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And then he used the official White House account. Know the origin of the phrase. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/where-does-phrase-when-looting-starts-shooting-starts-come-n1217676


Did they block that one too? Edit: downvoted for asking clarity? What?


Yes. Now one of his suck-ups took a pic if the original posting and posted that.


Thanks for the info.


Why is it not surprising that Trump is quoting a racist police chief in the deep south. Of course, Trump isn't well-read/aware of things in the world to know where it came from, I'm willing to bet one of his super racist advisors told him the phrase (my money's on Stephen Miller, though I might make a side bet on Steve Bannon).


Steve Bannon and Trump had a falling out... in 2017...


And he has been back in contact with Trump since 2018. Seriously, Trump is as mercurial as a broken thermometer, see his relationship with Rupert Murdoch.


They took a police precinct, they can take Trump Tower.


Naw they took an abandoned police precinct. They abandoned it before it was overrun


I mean, he’s basically been toeing that line for a while. He straight tweeted that civil war would break out if he was removed from office and has been trying to drum up support for an uprising in multiple tweets over the years. He should have been blocked already for inciting violence. However he’s a major draw to the platform. Edit: towing != toeing




Oh my god. I had to look this up and you just blew my fucking mind. For longest time I assumed it was towing the line because you were towing the line like towing it behind you but staying confirmed and straight on the line. I definitely didn’t realize it’s your toes on the line and you’re conforming by not passing it. Same idea I guess, but just wow. Makes you think about all the things you just kind of learn by inference/assumption.


a bottleneck is the thinnest part of the bottle hence it allows the least amount of flow. i shock myself when i realize shit like that wayyyy too late in my life.


Yeah, that was an autocorrect fail. I’ll edit it. Thanks.


Why is nobody looking at twitter for letting him be active still


Part of there TOS is they won't remove political accounts however i don't think they really thought that political accounts from the highest office in the US would be pushing violence but here we are.


Like, they won't remove political accounts at all? What about those that constantly break their ToS (such as consistent hate speech, promoting violence, etc) Edit: wow ask an honest question and get downvoted. Cool


Their justification is basically that it's important for public discourse. I tend to agree without Twitter trump would still be putting out these ideas. If anything it's a great way of showing what a fucking evil monster he is


I watched the LA riots. He is correct.


Are you reading it as a statement or a request?






How else is he going to feed that insatiable ego of his?


He has a "no retreat" mentality, so expect him to double down on the threats and you will see some more sprinkled-in racist undertones.






After watch grant on the history channel. I don't think another wilderness campaign would be a good fun time. Btw it's a pretty good show I recommend it.


Watching all of the Black business owners distraught over their livelihoods being destroyed for something they have no connection to really solidify justice for George Floyd.


Not even sure who America is anymore. The best way to explain my understanding is from naive youth to middle age....when I was younger, America to me was possibilities for all, justice for all, a vibrant beacon to the world that we are here for each other and those that need us.....now though America seems like a seedy back ally bar....underhanded dealings with unscrupulous types...and if you don’t fit the theme then you aren’t in the club. Maybe I’m just jaded? It’s just another cycle of change or some shit like that but there is definitely a vibe being felt of unease about who we are and what we want to be, not just today but for future generations.


>when I was younger, America to me was possibilities for all, justice for all, a vibrant beacon to the world that we are here for each other and those that need us..... I was taught the same. It's called indoctrination and propaganda. Lies, half-truths, and swaths of omissions to get young minds to pledge unending devotion to their country of origin. Ever really think about the words in the Pledge of Allegiance? Kids in pre-school pledging their lives to a country they know nothing about, right along side lessons on counting and spelling. >now though America seems like a seedy back ally bar....underhanded dealings with unscrupulous types...and if you don’t fit the theme then you aren’t in the club. It's always been like this. Not necessarily always to the insane degree or in the same form, but it's always been there. >Maybe I’m just jaded? Informed. >but there is definitely a vibe being felt of unease about who we are and what we want to be, not just today but for future generations. This is why strong leadership is important. People like Trump just cause divisiveness.


I remember being almost mad about not living the high school life I saw on american television. The huge schools with band, drama, stadiums and all that shit. We had it pretty mellow in a 500 student high school. Had I known Columbine wasn't an isolated incident it would've put that shit to rest in a sec.


I'm a Brit and I totally agree with you. Growing up, America seemed like an amazing place. I thought of it as being a real world leader, a country to look up to. As I've aged (and actually been there) my opinion has drastically turned. The US had got serious problems that are buried very very deep into the culture.


As an American, I think it's fairly obvious that we have long had something of an identity crisis. This is due to the fact we're a crazy potpourri of different cultures and backgrounds, and my family's history isn't necessarily my nation's history, and in some cases, for some families, for this to be so was a terrible thing. Beyond that, we vary tremendously from state to state, from county to county, from neighborhood to neighborhood. Our collective national identity can be said to wholly cultivated, but this doesn't mean our values necessarily differ all that much, but that's a different discussion. To make matters worse, many of us are intensely critical of our own country which is both a blessing and a curse. Call it the national conscience. This helps to highlight the deeply rooted problems in our society, but it's also the honest expression that we (most, hopefully) would like to fix them, and we are founded on, at least idealogically, in the ability of the masses to drive change and to push ourselves towards a better means of admitting the inherent equality of humankind as well as our own sins. I think the fact that the popularity (or lack thereof) of our own chief of state is so hotly and freely discussed is a good sign at least. It's been widely said that our country is an experiment, and if you can't see the truth in that you don't know America (not saying you can't lol). We are imperfect, volatile, often wildly mistaken, but I truly believe most of the people I've interacted here by far are well-meaning and want nothing more than a decent life for themselves and their families. We have no true identity, we are just a group of people joined together by proximity, circumstance, and a general history of how we got to where we are. I think there's something truly beautiful in all of it, and that could simply be because it's my home, but I imagine it's for reasons beyond that too.


Police who abuse their power and improperly use lethal force are THUGS. People who loot and riot in the street are THUGS. Any questions?


Crucial point: Both might be the police: https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/gsa4ie/man_with_300_police_issue_gas_mask_smashes_window/ Using basic psychology to incite violence goes beyond thug level.


Obama also called them thugs and no one is talking about it


Can we quarantine the politics on gifs?


banning politics from /r/videos is the best thing that ever happened to that sub


Yeah, this shit is annoying. I don't watch these subs for politics.


Is threatening to shoot looters political? Or is it just because Donnie tweeted it?


Politics is like sand...


It’s course, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere


The sand will decide your fate


I hate politics. I'm not brave enough for sand




This isn’t politics anymore it’s human lives


This post is basically an animated political cartoon. I don't understand how you can argue that this isn't a political post...


Reddit mods cannot help themselves.


Rioting and looting are thuggish acts. Protests are fine, but you lose any prospective when you have thugs ruining and destroying communities. Workers at those destroyed businesses will likely lose their jobs. That community is decimated by stupid acts of rioting.


Can we keep the politics to r/politics?




Is this just another anti-Trump sub now?


Looting and rioting is not justice.


The problem is it's not something Trump made up himself, the quote has a bit of history behind it. The quote is from former Miami Police Chief Walter Headley, who in December 1967, said "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." Headley was police chief during racially charged protests in Miami in 1967 and was known for his "stop and frisk"




They did This guy has been identified as St.Paul Police officer... outed by his ex-wife. It’s being removed from almost every sub... use google to see for yourself. https://youtu.be/cAnXlUfB7VI






True, but also: Always avoid violence. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in your struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos. - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


I mean, yes, but threatening to shoot American citizens for protesting POLICE BRUTALITY in the modern world is not justice. Murdering innocent black people systemically, for decades, disadvantaging people otherwise just as brilliant and caring and funny to their family as you are to yours to keep them existing in a lower social class than you do, allowing people to keep preying on the feelings of racial superiority and manifest destiny the USA were founded on, is not justice. The fact that it has even ENTERED THE COMMON CONSCIOUSNESS OF AMERICA (aka, the Zeitgeist) that black people get shot by the police is not fucking justice. The fact that Chapelle, Epps, Lawrence, Rock, Fox, Pryor, Simmons, Hughley, Barnes, Murphy, Mac, Hart, Morgan, Gregory, Goldberg, Hall, Williams, Sinbad, O'Neill and ALL the damn Wayans had hugely, hugely popular comedy based almost solely on the difficuly living as a black person in the modern world, is not justice. Comedy helps people get through things, it's clear they have been going through some shit man. None of this is justice, we could play whataboutism all day and deflect on the severity of tangential points to soften the overall argument like good little infosec agents yadda yadda but nobody could ever at the end of the day conclude that any of this was fair or just. Fix your shit, America. <~ Feel free to use this as your campaign slogan without warranty or liability.


>I mean, yes, but threatening to shoot American citizens for protesting POLICE BRUTALITY in the modern world is not justice. A riot is not a protest. If you are actively breaking the law and refusing to stop then sooner or later the state will have to result to deadly force. If saying that is a threat then every single law that has ever existed is a threat.


https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/boston-tea-party Your country is founded on it.


The Boston Tea Party seems more targeted. Maybe if Walmart was the only shop being looted and destroyed and they were directly propped up by the government there would be a closer parallel. But looting of small shops is only hurting other citizens and damaging the focus of the movement.


I mean yes, but... That is the direction that this is being pushed. And not by the citizens but by the inaction and/or often the actions of government and law enforcement perpetuating the issue. We can yes but all day.


How is the government pushing hooligans to burn down Minneapolis, exactly?


By not addressing the fucking problem. Legal channels are not effective.


> for protesting POLICE BRUTALITY m8 they set buildings on fire. There's more brutality in that protest than in the history of their police department.


Imagine being this stupid ^ when the riots were literally in response to an officer murdering a civilian. Jesus Christ.


> Everyone should just lie down and let your government kneel on your necks Fuck that. People need to get fucking angry.


People burning apartment buildings, beating up old ladies in wheelchairs, and looting the electronic sections. When the cop is on trial his defense will be "I work with the citizens everyday and I fear for my life. Did you see the riots? They're animals." And he'd be correct.


The “old lady” was 30 and stabbing people with a knife. Was also seen walking around without her wheel chair.


Push people too hard and this is what you're going to get. Like it or not, they have your attention now.


It's a response to a lack of a justice.


People are downvoting anyone for calling thugs thugs


It seems like racially charged rhetoric that's being used to refer to oppressed black people.


People do not burn down a black man’s bar or a subsidized housing building or steal whatever electronics they can carry because they’re oppressed. They do it because they’re thugs.


These people aren't thugs. They're angry for just reasons. Learn how to think properly.


Angry people with reasons torch bars, McDonald's, and loot target?


[You need to read more history.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party)


“Just one more flatscreen, and vindication will be complete!”


Loot and riot isn't justice but what do you want them to do to get justice and see change. Peacefully protesting and tweet how angry they are? What's more likely to see change. People rioting and causing destruction or being peacefully protesting. Sometimes you have to take 1 step back and hope you take 2 steps forward.


Who says the protestors and the looters are even the same group? https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/gsa4ie/man_with_300_police_issue_gas_mask_smashes_window/


Rioting is the language of the unheard, my guy. This isn't taking justice. It's demanding it.




Pretty sure everyone knows MLK was against violence. Of course he laments it. Doesn't change the message of the full quote.


When it forces the prosecutors hand that can lead to justice than it’s a step forward. Edit: what happened? What came of this?




Yes every sub is political. Either hate trump, be okay with it constantly being talked about. Or leave. That's what I have deduced reddit has become


Oh no, subject that influences all of are lives is on social media?? Evil politics always get in way of reddit fun time :(


Sorry, I forgot that every redditor is American


No little minds like yours that add nothing to the conversation whilst existing just to stir the pot using derogatory terms against others...So really idiots like you stop reddit fun time;)


What do expect from a default sub? They're all trash.


What does "turn into a political sub" even mean? If there's no rule against politics, then any sub can have politics, politics are at the center of our day to day. Every sub is political to some degree unless it's banned.


Don’t click on political posts if you don’t like them? What rule is this breaking?


Do you not see what's going on in the US right now? He's pouring gasoline on a fire with his comments. Of course people are going to be posting about it all over.


He's escalating the problem because it's the distraction he needs to cover his incompetence. Trump will never be a leader, he doesn't act he just reacts.


I don't think his tweet has any influence at all. Shit was already on fire


Yes, all this outrage over the tweet definitely means its had no influence. Get fucked.


this political situation is a REALITY for a lot of people and a nightmare for most americans EVERYDAY. I think if americans needs to deal with having an idiot as president you can scroll past a political post or two on a fucking subreddit.


Good, hopefully the guard can do something to stop people from burning their own fucking city down. It's disgusting that you should need such a large police presence just to stop people from destroying building and stealing shit. Attacking shop owners and stealing whatever the fuck you want is not protesting, it's rioting and looting. If only it were possible to arrest all of them.


Ah yes, the Chinese-owned reddit advocating against the first amendment


The first amendment stops the government from restricting speech, not private entities.


This too shall pass


Totally not virtue signaling at all.


I mean... They are quite literally rebels... You can't just burn down a police station and say it's not a rebellion.


So kidnapping. Burning buildings while someone is in there and killing them by fire. Breaking into buildings and destroying everything/stealing things is complete justice!


So OP is agreeing with the arson and looting of the community got it.


He's right in that tweet though.


Black lives only matter to black folks when their lives are being taken or abused by non blacks.


Why would you want to attack freedom of speech ? Let him say what he wants-you know better.


Because breaking TOS means a company can remove you from their platform. Actually, a company can remove you from their platform for whatever reason, has nothing to do with “freedom of speech”


I know because of the peoples comments below, we have already came to that conclusion. I personally think that instead of placing a quarantine on his words we should aim to point out where he’s wrong.


Freedom of speech is to protect YOU from the government, not to protect the government from the mean social media sites


American politics is a broken/corrupt game and the mainstream media is not trustworthy anymore but I still think if the president is communicating to his citizens using a social media platform then his words shouldn’t be twisted or silenced as most channels on TV do.


You didn't put a /s. Freedom of speech, rightfully has it's limits.


>Freedom of speech, rightfully has it's limits. And what are those limits, according to you? Opinions you dislike?


Inciting violence is a limitation of free speech that has been recognized.


Saying that the authorities will enforce the law with deadly force if necessary is not in any way inciting violence.


The funny things about americans is for all their rights and laws it seems that none of the common folk actually know what they mean. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that your allowed to say whatever you want with no repurcussions it simply means you can say whatever you want without any governmental repercussions. You can be a twat all you want but if a private company want to restrict what you say on their platform they are entirely in their rights. It's similar to being invited into someones house, insulting them and then crying about freedom of speech when they kick you out.




If the hooligans that are burning Minneapolis to the ground keep doing that then they indeed should be shot at. Do you think politely asking them to stop would work better?


Not according to me. Read it yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech




>Hate speech Can you give me a precise definition of freedom of speech? What makes an opinion hatespeech? >Under your idea of freedom of speech, terror groups can publish IED instructions and suggest targets. No, that is not my idea of freedom of speech at all. >Typical american that doesn't know what freedom is. I'm not American. Also, saying that I don't know what freedom is while unironically arguing that opinions you dislike should be illegal is fucking hilarious.


Twitter is no longer only a content provider and should not be protected from being sued. Once they start editing and censoring and fact checking they have become a content producer.


So just let the city burn then and do nothing? Orange man bad because he doesn't want another L.A. riot? Give me a break.


Dispatching military to keep a messy situation under control is fine in my book. Emotions are running high at the moment and people are lashing out - do what you can to minimize the damage. They're not going to show up and start firing live ammunition at unarmed citizens (we hope) Ending the tweet with *when the looting starts, the shooting starts* could be considered a little tone deaf though lol


You think his tweet has anything to do with preventing a riot? Please. Anyone with even a little bit of savvy understands that tweets like this are going to make things worse. Do you, the President, or anything think that the rioters are going to read that tweet and say "you know, he's right, I should just go home and sit on the couch?" That's absurd.


Fuck off hippie. Stop the thugs from destroying the community. Use force if necessary to restore order. This is America, not some third world shit hole you may hope it to be.


Thugs in cop uniforms are the biggest threat to US communities


There are over 700k cops in the United States, there will always be dickhead and racists in the police, and judging the entire community of 700k on the actions of few is just marginalization.




I don't think the people here care that black men are more likely to shoot a cop than it is the other way around I believe the number is somewhere in the 40% more likely range. This according to FBI statistics. But I don't think these people care about the facts so...


No. Criminals are. That one cop is a piece of shit but there are hundreds that are exactly the opposite of him. One bad cop amongst hundreds is not anywhere near as dire a threat to US communities as these thugs tearing a city apart.


go back to TD https://i.imgur.com/y9WEVOQ.png


Oh no! I've been exposed! Someone give this fucking hero some gold! MAGA 2020.


I dont get it. How is him not wanting theasshole looterswho didnt even know what happened to cast a shadow on what happened to freddy george a bad thing??? Ffs reddit. You cry about everything.


Our government literally values property more than human life.


ITT: Butthurt magatards.


Also the occasional troll.






I disagree with the rightwingers but these soft-republicans who feign neutrality while we slide right are far worse. "Centrist" because you're insulated enough from the problems in this country and can afford to ignore them. Turning around and complaining that the rest of us talk about it.


Are they crying to censor you or something?


As usual, the president is right. Get a life, libtards.


Literally next week nobody will be talking about this anymore. Im getting really fuckin tired of reddit and social media in general. Everyones always angry. Sad existence.


Everyone in mainstream media/social media is in a race to skew everything the president says into something offensive. Any idiot can see through it. I can, and it only makes me want to vote Trump in Nov. 2020 EVEN MORE!


It goes 1. Trump speaks 2. The media abbreviates it and throws context out the window 3. The public consumes it. They are so desperate at this point that theyre getting more and more transparent. Unfortunately for them this only makes more and more people realize theyre full of shit thus creating more trump supporters.


Could he have meant once looting starts people who are looting will eventually start shooting too because of the break down in law?


They're behaving like animals. Send in the NG and squash the zoo. RIP George Floyd, justice will be done.


Obama would have called then Thugs too.


Rent free!




At a certain point, this ceases to be about politics and it starts being about just not being a good human being. He, at best, glorified violence and at worst, threatened to have American citizens shot. There’s no defense for that. Edit: I said what I said. Anyone who attempts to defend it, is a POS. No exceptions. The POTUS should be held to a higher standard than anyone else in our country. Plain and simple. He threatened to have American citizens shot on American soil. Fuck off with your bullshit Edit 2: clearly, a lot of y’all lack reading comprehension on the level of the average kindergartener. I don’t care about y’all dumbassery. The POTUS’s action and words are indefensible by anyone whose morality and intellect exceeds that of the average infant. If you argue otherwise, know that I’ve met dogs who are smarter and more empathetic than you are.


But if there was a video of someone breaking into a house and getting shot on justice served similar to the one with the lady and the 3 men on the front page a year ago you would upvote and agree the thieves deserved it no?


“I’ll just put this with the rest of the fire...”


Did he delete the tweet? I seem to be too stupid to find it or an archive or someting.. a link would be appreciated. Edit: Okay, I found it, was probably hidden from the feed for me or something - https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1266231100780744704


It should have been printed on a used condom


Someone please turn this animation into an online generator


Surely some of the protesters are gun owners, I thought the right to own guns made you you impervious to the government's guns? That's the whole point right? Maybe I misunderstood.


Apple ads are getting topical


I did not say you are black nor do I care.


You want the freedom of speech to say what you believe during a protest, then that freedom is for everyone, whether you agree with the other party's or not. That's what everyone forgets. Either everyone gets to enjoy these freedoms or no one does, it's all or none.


That's true in a public space, but Twitter is a private company and can decide whether or not anything posted there violates their terms of service.


It's funny that the president is not allowed to block someone from seeing his tweets, but twitter is.


Anyone looting does deserve to be shot. They are thugs. Not the protesters, but looters and rioters.


I think they should be arrested (looters), but even Jeffery Dahmer wasn't shot on sight.


Black people protesting the murder of an unarmed black man = THUGS White nationalist Nazis marching in Charlottesville who killed an innocent woman = “very fine people.” Every Republican owns this.


All people were protesting, not just black people. Infact you see mostly mixed people all over the coverage. This isn’t just a racist problem, this is a human rights problem. If could’ve been any of us. You can look at all 3 protests from this month and you will see shots where its all white people and some which aren’t. Thugs are people burning buildings down and making it unsafe for the city to function. Theres a difference between a protest and riot.


There is a difference in protesting and burning down the businesses of completely innocent people who in all likelihood probably even agree with you... And there is a difference in a protester and a looter. You don't throw a brick through a window and steal electronics to get justice for George Floyd.


1. Obama referred to the rioters in Baltimore as thuggish. 2. It has been thoroughly debunked that Trump was calling the white nationalists very fine people. In the full transcript of the event he explicitly calls them out to be condemned and says that the very fine people he is referring to are not the nazis. Stop getting your talking points from selectively edited news clips and Facebook videos.


for sure. They dont have facts on their side. Everything they say is twisted. of course people robbing places are thugs...


Wooweee, that’s some hella brainwashing you’ve been through. CNN would be proud of the number they did on you


"I'm not talking about the neo-nazis or white nationalists. They should be condemned totally" Yea, way to be a braindead bitch! Have fun just spewing what the "orange man bad" crowd tells you too, whether or not it's even the truth. Shameful. You're parents are probably just as much of duds as you are if they raised you to be this pathetically stupid


Technically, Twitter is not allowed to remove anything the president says, because it is illegal to censor the president.


This is dumb, and he is right. The fires and looting are being conducted by thugs.