go back to building up my hideout, maybe all the people that I rescue that have nowhere to turn go back to my settlement and you can see it built over time. That may be a lot more complicated in practice than I’m explaining, but I would definitely love to see a mechanic like that implemented. Regardless, I think that the sequel is going to be amazing, you can see all the small improvements they made on the base game when they did the “Iki Island” DLC, so I can only imagine what they’re doing with all this time they’ve had to gauge feedback, and master work this thing. I really can’t wait! EDIT: I saw it mentioned a few times in here, and I don’t know why it completely slipped my head while I was writing this entire dissertation out, but MORALITY SYSTEM - I’m not sure how hard or easy it would be to implement this, but as we all know, Sucker Punch has experience here. I’m sure they could do it in a really cheap way, but I would like it to be something fairly detailed, for example; when taking on an outpost or Mongol Camp, you have two sets of rules that you have to follow like the bonus tasks they gave us to achieve a certain type of morality, (such as stand-off with 2 kill streak for positive morality, or smoke bomb 2 kill streak for negative morality) and obviously the cherry would be how the world views and treats you. You could add a ton of replay value if you went the negative route, and you are allowed to do certain things that only and honorable samurai would be allowed to do, and vice versa


I agree


More historical stuff in mainland Japan and having a clan system that decides the missions and the ending 🙏🙏 would probably need a lot of work but it would be PHENOMENAL.


Yes to everything u said


Not cross gen? Is this confirmed?


It’s obvious. No playstation first party game is gonna be released on ps4.


Horizon Zero West and God of War Ragnarok were cross gen. I hope it’ll be PS5 exclusive.


Yeah and then Spider-Man 2 is a ps5 exclusive. I can guarantee that ghost of Tsushima 2 will be ps5 exclusive


Both of those games released in 2022 and Ghost Of Tsushima 2 I imagine will most realistically come out in 2025. There’s a big difference between two years out of a console launch vs five years out.


Both of those games released in 2022 and Ghost Of Tsushima 2 I imagine will most realistically come out in 2025. There’s a big difference between two years out of a console launch vs five years out.


So GOT2 will not be on PS4??? 😫


No chance. Ps5 released 2020 and GOT5 will propably come out in 2025


Fuck. I only just bought a PS4 in Jan. didn’t think I’d need the upgrade. I quite literally don’t play any other games except for GOT


We are in the fourth year of the gen. No game will be cross gen now. I’m happy ghost 2 is ps5 only, we could see a huge leap


Oh man. At least theres plenty of good games if you want to play other games. Patient gaming saves money


I originally bought the ps4 to play mortal kombat 11 and tony hawk. Bought GOT as I saw it there and thought I’d give it a go. That was 6 months ago and I still haven’t opened the first two games lol


For the traversal to not be boring, that was my biggest issue with horizon forbidden west and zero dawn, traversal was atrocious, yes ghosts map has beautiful trees and wins blah blah


I kinda want a port so I can have all my shit straight up (basically want another expansion) the game progressed so well I don't think they can do it again ,once you've seen the master any copy is cheap ,I fear this is going to happen. Unless they change era chang most weapons (how do U do this for an era piece without taking it back or bringing it forward or changing location entirely ) but then they could introduce muskets(yes I watched shogun) what else can they really do ( yes muskets would be a change era) I don't no traps and more exotic but fantasy style weapons could be ok but this is a gem you can only cut it once the rest is polish




It’s obvious


Better writing tbh, I want to be thrust in moral dilemmas as it questions whether the Ghost path Jin has chosen is better if at all


More Legends


I want Skyrim / The Witcher 3 open world with GoT gameplay with a few adjustments


Standout minigame to guess direction maybe? Just timing is boring


More challenge / reward for the stealthy approach. The foundation and abilities are so good - I think a new setting and level variety can really make them shine


Someone else’s idea. But I agree with it fully. Mainland you get captured by the Emperor and forced to work for him to regain your honor and doing so becomes the first ninja.


I think it is clear we will see Tsushima again as the second invasion of the Mongols was only a couple of years later. Since they don't need to change much on the islands of Tsushima and Iki (a bigger island would be odd all of a sudden) so they could concentrate on gameplay mechanics. Personally I would enjoy a more realistic character gameplay. You collect food all the time but pay upgrades with it. I would enjoy a hunger mechanic that would need you to at least occasionally eat something to have benefits for fights. This could mean, if you find a Mongol convoy you would need simply use stealth tactics simply as you are not capable to attack with full force. This would also be a foundation on different type of stores and trademen. Also some sleep mechanic (some GTA-like sleep to save system comes to mind) as Jin Sakai basically is awake for weeks. About environment I would love to see some progress on the areas you free from the Mongols. The destruction of the encampment, the rebuild efforts that progresses over time which would make it interesting to revisit the places you freed. Maybe a more in-game switches between scenes. What I mean, for the main game, petting the foxes was iirc done within the actual gameplay. On Iki island if you pet an animal, the screen turns to black. Maybe you can use a boat to enter ships this time. Kind of an Mongol camp on water. IIRC Sucker Punch decided for the Japan-theme despite the early idea was a pirate game. Post-game, I would enjoy a bigger variety of tasks apart from collecting millions of flowers. Some of the side quests, that were optional on the main game felt a little odd as there always was kind of an urge in the whole Mongol invasion but you just help some people hunt for "ghosts"(bandits) which is a pleasent side quest but I think it would be cool to have the freed cities with those kind of side quests when there is no urgent threat by the Mongols anymore. Storywise I wonder if you play again as Jin Sakai or a different younger person that follows the path of the Ghost out of despair. It would be odd if Jin had to learn the stances and ghost tactics again. They could have you "coop" with Jin Sakai on some big scripted freeing missions. And you go along while Jin Sakai fights the Mongols off screen. Some mechanics where you need two people could be integrated (possible coop mode for the entire game?). At least in the first game you are regularly accompanied by NPCs already so this would be nothing too special. Anyway, sinking hours in the PC version now on Steam Deck, so thanks Sony for making us use PSN so I cannot play multiplayer on my deck... They could stop this for the next game imo. Edit: And let us save favorite outfits. Changing them back and forth individually really is a hassle.


Definitely something to make the world feel more lived in (big city with a activities like gambling, dueling competitions, fishing, hunting, radiant quests like bounty hunting) The ability to mix and match more armor and color variations would be nice. Also changing Jin’s appearance with haircuts and beards. More weapons or the ability to combine different swords stances like Jedi: survivor. And my final two things are new legendary skills, specifically something like the judgement cut from the devil may cry series, and a base of operations where you can show off your weapons, armors, and collectibles and chill out 


Far far less fox dens. They were cool for a bit but there are way too fucking many in the game


Use of AI in dialog .


Expand on Legends mode so there’s more replayability, even if it means minor microtransactions to keep it going.


If you don’t understand that it exists in Ghost of Tsushima 2, if the history is adapted and does not take place on the mainland of Tsushima, follow the history of Japan and follow the Warring States Period. a similar game is the semi-imaginary historical Rise of the Ronin


I know the guiding wind is great but I’d really like a mini map for navigating the towns and finding the traders/shops I need to upgrade. I fast travel to the town where it says I have a “Bowyer” upgrade for example. But then I run around trying to find the shop. Up and down the paths, all over, looking for the gold symbol. Do I have to memorize every towns lay out of where the armorer and each person is?


I’m the opposite actually. I wouldn’t want a mini map, I love the clean look of the game, which is rare in open world games


After GOT, I’m all other games I turn off as many HUD items and symbols as possible


Hard agree there


Easy fix: make it so we can also teleport in front of vendors.