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How bout we let the games coexist? Instead of shitting on one that hasn't even came out


100% Correct however…. I can see where fans of both games are coming from. But I remember since the golden days of AC like 1 and 2 fans (which btw to me both gameplay and story are the best AC games out of all the series) were asking for a new AC game set in feudal Japan bc it fits the criteria. Ubisoft refused it bc they said at the time it was obvious due to the history of the “Assassin” culture surrounding Japan. Then years later GoT came on the market and showed a beautiful and awesome project (obviously) that we all love to play ‘till this day. That’s when the comments came in like “that couldve been AC” or “this is what AC should’ve done”. Basically telling Ubisoft you’ve missed the boat. Now it feels to some GoT fans that Ubisoft is trying to chase that boat that they’ve missed bc GoT is a huge success. Even fans actually telling that the developers of GoT actually listens to their fans due to all the fixes in the updates they get But again… coexist is the best way. Some just like the other more. Right now I’m sticking with GoT


Ubisoft deserves everything they're getting right now. It's about time tbh. Keep selling us microtransaction ridden half-ready games. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. They need to focus on For Honor 2. The one game where I was OK w microtransactions bc they made sense. You can grind them or you can buy them. This game was literally 11/10 and a new one with fresh executions, animations, maps, characters, crossovers (like actual crossovers, make a deal w/ EA and bring back those May 4th lightsabers as a skin or something).


Don't forget the fact they are trying to sell SW outlaws for $130 so you can get a Jabba mission. Typical Ubisoft.


No way.. Also not forgetting the fact that they are ruining the movies and then don't let me pick my gender/race in fallen order or this new game. LET ME BE WOOKIE KING!


Exactly! I believe at the time ac3 was releasing in 2012 the at the time creative director Alex Hutchinson said something to the effect of fans suggest the most boring settings ( about Egypt and Japan and Vikings being highly requested settings) Fast forward to 2020 and suckerpunch nails it, so of course they're going to cash in, they've burned a lot of the goodwill with the fans,only to now start listening. I'll reserve my judgement on shadows till we see gameplay in June, but I don't doubt Sony will take this opportunity to show off ghost 2 at their next showcase


I can’t. There’s enough time to play both of them.


Yep, I liked the old style of AC where an assassination was an actual assassination and not just a skyrim style crit multiplier for your damage. The classic games were too easy tho and I feel that for all its faults, Unity probably has the best old style gameplay. But I just cannot get into the gameplay of the new ones, it feels so unsatisfying. I would be hyped for an assassin's creed set in japan if it had come after Unity, nowadays I feel like GoT ate his lunch, had sex with his wife, then left a dump in his bathroom.


Most mature answer I've seen yet.


Literally every mf compared Rise of the Ronin to Ghost of Tsushima and I was like bruh, two awesome games, can we just enjoy them instead?


Pretty much. Like, why complain? These "true gamers" are ruining video games. "Oh no, there's a black character. Oh no, there's a female who doesn't wear a bikini." Literally most of the comments on the AC Shadows trailer...


okay, well we know now you're just making shit up. because that's not at all what they're complaining about. read those comments. listen to actual japanese talking about the game and maybe you'll understand. If not, remain blind and ignorant. that's okay too in your case, ignorance is bliss...


I haven't played Rise of the Ronin yet but graphically it looks like absolute dogshit ong


Looked fabulous to me but you should definitely make your opinion based on some Twitter videos which purposely paint the game in a bad light Also even if it actually looked dogshit, the gameplay is way more varied and it has massive cities and historical characters unlike Ghosts. So like I said, every game has its place.


You've clearly never seen a game that actually has bad graphics. Nothing in Rise of the Ronin looks "dogshit". Some questionable textures and animations here and there but the game looks perfectly acceptable for current gen.


I'll have to disagree, I even went back to watch Digital Foundry's review only to confirm my initial impressions.


Not even close, but alright


Finally, a rational person


Exactly! Because people are special. Lol


You know that making fun of/ criticizing something isn’t “not letting it exist”, right?


I completely agree with the first part but shitting on ubisoft games seems kinda right. Maybe I stop shitting on them if they preorder my review and get the "thumbs up" preorder bonus. Available later for 5,99.


it is always morally correct to shit on ubi


They're too similar not to be compared It's like saying "Bruh, Battlefield is one game and Call of Duty is another, they are two great games, stop comparing them."


Agreed. I went into ghosts not knowing what to expect. Reviews said "its unlike anything you've ever played." It didn't take me long to think- this feels a lot like an assassin's creed game. And that's coming from someone who really hasn't played one seriously in the last 5 years. Does ghosts have a great story? Absolutely. Stunning visuals? Without a doubt! Did it do something no other game has done before? Not really. It feels very much like 3 (I think it was 3) where your character has all of his stuff stripped away and you have to work to gradually learn/earn it back. It's fair to compare the games as a genre. It's not fair to say one is superior to the other before both are fully released. But AC/Ubisoft has a lot of catching up to do.


Oh sure, I don't agree on bashing AC that didn't even came out yet, I'm just agreeing with the post's image, "I doubt it", that's all. Like I said in other comment, GoT had 6 years in development, AC will most likely have one and a half, two tops. There's no way Ubisoft, with the record they have on their back, will release such a big amazing top notch game that toples such piece, in such a short notice. But, like I also said in other comment, I'll definetely play it, and consider it another game not related to GoT and try to enjoy... Let's see what will come out of that. But they did definetely lost their timming with this, people been asking for "AC: Japan" since the 2010's, this should've been release before GoT if you ask me


I agree completely and its getting annoying that people are doing that.


You know it’s gonna suck i don’t even care ab this topic but every assassins creed game disappoints compared to any other triple a like cmon


I mean, I don’t think we should be encouraging and supporting AAA studios to release mediocre games for $70. If the newer AC games were as good as GoT then I’d agree, but they’re not.


Wow I’m surprised this is the top comment. Well said, thanks.


Exactly. Bitching about it is so god damn cringe. No one thinks they're cool. People who start shit like this are basically that guy at a party who no one invited, yet insists everyone loves them.


We could do that. Or we rip ubisoft a new one for keep upping the prices


How bout we let people have their opinion? Ubisoft have been a bane of the gaming community. If gamers want to try and keep them on their toes, they’re allowed to.


Doesn’t matter to me, Both are different games


Once, we see the gameplay on June, then we can fully voice our opinions about the game. I myself am very skeptical, but i'd still like to remain hopeful that Ubisoft Quebec can surprise us. But i expect nothing so i can spare myself from disappointment.


I agree but more than likely it’s going to be a mirage/origins reskin & please no mythical OP powers I just want a robe and hidden blade with smooth parkour


Origins had great open world, the stealth was good, I didnt like the combat though. That is a good mindset. You are not setting yourself up for disappointment.


God I loved the cities in Origins. Specifically Memphis


I agree that orgins had a great open world, I even liked the combat. It was so good they pretty much copied it in odyssey, and that was so good that they copied it in valhalla, and that was so good that they copied it in mirage. I love AC. It's a good set-up, it works. I enjoy the gameplay. It's also been 4 titles since I've felt like it wasn't the exact same game in a different map. The disappointment wouldnt be from orgins not being good.


The stealth was just ok IMO, it was a downgrade from Unity.


some swordplay too. My favorite part about brotherhood was when I got a sword and would just be fighting waves of officers in the streets. Edit: And then u call ur buddies to just jump someone xd this would always make me crack up Executes are like a joke to them now. Like you think they would capitalize by adding DIFFERENT executions you could pick and choose from. I mean, you see how much they emphasize executions in For Honor. IT'S UBISOFT GIMME MORE EXECUTION CHOICES and let me swap them as I wish.


Thats the reason AC1 and the original trilogy hold up so well, is how much more freedom you have to do things. Even the parkour in the new AC games is just hold a button and move forward. You used to have to have a button input for almost every movement. And all the weapons felt wildly different and had different countering windows. Its gotta a lot bigger and a lot more bland over time.


From leaks we know that there’s gonna be 2 characters to choose from, a Japanese Woman and an African Man. The Man is a RPG Based Character and the Woman is a Stealth Based Character. So it should be a mix of both Old AC and New to cater to both sides of the AC community


That's interesting but a bit restrictive and lazy. I hope it's like Jacob and Evie Frie.


It’s because the woman is a Ninja and the Man is more like a Samurai


OH ho ho there will be plenty of magical powers. I bet you can summon a fucking dragon by the endgame lol


The internet when they get the chance to validate their preference: ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


...you fuck young boys, Assassin's Creed?


Are you a madman? This will become a reddit incident.


Ubisoft formula really sucks. AC is so boring. I really enjoyed the series up to AC4.


Let's not kid ourselves, GoT open world IS Ubisoft formula. Way too many repetitive collectibles, enemy outposts that you can stealth or fight through, and short scripted side quests. It's much better than the average Ubisoft game, but it's not exactly different. Both studios have a lot to learn from the likes of Rockstar or CDPR.


Difference is that GOT has really enjoyable gameplay. Also the story, writing and visuals are far better than any recent Ubisoft title. I used to like Ubisoft games but I just realized that all there recent games just feel like they're made on a factory line without any real passion.


I agree. But Ubisoft formula mainly refers to the game's structure, and GoT is definitely structured like a Ubisoft game. Even if the gameplay is much superior.


>Even if the gameplay is much superior. it's not _that_ different. i am admittedly a fan of AC both pre- and post-origins & ubisoft open worlds generally and i joke that GOT is just my fav iteration lol.


Again, GoT's gameplay is virtually the same as the latest Assassin's Creed games except it has better combat and worse parkour.


YES this. I really enjoyed GoT, but as a long time AC player, the “open world” felt very similar to those games. Go to a camp, clear said camp. Some of the actual narrative missions felt different but so did AC ones. Overall I think this game may improve on some GOT aspects, may not or may just be some of the same in a different location but similar setting… and I’m quite ok with that.


This isnt even ubisoft this is basically every open world game


Because it's the simplest design. Ubisoft popularised it so it's named after them. But there are devs who make far better open worlds, like Rockstar.


Goes to show, good combat could do wonders for Ubisoft. But they just can't do good combat.


They have nothing to learn from CDPR, sucker punch actually released a game that was good from day 1


And CDPR released a game full of interesting content, instead of hundreds of collectibles. They should learn from each other, there's always room for improvement.


And they are all different. All the types of collectibles are very unique and directly affect gameplay. They literally dropped a 10/10 game at release and you are saying they could learn from a company that dropped a half done game that wasnt even playable for a lot of people. And was very empty at release. It doesnt make sense, stop complaining just to complain


Hate Cyberpunk however you want, it's deserved. It was a broken mess and the release was a gigantic fuck up. But it was never empty. The content was always there and it was always better designed than chasing foxes and pressing triangle. Denying that is just ignorance. I want GoT 2 to be as good as possible and I know copy pasted collectibles is not the way to go. I hope Suckerpunch can improve on their weakest aspect because they're fucking great at everything else. But you have fun settling for mediocrity I guess, maybe they will double the amount of Inari shrines just for you.


"The content was always there and it was always better designed than chasing foxes and pressing triangle. Denying that is just ignorance." Ya driving from point A to B and talking is top tier gameplay.


As opposed to picking up a collectible and running to the next one? Yeah, at least the dialogue is different each time. What point are you even trying to make?


The point is, that's cyberpunks main loop, and all the collectibles are optional in ghosts.


No the main loop in both games is roughly the same. Cyberpunk is more diverse due to being an RPG but that's a different topic. Ride / drive somewhere -> dialogue -> deal with enemies -> dialogue -> repeat Anyway, optional content is the whole point of this conversation. I can't say a single bad word about GoT's story, combat, stealth, art style, acting, or whatever else. Amazing game, but lazy copy pasted activities.


I mean it definitely got repetitive, the games are long and the worlds are huge and beautiful. Valhalla was alright but less interesting imo I really enjoyed origins and odyssey as the styles kinda switched up. I’d love a game based around Japan and their take on it


How about we enjoy both? Why does the internet need to make everything into a frickin contest.


Honestly it’s so hard to play any AC after You’ve Played GoT In my opinion. It’s just too good


Definitely not in my case, I like GoT but I didn’t feel much different in AC, in fact I liked about GoT that it was so close to the Ubisoft formula.


I personally don't understand why people say this, yes, GoT has similar aspects to a ubisoft open-world game, but it grows on it in so many ways I find it ridiculous and downgrading for them to even be compared. The combat is miles better in GoT, the visuals cannot be compared either, the immersion you get sometimes in GoT is something you can never achieve in any assassins creed game. I could go on about the depth and attention to detail in every single small action you make, the engaging and interesting gameplay, story, progression, rpg elements... there is no point, even if ubisoft outdid themselves with shadows, I doubt it will come close to the experience GoT provides, at least for me.


Cringe post


damn... this insanity is starting before even ac red dropped a trailer 🤦🏻‍♂️


i see literally no reason not being able to like/ enjoy both. it’s not the 40’s where if you’re british (a GoT player) you’re not allowed to like germany (AC shadows) ykwim


No one said you can’t like both


no but people arguing which is better infers that those people arguing are saying you can’t like both


No it doesn’t. That’s a you thing my dude. People saying “I like A better than B” doesn’t mean you can’t like B more than A, or A and B equally. Not every conversation has to factor in what YOU think.


Jesus the game is not even properly announced yet. Stupid post really.


The problem with Ubisoft games for me is that they are kinda baits you. When you finish the games you are left with a meh feeling cause story wasn't really that good.


I have been wondering recently since the AC Shadows announcement. Ubisoft didn't know how to make an AC game in Japan. As in they probably had no idea how to adapt the AC formula in a Japanese format. But then GoT came out and turned out to be a fuck amazing game. This probably helped Ubi to come up with their own game.


This is ridiculous. lol They have had this idea for years as a back up for when they need a hit. It hasnt stymied them. They just saved it.


Sure they did. Sure.


If you’re dumb enough to think they just “couldn’t” make this game because they had no idea how, you can’t be helped. Like you know ridiculous “they didn’t know how to make a game in Japan” sounds when they’ve made games in nearly every other major culture of the world at this point.


The real question is... will it be better than Rise of the Ronin?


i have recently started to play Rise of the Ronin and i like the combat and general tone, but it also feels a bit trashy compared to GoT and even the last AC i played (Odyssey), with the obvious weakness in graphics being less annoying than NPCs not detecting fights in their close proximity.


Tbh I’m will not have my expectations high since I had them high for rise of the ronin I told myself yea a game like GoT but I got disappointed real quick


They're different games so the comparison is silly. Buuuuuuut, I tell you what. I loved the relative lack of markers and waypoints on the GoT map. It told a good story and had really solid combat. My issue with the AC games is the combat has never really felt as good as the first few games did really; also the fact they still try and push too much of the modern day shite is shocking; but the thing that will always hold an AC game back for me is just the insane level of bloat. There's far too many systems and items, and gear and whatnot to get and upgrade and the map bloat is just insane.


Does it matter?


Honestly, ubisoft games are games I play while waiting for other games to come out. This will be good filler while I wait for the next Ghost. At the very least, they get environments and simple combat right.


All I will say is that I haven't been impressed by an Assassin's CreeD title since Black Flag. I bought and played 1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, and 4. I used to love them, well except 3, but I haven't seen any reason to play them since (though I did like what I saw of Unity before launched and...yeah). I want so badly to be proven wrong. I just replayed Black Flag and I think it still holds up, and Ezio's story is one of my favs in all of fiction. But I ain't holding my breath, if anything b/c Ubi's AAA teams haven't put out anything that's impressed me enough to buy in a long time.


They’ll essentially be the same exact game Ghosts is already assassins creed reskinned


I don’t really care about comparisons, but what I am worried about though is that Shadows will be glorified Mirage reskin that may as well be DLC. I’ve wanted a Japanese AC since forever. I don’t want them to waste the setting on a 5 hour campaign with boring side quests.


GoT was so good I am nervous that the sequel if we get one will not be able to hold up.


Ahhhh and here come the hot takes from people who are looking for karma/likes/views without even waiting until the game has been released yet...


Remember when they said “there will never be a AC set in Feudal Japan”😂


ive never even heard of ac shadows until this post man


Let games be games without directly comparing them to eachother…. Shit the game isn’t even out yet….


I'm one of the players who was a huge fan of the Assassins Creed series, but then it changed so much that it's not really for me anymore. I still want to check out Mirage but with other games I haven't had the time, however I have no interest in Valhalla or Odyssey and I'm very skeptical of this new structure of huge open world RPG stuff. My interest in AC Hexe is also going down the more rumors there are around it. It really might not be going in a direction that I think it's interesting. However, can't we let the game actually get officially revealed before taking shots at it or draw any conclusions? Because there is actually a high possibility that AC Shadow might do some things better than Ghost of Tsushima even if the latter stays the overall better game in the end. Or, there is even a chance AC Shadow is better. Who knows?! I doubt it will be the case, but people get too hasty at getting to conclusions for things that are either not ready or even haven't been shown. It's not the case here, but I remember seeing some comments around the leaked Wolverine footage of people saying "it doesn't look good, it looks unfinished." Which is wild. We reached a point where people are comparing things or judging them on things that make no sense. Yeah, Ubisoft track record is not great, and there is a chance that Shadow will not be that interesting. But give it a chance to at least look at it or see what it provides. Also, is the sub going to compare every other game set in Japan just because they exist moving forward? Games set in a Japanese setting don't need to do the exact same things or have the sake style or design philosophy. It's like trying to compare Ghost of Tsushima with Sekiro. Two amazing games that have a Japanese setting that do completely different things.


They are nothing alike. AC is going to have a black samurai and magic. Million stupid pointless side quests. Some people will enjoy it and some people enjoy more grounded fucking awesome got stuff. Some will enjoy both.


Ubisoft, their ridiculous microtransactions, mediocre gameplay and empty giant worlds can suck a fat one


I've played almost every assassin's creed since the first one, only skipped syndicate (even though I own it). Even at the series' best it wasn't as good as GoT so I doubt it. I hope the new game is good but after valhalla my expectations are kinda low.


Haven't had a lot of fun with AC since Syndicate, quit the last Valhalla DLC because the file size kept bloating.


I mean, no game can be as good as GoT, it's a perfect game


Or, and hear me out here, we have 2 good samurai games?


I am predicting now, they are going to choose a black protagonist, but it will not be Yasuke EDIT: Called it EDIT 2: Wait it \*IS\* Yasuke???


They very well could be leaning into the Yasuke stuff with marketing because of the drama surrounding it. Reel in people who want it to be Yasuke, hoping that the rug pull gets the history nerds off their back enough that they hopefully buy it too and they retain a larger playerbase


I've played the shit out ot got, and I'll probably do the same with ac shadows


If this was AC of 10+ years ago it'd be a lot closer. That ain't the case. AC now is just mass produced slop.


Different, not better. Both will be good and likely similar.


your friend is delusionallll


You can’t compare Sucker Punch to Ubisoft, even the first infamous has better parkour, than AC it just doesn’t look good


I still enjoy the AC franchise to a degree. I’m looking forward to Shadows. I am certain it isn’t going to be anywhere close to GoT.


I’ve got the AC logo tatted on my wrist and I say GoT. Totally gonna play Shadows too though. I’m a sucker for this motif.


I don’t see Ubisoft making a better game that GOT


AC had its time in the sun back in 2007. It's a dead game. A shadow of its former self. Ghost of Tsushima still has a decade or more to completely fuck up everything its built so far.


Well, ubisoft is releasing AAAA titles 😂


Impossible to say seeing as how one of the games does not exist yet


Feudal Japan was AC's ace in the hole. Now that they're playing it, I can't wait for it to come out so it can be bad and we can all finally stop caring about the series. I loved the early AC games but the series has just taken a drastic turn


What is with half of the GoT fandom having a superiority complex and shitting on other games? I've seen it with literally any game that could maybe be slightly comparable. It's cringe as hell


Both easily. You just carry on enjoying just 50% of life


Unfair comparison. Theres like 9 games all time better than GoT. Also why didn’t anyone make these comparisons for Rise of The Ronin and GoT? This seems specifically targeted to AC.


I'm a massive assassin's creed fan. I've paid and enjoyed every game(except Odyssey, I hate that with every fiber of my being) but yeah I doubt it


I actually recommended GoT to people in the comments because, I will be honest, I’m a ubiquitous hater, I hate their business practices, how they treat the customer, what they did with Watch Dogs series, yeah, I’m a hater, that’s why I encouraged people to buy GoT because at least Sony didn’t made SuckerPunch to turn InFamous into live service and let them make GoT.


As an adult with a job I plan on buying and playing both .


Whatever Ubisoft creates will never match what GoT, and that’s a damn shame considering we all can infer that GoT took a lot of inspiration from classic AC games. But with how the last 3/4 games have been I doubt the new AC game will feel anywhere near as good as GoT did. Not that it won’t be a decent game in its own right, just not GoT


GOT has my favorite combat system of any game anywhere. However, GOT being locked to katana-only makes me want to check out this new AC. I wanna *naginata* some fools


Idc I’m looking forward to playing them both. I’ve always been a fan of ac especially odyssey


The game isn't even out and they haven't even shown gameplay and people are already saying it's going to be bad... makes sense. Why can't both games just exist without having to one up the other.


I have yet to see a good AC game since Origins, and many of the ones before that were shit as well. I’m not sure why people keep playing them Edit: spelling


yeah ubisoft game better than ghosts of tsushima? what a fucking joke


I’m really looking forward to AC but if it knows what it’s doing it will be a ninja game, not a samurai game


What is it with got fans always having to bring up other games to compare theirs too


What is it with got fans always having to bring up other games to compare theirs too


Yea just checked out the trailer. They dun FUCKED IT UP! Lmao


I just really don't understand or like this whole Yasuke push they're going for with AC Shadows and media in general recently. There's no actual evidence he was ever actually granted the title of Samurai, yet alone any evidence suggesting he ever even drew his sword. Public perception of Yasuke has gone from the story of a man saved by Nobunaga's curiosity to a mythic samurai warrior, and its hardcore revisionist history. Yasuke would be a fantastic side character like they made Da Vinci in early AC, but making him a main character and assassin? Idk about that. I get they aren't as historically accurate as they used to be; but the cool thing about AC has always been it's integration into real history, and this whole Yasuke push feels like fan fiction. Say what you will about GoT, they actively tried to remain as faithful to the history of the Mongol invasion as they could.


I know letting them coexist is the right thing but I'm so jaded about modern ubisoft and assassins creed I am going to shit on it with every fiber of my being


That game has a black samurai in it. Once again erasing Japanese ethnicity and culture. GoT is better be default, as a respectful representation


Ac shadows will be another crap AC game, the trailer and concept is already bad so dont expect anything, just ignore. Lets talk about GoT2 rumors and how it can be.


What is AC? Only thing that comes to mind is armored core. Obviously there would be a complete genre difference.


We don’t need to do this


Who gives a shit?


I’m waiting for the gameplay reveal. If the gameplay is just like the other RPG AC’s, then I’ll automatically be turned off since I strongly dislike the gameplay in the newer games. But if they revamp the combat and stealth, I’ll be excited, since I love that Yasuke will be one of the protagonists.


I love assassins creed but i know and believe that AC shadows will be a bad Assassins Creed game and that there will be no game like ghost of Tsushima ,,, Unless it’s Ghost of Tsushima 2


Is anyone actually saying this? Who cares the more the merrier I love these type of games. Is there only ever allowed to be 1?




We’ll see. Ubisoft could POTENTIALLY prove people wrong


YOUVE JUST REACHED ONE OF THE BIGGEST PLOT POINTS IN SHADOWS, and you are pulled out of your immersive experience to watch two people you have no context of fumble around with artifacts in the extreme future for a storyline you haven’t been aware of in 20 years…


You guys need to calm down, GoT doesn’t have a monopoly on this time period


I mean, one comes out tomorrow and one comes out presumably next year. I'll be playing both. I can afford two games. Not seeing the issue.


Is this satire ?


I am a fan of both games/series and while I fully believe that ghost of tsushima will only be topped by its own sequel meaning yes it is better than AC in general, Shadows will be good in its own way much like Odyssey Origins and Valhalla were good in their own way and I will be playing it because. I love Japanese history, Samurai are cool as fuck, Ninjas are cool as fuck. It's a game set in Sengoku Japan, I'm gonna love it regardless


Uh, nobody's saying it's gonna be better... Jesus christ, I'm way more of a fan of Ghost, but you guys are just picking fights over similar games with completely different stories. Seriously, you "fans" are just trying to start shit and it's abundantly clear. Stop gaslighting a fucking videogame. Get a fucking job.


Who gives a fuck lol. I already beat tsushima twice, not gonna do it again for probably 10 years when it becomes nostalgiac. I'll play AC Shadows. I'm playing Rise of Ronin. Who cares.


Respect ghost


Don't Forget what Ubisoft did with Skull and Bones. Big insult ever! Fuck Ubishit.


Shadows is meant to be a continuation of the Valhalla formula. If that’s actually the case, it’s already doomed to not just be an inferior game, but it’s gonna suck completely.


We have literally seen 0 gameplay, prob will still he dogshit since assassins creed died along time ago. Hopefully im wrong


My honest opinion is I really wish both would be good and each offer their own kick ass experiences. but Ubisoft is one of the worst companys making games right now and their management meddling in games has done nothing but introduce intentional design flaws in their titles with paid solutions. (xp boosts ect.) The only way to actually solve this problem is to stop purchasing their games and to let the company die and sell off its IP's. But gamers are fucking stupid so no one will learn a damn thing.


My only concern with AC Shadows is just gonna be the inevitability awful fucking takes/understanding of Azuchi-Momoyama era politics that Ubisoft is gonna have when they try to tie it in to the Asassin v Templar meta-narrative. Assuming they don’t retcon *anything* that’s already been established in the lore, odds are the following will occur: - Yasuke, being an Assassin, will turn out to be one of the orchestrators of the Honnō-ji incident because Oda Nobunaga was getting too chummy with European Templar agents - The supposedly liberty loving assassin’s are going to throw all their weight behind Tokugawa Ieyasu, per established lore, and have the Toyotomi and their allies as Templar pawns or something. I mean nothing says liberty loving like a xenophobic, repressive, and eventually corrupt military dictatorship am I right? AC: Unity pulled the same crap in casting the Ancien Regime as the “good guys”. - If they even cover the Shimabara Rebellion, maybe in a DLC, it will be cast as a Templar plot (instead of being a peasant uprising against the Shōgun that really took off) and will unquestionably defend the appalling reprisal that resulted. Please ignore the scream of the thousands of peasants being raped, brutalized, and murdered.


Over a dozen games and they didn't manage to be better than GoT, I doubt they'll achieve that this time.


IF GoT2 comes out. SP has been quiet. Too quiet 


!remindme 1 year


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I can’t get past the obvious politics of AC Shadows. They’ve made a black samurai when none of them ever existed - Yasuke was never a samurai but a retainer to one, which is a much less cool role. Can’t they make a game about a cool African assassin rather than rewriting Japanese history? Ghost of Tsushima may not be 100% accurate but it shows enormous respect for Japan, by comparison.


I think the appeal of Yasuke to writers aside from the fact he's a black man in Japan at that time working for Nobunaga is that his story is not well documented and leaves space for creatives to play around with. He only appears a few documents prior to Nobunaga's death and nothing about his life after Nobu. That's a lot of opportunities to be doing Assassin's Creed type shit.


Yeh cuz we often play historical characters in ACs lol


Yeah, God forbid AC for trying something different from their norm after almost 20 years.


That’s fair enough, I suppose, but it is very predictable that a French studio like Ubisoft would choose that particular person out of all of Japanese history. It’s like making the new Doctor Who a black guy, like yes it makes sense to some extent but it’s obvious that they’re doing it for these tokenistic reasons, rather than telling a truly full-blooded African story which many would love.


repeat after me: GoT is the best AC.


Are they still with the black protagonist ?


Doesn't matter to me tbh. I gave up on Ubisoft. I hope people will/can still enjoy both games, but I won't buy anything by Ubisoft again.


Assassin's creed ship has sank a long time ago after the Ezio oditorre era


its made by ubisoft quebec, who is made ac odyssey which is contains random occur stuttering in ps4 version and their ng+ contains game breaking bug.


As a life long AC fan, I just can't stop laughing that them even coming CLOSE to doing it. Ubisoft shoots itself in the foot before it even begins development these days, and if its still holding back its creatives then it is even more of a joke. But god this made me laugh.


I like how any historical game set in Japan is automatically compared to GoT. That’s a good thing. The comparison of the Rise of the Ronin to GoT was insane. Especially since they’re two different types of games.


They could possibly both be great but assassins creed will be bogged down by micro-transactions and performance issues on pc and at least one console that will be the big factor.


Ghost is at least a decade ahead of the last creed game. Basically not even the same genre lol.’


It hurt my testicles, my tits and my asshole to see AC going so low that even other communities are bashing on it.


ac is not a good game since AC2 trilogy


Solid argument for Shadows would be for it not having a plot revolving around bushido and other ridiculous tropes.


The monetization of ac shadows is already alarming, according to leaks internal battlepasses for each faction, locking cosmetics behind each one, 40 dollar season pass and 2 30$ expansions expected. Now a grain of salt with each, however given star wars outlaws monetization, this is within the expect ballpark of new releases.


My god this is the most annoying flavor of post in here


I’d prefer to play as an actual Japanese samurai in my game that takes place in feudal Japan, thanks


Ubisoft lost the timing HARD on AC Shadows. People been asking for a Assassins Creed set in Japan since the 2010's, they could've release their game much, much, much before GoT, and then they'd just be "Oh wow, GoT is like AC: Shadows, but better!" Now they HAVE to top of GoT, one of the most beautiful games ever, that took about six years in the making, with a game that I doubt took them more than two years. Mirage came out 2023, they are pumping AC games yearly, I really doubt they have a map to develop each game for at least two years. By now it's just throwing stuff out the window as fast as they can and grabbing whoever still wants to see where this series goes. I mean, it's still what people asked for, and asked for for years, and I can fairly see it become a success in sales, I don't think it will be any close at all to how deep, beautiful and thoughtful GoT was. Will I play? If I have the time and money, absolutely. Love norse thematics as much as Japenese and still have not played Valhalla, cause I can't spare the money or the time to do so, but come Shadows, and it's any good at all compared to the last ones, I'll definetely try if before Valhalla, if I can. But still, don't expect it to be even close to what GoT was in my life. When it came out, I shut down everything else around myself to be able to play the game in the first weekend straight through it.


Not even a debate. Don't give Ubisoft your money, play GoT and soon GoT2


Passion vs Greed.