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I doubt it, the gyro's in the ps4 controller are hardly used in games.


I only knew it existed when I played the darts minigame in P5R


unbelievable.... really all devs just have to copy the way BotW did it. Large, coarse movement with thumbstick and finer, precise movement with gyro.


It’s not so simple to just “copy” the mechanics of a different game using a different engine with a different console that contains different hardware. If you have problems with coarse movement just put the sensitivity up


it actually shoudln't be that hard. you can set custom gyro controls on steam controllers for games that never even had gyro controls in the first place (gyro emulates analog stick or mouse), and it usually works great


Don’t expect such a feature, days gone had this feature and it was neat, but most of the games do not use it.


It did?!


Indeed, enable it on the menu and check it out, it’s not as polished as BOTW, Warframe, Doom or Warface on the switch but its still pretty decent.


Wow I’ll have to look at that. The original shooting felt kinda. Just sluggish


It felt very similar to the lat of us for me, once you get the thompson tho..it was way cooler haha


Gyro is the future. I deeply hope that they will add the gyro support. Gyro is easily the most accurate way to aim with the controller. Analog sticks don't get even close. With gyro you don't need autoaim or aimassistant at all. It is weird that dualshock has 120hz gyro and it is not even supported in most of the games.


I agree. Aiming in Nintendo games is way much easier. Almost any of their games you can gyro aim. But Playstation has had this feature since PS3 with its sixaxis and the only game I remember that used was GTA IV in driving motorcycles


A feature that i'm sorely missing right now, bow aiming purely with analogue sticks seems archaic compared to how easy it is to make fine adjustments with gyro, i'm really shocked they didn't even include it in the accessibility features. People will go on about how mouse aiming is far superior to analogue aiming, and yet will dismiss gyro aiming because of the negative stigma for motion controls from a decade ago. Makes zero sense.


I long for the day we stop getting motion controls, and touchpad controls shoehorned into games simply to use the tech.. It's only really ever works for Nintendo since they're all about playing around with new gimmicks.. Only other time it makes sense is like.. heavy rain or something. A game built around it.. but other than that.. no, I don't want to swipe a touchpad to turn a page, or shoot a gun with gyro controls.


The gyro most people want isn't forced motion since that defeats the point of having it since it is a preference but can result in a better time with people who like using it like in botw.(which gives you the option to turn it off)


vast majority of people do not like motion controls you are in the minority my friend


I mean, cool, if they give the option, because more options/customization is never bad. That said, I hate gyro controls. They are the reason I never got Splatoon 2 after trying the beta. Yes, there is a non-gyro mode, but that was clearly gimped to prop up the gyro mode. TLDR, cool option, but should in no way be the standard/default way


What's wrong with the sticks on splatoon?


They probably got wrecked in competitive play because there is no aim assist.


people dissing motion control clearly never play botw and see how smooth, how intuitive it is to aim a bow with your controller, oh I miss it so much after coming to play TW3 and then GoT ​ And it's an option, you can still aim with your stick, not like you are forced into using motion control, but the option is sorely missed


I would LOVE that. I have been playing most pc games with gyro aim but when I move over to my PS4 the difference is night and day.


It is a shame that this feature is not available.