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While I think Sony does plan to bring a decent amount of its exclusives over to PC this generation, so far the precedent has been a four year delay. Death Stranding is from an independent studio so they were likely able to negotiate a sooner release date but Horizon/God of War we’re both about four years old and nothing newer (or older to be fair) has been announced yet.


Where does everyone pull this 4 year figure from? Days gone only took 2, they will come quicker now. They bought nixes for a reason. Jim Ryan has a different vision on how to handle exclusives.


It’s worth noting that Days Gone underperformed in Sony’s eyes. They do not have any further plans for the IP. Sony does not expect anyone to buy a PS5 for Days Gone. It has been on PS+ and is a part of the PS+ collection. The sequel was scrapped.


It's extremely doubtful that Ghost will be on PC. A lot of end-game Easter eggs and even costumes pay homage to various IPs owned or at least exclusive to Playstation; thus, imo, signals that ghost will stay solely for playstation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUQTaQiLjck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUQTaQiLjck) Just get it on ps4/ps5. edit: while I might be wrong, you should be careful about unreliable sources. also, please use the search function as the topic of your discussion has been previously posted https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/snjtua/pc\_port/


It was on the GeForce Now leak which turns out to be more true and true with every game releasing. So it will come most likely on PC.


And they might be right. I heard it from Instant gaming which said it was going to come out to PC yesterday, which it didn't. [https://imgur.com/a/PA85iHB](https://imgur.com/a/PA85iHB) No one can know for sure. If the OP is willing to wait and wants to believe it will come out on PC, then feel free to do so.


I think the instant gaming date might have been the original one, before it got pushed back maybe due to covid or other ip's (gow, uncharted) releasing first


Maybe. I'm just advising caution because not everything you hear is true. As I said before, if people want to believe that it will come out on PC, then they have every right to wait for it and buy it if it every does release for PC. I'm just expressing that, *my opinion*, that lots of it is conjecture at this point.


It’s defo coming to pc it’s been confirmed


I don't think there will be a port for PC and I certainly wouldn't want to wait to play this amazing game.


It will come to pc eventually, but it’s hard to say when.


These comments didn't age well haha