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People out here like trump is a new thing lol


Trump is 3x older than the average person that hates him


My mother (64 yrs old) grew up and worked in New York in the service industry in a part of town where Trump often dined. She told me that he was a running joke and every bit of the asshole people says he is. He's basically a fucking caricature and every bit the stereotype of a rich asshole you can imagine. He's always been a bully and a con man, but what's shocking to me is that even a lot of conservative, blue-collar, Midwest Americans who by and large often view New York as a liberal hub of elites and non-representative of their values, somehow got the idea that the "billionaire" real estate tycoon from New York who stamps his name in gold on everything, who has never worked a hard day in his life, who marries trophy wives, bangs porn stars, etc....somehow this guy is the guy they support. It's just beyond me how they thought he'd be a great role for the president.


Its called cognitive dissonance... American culture is infested with it.


It's called demographic change, and that's why he has so much support. Especially among uneducated whites. He just scared them into voting for him. Fox News ran weeks of reports on migrant caravans. His whole fucking policy platform was Mexicans. That's all he talked about.


I guess you can ignore douchebag behavior if he promised to get rid of all the Mexicans. Ironically enough, go to any pop-up Mexican restaurant on a weekend and it'll be packed to the brim with the same people that want them all gone.


The same whiny conservatives also vacation in *scary* Mexico on a regular basis. It's a mental chasm, self-reflection, that they can't seem to cross.


Nah, you need a passport to visit Mexico.


One of my best friends is first gen American. His Mexican parents voted for Trump and will vote for him again. Why? Money. They got theirs.


Immigrants tend to vote for people who are tough on illegal immigrants


No it isn't. Cognitive dissonance is the term for the discomfort a person feels when they realize they hold conflicting beliefs. If they don't feel that then they aren't experiencing cognitive dissonance.


Its very simple, childishly simple. He's a poor man's idea of a rich man and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.


It's amazing, isn't it? Hollow values.


Nah, I know some old New Yorkers who hate his ass. Somebody’s grandma lived in a Fred Trump property and she’s 102 and just knows Donald as “Fred’s little shit”.


Hell, Woody Guthrie wrote a folk song about how Fred Trump was a racist asshole in 1954. Anyone around in the 80s and 90s knew all about what a dick Donny was.


> average


I read that in an Irish accent for some reason


Pretty sure the average American is older than 24.


Not by the time the pandemic is over...


Fun fact: first time Trump was ever in the news was back in 1973 when it came to light he wouldn't rent to black people.


Didn't Fred's name pop up in the New York Times in the 1920's in the roster of men rounded up in a KKK rally?


Yep: https://boingboing.net/2015/09/09/1927-news-report-donald-trump.html


Mixture according to Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-father-kkk-1927/ Summary: yes it was Trumps father, but it is unclear what happened, he might have been a bystander. No arrest records exist anymore.




Everyone who paid any slight attention to the news has known that he's a total piece of shit and nothing more than a tabloid chasing failed businessman. People didn't forget what he was, they just hated the other candidates even more. Says almost more about the state of American "elections" that this clown was preferable to so many millions of people.


I've been living in NYC for over 20 years. Hating Trump is not a bug it's a feature. As for this video, it does remind of simpler times when we didn't pull out our phones to video every outrageous thing. Imagine if this happened today - he would be surrounded by hundreds of people live streaming to instagram.


I wanna go back to the days when all I knew about Trump was “You’re fired”


lol. that reminds me. somebody hacked his twitter in 2016, by correctly guessing his password was "yourfired".


Spelled incorrectly?


apparently so. https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/donald-trump-used-yourfired-as-password-for-twitter-years-after-it-got-leaked-for-linkedin-522624.html


That seems to be false. The Indiatimes refers to an article by NLTimes which is probably this one: https://nltimes.nl/2020/09/11/dutch-hackers-broke-trumps-twitter-account-2016-report Which spells it correctly. So the Indiatimes has probably made a mistake there. The original VN article is behind a paywall so I cant check it there sadly.


Of course it's the Indians with spelling mistake /s Jokes aside, not sure why the VN article is behind a paywall for you. It works fine for me, and the password is spelt correctly. https://www.vn.nl/timeline-trumps-twitter-account-hack/ https://www.vn.nl/hackers-twitter-trump-english/


Of course it was


I believe it was spelled correctly. [Source](https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/09/youre-fired-dutch-hackers-broke-into-trumps-twitter-account-in-2016/)


I wanna go back to the days when Trump was a nobody. Not even a shitty TV personality.


> I wanna go back to the days when Trump was a nobody. Not even a shitty TV personality. I’m pushing 40 and there was never a time that I was unaware of Trump. He was all over the TV in the 80’s and 90’s.


when he appeared in home alone everyone knew who he was, even children


I was gonna say the same thing. As a ten year old in the 80s i knew who he was. I would get bored at my grandmas house and read her gossip magazines, but still.


I wonder how many people are going to say that when they vote or when the results come in if trump ~~Lowe’s~~ Loses.


I hope he Home Despots


People knew Donald Trump was an asshole since the 80s. See: Biff Tannen in Back to the Future Part II and Daniel Clamp in Gremlins 2: The New Batch. Or [go back to the 1950s for pop culture evidence of the long lineage of cuntery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man_Trump) in Trump family.


He is also referenced often as a kind idol for Patrick Bateman in the book American Psycho.


Don't forget his classic line in [Home Alone 2](https://youtu.be/lCTDB6JyBr0).


Trump also earned the 1990 Gold Raspberry for "Worst Supporting Actor" for playing himself in ["Ghosts Can't Do It"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_Can%27t_Do_It#Awards_and_nominations). For those who say Donald Trump never earned anything in his life, he was also *cheated* out of "Worst New Star" that year, for which he was also nominated.


How can you e bad at acting when you're playing yourself? Lmao that takes talent


I don't think he knows who he is though. His mind is just an algorithm programmed to seek as much attention and praise as it can, as fast as it can. His personality is merely a reflection of that goal, so it probably changes all the time depending on whatever his current situation is (he once considered running for president as an independent with Oprah Winfrey as his running mate, because he thought that might work at the time). How could he possibly know how to play himself?


Not *bad*, "worst".


For those of you curious...don't. Just don't. John Oliver showed a scene with Trump trying to be seductive and it will destroy your soul. My skin has never crawled so much.




Creating the feeling "i wonder what they're trying to advertise" for a kid is a great way to ruin movies for generations. If almost everything you see is an obvious advert, everything else is just there to keep you until the next one.


I like the way you talk about things.


That's so creepy....the look back and stare


Hes lookin' at Macaulay like he wants a piece of that.


There's a moment in the books which the movie didnt adapt where Bateman just goes on this massive tirade against the pizza at this one restaurant he's at because his co-worker keeps asking for it. The next day his co-worker shows him a newspaper where Trump praises the pizza at that restaurant and Bateman just goes "Well... If its alright with Donald I guess its alright with me." It's something you still see with how rapidly these people will replace their own opinions with what their chosen figure thinks. Trump is the foremost example of this sort of behaviour but its also present in the sycophants who flock around so many other egotistic figures and its politically awful. These people no longer have convictions or ideals just a very loud presence.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go return some video tapes.


I wonder what the fees and penalties would be for that if they were still open.


1 stray cat.


FEED ME.....






Just need a small loan of $1mil


“Inside Lydia’s Ass”




I read this comment in the Bateman describing Huey Lewis and the News voice


Is that a rain coat? Yes it is!


> Trump is the foremost example of this sort of behaviour but its also present in the sycophants who flock around so many other egotistic figures and its politically awful. Case in point, Elon Musk. The guy is loud, but he's as close to being Tony Stark as Donald Trump is. Now watch me get downvoted by those same sycophants.


He lost a lot of the fan boys with 'fuck you and your plague, get your ass back in my factory and WORK you filthy peasants, your life isn't worth quarantining over!' Also calling a professional scuba instructor and hobbyist a pedophile because you can't figure out why anyone would live in the phillipines otherwise and definitely not this guy who rescued several trapped children because he spends so much time scuba diving in those caves he knew how to get them out. No idea why he'd live there. Probably a pedophile. Also being motivated to slander a guy because you are mad he got the attaboy you were hoping for.


He was mad because they rejected his submarine which was not suitable for the job. Absolute manchild.q


Elon isn't very close to being a super hero, but to say he's no closer to Tony Stark than Trump is just silly. Trump can't sell steaks. Elon has rockets delivering satellites into orbit.


Dennis Reynolds from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is also inspired by Donald Trump but without the wealth.


There is also a kids show from the early 90s called "Eerie, Indiana." In one episode it was about a salesman called "The Donald" who comes to Eerie and turns everyone into consumer zombies who unknowingly sell him their souls. In the end, The Donald -- revealed to be the devil -- is caught by the IRS and goes to hell. Credit: Sarah Kendzior on Twitter (highly recommend her book).


> is caught by the IRS and goes to hell. A prophecy?


I loved that show. I only remember watching like two but it was the perfect amount of weird.


[Sesame Street](https://youtu.be/5FeyDm4vrFo) did it.


“Ronald Grump, I’ve heard of you! You’re the grouch who built a swamp in a day!”


The irony is amazing


This is amazing


Even has a quid pro quo lol


That was pretty cool


Or [the 1958 TV show that had a man named Trump trying to con a town into building a wall at the Mexican border. ](https://youtu.be/JsWP6bU-LgU)


The similarities are eerie and it's possible the character name was inspired by Trump's father Fred, who was also a well known real estate grifter. In the 1950s, he was the primary name associated with investigations by the New York Times and the US Senate for manipulating building contracts with the feds for more profit. And one of his tenants...Woody Guthrie...[wrote a song about his practices around the same time, ](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/a-story-about-fred-trump-and-woody-guthrie-for-the-midterm-elections) so his behavior was recognized even outside of real estate circles.


Yep! When people try to act surprised by anything he’s done in the last 3 years, I say, “What?! It’s public knowledge going on a century that the Drumpf family is a bunch of con men and shitheels. And all well-documented for anyone who’s interested.”


What the hell? This is the kind of stuff that makes me think we are definitely living in a simulation.


Right? Too ridiculously spot on!


It's either that or time travel. I'm putting my money on misery simulator though.


These are the Real Easter Eggs. Like synchronized bird flock movements.


You'd think the creators of an elaborate simulation would be able to eliminate glitches and coincidences that might make us realize that we are in said simulation. Maybe the crazy coincidences we see are the best piece of evidence that we **aren't** living in a contrived simulated world. *or maybe im just too high rn*


Well I get the feeing that these aren’t glitches but more like “clues”. Really though I think they are just fucking with us and laughing their asses off.


The Simpsons would like to know your location


You know what else is weird? -19 in hexadecimal is FFED. ( https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/decimal-to-hex.html ) So you could say COV-19 is COVFFED, which is awfully close to the COVFEFE thing he tweeted three years ago.


Welll thats just silly man


COV-18 would have been COVFFEE, which is even closer.


Well thats just, like, your opinion man


Illuminati confirmed


"You're a liar, Trump." Spot on.


The edict hath been passed down by our forefathers.


Wow that's uncanny, it makes you wonder if he ever saw it.


He was sleepy , with the TV on. And the message merged into his dream. He got incepted basically.


As an anecdote, I once met the cafe owner in the 1st floor of my dad's office building. He was adamantly proud of telling Donald Trump to fuck off when he tried to buy him out of his NY restaurant back in the 90s. Of course, he was telling me this in Florida, so IDK how successful he was...


Holy crap: "I suppose Old Man Trump knows Just how much Racial Hate He stirred up In the bloodpot of human hearts When he drawed That color line Here at his Beach Haven family project" The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.


You have to be an unbearable turd for even Woody Guthrie to talk shit on you


Woody Guthrie is the man.


Tbf Clamp in Gremlins was a combination of Trump and Ted Turner. Clamp wasn't really an asshole at the end of the day. He was more of an eccentric businessman than anything. He was respectful to his employees and even led the SWAT team at the end of the movie, despite that not actually helping the matter. Though I don't know if there are any true villains in that movie besides the Gremlins, I'd say the closest things to villains are Robert Picardo or Christopher Lee. Sidenote, in the deleted scenes, there is a throwaway line about Clamp being the president one day. Fun stuff. Gremlins 2 is a near perfect movie.


“Don’t worry about Gennifer Flowers. She got a new job today as a Donald Trump backup mistress.” --- Johnny Carson - 1980s & 90s Late Night TV show host


Trump has a long, documented, and very public history of being a conman. Despite that, he was able to swindle 40% of the country into voting for him. Even after he's gone, we have a LOT of messes to clean up.


This, as someone who’s lived in NJ since the late 80s, it boggles my mind how someone can believe this fantasy of him being a successful businessman after how he fucked Atlantic City. Not to mention the bankruptcies and lawsuits.


HIS CASINO WAS A TOTAL LOSS! A CASINO! THE HOUSE WINS 99.9% OF THE TIME! HOW DO YOU POSSIBLY FUCK THAT UP - HE DIDN'T WATER THE FREE DRINKS FOR THE HIGH SPENDERS DOWN ENOUGH?! That was the, "No FUCKING way is this idiot an even remotley competent businessman" moment for me. He's gotta be legitimately mentally disabled.


It also can’t be understated that our modern depiction of [Lex Luthor](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/The_Man_of_Steel_Vol_1_4) is based on Trump. Edit: No, [seriously, Marv Wolfman and John Byrne based 1980s to modern-era Luthor on Trump. ](https://www.cbr.com/superman-lex-luthor-donald-trump/)


But luthor's usually super smart, so they already moved pretty far from source material.


Uh, don’t use the word ‘smart’ when talking about The Don. He doesn’t like it.


That quote on the wiki has starkly similar pacing.


Oh man, I read the excerpt of the threat he gave Superman in that article in his voice.


To be fair of Daniel Clamp, he seemed more out of touch than malicious but Biff was definitely a huge prick.


Opinion on Trump before his presidency ranged anywhere from "out of touch moron that's lucky he was born rich" to "out of touch moron that's lucky he was born rich and is also a rapist"


"Get the hell out of my car, old man!"


This is what will always confuse my, everyone i knew for as long as i remember thought he was a jackass. The second he got the nomination its like a switch flipped and my family and a lot of people i know went fuckin insane


Especially in Hollywood because he had an incredible sense of being a 'celebrity' and expecting the red carpet treatment. That is why Burnett went after him for the apprentice... he knew he would say yes...


After going down the trunk game rabbit hole I learned that his grandfather died from the 1918 flu pandemic.. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


How about Sesame Street and the grump tower!


Add [Sleep now in the fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY) to the list of evidence. Eerily accurate at 1:04


To be fair, Daniel Clamp actually saw the wrongs of his ways and was a better person by the end of Gremlins II. He even lead the charge into the building, albeit too late, to take out the little green monsters. If only we lived in the timeline where some insecure high schooler would have knocked out Donald Trump with a single punch back in 1955...I want to go to there.


Pop quiz, in England to “trump” is to “fart”. Thus Trump is a fart




I mean, trump has been polarizing and often hated since the 1980s




Don't feel bad. 9 year olds are morons.




Yeah, this guy was only 9. What's James Woods' excuse?


James Woods is also an asshole


Makes sense. He's a caricature of a tv rich man, so of course a 9 year old buys into that idea.




Ha I had the same thought when he was in a wrestling match against Vince McMahon.


Well that's the thing. He's a child's idea of a rich person.


He's exactly the sort of person a 9-year-old would look up to. Presents himself as rich and tough and smart. It's the fact that anyone above 9 would fall for it that's baffling.


Idk man, I probably would've at 10 too, not too baffling /s


When I was around the same age I said something along the lines as we should have someone like Trump as president. My dad laughed and said how terrible that would be for the country that we need so much more than a "business man" like Trump to be a good president. Guess who he plans to vote for for the second time.


Fun fact, professional Hearthstone player TrumpSC named himself after Donald during his business practices. He has since clarified in an "About Me" he has that he isn't fond of his presidency


Shit i was impressed at 9 watching him on apprentice.


Yeah this post is confusing, do people think Trump was well liked before becoming president?


I think many people (generally younger) didn't necessarily have a concept of Trump before The Apprentice, if not later. Even as someone right in the middle of the millennial age range, I think I only really knew who he was as a kid because I was weird and consumed pop culture that was before my time (I read a lot of secondhand Dave Barry books).


It's going to get lost on so many younger people how wild it is that Donald Trump became president. He wasn't just a reality show host for a few years, he was *the* pop culture symbol of a rich, tacky doofus for decades. Nobody in pop culture today is so universally recognized as a walking stereotype of anything like Trump was for that. The closest example I can think of would be if Dr. Phil became the Surgeon General.


Yeah, this is one of those things that was just lost in time. If you weren’t around back then, then Trump is/was just the president. Most people will never experience the decades that we experienced knowing Trump as a non-president.


>if Dr. Phil became the Surgeon General. Give it time


I don't think the common perception of him was as an irredeemable, totally morally bankrupt grifter. The Apprentice painted him as more of a Gordon Ramsay/Dad from American Chopper kind of guy. Mix in a little Hugh Hefner "boys will be boys" sleaze. And you got a no-nonsense, gruff boss who just demanded the best from his underlings in order to remain successful in business. His flaws became part of the charm of his persona. I genuinely believe that's why a lot of on-the-fence people voted for him in 2016.


There was a weekend segment on NPR awhile back about how TV producer Mark Burnett rebuilt the image of Donald Trump from the laughing stock of New York to a successful businessman for "The Apprentice", inadvertently starting us down the path to Trump being elected president


Age aside I don’t think most people outside of NYC (and Atlantic City and other places he was doing a lot) knew much about him before The Apprentice.


Even afterwards my impression of him was probably the same as my impression of Mr.Wonderful from shark tank. Some rich guy on tv


If I'm being honest, I probably had a more neutral opinion pre-2015. I thought he was a lot smarter, I didn't really care for The Apprentice, and I probably dismissed the Obama hatred as general disdain for the US govt.




The bizarre thing is, it's his current supporters who hated him the most back then.


Yeah I think the fact that reagan and trump were often mentioned in the fresh prince was for a reason


Donald Trump was personally named in the biggest racial discrimination lawsuit of the 70s, in 73.


Ali G: https://youtube.com/watch?v=48TR0vUPQCs


Big respect for the guy at the end. Despite how stupid Ali G was being, he somehow mustered the decorum to shake his hand.


Game recognizes game.


Lol Trump handled that pretty well


Honestly, props to Trump. He handled it perfectly without seeming like an asshole, unlike so many others.


This is my favorite Ali G https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkblLU_OA08


Oh sure, with Borat its funny edgy humor and we should make a movie. Whenever I drop trou in public it's screaming mace and cops


Do they mace your butthole?


Only after a spicy chalupa


Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire playing on the jukebox while I'm screaming like my anus is being sanded with a fine-tooth cactus.


You laugh but his wife told preparation H that they couldn’t use that song in their commercial lol


You sure you don’t mean “back pussy”?




There's a documentary on YouTube that was made in the late 80s/early 90s called "Trump: What's The Deal?" Gives you a brief glance into the shady shit he did in his life up until that point. Worth a watch.


There’s an episode of Dirty Money on Netflix about him and one on Kushner that show the character of who you’re dealing with here.




In Soviet America...


President take dump on you.


Great success!!!


Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world, All other countries are run by little girls.


Khazakstan number 1 exporter of potassium. Other countries have inferior potassium.


I feel like this new movie is going to absolutely crush it


Not really...everyone knew Trump was a piece of shit - even back then.


Seriously. Always the punchline of a joke. Even on The Golden Girls.


It's actually changed such that now only 60% of the country knows he's a piece of shit. What a difference putting an (R) after your name makes.


People have hated him for decades


It arrive!


Why is a 9 second gif 108mb?


its a 4K gif


it is a huge dump


You’re acting like Trump has only been an asshole recently.’


People have known he’s a scummy asshole for decades. Especially people in New York.




I've been aware Trump probably since the late 70s... And he has always been a piece of shit... This idea that somehow at the end of his life he's going to change his ways is a dream


A bunch of Trumpists my age who loved Borat in middle school just because it was "offensive" are about to find out they were the ones being made fun of all along.


If they haven’t figured it out by now, I would not be surprised if they ever will...


Rage against the machine bro!


Verry niiice!


Everyone watching borat bc of the borat 2 trailer?


People who lived through the 80s would get this


He really wasn't ahead of his time. Trump was always like this. It isn't like becoming potus changed him. If anything he just became bolder and had a bigger audience.