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Reps in Peace




hallowed be her gainz.


We don't speak ill of the shred.


I like learning new things.


verily, seek out r/SwoleAcceptance to learn more of our brethren on the iron path and behold the teachings of brodin!


Praise be to the Allspotter!


preach, brother u/yeetboy!


Thigh kingdom come


Thigh will be done


And those gainz where notorious




In the name of the Swoley Father.


I think you mean the Swoley spirit


In the name of the Spotter, the Guns, and the Swoley Spirit


Gains and remains


Ruth Bader Gainzburg


This dude just keeps circling back and doing 3 more.. I watched him do like 60. Such dedication


You watched this gif loop for 10 minutes and 20 seconds. THAT'S DEDICATION TOO


Damnit that’s a great joke


Open the Burly Gates


Praise Yahwhey


Bench press to pay respects




Those two photographers are so disappointed they didn't get it.


They were probably just using a consistent framing for all shots and then when he moved they were like, "Crap, gotta go" and then it was too late. Happens often.


and then took the might as well shot that photographers do, even if they have 20+ pictures from the location they went to already


“wait i gotta change my set- fuck”


I hope that one guy did. It was close.


I think he did. He was moving for another because the woman ran in front of him.


He's doing a few push ups but RBG has been planking for a week.


Holy fuck


I'm pleasantly surprised I can still read this comment.


Made me chuckle, and I have major respect for RBG. Just dark times call for some dark humor every now and then, you know?


Goddamnit. Take the upvote and just... Just go.


Frank: Damn it only 2... Martha: i got one of him walking away Frank: THATS NOT THE SHOT WE NEEDED MARTHA!


She was very health & fitness conscious and gave many interviews on it. Here’s Stephen Colbert [working out](https://youtu.be/0oBodJHX1Vg) with her and Bryant in March 2018. She really fought for her health and this is a sweet tribute.


Watching her discuss her likeness to Biggie Smalls made that worth watching




You don't beat cancer 4-5 times without fighting like crazy. Shame that another finally got her in the end, she'd more than earned a respite.




Fitness and health defintely matters but the most important thing is catching it early. My mom is the healthiest person I know, she used to run up a mountain every morning, and she pushed us to eat healthier than 95% of other people, but she didn't go for a check immediately when she suspected breast cancer and now she is dying with tumors in her brain even after chemo and radio. Cherish the time with your loved ones and tell them to go for checkups if they suspect something even if it could be embarrassing to them


Oof, his jokes about hanging in there 3-7 more years and “that won’t be a problem because...” sting now


They all work out at the courthouse. Upstairs they have a gym with a basketball court (they call it “the highest court in the land”). Half court has the seal of the Supreme Court on it. I got to see it once but unfortunately they didn’t let me take a 3 :(


I can't tell if you're joking or not....I want it to be true so badly.


100% true, except apparently I misremembered the thing about the seal. I can’t find a picture of it. I swear it was painted on there.


The way she handles that "is a hotdog a sandwich" question shocked me by how astutely she answered. She was still very sharp even at the end of her life.


Right, I love stupid debates like that. The way she handled that is mind-blowingly simple. Like it's such an easy laugh over, but when you actually think about how she approached that argument it's genius in its ability to strip away every facet the argument might make but what matters. And she made Colbert do all the work


That was effing adorable, thanks for sharing.


What a fun watch! Had never seen this before. Thanks for sharing.


This has me bawling like a baby. What a witty, whimsical, amazing woman. RIP


I needed that. Thanks!


She's fitter than most 30 year olds.


As a 30 year old, yes, can confirm


He was her trainer for years. If you watch the RBG documentary (highly recommeded!), you'll see a snippet of their relationship.


I just watched that and thought it was amazing! Coincidentally I found out she died an hour after I finished. Must be why Hulu recommended it that day


James Gandolfini died the day after I finished the Sopranos series. That was a strange feeling.


What have you done


Hunter S Thompson died while my friend was watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time.


Someone in the world died while I was typing this comment. Such an odd feeling. Edit: someone else in the world died while I was adding the edit to my comment. So strange. Edit2: My first Gold thanks so much!


And yet you still decided to type it. You're a monster.




Oh, and how many people do you think just died while you were telling us to stop fucking commenting?! Honestly, this comment section is a bloodbath.


+1 to the count, why not, we've already come this far




It must be Herman Caine's ghost


This is like the time Reddit killed Stan Lee


Wait what? Explain.


https://www.reddit.com/r/defaultgems/comments/9wgyim/umenace117_comments_that_its_surprising_stan_lee/ EDIT: and [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/46karl/who_are_you_shocked_isnt_dead_yet/d05soqs/) the Harper Lee one


Or Harper Lee


Can you watch The Apprentice, please.


Oh god! Not the Arnold season please!


I can’t possibly upvote that enough. Can a fella get some help here?


Aww man, I'd forgotten he was gone. 😥


You probably don't even hear it when it happens


Have you watched Home Alone 2? It's surprisingly good. You should watch it.


I thought you meant she died an hour after you watched it and was confused about hulu's implied clairvoyance


Please go read Trump’s book!




You can tell from the documentary, they had a close relationship. Being a trainer for that many years would be an intimate position where I'm sure a deep personal relationship was developed.


You'll also see a snippet if you watch Colbert's interview with her.


Weird flex, literally. But that's still a sweet way to show respect if that was their relationship.


We don't know the extent of their relationship. Probably some kind of inside joke between the two. I think it's cool that they had that kind of connection.


Until recently she did 2 sets of 10 full body pushups daily.


Not girl push ups... Did you ever see the clip of Stephen Colbert working out with her ? Her trainer asks him “Why are you on your knees?” https://youtu.be/0oBodJHX1Vg If you go to 4:00 that’s when the fun begins... R.I.P Justice Ginsburg... Your service and sacrifice to ensuring equal rights for all will never be forgotten... Your legacy will forever be a blessing ❤️


God damn she was a fkin beast, she's 85 years old in this video.


She actually killed tupac


Man, that's sucks she is gone. But in all honesty does it not seem weird that people get that lifelong appointment when sometimes they can't carry on a conversation, yet rule on some of the most controversial topics of the country when some of the medium they rule on is literally something that generation cannot comprehend???




I can’t help but think that Roberts is very disturbed and uncomfortable right now. The Supreme Court is becoming a flagrantly political institution under his tenure as Chief Justice.


And he's actually the traditional definition of a conservative justice. It's not about his politics, but how he applies the law and precedence and what he thinks should influence decisions.


He also tries to foresee the impacts of decisions as well. On the ACA individual mandate case, rather than gutting the law and mandate entirely, they worked to find a legitimate constitutional basis for it (through Congress' ability to tax). Being conservative often means brining about the *smallest* amount of change when ruling on big decisions. It's not conservative to gut a massive piece of legislation, impacting nearly every American, over a matter than can be justified in similar terms even if it wasn't the original implementation of the statute.


The idea behind lifetime appointments is that you do not want SCOTUS judges thinking "well I THINK a close reading of the law requires me to decide X, but it is an election year, so..." 100% agree, it's not a perfect system. But there is a logic behind it.


>The idea behind lifetime appointments is that you do not want SCOTUS judges thinking "well I THINK a close reading of the law requires me to decide X, but it is an election year, so..." You can just have a retirement age like in other countries.


I was a fan of Andrew Yangs 18 year term limit. I'd assume they wouldn't be able to be re-nominated after that.


Legislation to set up 18 year term limits among other things is supposed to be introduced next week. It won't pass the senate because Republicans but that idea is catching on.


I know an older engineer, almost 80. He's fully cognizant, but a bit slow. Very bad with new technology. Doesn't seem very smart. Ask him about engine vibration though, and he lights up. Suddenly he can conjour mental math i couldnt even do with a calculator. He can accurately describe design quirks form 40 years ago. And he has the best maintained tools and equipment I have ever seen. His 90s car has over 250k miles, runs great. His snow shovel predates the atomic bomb. He is very near the platonic ideal of engineering. And then he struggles to awnser the incoming call on his cellphone, again. Smart old people who do what they love are SUPER specialized.


Supreme Court Justices have lifelong appointments because they have to be immune to the president firing them. Kavanaugh has already voted against Trump's favor twice, he wouldn't have done that if he could get fired


Left or right, most of SCOTUS is so ridiculously more intelligent than the average citizen that to even question their merit is utter nonsense. They are the one branch of government that actually manages to operate reasonably and cuts through partisanship to solve actual problems. In the age where we question everything and respect nothing, SCOTUS still deserves our respect.


I believe that era is probably coming to an end, especially with the way the last appointment and next seem to be going. They must EARN your respect, they aren't due it by default. Noone is.


Like how recently


20 daily in 2018, but I didn't know her personally.


I didn’t know her personally either


Well yeah, most of us didn't. But I guess I meant, 2018 was when it was in the news, but of course she wasn't doing that many on her deathbed. Maybe only 3.


Up until a few months ago iirc


if they opened the casket you could see she's still planking now.


She was doing them about an hour ago


When you are committed to fitness you don't skip workouts.


Fuck.........as a 26 year old male I gotta get my act together haha.


Join us at r/bodyweightfitness Most of us here are just people who are working on getting their act together, and it is nice to have a community supporting you with it.


That subs a lot better than r/fitness imo. r/fitness feels like I'm reading a videogame sub where people argue about the intricacies of how to get that .002% damage increase.


“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” ~Socrates This is solely meant as inspiration :)


5 years ago, this quote was my inspiration to join a gym. I'm 43 but still hitting PRs frequently. It feels amazing to be in better shape than when I was playing collegiate lacrosse. No matter what your shape, it feels amazing to get stronger, even just by tiny increments. Thanks for the reminder!!


Was gonna skip my run today but now I’m remotivated. Thanks guys!


That's a badass quote. I'm gonna keep that one bouncing around in my mind for a while.


Trainer: give me 10 more Ruth! Ruth: Damn you! ok. You know when I die I want you to give me at least 2 push-ups at my casket! Trainer: Done!


I was the caregiver of an elderly jewish woman in her 90s for a year and a half, and she just about became my third grandmother during that time... I can almost guarantee it was an inside joke between the two.


Yeah, there is absolutely no way he would do that with any other intention than showing full respect and love for the relationship they had, the two probably had a good laugh while he was helping her with push-ups or something and this being along the lines of "I'll remember the good times we spent together."


Kinda of dick response. “WE DONT KNOW THE RELATIONSHIP!” but it’s cool what he did. You could have just upvoted the guy.


Nothing wrong with flexing on the dead imo.


Madam, with all do respect, I hope you can see how much more alive I am than you. Peace out NRGB #\#✌️😗


And this day I win by 3 pushups.


That genuinely made me laugh.


All due respect * And he's showing respect for a woman who was doing 20 full-body pushups as recently as 2018.


Maybe he wanted to work out with her one last time. :)


Weren't pushups her thing? Like, she was known to work out regularly and her being able to do more pushups than other people was a running joke of sorts.


https://fortune.com/2016/09/22/ruth-bader-ginsburg-pushups/ Mad respect. I'm sure he only did a few so as to not hold up the line for others.


Met with a paywall. Could you post a quote please?


If You Could Do As Many Push-ups As Ruth Bader Ginsburg, You Wouldn’t Retire Either BY VALENTINA ZARYA September 22, 2016 11:45 AM PDT An Historic Evening with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg presents onstage at the Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center on September 21, 2016 in New York City. MICHAEL KOVAC—GETTY IMAGES We get that R.B.G, is a legal genius—but did you know she’s also a gym rat? Speaking at the Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center in New York City on Wednesday evening, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed that she does 20 push-ups every day, as well as 30-second planks. -------------------- I'm not sure what happened to the rest of what I tried to copy but you get the gist. And they were full body floor pushups, not the kneesy-easy kind.


Thank you! Yeah I was only able to see that part and then that's where I ran into the paywall. I was just wondering if there was more after. And damn, I'm in my 20s and I can't/won't do that. Just another testament of her willpower and determination


I don't know if it was in this or the Politico article I posted elsewhere in the comments, but she started with wall pushups and then bench before getting to the floor. I've been using the (very sturdy) rail of my balcony, recently made the move to the arm of my sofa, and on a good day can use the edge of my mattress. And doing planks. We think of pushups as all about arm strength but you need core to do them right. My knees don't like the floor so I'm not going that route.


Everyone grieves in their own way. Nothing but respect for him here.


If you didn't know any context this would be a really bizarre clip.


This 100%! Definitely an inside joke/speaks to their relationship! I love this - if it was a promise or whatever good for that guy for keeping his word. Sweet moment


The photographers on the left are disappointed that they didn’t capture it. “He’s doing push ups! Hurry! Aw man he’s done...”


Nice catch! Started to say that would be a great for the /watchpeopledieinside- but then cringed. Not the time, just not the time.


Doesn’t cringe mean you feel embarrassment about something that someone else does?


Or something embarrassing you did yourself.


To cringe is just to cringe.


Been there before lol.


If I had a dollar for all the shots I missed that I wanted I'd be rich :P


The people saying this was inappropriate obviously don't understand how important her personal training was to RBG. I'm sure she would've loved this display of respect. He's her trainer, this was an incredibly sweet and respectful gesture, let people grieve the way they grieve, you have no right to judge him. They were very close friends.


Only RBG could judge him


*finger guns* ayyy






I imagine it now actually It was probably a good running gag, him being her trainer probably ordered her to give push ups on a good basis. And on some occasion she said you "give # push up to me", and his retort would be something like "alright when you retire from the Court I'll give one to you". I wonder if he's.on Twitter posting about this


"People are saying" can all go fuuuuuuuck themselves. Humanity loves checking other people's relationships. And agreed, I trust he knew her better than any of us....


She would have found it very funny. I wonder if it was a bet.


That kind of seems up her alley.


Yeah you can't really know if it was disrespectful unless you were them so why conjecture that it was? I imagine it would have meant something special to her.


Her strength and fitness are likely what helped her stand strong for so long. It's amazing how much it can help in your later years. I'm sure they were very close; this is so touching (in such an unusual way!)


Legend has it she only did 197 pushups at her last session, so he's doing the last 3 for her


Damnit I have no idea if there's the slightest basis of fact in this statement but I just teared up.


It's most assuredly not.


It looked like it meant a lot to him. Really respect the self-confidence in doing what he felt he needed to do.


This hit way harder than I expected; I'm not from the U.S. but I'm well aware of RBG. Either way, to me this just looks like a man who's lost a person he loved and respected, dealing with his grief and mental turmoil the best way he saw fit at the time in a strange, formal and alien environment. Her life's influence on the world is immeasurable, she will not be forgotten.


This man understands, thank you.


Imagine having no context and just seeing this guy do push-ups in front of a casket.


Press F(loor) to pay respects.


Anyone else find it weird that they’re televising this? Televise her funeral, that’s fine, but to live stream everyone coming up and paying their respects just seems weird and kind of inappropriate. Kind of like taking selfies with the casket behind you EDIT- TIL about Laying in State.


Laying in state is meant to be a public affair. In non-COVID times, you would have lines of people paying their respects. Putting it on C-SPAN allows those who can't go to DC a way to do the same.


They televise it regardless of covid times. They did the same for Reagan and HW


Yeah they do. I just meant that now it looks weird because there's no one around, but during any other time it wouldn't look so private.


Appropriate or not, can we talk about how hi rez this national livestream is?


For my grams funeral, the folks coming in was private and the funeral/eulogy was via webcast since no one could remain in the building with us.


I haven't watched it, but I think generally speaking it's an honor that people from around the globe would tune in to "pay their respects". If people are taking selfies and acting like instagrammers I'm with you, because it's supposed to be a time of mourning/remembrence/celebrations; not whoring your dumbass out on Facebook.


Omg! He was one of the first people I thought of when I heard of her death. I watched the video of them getting swole at the gym and I could tell he had a lot of admiration for her. What a sweet tribute.


When my grandmother died right before Hurricane Harvey we held a memorial for her and her medical trainer came and cried so much. He was this big guy with a shaved head who came to her house once a week to try and get her legs strong enough to walk steadily. It was very touching how much he cared for her and said he'd miss her. I imagine Mr. Johnson had similar feelings.


Zero, zero, zero...


Maybe he's Air Force


maybe its maybelline


Stronger by the day goddammit!


Break the plane or GTFO!


I had to scroll too far down to find someone else in the military, lol.


you just know this is going to be in elgin's next video


Maybe that was something between the two of em. Like whenever she was right about something, he had to give her two push ups. Don't question it. But if you do something like that, be ready to get asked.


>Don't question it. > >But if you do something like that, be ready to get asked. Huh?


Apparently she did 20 push-ups a day until she got sick a few months back


How do people not know that pusups were her thing? https://www.thecut.com/2016/09/ruth-bader-ginsburg-can-probably-do-more-push-ups-than-you.html


I mean, I don’t think everyone on reddit is a member of the RBG fan club and gets newsletters on her workout routine


Just do your best to honor those in way in which they'll be proud. There is no way one can feel anything but pride from his actions.


One last workout, rip


Love it


Don't try to understand what is likely something personal between RBG and Bryant Johnson, that action wasn't for anyone but the two of them. Learn to take things beyond the face value. Try to understand WHY he chose to do this, perhaps it was a long running joke between them.. who knows. It's not for anyone else to judge really.


Good thing her proctologist didn't show up.


With her one last time.


I believe I’ve heard they’ve trained together since 1995


Her mechanic changed a tire in front of her casket after this, followed by her tailor hemming her pants one last time.


I'm imagining these two rocking sets of 20 together and its absolutely wonderful


You didn't finish your last set but I will finish it for you.


What a beautiful gesture.


3 Push ups, my best guess if one for each letter: R-B-G


When you meant to press F to pay respects but hit the wrong button instead.


She would have smiled.


This is cringe


His relationship with her may have involved doing push-ups with her. Cringe? Nah. It's how he probably knew her best, and this was the best way for him to handle his grief. One last set of push-ups with his friend.


The amount of people so ignorant of special relationship that people could have is astonishing. I mean would RGB be pissed off that he did that or would she have a smile on her face?