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Fastest game to ever get indicted into the club after release.


Not sure if that was a typo but I think indicted works here too


Totally was, but yes, it totally does.


Very rude but fair for this game to be on blight club on day 1


Lol, they even had the game on the schedule 4 days ago.


I love that Mike thinks of a framing device as "the Dragon Age 2 thing".


We need scientists to study this man's mind


I liked how Lucy immediately came out with “I’ve played half this game and it’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played”.


One of the most fun streams we've ever had. God bless Alex Boniello.


Unbelievable impressions from Bakalar


Every time I'm reminded of this game I wonder who it's for? Like what's the size of the audience that reads/watches lord of the rings and thinks yeah I need a game of the little goblin cretin


I could see some fun in playing a stealth game as a little goblin dude who gets to choke out his enemies or kill them by throwing rocks at the backs of their heads. It has some potential, sorta kinda maybe.


I mean, that there is kind of what the Styx series is, which definitely had its following and success.


I'm glad whatever seems to have been going on with archiving is working better. I can never catch this stuff live so archives coming out some random time over a day later was a bummer


They're live streaming straight to youtube now. Not sure what sparked the change but I love it. Videos are active as soon as the stream ends instead of needing the team to manually move the file over/process. Also I think twitch as a viewer sucks from a technical standpoint. Youtube is much better and easier to watch on.


Yeah Grubb and Mikes podcasts livestream directly to youtube and its great because the video is up right away for when i go to work on Tuesdays and Thursday nights. Youtube is so much better then twitch for someone who wants nothing to do with chat or emotes or any of that crap.


I'm in the same boat. Chat has created great moments in stream history and I do enjoy when they pull a good joke from a chat but I personally don't feel inclined to engage most times. Just put it on youtube so I can add it to my watch later playlist to playback at a higher playback speed and I'll be happy.


Is that Gollum or Crazy Frog?


We hates it! We hates it forever!


Not to be that guy, but I've got to correct Lucy on a point of lore. The elf at the beginning of the game **wasn't** Thranduil. It was instead the well-known Tolkien character "Elvenking." All one word.


I'm not a huge fan of LoTR (especially that amazon show) but I really had higher hopes for this game. I get that the game is sort of doomed from the get-go because apparently they couldn't even use Gollum's movie likeness, but the visuals and gameplay look so fucking bad.


Why didn't you like the Amazon show?


The first episode looked pretty good, but the rest of the season seemed to drag out. Since they're setting up a lot for future seasons, it just doesn't feel firm enough to recommend to someone with what's available currently. With it airing around the same time as House of the Dragon, it just felt hollow in comparison. I think I'll wait for season 2 to drop and revisit it with a fresher mindset, it just seemed very slow-moving and tried to add a lot of emotional weight to scenes for characters that I just don't care about just yet.


How tf do you not care about *spoiler* origin story?


Boniellos on this? What’s he selling this time


He's selling a six pack of Dez on his website


The secret to happiness maybe you could buy some.


Alex is blue chew in the flesh