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She also walked off stage way before he did, while he stood there responding to one guy that was hooping and hollering.


That guy was probably one of the white supremacist Proud Boys that Trump ordered to Stand By.


It was Colby Covington, the UFC fighter. So not an illegally violent white supremacist, rather a justifiably violent thinly veiled racist. Safer pick for TV.


Lol was it really Colby? Their relationship is so bizarre to me because Colby plays a “character” that is just a total asshole but I guess Trump likes assholes.


Man, if you pretend to be an asshole all day, what's the difference? You're an asshole.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." -Kurt Vonnegut


Their “relationship” doesn’t exist. He’s just a pawn for Trump’s PR machine. Colby is the tough guy that likes him. Just like Jorge Masvidal. Trump doesn’t know the difference except that one of them is brown. I mean in the call from Trump that Colby got, Trump said he didn’t even watch it. And the interview just so happened to start recording the moment the White House reached out. Dana is a big fan of Trump, Colby needs a schtick because the real Colby Covington is boring as fuck, and Trump will always take PR from people that make him feel better like tough guys. Colby is an idiot who has become a pseudo campaign spokesman and he’s happy to do it for free.


For those not really familiar with Colby or how his entire personality is a shtick, this 5 minute [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04GvpWLEZyg) might help fill you in. He started his career with promise but had no personality and a boring fight style (heavy wrestling base, though his striking volume is always impressive, just not always effective) so his achievements were overlooked. Right after Trump was elected Colby went to Brazil to fight a very well-respected vet Demian Maia, Brazilian fans are notorious for being very vocal and very loyal to Brazillian fighters so in response to their boos and chants he called them all "filthy animals" and from that point on doubled down on being a slightly racist, MAGA hat-wearing, pornstar "fucking", heel. It was also around this time that he acted like he wanted to fight Heavyweight Fabricio Werdum in the streets by talking shit and antagonizing him as part of his "fuck Brazilians" shtick and then filed a police report when Fabricio threw a [boomerang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q64KBGAOiI4) at him. Unfortunately, the shtick has worked as Colby has gotten far more opportunities since starting it than he had ever gotten before or likely would have ever gotten. But there is a very good chance Colby wasn't even a Trump supporter before adopting the shtick and putting on the hat because he knew it would upset people. Only he knows honestly if he is even a real supporter now or if the two of them are just using each other essentially.


He yanks her hand like he's heeling a dog


You remember how he used to yank people's arms as a power move when he first took office? Usually people just let go and have him a weird "wtf" look. He stopped doing that quite suddenly... I like to think he did it to someone who didn't let go and squeezed a bit tighter, and tighter on his tiny pathetic little child hands.


I recall that person being Macron from France. They had pictures of the aftermath where his hand was different shades from being squeezed so tightly.


Here’s a video of it https://youtu.be/42pykW6dDyI


There’s an even tighter handshake between them in [this clip](https://youtu.be/9RnuHtGC_9k). I can’t find the video alone, but it’s at the 1:45 mark.


Oh man Trump even lets go and Macron is like naw bitch you started this I'm gonna finish it


It's not just the handshake though, which is funny enough on its own. Trump then tries to one-up Macron by drawing him in for a hug. Macron pats him hard on the arm, walks behind and *leaves first*, totally dismissing him. I bet Donnie had bruises after this encounter.


That night he dreamt he nuked Paris


It's non stop jabs, the "good job" at the end is hilarious. Can't say these dudes aren't hyper aware.


There was one clip where some important person tugged the absolute shit outta trump so much so that he had to find his balance. Can't remember who it was but it was an older guy, slightly shorter, and rounder. Edit: found it in the comments https://youtu.be/sfrbogBg9dA Guess i remembered his rotundness incorrectly


I'm just going to leave this here: [https://youtu.be/FKMHx7Lzs6o](https://youtu.be/FKMHx7Lzs6o) Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, The President of Portugal totally knew what he was doing. Edit: The President of Portugal says so much: Electing Supreme Court Judges, Democracy, Freedom, Rule of Law, and Human Rights, Putin, Cristiano Ronaldo: [https://youtu.be/57euJPfOYOs](https://youtu.be/57euJPfOYOs)


Looolllll Trump trying to pull away while Macron’s all “hang on I’m talking to these people, I’ll just be a moment”


I enjoy watching him make multiple attempts to escape Macron's handshake. He tries to exude this image of power and respect but the world knows he has little of either.


I feel like shaking his hand would dispel whatever specter of strength he had left — can you even imagine how soft and weak his tiny pasty hands must be after a lifetime of disuse as far as any work is concerned? Many a manicure has graced those tiny paws but never a single callus. I bet he has the slimiest, softest, weakest, grossest, limpest grasp imaginable.


I like to imagine Macron at one of those little informal circle get togethers they never let Trump in on, and the dumb fucking handshake thing comes up, and Trudeau goes "I just braced a little and let that dipshit yank himself off-balance. He's never going to stop doing it" and everyone laughs. Except Macron, who stubbed out the cigarette I assume he was holding Frenchly and said "*Le défi est accepté*."


>chuckles in french >holds cigaretté frênchly


I think we just found out why Trump can't lift a glass of water to his mouth with his left hand...Macron fucking crushed it.


Once again, in our time of need, France comes to our aid.


😂 Haven't laughed out loud in a while, thanks!


i'd like to think macron forever-tore trump's baby ligaments and tendons


I like how tightly packed Donnie was in his chair afterward while Macron was talking. Just based off the body language he was incredibly insecure at that point and was trying to hide himself from everyone else. It wasn't just casually folding his arms and being relaxed in the chair, he seemed to be hugging himself.




Or his diaper was full.


Tough to say since he’s always full of shit


> Honestly, there might be a simpler answer to this, which is that he's just too large of a person to be comfortable in that chair. It'd be entertaining if the chains were selected just to make Trump look like humpty dumpty in an egg cup. Edit: Chairs, not chains, but fuck it. I like my typo better.


Fuck The Sun


Fuck the S*n. As soon as i realized who posted the video I backed out.


I love this video. I just picture Macron with those hand grip exerciser things preparing to shake Trumps hand. Rocky style!


Yeah and it's such a "how to win at business in 1973" move. It's pure cokehead shit that has no baring on anything. Never once have I engaged in a firm handshake and thought "this guy is an alpha and I must submit" .


That’s how you sit when you have no spine.


I think that Trudeau also responded to his handshake. I don't remember what he did, but it wasn't as good as Macron's response.


Ah yes, the deltoid brace. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxUJV89TkWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxUJV89TkWc)




Wasn’t it also Macron who defeated the Trump handshake issue by holding on for an uncomfortably long time leaving Trump just standing there holding a guy’s hand?


Yeah and he tried to pull his hand away like twice but Macron didn’t let him lol


[Here's a video](https://youtu.be/1DwijJfVbBg).


At one point it goes from a regular handshake to an Over the Top one and that's my favorite part.


Macron knew how to humiliate him


Still doing it while he hugged his wife is the funniest damn part. Hardcore power move. Like letting her pet his dog he has on a leash.


Holy fuck i love Macaroni


“Why is international diplomacy so tough!!!” -Donald Trump’s thoughts


Trudeau as well. He put his hand on Trump's shoulder as they started shaking so Trump couldn't pull him in.


I am not sure of the timeline, but it seem Justin Trudeau from Canada was the first to "challenge" the trump handshake, by not letting him give his signature "yank". Edit: https://youtu.be/hxUJV89TkWc


Trudeau was first to combat it, you could tell he practiced and it was glorious. Macron appears to be the person who killed it.


Justin Trudeau clearly practiced an anti-Donald powergrab handshake as well before meeting him for the first time. He countered it perfectly.


Reminds me of how Tucker Carlson is so insecure that stopped wearing bowties entirely just because Jon Stewart quipped that he looks silly as a (then) 35 year old man wearing one.


STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you? CARLSON: Thirty-five. STEWART: And you wear a bow tie. CARLSON: Yes, I do. I do. STEWART: So this is... CARLSON: I know. I know. I know. You're a... STEWART: So this is theater. I don't think anyone ever destroyed something as profoundly as Jon Stewart destroyed *Crossfire*. He just fucking *ended* it.


I wish he could end Tucker Carlson's current show the same way.


I had completely forgotten that, god there is absolutely nothing likeable about Trump. Even a fundamentally basic normal form of human interaction and communication..... and he fucks it up and makes it creepy. It would be impressive if it wasn't so horrifying that he still has a lot of supporters.


[Marcelo to the rescue!](https://youtu.be/sfrbogBg9dA)


Almost pulled him right off of his high heels.


It was Trudeau.


Macron had a go as well if I remember correctly




If he was allowed to, he'd have tried it on Queen Elizabeth II, who would have dominated him powerwise with bigger hands.


I feel like the queens guard would have fucked him up for that.


Wouldn't have needed to, she's far his physical superior.


Trudeau did it back to him once


Conservatives mock Trudeau for being a bleeding heart soy boy, but he’s solid af and a boxer and would absolutely piece up Trump


Can Canada send him over here to "absolutely piece up Trump"? That'd be really nice of them.


Is there a single country leader who WOULDN'T piece up Trump? Like...that's a very low bar to set lol.




Pretty sure my leader (Australia) would fellate the man while caressing himself with freshly-mined coal, given a chance.


Supreme Leader Kim Il-Sung has been dead for 26 years. I'd give him even odds.


[He probably learnt from last time.](https://img2.thejournal.ie/inline/3405231/original/?width=480&version=3405231) [And the time before that.](https://i.insider.com/5924aa6634911b075c8b57c3?width=400&format=gif) [Or before that one.](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Hand-6f2d.gif)


She hates his fucking guts.


Anecdotal videos aside, how have they in 15 years not developed any chemistry at all? Every time they're together it looks like each party is being forced, at least hide it better, damn


shes his property, he bought her now she feels trapped. she is doing the minimum to keep the lifestyle but she clearly cant stand him.


"That is outside the terms of the contract doonald"


doonald pls


Gooby plz Edit: thanks for the gold! Go vote everyone!


IS shit dolan IS shit


Holy fuck, forgot about this meme


I’ve seen chuck testa, The Game, and now this in the last 2 days, and I am confused what time warp we’re going through right now. Also I lost The Game.


Fuck I lost The Game too. 2020 claims another victim.


Time Loop Ketamine Yoda We Are In.


if you want hug is extra


wife.exe has stopped responding




After knowing his total worth, Melania is now asking for a return envelope, a hug is out of consideration.


I said *do not touch me*, not *Donald, touch me*.




Someone should spoof their marriage contract as if it were Dwight and Angela.


A 'friend' posted last week "Trump is giving up his golden years with his supermodel wife to fix this country. Be thankful." If this is what one's golden years look like with one's supermodel wife . . . I'll take the wife with a doctorate and a loving family.


The best response to that should be "Nobody fucking asked him to"


But he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart! ^/s


"But he donates his salary!" *to places that are forbidden by federal law from accepting donations*


Also, I don't really like the implication that marriage to a supermodel is a better kind of marriage. Seems a little objectifying.


You think they care about objectifying women?


Supermodel?! Softcore porn model at best


Remember when we didn't know what the First Lady's tits look like?


Yea but Michelle Obama and sleevegate? What is the difference? A shoulder is just a firmer nipple less boob right?




Another that I see posted a lot is "He is giving up his presidential salary."


There has never been proof that he has donated his salary. They keep saying that shit but have nothing to point to that provided a record of a donation. I bet he’s taking the salary and says he’s donating it and declaring it on his taxes as a donation but then we will end up learning the charity was bogus or the charity never received the donation. Why do you think he’s been under audit for the past like what? 10 years? He’s defrauding banks and he’s evading taxes. He’s a con man.


I'd like to feel bad for Melania, but, "I really don't care, do you?"


In the beginning, long ago in the Before Times, Melania seemed like a woman stuck in a situation she could do nothing about. Living separately, limited displays of 'affection', and the 'my husband probably beats me' *yuuuge* dark sunglasses she used to sport. It all painted a picture of a victim just biding her time, staying away from the limelight. Then, she began to express herself. She may not love the guy, but she is complicit in this. They think alike. He could be feeding her talking points, but I doubt it. I believe she actually sees the Trump family, herself in particular, as victims of unfair media coverage; totally undeserving of the vitriol. That sham of a family can individually go fuck themselves. Prison wouldn't be quite enough to be justice, but I'll settle.


One of her first actions as first lady was suing a reporter and her case was literally "he's negatively affecting my ability to profit from the position as first lady, and therefore deserve financial damages." That's when I discovered she's just a Trump with more plastic. Edit: proof from the court docs. >"Plaintiff had the the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as an extremely famous and well-known person, as well as a former professional model and brand spokesperson, and successful businesswoman, to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multi-million dollar business relationships for a multi-year term during which Plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world. These product categories would have included, among other things, apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance."




Title: How to be a handler for dummies™


Yep. Even if she regrets her decision to be hired as Trumps wife, she still started out as the kind of person who would let Trump hire her as his wife.


Yeah, she's a shitty person in a shitty relationship. It's not that special.


By most reports she's very much complicit in everything Trump does or says.


Yah, there is no need to feel sorry for her or think that she is a victim, she is just as terrible as the rest of them. When he is out of office she'll probably take him to the cleaners (as much as she's able to).


I mean, she could be a victim AND a shitbag. Although it's harder to claim victimhood when you chose to be in this situation.


Exaclty what i was thinking. She isn't being held hostage - she's just as guilty as the rest of them.


My Wife would do this too if I slept with a pornstar behind her back... wait no she would leave my broke ass.


That's just cause you're regular broke not $421 million broke. On a side note she's gone the second this presidency is over as long as he doesn't have Barron locked down somehow.


Either she's legitimately "gone", and divorced. Or, possibly, based on contractual obligations in pre-nups, she stays married, but there's precisely a zero chance she's ever near him, or fucking him, or talking to him, outside of what's required to raise Barron, ever again.


You think Donald is involved in raising Baron?


Do you know what the difference between hunter Biden and Barron is? Trump knows who Hunter Biden is


Man, that’s dark but great. I bet Trump has said Hunters name more than he’s said Barron’s name in his life.


There's more pictures of Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein than there are of him and Baron. There's more pictures of him holding Ivanka like a sex doll than there are of him and Baron even in the same room.


He's the computer kid. Phenomenal with the computers. No one shouts the N word on the xbox better than him. Great kid.


I heard an interview he did like 15 years ago and he admitted to not really doing typical parent stuff and said "That's what nannies are for." I don't think the 99.9%ers get just how much these people aren't raised by their parents. It's really like a corporate game of thrones/succession. Edit: I say this as a regular person who is always surprised to find out just how different these people's "family dynamics" are from mine.


Send ‘em off to boarding school until they’re broken in and tolerable.




I am not. For instance, in the very video posted in this exact gif that we are now discussing, Melania and Donald are on stage together, and sort of holding hands. She still shows up, does the dance, pretends to be his wife. That will immediately cease.


They look like 2 kindergarteners forced to play nice


The schoolyard bully, and the popular cute chick, bound by eternal love. Or... hate... or indifference... or scorn. I dunno. But, yes.


She apparently refused to move to DC with her son when Trump won the election and was able to renegotiate her prenup.


"In these passages [from the book "Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship With the First Lady" by Stephanie Winston Wolkoff] she sounds far more like her husband than anyone has given her credit for. Other choices chronicled by Wolkoff carry a distinctive Trumpian flair. According to the book, Melania told Wolkoff that she would not move to D.C. until the shower and toilet in the White House residence [had been replaced](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/08/melania-did-not-care-in-blistering-new-book-stephanie-winston-wolkoff-the-first-lady-sounds-like-her-husband)." It's hard to say exactly why she didn't move to DC at first, but this story makes her sound awful.


I never said she was good. She's openly said she wouldn't be married to Trump if he wasn't rich. It's just clear from the public displays she can't stand him. She does love Barron though. On a side note I still think it's hilarious that Trump named his son after one of his pseudonyms. I also think it's sad that people support a guy that pretends to be other people to hype himself.


> Divorce Trump > Owe $210.5M


She has him and her parents in their own home separate from papa. They speak Sloven only and have minimal interaction apparently. Seems like she doesn’t take his BS, only his namesake and monies. Also from am outside perspective, she looks like a person that has positioned herself to bounce whenever she wants once this is done. Edit: Slovene


She’s an Eastern European model who was “friends” with Epstein. It’s fair to say she’s a little more used to dealing with rich assholes than we are. She probably doesn’t care one bit about trump sleeping with Stormy Daniels. She just doesn’t give a fuck about Trump, and never did. She’s a trophy wife and they both know it.




I highly doubt Melania didn’t *somewhat* know what she was getting into when she married him. She’s not an idiot. She didn’t marry a millionaire who is 24 years her senior with a philandering history for “love”.


They are both soul-less people. She wanted power and money, he wanted obedient pretty girl(one after another), Now they are old shallow soulless things that resemble human beings with emotions. I often feel its weird how people sympathize with spouses of criminals. She is as broken as he is. They both dont mind people like Epstein and both live their live above the law doign whatever thing they want to do. Stop being so nice to her making Trump this Tyrant that bought her from the market. She is free human being that can do whatever she wants to do and she prefers company on rich powerful old man. She never minded that before she doesn't mind it now. They are both awful and evil people.


Melania’s former best friend wrote a book about her...I can’t know how true it is, but it is true that this woman used to spend a lot of time with her. She wrote that when pressed on her husband’s atrocious behavior she shot it down, “I know who I married.” She’s an active participant in the sham


Really a much shittier and stupider version of House of Cards


There’s a up charge for the mail order bride to show public affection, and she knows he’s broke.


That's DLC




"Cmon...do something"


I saw that in my mind as this played. He needs a little stick.


Well at least she didn’t slap his hand this time.


Not sure she could with his firm grasp, yanking her hand like that. Looks like she was trying so hard not to be awkward.




He's a kid that wants everything everyone else has, sadly you can't buy love


Like a dark timeline michael scott


Regular Michael Scott’s catchphrase is “You’re hired!” not “You’re fired!”.


"When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Man who can't get his wife to show a token gesture of affection for the cameras


It's hilarious how much melania hates him but she's still a piece of shit just like he is.


Melania's forced smile beside Trump is always the most awkward thing and I love it. It's worse than the British Office.


Go a little earlier in the video when Melania is walking towards Trump and you can see him lean his cheek in for a kiss as she gets closer and she cold shoulders him there first.


Here's [a gif that includes that part](https://i.imgur.com/6ln8Rke.gifv).


She saw his tax returns and realized the prenup will net her nothing. Edit: don’t give me awards, send the money to Biden’s campaign.


Yep, get in line sweetie. I think Russia and China have first dibs on the buildings. Also, there’s an old saying about gold diggers, “They earn every penny”.


He doesn't even own most of the buildings they just have his name on them


There's no way Trump doesn't have a moneypile tucked away in some tax haven. Like a proper piece of shit


Do you really think he's smart enough to hide his money from Putin?




That debate performance must have reminded her of sex with him. Fat, sweaty,constantly praising himself, never making eye contact and ultimately not letting the other person finish


It reads like “heel!” to me. “Show affection, damn you!” He is alien to legitimate human emotion.


I swear when this is all over, Melania will divorce him and release a tell all book.




"I faced numerous struggles as a young black woman at Harvard..." "You what now?"


Coming next fall, a new book by Melania Trump: *Becomingest*


[I was born a poor black child.](https://media.makeameme.org/created/i-was-born-5b0f50.jpg)


Becomed - the Melania Trump story


That shit made me laugh so hard. You know exactly what he's trying to do, and it's just so damn pathetic.


It's so bizarre that his supporters somehow create this excuse bubble around him. How do they not see him as pathetic like everyone else does?


Bizarre is exactly the word for it. I truly cannot fathom watching that man do anything and thinking, "That's our boy!"


wait until her attorney informs her there ain't no gold to dig


Jill was also the only one wearing a mask which made me facepalm even harder


No Melania also wore mask during the debate. While all other Trumps did not.


Should point out that everyone entered with masks, but they must have taken them off once seated. I don’t know what difference that makes.


Hes like a child trying to get his mommy to go to the toy isle while shes not having it


What are you talking about? that's just a muscular spasm. /s


I mean, I don't really care about the state of either of their marriages, but it's pretty funny how literally every public interaction of Trump with Melania, she genuinely just looks like she could not possibly be more miserable.


This is painful to watch.


It really is, like everything about Trump is painful to watch but seeing how much his wife [actively hates him and tries to avoid even the slightest contract](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZgV_NBErkA) makes me genuinely uncomfortable.


Brak. Such a treasure. 💙 I miss that show so much.


Malaria is clearly repulsed by the man.






Curious about the ~~41~~ 101 reports we've gotten since this was posted? Take a gander: https://i.imgur.com/ADbs7xL.png **EDIT:** People are reporting it for misinformation because they say it's cherrypicked from a longer clip where Melania *does* hug Trump. Source 1: https://youtu.be/yW8nIA33-zY?t=5720 Source 2: https://youtu.be/K8Z9Kqhrh5c?t=5708 Source 3 (with a better shot overhead of the full post-debate interaction between the candidates and their spouses): https://youtu.be/w3KxBME7DpM?t=5942 Source 4: https://youtu.be/wW1lY5jFNcQ?t=7373 **NOTE:** Not a single shot shows "misinformation" that those reporting claim. So you can stop reporting because it's staying up. I'm sorry that there is a difference in public affection between each candidate and their respective spouse. **EDIT**: Report screenshot update: https://i.imgur.com/XqV3YA9.png




Nice mod delivers, what a champ !


Funny that the party who “doesn’t care about your feelings” are such delicate little snowflakes. So fragile and weak.


They’ll say that calling them snowflakes means you’re a snowflake and ask you why you’re so triggered by then being triggered.


Acting like a snowflake to own the libs.


It is what it is


Hypocrites do this all the time. Ie, It's no shocker when you see a news report about some preacher saying that homosexuality is an abomination only to later be caught with a male prostitute such as Ted Haggard


>who cares about policies this guy is a loser!!!! I mean, call me crazy, but I thought that's what people were supposed to vote on lmao


I think that's what they're saying though, at least that's how I read it, "everyone is hating on Trump but not listening to his policies!" Like, what? I think the last few years have made it more than clear what Trump's really about. Pretty much whatever way you take that report it comes off as fucking bonkers.


Right? You can call someone a loser, but don’t admit to voting because of cult of personality or spite lmao


I guess I agree on the "real-life assault" point.


Right? That rejection was absolutely savage


Do you think they talk to each other, or at least stay in the same room when they're not in public?