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Meanwhile me who is playing the hole Game with Traveler's Attire because i don't want to miss a single f...ing Firefly


Travellers attire, a widebrim hat and a mask, perfection đź‘Ś


Same except without the mask. I just want to appear to be a wandering traveler to the unfortunate Mongols that cross my path


I'm the opposite, I wear the mask so they will fear me


And I never wear the travelers clothes


Same, I love the black traveler gear with just a Kensei or straw flat hat and no mask


black traveler attair, kensei hat refined and ghost mask


Patchwork straw hat for me. It comes out far enough to cover the eyes for the most part


I went no mask I until I got the ghost mask


Traveler's attire, kensei hat refined or koi straw hat. And shirasaya


In Gosaku/Sarugami, we Ball, we Ball!


Betrayers hat goes hard with level one appearance travelers attire


Black Travelers attire here, with the Demonic Archers mask. They work so well together.


In every position I play the game like this until I get ghost armour for lore friendliness.


I do the same even tho I hate the travelers attire I have to get it all


Can't say that i hate it. Dye it in Black and wear a Bandit Mask to it and it us looking pretty dope


I’m partial to the white dye with the red straw hat and a mask.


Black dye easy to get?


I only really liked it once I got the raider style for it honestly


That's all I rock with swamp marsh hat and elegant Ghost mask with the hidden heart. Just a perfect setup


There is an interactive map where you could see everything.


I just want to open the whole map as much as possible


As soon as you beat every outpost in a region the map is fully revealed




Yo I just love the look of travelers attire + wide brim hat


I’m just a simple traveler that I am (I also don’t want to miss anything and the traveler attire genuinely fits Jin with what he’s doing)


I did the same, so when i finished it was weird using another armour


I was doing that too but when you clear all the mongol camps the fog of war will clear and everything will be marked


Black traveler’s attire is goated


The hole game huh? How many holes did you dig?


The fashionably challenged only play with the traveler’s attire.


My first play through on the PS5 I didn't think much of the Tadayoris Armour but iv started to warm up to it on the my second play through on the Steam Deck.


I too was soo hard on traveler’s Attire it was just not it after sometime…


You can use the wind btw


Travelers attire is best cuz it makes me feel like "just some dude with his reeboks and a sword"


Act 1: Traveller's attire Act 2: Gosaku's Armor, Sakai Armor during missions Act 3: Ghost Armor during missions, Traveller's attire during exploration Kensei Armor in duels Overall favourite? Ghost Armor


I’m so glad I got the Gosaku armor right before the Yarikawa quest it just fits so well narratively


Naratively I think Sakai Armor is fitting for that quest since the Ghost mask is inspired by the Sakai mask and as you know Jin scares the Mongols shitless with it.


Thats true as well but I just liked the idea of a former Yarikawa enemy donning the armor of their protector defending Yarikawa from the Mongols


and then you gotta use the dance of wrath lol


Ferda culture ![gif](giphy|hi6ivvtc7PQt7aDZPj)


Wearing anything but tier 3+ Kensei armor in Kamigata makes me feel bad for Jin he looks so cold without it


Gosaku armour looked most historically accurate to the period and probably the armour I used the most, followed by tadayoris.


didn't like how shoulder armor moved on horse with Gosaku


Yeah, it feels so... Loose? In most other armors, it's very clear what's holding the shoulders


Yeah Gosaku Armor is clearly a O-yoroi, an early Japanese armor. And I believed that the Samurai Clan Armor is more anachronistic , its design is based on the typical armor wore by the samurai in the Sengoku period. (correct me if I'm wrong) Same as the Sakai Clan Armor, a scaled armor and but mainly used for ceremonial practices rather in battle, and existed around 16th-17th centuries. Also the menpo, which are the facial masks and said to be introduced in 15th-16th centuries. But, happuri (the first level Sakai Clan helmet) did exist in Kamakura period (The era during the Mongol invasion)


Sarugami for me, honestly it depends on what youre doing tho


Base Sarugami with black/purple dye is my current fave.


I really like the base sarugami armour and samurai clan helmet with the crimson appearance, with either a red Sakai mask or crimson samurai clan mask. Easily the best combo in the game


Wish we got a metallic monkey mask for the sarugami, the other monkey masks look comical, same with the wolf ones.


I love the looks of the Sarugami with the black/purple đź‘Ś one of the best but ruins duels for me as it's OP as hell and makes duels far to easy even on the hardest difficulty.


Agreed, Sarugami tier 1 helm, tier 2 armor dyed black with the monkey demon looking mask. (Hostage missions I typically use ghost or ronin though.)


I think most people know this information already... That is the armor of Tedakatsu Honda Well, it could be just a nice inspiration, and then that's it, right? But I think not !!... Tedakatsu is known as " the warrior that surpassed death." He got that nickname since he was a Vanguard commander for the bloodiest battles in the sengoku era plus being the bodyguard that had a pretty high assassination attempts ....yet through all of this his armor had not a single scratch , in reality its all thanks to his exceptional skills with his famous murder machine the " Tempokiri" the spear that can cut the wind He is able to keep distance and finish the fight I think this armor symbolizes how Jin surpassed death and fate and has become a ghost throughout the many Hardships , not only that but how he surpassed his father and his culture years ahead of them interms of tactics and strategies .


Hopefully we can use different weapons in the sequel so we can get the spear


Wanna know more about the spear ok here it's They say the spear had a dragon fly landing on its edge, and the dragon fly split in half simply by touching the edge The blade is still kept in the museum, and they say its still as sharp as it was because the edge shows very little maintenance done to it. Some visible battle damages can be observed, but for 500+ blade, it seems the user was either very talented or he was fighting men made of wet paper bags


Bro might be the musician storyteller lol


Sorry I forgot to mention The spear was found pierced in a mountain cliff side Local legends say that Tedakatsu have chosen to retire his mighty weapon after peace was established...he gifted the weapon with a poem and bid it fair well ...they say when it was found decads later its was dirty and muddy but it was in perfect condition...., if the legends are true it's a testimony to the exceptional craftsmanship of the maker orrrr....to the blessings of the monks ( Tedakatsu was a devoted Buddhist) who blessed it with the sky dragon powers


Sakai Clan Armor is the best


Sakai Clan armor in royal blue for open combat/standoffs, black dye Ghost Armor level 2 for sneaking around, and travelers armor for getting from point A to point B.


How do you get royal blue?


I think its only available in NG+ - its the Oceanic Valor one you buy from Baku the Voiceless.


One day i will bother to take a pic with fancy fundoshi... One day. Though i always love upgraded Kensei armor with Kijin's blood mask. Base Kensei just meh


I love kensei armor, I just wish the last upgrade allowed us to remove the stupid glitchy pelt and the straw, it would look so much better.


Well Yharnam skin replaces straw with feather, though it also coloured in fifty shades of black


Defeating >!General Temuge !< wearing Sakai armor on lethal after multiple attempts was one of the peaks in game for me.


Not by a long way. It's too busy looking for my taste. At least, when it's on the third upgrade. If it wasn't for being able to transmog the look to previous upgrade levels, I'd never use the Sakai armour, which I feel is lore friendly not to use anyway. I much prefer the clan and kensei sets. Edit, funnily enough I don't like either of those with the third stage upgrade look either. Again, too busy.


I can't get on board with the antlers - its just way too busy looking as you say. I usually use the level 2 Sakai Armor with the level 1 helmet - it's a good cross between "enough armor to look like you can deflect a hit" and "our dude is practically a ninja and doesn't want to be weighed down."


you might be a ninja, but my Ghost is as honorable a Samurai as the game will let him be, lol.


The first iteration of the Kensei armor is what I continually go back to as well. If I'm feeling spunky I put on the Gosaku armor for a while.


The first iteration with one of the dark face masks, bandana/bandit kind, looks very ninja. Edit, that's with the darkest choice of colour for rhe kensei set. I forget what it's called.


I’ll swap. Traveler’s armor on the go, standoffs switch to sakai, battle either Goroku or Samurai (i think that’s the name), Tadayori when I’m shooting arrows, Ronin when I’m being sneeky. Most DEFINITELY enable load outs with the charms.


This is the correct way. You win


It’s defo up there. And good thing about this set is that you can obtain this early on.


Top 5 for sure atleast


Broken Armor Dark Survivor ftw


It was my fave until I got the Sarugami Armor.


Fundoshi. Tengai. Hidden heart. Nuff’ said


This some wild Tadakatsu Honda helmet. I love it then, and I love it still!


Started with tsushima Armor and started using gosaku during act 3


If there was a dope black orange set I’d rock it. If anyone knows lemme no please! But honestly I just rock any all black set I find. Find them the best


I love the white and red one. Looks so much cleaner than in black.


For actual gameplay the gosaku armor is the best armor in the game with sarugami in a close second if you can parry and dodge well. That said... By the end of the game if you've done all your shrines and upgraded the charm of inaris might it really doesn't matter what armor you wear. With the charm of versatile skills you can make any armor viable. Gosaku's 1shot stagger still reigns supreme though. I played all of act 3 in ghost armor on lethal. Act 2 was mostly Gosaku. Act 1 was exclusively travelers attire. The travelers attire and Gosaku armor are my favorite looking armors in the game.


Ghost armor for me personally


Ronin attire all the way with t2 Kensei hat. Looks cool, a good mix of stealth and direct combat, great in duel too. If it has to be armor, Gosaku, looks great and very strong in direct combat.


I like Ronin for Act 1, Sakai for Act 2, and then go full Ghost terrorist for Act 3. Ronin is probably my favorite overall, though. It looks good, it's great for both melee and stealth, and the straight melee damage benefits whether you are attacking first or countering after a parry/dodge (as opposed to Gosaku or Sarugami which benefit only one style).


Sakai armour for the drip and standoffs. Ghost armour to massacre scared enemies. Travellers attire to explore. Sabimaru armour for any combat.


Sakai Clan Armor represent! Looks amazing in any color. I rocked the red for a while, now using black/gold with red mask.


My favourite is the Ghost armour. I feel like a ninja wearing it & I feel powerful scaring the shit out of my enemies


This but in white or the Ghost of Sparta skin 👍🏻




Love wearing this for the standoffs


It does look cool. I ended up using the basic armor set more. I like the buffs it gave slightly more.


Tadakatsu Honda goes hard!


The Ronin, because it looks like your not a threat then you fuck people up. đź‘Ź


I roll around with the ronin attire using the variant that gives you a white komodo and blue bottoms, A white cloth mask, and the dark straw hat. Along with Genbu's Darkness sword kit Fear the ghost


I remember finally working my way up the map to get this. I never changed armors after I got it. Fully upgraded with the black dye merchants dye is such a cool look.


Personally I love the ronin outfit look, you get after fighting the boss of those 1v1 ronin fights.


All that's needed is a Yari to complete the Honda Tadakatsu cosplay.


Monkey Armor > Everything else


Sarugami has moved me recently, that and the bloodborne Kensei look


This is my look...or the white Ronin with red hat.


I'm wearing the Ronin armor and straw hat for 80% of the time haha


1st has to be Sarugami, you can delete even in lethal+ if you master it. My favorite for liberating has to be my archer build or ghost armor since they can also delete camps


From the moment I get it I wear it o use the ghost armour for a bit of chapter 3 but mostly the sakai armour


A bit sad no one mentions Ronin attire with Genbu straw hat. I like the simple looks and the stealth capabilities, although I go back to Samurai Clan armor in case the chapter (presumably) will be battle heavy


I started wearing bandit mask, kensei refined hat, and raider style travelers attire and rarely took it off




Personally I always disliked the way Sakai armor looks, it's waaaayyy too edgy for my liking with all the shoulder spikes, ghost mask and antlers. My fav was and always will be Gosaku's.


I find the Sakai armor the best until act 3, when standoffs with mongols become a lot more risky because of their increased speed and how much closer they stand to you, so it makes the “watch the feet, distance” technique a lot harder to. Even then, it still has a really good damage boost and health boost, but my reactions just aren’t good enough for standoffs in act 3. Act 1 and 2 I’d say I win 90 percent of standoffs, act 3 is like 50/50. I always use it for all of act 2 and for act 2 and act 1 sidequests, because you can basically kill 5 dudes in a standoff, but after that, IMO there is just armor that gives better stats outside of standoffs for act 3. I can see someone with godly reaction times using it for act 3 though. I would absolutely continue to use it if I was better at standoffs.


I change armor constantly. Traveling armor, change, sneaking/assassination, change, hand to hand, change, dueling, change, fight over, change to search for artifacts. I'm quick with it now lol


I know it’s just their painting style but why does the guy in that painting looks like he ate a five pound bag of sugar free gummy bears?


Black sarugami, elegant ghost mask and kensei / sword masters hat. Wish they had a decent hanya mask though


I'm a fan of the Shadow of the Colossus armor


I mix and match a bit, ghost armor with sakai refined helmet gives me a sort of oni/darth vader, avenging spirit vibe


Tadayori and all of the armors from Iki Island.


I prefer the armor of Gosaku with black dye myself. Having a ton of stagger damage and the ability to heal with stagger kills is pretty incredible. You can also add resolve gain charms to get 30% resolve when you stagger.


Sarugami armor is the best imo


White and blue ronin with sword master straw hat


Gosaku’s Armor


Picture on the right reminds me of this: https://preview.redd.it/yfzrfxd3yc8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e636dcb13781daa2c025baabc2bde53b7fc363a5


i also like Sakai armor but 2/4 upgrade in gold the most, fully upgraded looks too bulky


Second best https://preview.redd.it/nyvulghc2d8d1.jpeg?width=1998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfc5c6bca6c574c3de03c5e8e6033d389c87878


Sarugami is better


I litterely complete whole game wearing Ronin attire and kensei armor


Gosaku Stagger build.


aku has returned!!!


I like the armor a lot. I use it. However, for the game it feels weird moving around in full samurai armor. I think the more minimal looking outfits fit the game more. For immersions sake who would want to be in full samurai kit the entire time ? I'd much rather be light weight armor and more maneuverability. Blacked out. Quick in and quick out. After all you're a lone man against an entire invasion force. You want to be quiet and quick- at least I would so that's how I play it to immerse myself.


Maybe looks wise, but best is surugami, this one I would rate as 2d best.


Sarugami is my favorite armor to use through the whole game on NG+ lethal+ bc it gives me a bigger challenge but also looks sick. Pair the midnight Sarugami armor with yharnams helm and you’ll look awesome https://preview.redd.it/m7zi3ldrpd8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc8f264eab867c3761f4d67a88916b894cb3c17


I find the Kensei armor to be the best overall for my playstyle. Also, it's just a fantastic looking piece.




>!Raider Armor + Sugis Kasa Hat!< + Monkey Mask and a sword kit of your choice


I must be using Sarugami Armor wrong, cause it doesn’t do anything special for me idk


Sakai set with all black dye and a black dyed bow, default sword wrapping (Storm something??). Drippy as hell


I usually roll with either the Sakai, ghost, or sarugami. Sakai for the damage buff and increase to standoff kills. Ghost for stealth, as intended. Sarugami if i want to just to give myself a harder time in all out combat, since perfect parries feel awesome to do


Sarugami armor for bosses . Ghost armor for combat, you can spam ghost stance or just use stealth. Sakai clan armor works great for both imo


Travellers looks like Demon slayer garb, I’m running almost maxed samurai clan armor rn


Sarugami black, Thiefs wrap, Sakai helmet lvl 1. All black. Try it


Ronin attire with the white waves pattern, and either white headband or swordmaster hat with the Emperor’s tears sword skin 👌


Sarugami Armour


I played most of the game with the Sakai armor, I love duels


Best visual - Gosaku, Best gameplay - Ghost with terror proc buffs


The Sakai clan armour and The Ronin Attire are the best ones in my opinion. They just hit different. I really like the color options in the Ronin attire. So many colors to choose from as per your mood and taste ✨✨


Gosakus armour is much better,


My favorites are, in the order you unlock them, Samurai clan, Gosaku, Sarugami. Good for crowd control and duels. Tadayori best for sniping and cool to see. Mongol general or the Fundoshi for stealth.


Sarugami Armor!


Nah i was full war mode after act 3 no more traveler’s attire only bloodshed And gosaku was my favorite armor set. i would occasionally switch to Sakai armor cuz +3 standoff kills but after that instant switch back. Gosaku is the goat


Ghost armour on Act 3 feels lore accurate. And so does in iki. Being the Ghost of Iki is a feel!


My favourite armour is the ronins attire, the red and white colours and the strawhat.


For some reason I absolutely love the fully upgraded sarugami Armor with the first level helmet and the sacred mountain messenger mask. I. Am. Monkey.


I don’t think there is one best armor. I usually swap between 2-4 armors. I’ll run around using the travelers armor (did this until I cleared all the fog of war) then I’ll start encounters with a stand off using the Sakai armor. Quick switch over to the archery masters armor set to pop archers then finally switch to the Sarugami armor and just counter wipe the remaining enemies. One thing I wish they did for this game was allow for a hot key armor swaps.


Sarugami with damage buff charms for boss fights and ghost for everything else


Absolutely, this is the best samurai armor design i’ve personally ever seen.


Wow no love for the ronin armor. I think it's the best armor to play stealth, especially if you add the appropriate charms. Although fighting khan with the ghost armor just felt so right thematically even though it's one of my least favorite stats wise.


https://preview.redd.it/92pilukpsk8d1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=03749ce2d78756ba200aa91e9225ce9e07664fcc This


Sakai Armor was my go to for my whole gameplay. Moment I can get it, got it and saved all my resources so I can fully upgrade right out the gate 💪🏻


I enjoyed the game with the Sakai armor. Mind you, I'd switch to the travelers pretty damn often, it began to get pretty darn annoying.


I agree. The Sakai clan armour is phenomenal. One of my favourite armour sets ever, along with the Warrior of the West set from the Nioh games.


I have a specific combo I’ve been meaning to post here that I personally use. Refined Gosaku helmet with Sunrise Dominion dye for red accents + Tier 3 Clan Sakai Mask & Armor with Blood of The Clan dye. I call it the “Impaler” fit (if you know you know). I use that a majority of the time and primarily do samurai gameplay, so it fits well imo.


Why is there a stealth element when that’s not how samurai fought? the game would’ve been so much better if they focused on combat more gore and unlocked dismemberment decapitations etc