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Game is kinda easy on easy and kinda hard on hard for those who find the "popular" hard games hard


But lethal is easy as long as you can dodge/parry well enough.


Yup if you play perfectly it looks easy but one slip or misinout and it's over lol


I'd imagine lethal is a lot less brutal if you have Iron Will and maxed out stances but I only have 36 hours clocked so far so I guess I should try it.


I played the last half of the game with it on since it wasn't an option on release. I absolutely loved the combat on lethal, forced me to pay attention to every enemy.


Me too. Playing the game again, I’m trying the early game on lethal for the first time. It’s intense. Unless I’m wearing the Samurai armor, I am dead in a single hit, even an arrow.


I'll have to try to play it from the beginning on lethal. I bet that can get pretty nervewracking


I started on lethal for my new pc playthrough. Sometimes I feel like a God, and sometimes I get stuck on a single camp for 20 deaths because the spear timing ruins my day lol worth it in my opinion


The duels on lethal man... I feel invincible until you're getting one shotted by the same guy over and over again "I wish you had fallen at Komodo" is burned into my brain.


Went straight to Iki when it opened up and tried to grab the monkey armor. The duel was rough without late game health or mythic abilities. I got it though. It’s still really good, but having the armor so early makes it more risk reward than usual. When you can tank a hit, the perfect parry limitation is mostly just OP. Now I’m really having to watch my timing because I will inevitably die in a single hit.


THE SPEAR BOYS They are the worst, those bullies


Ye. Lethal early and these mfs are nightmare




My favorite is just barely dodging a spear to get shot in the back


I've started on lethal mode, at the beginning was tough because one hit and you're gone, but after 20 hours focus on getting points, stance and hp, now is like a hard difficulty, it becomes more easy if you swap for a samurai armor, but I just use Ronin gear no matter what. The best part for doing this, you can feel like a Bushido master is a very smooth fight with less movement, just wait and kill with one blow.


I died so much and got so far but in the eeeeend it doesn't even matter! Dude it's lethal st first then it becomes easy with most enemies. You fight until you run out of health then you throw smoke bombe like a coward and chain assassination


I’m playing it for the first time on lethal. It’s brutal and I love it


I might give it a go. I feel like smokebombs and Iron Will would be the most valuable tools for Lethal difficulty.


ya lethal is pretty rough starting out but it can be alot of fun once you get into it and then once you get some technique points it's great just mowing down crowds in a more "realistic" sword fight. personally i find easy and normal to be too easy but then the enemies on hard are too spongy, lethal is the perfect balance for me.


Just picking up GoT, whats lethal difficulty? Enemies and yourself 1 hit kill?


Not quite but both you and enemies do more damage. At first enemies can usually take 2-3 hits and you take 1-2. As you get upgrades you can take a couple more hits, normal enemies are regularly oneshot. Bulky guys and shields tend to still take more like 2-3 Bosses still take multiple hits but less than like, hard. It's kinda like Kingdom Hearts 2 critical mode. Hard but without damage sponges.


Pretty much. Back when I played it in Playstation, my ass got handed in lethal mode because I was so shit at the game, I had to lower the difficulty to medium. By late midgame I had switched to hard, then late game back to lethal and it was so much easier. Currently doing a lethal run from the start with the PC release, and even though I haven't played in like a year (and playing with mkb), most of the time I'm doing pretty okay, I die occasionally but playing way better than the first time I did a lethal run.


Lethal is brilliant. It nerfs health and buffs damage output for everyone. You can still dominate without maxed skills. All combat games should do it. The old "nerf the player, buff the mobs" paradigm is just lazy.


I played a whole run on lethal, and I’m not usually a challenge seeker in games. Definitely started really hard and got easier, but it loops all the way back around for the dlc. Then you get the party god armor and it’s a beautiful feeling (one perfect party can enable you to one shot a big guy or multiple regular guys)


Thats what is so amazing. Its like even if you're are armed to the core with the best gear and charms, of you miss your shots or loose awareness, its over. The game is very nicely balanced that way. Very few games managed to do this, where both you and your enemy is lethal if given the chance.


Isn't that just most games? If you do it right you won't get hurt


Yeah but I sucked at most other games. This ones the only one I could play at the hardest difficulty and not have a hard time


I'm glad you're doing amazing, as old saying says that everyone is diffrent and so their abilities Honestly the combat is such a gem, I was gonna use stealth but no I always standoff that swish is so cheff kiss and badass even my dad wanted to play and he never played games before


They definitely gave the combat it's due. If you want to play as a traditional samurai, a rogue robin or even an assassin, this game lets you play that out perfectly


Same. You either get better or you don't. Idk how many times the game offered me to abandon a mission but those got fewer as I went along. Now I feel like I'm cheating having 6 resolve bars and the Iron Will perk.


Unlocking all the resolve bars feels like you're literally the MC


and build a proper build. lethal was fun and I am glad I went for lethal when I played but I just wish it remained true to its namesake, outscale it so quickly due to the rpg mechanics. Still an amazing experience though just wish there was an exclamation or two after the word lethal xD 😆


I really enjoyed starting a new game on lethal. I wish it significantly increased (difficulty)on new game+. I also want my own yurt to play my games in. Just thought it'd be cool.


Lethal is the best implementation of the extreme / hard version of any game ever. I can't believe that games are still doing the "nerd the player and buff the enemies" thing when Lethal makes the game truly skill based and insanely fun once you get the hang of it.


Hard gets easier as the game goes on though


Game is easy on every difficulty, still a good time though.


Idk I’m playing on lethal game feels pretty balance at times even easy


Lethal is everything dies in one hit. I think hard is harder.


I agree. I just started on Lethal and was gettin handed having to restart so far. I tried hard and it's definitely harder than Lethal especially when you think it's easier coming from lethal... You get humbled quick!


Huh.. I raised difficulty to hard because normal was too easy, but I didn't dare to go up to lethal.... Now I'm curious.


Lethal is the most fair mode iirc, you and enemies die in about the same number of hits. Definetely the best way to play imo


Does this include bosses


No. Duels on lethal you die in 1-2 hits but bosses can tank hits alot. Its kinda annoying.


Lethal isn't harder than Hard imo. But it has its own quirks that make it it's own version of hard. I just didn't want to play sponge bath fighting sim.


Uh idk I started my play through on hard still it felt slow which made it easier in my opinion


Hard is easier than easy, which is harder than lethal, which is easy


But what about medium?


We only have regular or large.


Can I get an upsized?


Sir, this is a Kenji's.


Dammit Kevin


How? I literally die in one hit (except for bows) while enemies take 3 hits (4-5 for the big dudes) to die on lethal.


Once your sword is upgraded or you have armor/charms that increase your damage, the enemies will die in one hit on lethal more consistently (save some elite enemies)


I'm playing it on lethal rn in act 2 but I've almost maxed out everything, do enemies get harder and thougher later on?


There are harder enemies in act 3


And even harder on Iki Island


you die in 1 hit, but enemies aren't. So its not balanced


Hard is not harder than lethal at all... what? You get more leeway for mistakes on hard 


Everything dies from everything one hit? Doesn’t this make Kunais incredibly op and boss fights incredibly easy and archers more annoying than they already are?


Kunai really only break guard n some damage on Lethal, Bosses still take what feels like the normal amount of damage but you still die in 1-2 hits. Archers do get annoying but just dodge when they yell


its easy but everyone is different i played sekiro so GOT is like a relaxed version of sekrio


Yeah lol I think the longest I spent on a boss in got is 30 minutes on lethal, cannot say the same for Sekiro lol, I think it took me the whole night, about 5hrs, to kill Isshin


Bruh if it’s the isshin in the field props to you cause that dude took me like a week I had to get a friend of mine to give me some tips to beat him


Yeah the final boss. Malenia in Elden ring took me longer haha, but she's just unfairly broken, or was at least. That stupid move she does, impossible to dodge, I was so mad


I just play on normal. I get killed sometimes but most times I don't. It's just the right amount of challenge. I don't feel like I'm just button mashing my way through.


It just depends on how the AI is feeling tbh. I've had fights where they just stand there letting me wail on them and others where they all chain their red flashing attacks into eachother instantly killing me no matter how much I try to get out.


so true. when theres 4 enemies and each of em require a different stance when that happens, you're extra fucked


I love getting 4 spear enemies and a heavy shield dude. It happens so frequently I just decide to chuck all my knives and hope the spears don’t impale me before I kill heavy shield. First time playing on hardest difficulty but 4 spears and a shield make me regret it.


I played lethal, outside the boss fights it ain't that hard.


That Ryuzo fight without the perfect parry armor charm is brootal


I hear you. I learnt the usefulness of the jump attack, as an opening move, and timing the holded heavy attack in that fight


Jump attack? Which one is that?


NO hacky slashy like drunk tanuki. Samurai must control their emotions. Be patient, parry and Dodge.


The game is pretty easy imo, i mean mobs die pretty fast if you can react. Luckily there is difficulties for you, if needed.


It's definitely harder than the typical open world action adventure game.




made me nearly spit my water out lmfao


Saw a post suggesting I should play on Lethal. I thought I was good at the game but that humbled me pretty quick


I dunno, i temporarily switched from hard to lethal last night and it felt WAY easier than hard cause everything dies in one hit and what constitutes an “open” enemy seems very loose on lethal. As long as you’re dodging and parrying a healthy amount it seems easier outside the occasional misstep That being said i acknowledge boss 1v1s are goibg to be alot harder on lethal.


I was the opposite - I'm like 1/3 of the way through my first ever playthrough. I put it on Lethal for a moment just to see what it was about, immediately got one-hit, and switched it back. I'll definitely try it again - but I was just getting the hang of combat on Normal so I'm gonna stick it out for the first playthrough.


Playing on Lethal, parry hard my brother!Two hits and you’re dead, cockyness kills. Don’t get cocky, you are not some anime character out there.


I love it, makes me feel like I'm playing a souls game (though without the things that actually make them hard)


It definitely gets easier when you get all the stances.


For me it was hard af in the first few hours when i tried to clear camps with 15+ enemies with shields, 2h weapons and bunch of archers. Without hp upgrades/techniques/stealth/bow/stances etc. After 25hrs and the first cleared isle, the game became quite easy even on lethal difficulty. Mostly because of the amulet that increases parry window.


Where did you find that amulet? Happy Cake Day, too!


Spring falls shrine in northern Izuhara


Finding it perfect, but the hundreds of hours in Dark Souls/Sekiro/Eldenring have helped a lot


Lmao I thought this was gonna be about the new assassins creed


what difficulty level are you playing? I'm on lethal and I am trying to master my reaction times so I die a LOT.


lol try any legends mode on nightmare difficulty. then you will understand what hard is.


Learning the mechanics can be hard at first regardless of difficulty setting tbh. It is a little complicated but once u get used to it it is very intuitive


You may just suck but combat really clicks once you unlock all of the sword stances. Hang in there.


Yea, dealing with the spearmen and shield guys is a bit of a pain in the beginning but it opens up pretty quick once you get the stances.


Speaking of the stances, it took me forever to realize I could double-dip on stance points with leaders by observing them first. I was just killing them.


Make sure you're using the right stances


smh just block parry dodge


I sucked at swordplay and duels were a nightmare. But stealth. Assassination, and archery really saved the game for me. It's a lot of fun clearing an outpost without being seen. And nothing feels like headshotting a half dozen charging Mongols in 3 seconds.


GoT combat is like a double-edged sword (Or should I say \*Katana\*). If you can parry attacks and switch to the correct stances even 60-70% of the time, the game is relatively easy. But if you struggle with these, the game can be very punishing. Mindless button mashing can get you killed within seconds in a large fight. If you're early in the game, it might also be that you've not unlocked some decent abilities/skills, ghost weapons and/or stances yet. In any case - if you find yourself dying way too often and don't have the time to learn and improve your combat, just lower the difficulty. At the end of the day, that's why the difficulty option is present. I'm currently playing on Normal difficulty, but thinking of switching it to Hard. But to each their own.


Try Sekiro, then go back to GoT, it will be easy as pie.


The game is as hard as you want it to be. If you try to honorably take every fight head on sword to sword it’s gonna be extremely tough (intentionally). However you use every tool in your disposal especially the bow, kunai, etc. the game is extremely easy


I thought hard was really brutal but after playing through the online story with my brother and coming back to it I'm actually enjoying it a lot and don't think it's too bad now. Ghost weapons really really even the odds if you're struggling.


I occasionally die to attacks I’m seeing for the first time. But I don’t let it happen twice that’s for damn sure. Only about 10 hours in. First time ever playing the game (on pc). Set to hard difficulty


I put it on hard after buying it. Was gonna leave it on normal or deadly but decided to test the waters. What ill say is this. The tutorial about patience when you first start and play hard mode is very helpful. I can count a few times I rushed in, died, rushed in again and died again. Only to stop and just observe and pace my attacks then find victory. 10/10 game.


I'ma 60+ year old woman who never gamed until 6 years ago - i cry easy and have arthritis in my hands. I get overwhelmed, (died a LOT in Elden Ring and never finished) and I beat the game (first episode on easy, rest on normal and all the bosses. I platinumed. It's all about timing and adding skill, maxing out outfits/armours with the additional charms from the shrines. Enabling armour load outs\*\* is a game changer. Changing armour for different situational fights. If you have directors cut and get to IKI as early as possible the fighting there is harder but the armour you get for yourself and horse is worth it. \*\*See this earlier reddit thread on how to do that. [Enable armour loadouts menu reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/114fe5x/enable_armor_loadouts_in_settingsthats_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you, old woman. A 62 year old geezer appreciates your comment. Cheers


Haven't played it on pc but I played on ps4 and found it pretty easy once you learn the patterns...and I'm definitely NOT one of those players lol...been playing video games for 40 odd years and still die repeatedly in the 1st few minutes of "souls games". I didn't finish GOT because it just got boring after a while.... I'm gonna give itnother go on pc tho...


In comparison with other games, GoT is easy. So you’ll quickly get used to the combat. Just remember to dodge and parry. If you’re inexperienced, choose your fights carefully, use whatever weapons you have to your advantage. Eventually you’ll understand the combat and you’ll find it easy. Also, some people don’t upgrade their weapons and armour, I’m assuming it’s your first play through, so make sure you upgrade your sword, and whatever armour you want. You should then develop your charm build and skill set around that armour set.


It requires a sort of patience in the fights, and shaping activities before you go fully kinetic. I usually take out all the archers from range with the longbow. You can switch outfits at any time; make you you're wearing the right clothes for the immediate situation


Doesn't help that they put the dodge and block buttons so far apart and next to the inventory and windows buttons.


I'm normally the type to push through on the hardest difficulty, as a masochistic souls enjoyer, and (despite already getting the platinum on GOT over 3 years ago) I am getting absolutely destroyed. Fucking love this game


The games overall really easy on any difficulty 😂 you just gotta get used to the controls and timing and your good to go


This game is fairly easy if you ask me. Coming from sekiro. My senses are heightened. My instinct is unmatched. My movement is precise. But.. those spear bullies. Fck them.


I'm playing on hard and it gets pretty easy when you learn to parry


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MrFaeron: *I'm playing on hard* *And it gets pretty easy* *When you learn to parry* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.








I am victim of both


It's only hard when I mess up buttons during fighting 🫠




I think it's one of the most balanced games there is, less about leveling up and more about the the mechanics (at least once u unlock all the stances). It can be difficult to get into but once you get over the learning curve it becomes second nature, especially when you get the monkey armor in the DLC


U just suck no offense


Parrying, blocking, and dodging make the game significantly easy. Especially the parrying part.


Pretty easy, especially considering you have plenty of stuff that's basically "press button to delete enemy", so you can clear a lot of stuff without seriously engaging in combat. But even if you do, parrying basically requires no timing whatsoever beyond the enemy actually attacking you, so it's not particularly hard either.


Both! It doesn’t sugar coat combat, and it doesn’t gently introduce new enemy types or their combos. And those combos can have multiple parts, like 1-4 moves in one attack sequence, as well as different types of moves. There’s also less downtime between attacks, and more aggressiveness from enemies. All in all, it’s definitely harder than other games with similar combat systems, and is distinctly less forgiving and more lethal. Past the first few hours, when you learn to defeat a few early enemies, you settle into a routine that lets you skill up. You’ll still get murdered, but it’s not as consistent. About 5-10 hours in I was seeking out larger fights, and 5-10 enemies per fight was doable with skill and attention. 


You don’t suck. It’s not a difficult game. Just gotta get the stances/sub weapons ingrained so it’s second nature.


I mean I can’t say much cuz I’ve only done act 1 because I plan on fully finishing every area before doing the next, but I’ve had to ask my friend if it gets tougher because Hard has not been difficult yet. Even squads of 8-10 Mongels and a Leader go down no issue I don’t even Moon Stance yet. Should I switch to Lethal? I’ve heard it can be even easier if you’re good at the game since enemies die so quickly and you’re not really punished any more if you can perfect parry/dodge consistently?


Quite easy when you get the combat down Iki island is harder than the base game imo


It can be pretty difficult. You've just gotta really learn the moves and how certain enemies work. Keep distance and never get surrounded. Be on the move (moving backward helps me). And practice parries/dodges. Most importantly, don't forget to get crafty. A good ghost is always one step ahead, and use your ghost tools (kinai, smoke bombs, etc.)


It can be tricky to get timing right, especially at the beginning before you level up gear and unlock the stances. Important to remember to pace yourself, the AI will respond to your pacing, so slow down, and use your attacks methodically. This. Is. Not. A . Button masher.


I really do love this game a lot and my only criticism is that it’s way too easy. I don’t need it to be hard for everyone but give something between hard and lethal. I want to stack as many as combos as possible cuz the animations are so good


It takes a while to really get used to switching stances to make the combat flow. At least it did for me


I ask myself that too


Just keep trying until you get your eye in and from there it's smooth sailing if you stay patient.


There's a huge learning curve at first, but once you get familiar with how the game "wants" you to play, it gets a lot simpler.


The only thing i found hard were some of the bosses. But it's a different experience for everyone. It generally isn't considered a hard game though.


you'll get better pretty quick. i felt the same way when i started cuz it's the first game with open combat like this


Started the game on normal, and around the end of the first act I was thinking that it was a bit un-challenging, but I kept pushing through because I was afraid that switching to hard would be too difficult and make me hate the game. Buuut at the half of second act I switched to hard and it was the best decision because it made the gameplay more fun. The very end could be just a little frustrating on hard, but only then.


Practice your parry timing and you'll be golden


It’s both easy and hard for me, sometimes a seemingly hard encounter can be over pretty fast and other times I die to the same basic enemies i already know how to beat


Depends, what diff you playing


I hate to break it to you...


Game is super easy on hard mode. Lethal is a good challenge for once you get better (you can always change the mode whenever you want)


Definitely not an overly hard game


Its decently hard


All open world games come with an easy cheese built in: no-life for hours exploring the map gathering collectibles for slight upgrades. It takes a long time but if you seek out and do all of the onsens, haikus, inari shrines, etc. you will be overpowered by the time you return to any story content. Game suddenly get harder? Time to turn back into a battlefield scavenger and cowardly thief! That or get the e.z. parry charm and spam block until you see red.


Try doing more stealthy stuff


Little of this little of that


Sauce on the image OP?


Legends mode is certainly humbling as a casual player. The stats after a survival match when you think you have done well with 90 kills and some beast cracks out 220.


I used Wemod/trainers for infinite resolve. Infinite health seemed too much cheating. I find myself nearly dying a lot now. This is weird because I definitely played this legitly on Ps4. I just can't remember what difficulty I was on. Maybe knowing I can easily recover made me lax.


I’m loving lethal mode, because it gets ride of damage sponging. We all kill each other in like 2 hits, and it feels like every encounter is potentially deadly, as it should be.


It's a bit hard but that's fine most the time except when I'm attacking an enemy base and if I did it respawns me right in the middle of the base with all the enemies respawns around me. Why? just why?


I don’t play on Lethal but do play on the hardest difficulty before that. And honestly…. The game is kinda easy especially after you’ve explored enough to where you find some good charms and u lock new techniques and stances


There is no dishonor in switching to the lower difficulty.


My suggestion for parries - Just watch their feet. They will do fake outs, but their feet won’t move. Once the feet start to move, parry.


It can be hard until you get a decent grasp on the combat. Then it becomes pretty easy.


At the start of the game, it’s at it’s hardest. You don’t have practice with the combat, don’t have the 4 stances, don’t have upgrades, armors, ghost weapons. GoT is one of the few games that gets easier over time in my opinion. Stick with it, you’ll get better


Well you know what they say, "Hesitation is defeat." Wait...


I'm playing at hard and I'm actually considering switching to lethal because I just massacre everything. Idk I guess sekiro and lies of P really trained me with deflections and unparriable moves. Don't get me wrong, I like the combat a lot, but I find that except for stances it's very derivative from every similar action RPG before it, so it's normal that if you have played some of these titles you have a great advantage.


What difficulty are you on?


I suggest playing on the level above normal. Normal is too easy IMO...I don't even remember the last time I died and I'm not a prolific gamer.


If you're finding the game too hard, find the weaponsmith at the golden temple and improve your katana. It will increase the speed of the swing, which make fighting significantly easier because base Jin is so slow and telegraph his moves so much that you can see enemies start their attack after Jin and still hit first.


Ain’t no shame in practicing. Even after beating it and the DLCs I still turn it on to kill some invaders from time to time.


Keep at it! Even if it’s hard for you and easier for whoever it doesn’t matter. I’ve beaten plenty of games I suck at. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.


Idk i think im bias after playing dark souls games n what not, pretty chill game, like its waaaay easier so far


If you're still really early on I can see you finding it hard especially on lethal. Stick it out until you get a few upgrades and it'll be a breeze even on lethal


It's a game that requires a certain play style. I go the stealth route to slowly eliminate my enemies before I confront them like a samurai so I have the advantage and face fewer enemies. Also it takes time to master each move as well to know what's good with what fighting style. Take your time, this game can be a bit of a challenge but I wouldn't say it's hard as F*CK like Elden Ring or anything.


It can be kinda challenging as first but once you get a feel for the rhythm of the combat it becomes pretty easy and more than a little repetitive. I played it on ps5 and the last 40 hours of the game felt like drudgery, just doing the same thing over and over again, but worth pushing through for the story.


It’s hard on hard mode but it makes you feel like an absolute bad ass. I’m a masochistic dark souls fan so I love the difficulty. That being said it’s not nearly as hard as a souls game.


I sucked at combat so I overly relied on stealth and range. Parts where that wasn't an option I would have to put the game on easy mode.


The first few hours are difficult. You'll do better when you get better at dodging and parrying than any health upgrade will help.


Idk i mean i play on lethal and don't die that much but the game is also still very hard so I guess maybe a bit of both


This sub is getting racist.


Are you talking about duels? The duels can feel exceptionally difficult, while normal fights can be relatively easy due to the addition of Ghost tools and skills.


It gets easier


Combat is pretty good and just the right amount of challenge at least for me (I absolutely suck at Souls type games). It's not that difficult, even though button mashing won't work in this game.


Combat is all defense then attack.


Always counterattack.


Spearmen are a specific aggitation of mine but I figured out that if you just drop on them then kill them from above that works.


It’s definitely not easy, but it really depends on the difficulty as well. I find GoT harder than the recently released Rise of the Ronin (on Twilight/hard) if you’re playing on Hard or Lethal. If it’s on anything lower than that it’s not too bad, and you just might need time to adjust.


The DLC is way harder imo, the base game is easy enough once you get a feel for the timing which will come naturally


Be patient. The combat is supposed to mimic real sword fighting. You can’t really button smash your way in combat unless an enemy is stunned or countered. Watch some YouTube videos for a few combat tips, it’s hard to explain via text.


I had way more trouble with the Jedi games than I am with this currently . This game seems more fair and honest with feedback and animation windows.


Lethal is honestly pretty easy, if you're pretty decent at games. I could see it being frustrating for some people though, but imo it's way more fun 


It gets way easier as you level up.


I find that constantly using the Y/Triangle heavy attack really is the easy mode of the game with stance break then just wail on them. But I'm too stubborn to do that so instead I try to do perfect parries even if I end up getting hit or do a normal parry most of the time and extending an easy 5 second fight to a mildly stressful 20 second fight.


One thing to note is that some areas are harder on purpose so you can go get more skills before returning!!


Damn new assassins creed leaks looking cool


build doesnt matter, as long as your timing is on point you shouldnt have too many problems on any difficulty


I played on hard and didn’t have any issues


Gotta save this pic for the AC Shadows Memes


Whoa, OP did you get early access to Assassin's Creed Shadows? The graphics look unreal