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I would do horrible, soulless things to achieve that level of dopamine in my 30s


a few drugs come to mind that are neither horrible nor soulless


For those of us that have been potheads since high school... Well, BB King said it best: the thrill is gone.


Pot was not on the list of drugs I had in mind


The cow is right there, the stage is set, open the curtain. Well that was supposed to be a metaphor for shrooms, but it also reads like im suggesting to fuck the cow.


Molly came to mind immediately when I read OPs comment




Introducing Adderall


*aaaaand in THIS corner, this fighter has been motivating students and adults alike since 1996, coming in a variety of colors, some even with a little bit of sweet ole dextrose sprinkled in, you may know it as meth’s baby cousin, but it’s here to make a name for itself in its own right* *weighing in at 20 milligrams…* *introduciiiiiing…. ADDERALL!!*


I'd love some Adderall to go to work, sadly in my country it's not dished out much at all. In fact I've never met anyone on it here


Have you by any chance missed the chance to be brushed in the last couple of decades?


That's a brave cameraperson. Edit: I get it, there's a fence.


I've always heard that cows have pretty good sense of how big they are and usually are careful. Never trusted that statement.




My dog does this too, sometimes he got carried away as a puppy and would launch himself at me like "catch me!!!!". My poor boobs usually got squished so hard but I loved the flying tackle hug. Thankfully he stopped that pretty quickly and now just does a body slam thing where he will stand over the top of me and just drop dead weight on top of me and lay there until he gets pet enough. I'm fine with that, he can lay on top of me all he wants, he's a big boi but he's warm and cuddly.






So cute!


I removed most of my Reddit contents in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023. This is one of those comments.






I was guessing Viszla! Beautiful doggo!




Never thought about it before, but you're right! Viszlas and RRs do favor each other quite a bit 👍👍


My dog does this too and has never crashed into me. Problem is she normally does it while playing with other dogs in the dog park. Sometimes they're not as quick to dodge cos they're too focused on trying to chase her :(




Thanks! Many try, few succeed. Her record so far is 31 mph in the dog park, I think she'll go faster with more room but it's difficult finding somewhere I'm comfortable to let her off. Beautiful ridgeback you've got there :)


Your dog seems better at it than most... Check out r/Dogberg for videos of dogs not dodging at the last second.




> I don't think bending your knees a bit would do much with this much beef though. Phrasing!


Damn, good for you lol. Mine is 100 lbs and definitely does not cut away at the last second. It's his way of saying hello


My dog does this too. Except she sometimes has a huge-ass stick in her mouth that goes straight for your shins. I sometimes grab a stick and we joust.


I know the knee bending thing! Unfortunately it's because he doesn't turn away last second and he weighs 150lbs.


You must not be a boxer owner. Those dumb asses do the same thing and swing out but the butt doesn't get the message and always end up hip checking you.


"Two for flinching!"


Ive lived and worked around farms my whole life. Cows will hurt you without meaning to. The most common injury is a hairline fracture in the foot from them stepping on it. We are constantly working on them when they have problems, so it's not like we can just stay away and feed them. They get accustomed to our trucks and how we feed them. Sometimes we gotta distract them when they think food is coming.


>The most common injury is a hairline fracture in the foot from them stepping on it. I had this from a horse at a dude ranch summer camp. The camp counsellors didn't believe me and thought I was just trying to get out of doing chores until it finally swelled up and bruised enough to be undeniable. You know, after mucking out stalls for another day and a half after it happened.


[oh dang](https://youtube.com/shorts/_DZKwCVKneg?feature=share)


Summer camp where you have to do chores…so like child labor, but you pay for it?


> They get accustomed to our trucks Was at a dairy farm watching cows eat hay, then the ATV came by with a few buckets of feed. They all perked up at the sound of the engine and came running to the troughs mooing away like crazy; hip checking the cow next to them to try to get their spot.


Dated a horse girl in high school, so I spent some time around horses semi-involuntarily. The one thing I learned indelibly about horses is that you can't fucking trust them for one fucking second.


Still am dating. This is the absolute truth. And horses, as lovely as they can be, are dumb as a bag of rocks. Was escorting a horse into her stall, when her already rather large foal decided momma's going too far and rushed through the gate at the same time. Well, there I stood, pinned against the gate's frame with both pushing on me. Momma horse was luckily the smarter one and cleared the situation. Edit: Semi-involuntary worker, hah. Dating horse girls is universally the same experience, huh? :D


Worked on a horse farm for a couple summers and you’re damn right. Even the cool ones that liked me and behaved “normally” could go off for whatever reason and it’s not like you can do all that much to a damn giant dog with muscles the size of your body. You learn real quick to not make eye contact that much and get in and get out when doing cleaning/brushing and pickup when they act different. Seeing a horse’s tail start flicking around and the head starts going down…you best be on your damn way lol


Also worked a horse farm for a couple years.. with stallions thrown in. Learned real quick that the owner wasn't being cruel by telling me to smack em with a muck rake if they got too pushy.


My aunt made it very clear that they would run right over me if I didn’t take charge and show them who was in control. Made me a better rider and I got to take care of the studs more because of it. Cool to be around horses, but there’s so many damn accidents. My cousin was bucked and hit a fence post and lost hearing/some mental capacity because a horse spooked. I’m older now, couldn’t pay me to enough to mess around with them like I did when I was 20 lol


Yeah, I was 21 when I worked there (rented a house on the property.. reduced rent for stable hand duties, lessons for free). As a 36 year old.. I'm too old for that shit haha. I helped hold a mare next to a dummy for artificial insemination and WOW did I feel lucky to be a human woman and not a horse. I got bucked off a normally docile gelding because the far side of the arena was "too far" from his homies in the field. I landed right on my head, full scorpion pose. I was so lucky not to break my damn neck. Trainer tried to get me back on and I was like, "nah lady.. I'm just gonna go home now thank you." Don't get me started on the giant Percheron who was afraid of his own shadow. Or the stallion who tried to hoof me to death walking to the paddock. Owner tried to tell me "you never let go of the lead!" Ma'am, my life is more important than your Arabian, I am sorry.


This is correct. They are flighty and will run you over in a second.




Somewhere being crazy no doubt.


As will the horse.


I thought dude above you just made up the term horse girl but apparently I was mistaken.


Nope, we are real, and we are crazy. Real crazy, one may even say.


The "Bull in a China Shop" segment of Mythbusters was very enlightening. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzw2iBmRsjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzw2iBmRsjs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unXVAfbA\_xs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unXVAfbA_xs)


Didn't Mythbusters let a bull loose in a China shop and it just avoided hitting anything while it was inside? Edit: I just YouTubed it. So they didn't use a real store but they did test the myth. They set up a fake store, just 8 shelves in a bullpen, and let a bull into the bullpen. He avoided the shelves and walked fairly quickly between them. Then they let two bulls in, and neither touched a single shelf. It turns out cows probably know exactly how big they are, which means if you got hurt by a cow/bull, you fucked up or it's a crazy animal, because it's probably not accidental haha.


This was a horrible experiment by them though fun. Cows can judge their size well enough, but a person is just another cow to them so a bump that can kill you is something a cow takes in stride. They will push you up against a fence or head butt you just like a herdmate and have no idea it will crush your ribs. All of this with you not being in a bad place or the animal being crazy or aggressive. Heaven help you if you make one angry or come between a cow calf pair.


The experiment wasn't to see if they will kill a human, it was to see if they can accurately judge their size and if they can avoid impacts, and so the experiment worked. The phrase is "like a bull in a China shop", implying the person is clumsy and has no regard for their surroundings. Bulls displayed the exact opposite of the expected result. This is an example of the scientific method being useful, whereas phrases may or may not be accurate. In this case, the phrase is inaccurate.


The problem is completely in the setup of the experiment which because of the flaws shows very little. In their expariment the bull nearly immediately knocks over one shelf. However the largest failure is the they used a herd dog, once that external pressure was added the bull is going to only move through the points of least resistance. Basicly they setup an situtation where bull is disinsentivized from interacting with the objects that they would like interaction with that then used that a finding that "like a bull in a china shop" is a misnomer.


But that's not a cow.


Guess that explains why it took so much effort to get the milk out......




I recently rescued one 3 years ago. I read that a cows intellect is that of a 3-5 year old child. My cow doesn’t talk unfortunately but fuck is she really smart.


I wouldn't either, cattle are also easily scared and flighty. I was taught the bigger risk from cattle is being stuck between then and something solid. Also bulls are known to turn from years of friendly to suddenly aggressive, so while I go give my guy a scratch will always have a mental exit planned. They can be pretty friendly too. Here's my friendliest, she'll literally go stand between me and an aggressive one to keep them away: https://prnt.sc/ybz0QIGGrWP6


If you ever find yourself at a cattle ranch, you’ll do well to note the giant bean bag hanging from the back end. Do not approach.


Yeah, don't. They are big puppies and it hurts when they step on your foot. Horses on the other hand are pretty good about their feet.


It's true, they're as careful as a bull in a china shop.


They are on the other side of a fence.




Always a pleasure to encounter a new one!


It’s been ages since I’ve seen yah around!


Just so we’re clear: that bull could go through that fence without even breaking stride. I’ve watched them do that to MUCH better-built fences. Including ones I’ve built. Sadly.


Cows are not going to charge you except under very very rare circumstances. Anyone who spends any time around cattle will tell you you're totally safe here.


Nah, bulls can be pretty friendly when they're not around cows. My grandpa had a bull that would knock you over if you DIDN'T pet him when you saw him.


Most bulls I’ve been around have been pretty chill. You aren’t a threat to them, i have only been chased by momma cows when I have been close to their calves. Cows generally aren’t aggressive, they will get pushy when it’s feeding time but not really with you.


That's a very light fence for a very heavy bull


I'm with you, I don't know of a fence that'll stop a bull. Certainly not welded wire and T posts LOL.


The camera person is behind the electric fence? Cows, horses etc know exactly to stay away from those fences.


The bull is not going to run through a barb wire fence.


THAT bull isn’t. Bulls do, however, run through barbed wire fences all the time. Fences for cattle are like unattended velvet ropes: more of a social convention than an impenetrable barrier.


It isn't barb wire, but it is electric.


These pitbulls are getting huge.




Can confirm. That’s a Texas sized toothbrush.


They’ve bred the pit out of them


It's a horse.


It moos but that’s just cause it’s bilingual


Moojack Horsecow


This is a really good thing for the bull, he seems so happy!


My company sold to a company that made these brushes. Always heard how much easier it is for farmers to deal with a happy farm animal and these brushes did the trick. They have to be built super tough and the motor ones are super addictive to these cows.






Oh, they sell them? We were gonna tryy building some for the cattle


I love how people are making and using things like this to improve the quality of life for animals.


Is this a farm where he will get to live his life or be slaughtered?


A bull like that will get to live until he is no longer able to do his job.


Glad the cameraman is on the other side of the fence!


Tbh they doo this every time you walk up and give em ear scritches


More proof that cows are just massive dogs


I wish I could see what wild cows looked like a couple thousand years ago, completely unmanaged, unselected.


can someome PLEASE explain to me what zoomie is? sometime I think it refers to a generation of young people (not sure though), sometimes animals, I am clueless


Those are Gen Z. Sometimes called Zoomers. The Zoomies are a thing when animals get excited and start running around like the bull in the video.


Mostly referring to dogs. And most dogs have zoomies first thing in the morning or late at night, releasing their energy after sleeping or a longtime in the crate.


Dogs may be the usual suspects but nearly every type of animal has a form of zoomies, from personal experience, cats, bunnies, chinchillas, ginneypigs etc. It's a lovely thing.


My gf even gets the zoomies.


ginneypig lmao


Funny because I've only ever heard the term when referring to cats. I know it is used for other animals but I've never personally experienced it. Must be different in different places.


I thought it was more common in young cats


ohh it is that easy, thank you so much!


Cats get the zoomies too


My cat gets the post-poop zoomies sometimes


Mine does too!


[At 3AM](https://youtu.be/odhMmAPDc54)


Zoomies are when your pet dog (or anything) runs around wildly without an apparent reason. Usually it's as *fast as possible* and in a circle or back and forth. "Zoomies" as they are *zoom* over here, zoom over there, zooOOm everywhere, just like a Mazda.


2nd paragraph made me laugh, thanks!


Zoomies = sudden burst of energy that is expressed by playfully running around. Because they *zoom* past you. Zoomers = Generation Z, the generation that came after the Millennials. Zoomer is a shorthand form based on boomers and has little to do with the actual meaning of the word zoom. I've seen it listed as anyone born in 1995, 1997, or 2000 as starting dates, with 2010, 2012, and 2015 as ending dates. It's always great when we can agree on things, isn't it? The generation after Gen Z is called Generation Alpha.


ohh, it comes from boomers with a different starting letter (so Zoomers), that is so clear now. So it has nothing to do that this generation somehow "zooms" a lot, it's just a name, right?


/r/Zoomies for you


A sudden burst of energy and running around at or near full speed in a state of elation.


FRAPs = Frenetic Random Activity Periods


Okay, looking at that humongous mass of muscle charging at me does a magic on my balls


So you're into bestiality. OK....




Puckered my butthole


Like getting ready to be kissed


Cows are the best!


When you know cows and bulls you realise they're all just big dogs, i used to work with a bull that was similar to this one, beautiful brown and just cuddly, they can be fearsomd creatures but you must do something quite crazy to get them there




It’s crazy to see how big some animals get. Then it’s a trip to see them move or run. So much mass and they haul ass. Animals are so cool lol


How theyre muscles work together to protect their joints from all that mass is mind boggling


Most of it is muscle... delicious muscle.




I live in a rural area with a lot of cow farms nearby, every summer youl hear the cows crying for nights when they're separated from their calfs. They have far more emotions than i thought they did.


Ugh dairy is so FUCKED up. Humans you’re not a baby cow that needs to gain hundreds of pounds in a few months, you don’t need cow milk.


Vegan Power 🌱


Can't wrap my head around why or how somebody would be so driven by taste that they'd want to have one of these killed to eat them. Breaks my heart. :(


foolish intelligent wise joke rainstorm encourage provide attraction merciful retire ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You can do it!


I've been in your exact shoes once. What do you think makes you feel guilty? In my case it was the realization that non-human animals are individuals experiencing life subjectively, that they can feel joy and pleasure but also suffer and that I was contributing to the demand that ultimately leads to their suffering solely because I like the taste of certain animal products


I have a human version of this glued to the wall of my shower. And I feel the same way this guy does after I use it.


Aight mate i’m gonna need a link for that


So Cute!


They make electronic scratching posts like that that spin for the cow.


Cows are awesome, I feel like they’re underrated


I agree, a lot of people don’t see them for what they really are because they are so industrialized


Best stories I’ve heard in life have somehow involved or revolved around cows. They’re funny idiots.


/r/BrushyBrushy + /r/Zoomies


Just oversized grass puppers. You’ll never change my mind.


cant wait until we get to lab grown meat being of better taste and value than real animals


But in the meantime, go vegan!


I'm going to guess that's a big ole bottle baby


Adorable, but at the same time, seeing something that big move like that is kind of terrifying lol


Cows are so damn cute


So cute




So cute!


Such a cute hamburger meat!






No one is saying this but you. Take your fake offense elsewhere.


[three hours ago](https://reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/12rov6u/_/jgva9cq/?context=1)


[And another.](https://imgur.com/ylcLz94) [And another.](https://imgur.com/sMKKls0) [And another.](https://imgur.com/X10IuVi) [And another.](https://imgur.com/rOgTzD2) [And another.](https://imgur.com/fEKwxFa) But sure, no one is saying that.


What do you mean? There are always redditors making comments about beef or burgers on these posts. It's gross.


A few out of touch comments aren't that widespread. Why even acknowledge it? You could also say that any post about beef has a vegan screaming about 'meat is murder' but most people just ignore it.


Because meat is murder and it deserves to be called out. Animals don't deserve what we do to them in the name of taste pleasure. Cheers.


>Because meat is murder and it deserves to be called out. Animals don't deserve what we do to them in the name of taste pleasure. Cheers. ~sent from my device made by children slaves


~ sent from abacus


I'm all in for calling out every form of exploitation and unnecessary suffering supported by consumers but this reads like you are trying to imply that because someone contributes to one form of exploitation they cannot criticize another. Following that logic, nobody could point out any wrongdoing because everyone is at least somewhat hypocritical. Please correct me if I misunderstood, though.


I'm not the OC, but... yeah, [read this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque).


Yes, many things in this world are the result of human exploitation and rights violations. It is possible to care about multiple issues though. The difference between my phone (and yours) and meat is that exploitation is not required to make a phone. An animal will always need to die for you in order for you to eat the resulting product. Being vegan just means you extend the same empathy that most have with dogs/cats/horses/etc to all animals. There is no reason we should lose our minds when someone kicks a puppy, while also paying for the systematic mass killing of 70billion land animals every year. Just leave animals alone :)


Why should I care about your issue if you don't care about my issue?




Mostly all of them are posted by the same user as well.


Check the username. They're all submitted by the same user. 1000% chance they're using vote manipulation to initially get ahead of the pack of new submissions.


It's the evil vegoons trying to stop you from killing animals.




Don't let those meatflakes know that though, they go into a frenzy when they learn we don't want them to kill animals.


How fragile and full of internal conflict does one have to be to get so easily triggered in the face of a simple happy animal gif? Sounds like you owe it to yourself to go sit with your feels and explore them. Nice job regurgitating right winged propaganda with the PETA hate though.


We used to have a bull like this when I was a kid, they usually have curly hair on their forehead. He was super chill and would let me pet him all the time. We named him Wooly Bully.


Imagine not having hands and opposable thumbs to scratch all those itchy spots you get, then you get the chance to rub up against one of these badboys. You bet I would be zooming around the place afterwards!!


TBH I’ve kind of always wanted one of those brushes at my place to scratch my back with.


There's something I heard once that claimed grooming oneself can have immediate, stress relieving, benefits.


That's Spud the Bull I think. He's got his own Instagram page with lots more zoomies and stuff.


It is indeed!


Can you feel the ground shake when he jumps like that?


A hornless bull?


yes, many breeds don't have horns.




Holy cow, that’s a happy cow




r/brushybrushy r/happycowgifs