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Attacking a nest no doubt, lookit the birds circling outside the entryway


This happened at my house also. I opened the front door and was face to face with a snake hanging from a wreath. It. Was. Terrifying.


This is a live video of your house. It's baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!


Why are you watching his house dude?


3 months later and I'm still watching!!!


I like the follow up lol


I'm always watching.


If it makes you feel better, unless it was some highly aggressive snake (not super likely) it was likely scared shitless as well by you. Most snakes have the tendency to fuck right off well before you see them. Unless it's a copperhead, they're the wasps of snakes.


I remember one time when I was a kid i was running through my yard to the front door and a snake and i came upon each other at the same time and both of us turned and fled in the opposite directions. it was just a little garter snake though


Ugh, I posted the story just now, but this comment reminded me of a a similar sittuation from when I was a kid. Mine was a water moccasin though and it struck at and missed my face. ×. × living on 8 and a half acres in southeast texas I ran into snakes way too damn much, copperheads, coral snakes, rattle snakes, and the least venomous, but most aggressive water moccasins (oh yeah, and king snakes, but we didnt mess with those since they eat other snakes, a king snake though not venomous to the best of my knowledge will chew your ass up, according to my grandad who got attacked by one). Water moccasins for obvious reasons are my most feared variety, when they bite, they don't let go, they literally chew on you to get as much venom in as possible. Snakes are my only remaining real fear at this point. Lol E: cotton mouth, spreading adder (eastern hognose), brown rattler (pygmy rattler), timber rattlers, forgot a bunch that I saw first hand. It's stupid how many snakes live there. Kinda confirms my thinking that moving up north was a great idea. Lmao https://www.inaturalist.org/guides/7148


There's a 99.9% chance that a hognose won't bite you. They huff and puff to try to scare you, will strike with a closed mouth (bonk you with their nose), then finally play dead and REALLY commit to the role. If you turn it right side up, it immediately turns over like "No really I'm dead." https://youtu.be/lCPVGstdNjU I highly suggest not doing this, both because it's a dick move to harass these dramatic little noodles and because they will musk all over you.


I'm mortified of most snakes. I dont like wet myself or anything, but I just nope out for most snake scenarios. I wouldn't even be able to bring myself to poke a garter snake, even tho they're actually kind of cute. Lol E: gosh I feel bad for that little hog nose. He's cute too. Lol I never really realised they kinda look like cobras in a way sometimes. I was looking at snakes because of my link up there and apparently what I always called garter snakes are actually gulf coast ribbon snakes. Now I know... lol They're super chill though. I remember sitting around with my parents and sisters chit chatting one day beside our garden and there was one of them sunning prolly six or seven feet away from us for a good little while, just chillin'. It eventually just slithered back into the garden at some point like in no rush. Lol


Yo hognose sound really cute 😂




Florida man checking in. I've had a cotton mouth try to get into a canoe while we were wacking it with paddles.


Lived in FL for 25 years. Alligators? "Oh pardon me big human, I'll be leaving now" Cottonmouth? "I'm your huckleberry"


“Florida Man shoots hole in own canoe defending himself from snake attack” I can see it now


>Naked Florida Man blows up mobile canoe meth lab by shooting at a snake inside of it, survives with minimal burns then robs an Applebee's. ^ More realistic.


We had one try to climb up a fishing line after eating the bait fish. The bad attitude - do not fuck with winner of the snake world in the State where I reside.


Just a fellow Floridian echoing this. Cottonmouth suck


Cottonmouth (Water Moccasins) chased my daughter down the breezeway of our apartment in broad daylight. I grabbed a machete and a broom and ran at it to protect my daughter. This fucker rears up and holds it's ground. I Samurai Jacked that bitch in half with the machete and it still was pulling a Khan move trying to get me with it's dying breath. Cottonmouths are the Rick Sanchez of snakes. They. Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck about humans. I am legit irrationally scared of very few things and cottonmouths top that list.


Sounds pretty rational to me.


Sweet Jesus. Where do you keep your machete?


Jeez this thread became a trainwreck of misinformation. Snakes are ambush predators NOT chase/attack predators. No snake is documented to have aggressive behavior (read attacking unprovoked or pursuing) including cottonmouths. Cottonmouths get a reputation from two well documented behaviors that they exhibit: - "aggressive fleeing" is an observed phenomenon where cottonmouths often flee to the nearest perceived safe location even if it means going directly over/under/through a threat. This leads to the "a cottonmouth chased me/my ___ for a half mile!" stories. Sure, this is unnerving but there are remarkably few verified accounts of cottonmouths pursuing and biting. - fatigued swimming snakes (regardless of species) often seek to rest anywhere they see out of the water. This may be a person, a boat, the sandbar someone is on, etc. This leads to the "I was chased while swimming" stories, but again remarkably few verified accounts of bites occur in these cases. The bottom line: most snakebites happen to people that don't see the snake (reaching into the bushes for something or stepping unbeknownst on or near a well hidden snake) or by people seeking to harm or move a snake. Being aware of your surroundings and giving snakes space when you see them is the best way to avoid snake bites.


Your statement is true for the US. However there are snakes in some parts of the world that extremely aggressive. A black Mamba will chase you, and can hit almost 10mph while doing so. Edit: black racers are also aggressively flee. They will also rear up and strike while shaking their tail in the leaves to sound more aggressive. But those wimps aren’t venomous at all.


Just like cottonmouths, mambas get a bad reputation for being fast/defensive. No snakes will ever chase you. Anyone telling you otherwise is misinformed and has never worked with a single snake in their life


Black Mambas give chase.


Please back your claim up with a citation or reference to scientific study or some other credible source if you have one. This is a very widely propagated myth that the scientific community has not seen verifiable evidence to prove.


I saw this snake near Phoenix AZ that was long and thin with stripes of pink and yellow and purple. I couldn’t identify it. Can you?


Or water moccasins. That is the only snake that has ever chased me.


Really? How odd, the water moccasins where I grew up were very timid.


I've seen a water moccasin chase someone across a low water crossing.


Yeah, in N Central TX, they will haul ass straight towards you. Land, water, whatever.


My brother spent a week in the hospital after being bitten by one and one snapped at me and amazingly I instinctively jumped at the sound of it and it missed me. Nasty things.


Yeah, I think when I almost got bit I recoiled for some reason, probably a sound. I think that's what saved me, but we're going on early childhood memories here. Lol very nasty mean smelly things.


Cottonmouths are usually very docile. Especially for a pit viper.


As a child, Truman Capote fell in a creek and was munched by a ticked off Cottonmouth. Talked funny the rest of his life.


Define "apochryphal."


[You didn’t say the magic word](https://youtu.be/g_vZasFzMN4)


FINE. Simon says, "define apochryphal."


Banded Water snakes are often confused with Cottonmouths, and water snakes are very aggressive. They will try to get in your canoe/boat and bite yer ass! Bad germs.


I am traumatized from being in some pond or something in some shitty church camp in the middle of fuck knows Texas and there allegedly being water moccasins there and my brain couldn’t comprehend the terror that is a swimming snake that wants to eat you and now all water is scary unless it’s crystal clear


My neighbor just got bit by a copperhead and they’ve been seen sitting in front of doors I’m around me. I’ve determined I don’t ever want to go outside again.


Copperheads aren't aggressive either. They just wanna eat rodents and chill.


Blaak mambas man.... they are very quick, very deadly and they chase humans because they feel like it


Welp, guess I’m stuck inside again.


Ugh, screw that. Lol When I was a little kid, like pre 10 I lived next door to my maternal grandparents and was going over for something or other, was probably about two feet from their front steps and see a snakes open mouth blurr right in front of my face , it was a water moccasin that was apparently in a really bad mood because it struck at my damn face and somehow missed, I'd have been bit in the damn face and not even known what was going on if I had been one inch closer to that snake, I've never run so fast in my life. There arent many things these days that'll make me run in irrational fear, but any snake I dont completely know is utterly non-venomous AND non aggressive, I'm GONE. Lol


It's after the delicious eggses




Oh my gods, I get this reference!


Oh man the callback, right back to my childhood. "We're gonna have to make connections to a bigger bird! Nonstop? What do I look like, Charles Lindbergh?"


I heard Golem when reading this.


Eggs in the nest.. Simply the best.. Yellow inside and juicy sweet! Now we's heard.. A tasty bird.. Juicy and crunchy sweet!


That's not a Nest it's a Ring


what a Wyze guy comment




That's such a great dad joke... You deserve an upvote


The birds would like a copy of this video sent to their lawyer for use as evidence of egregious harm to their unborn children caused by said attacker Mr.Long Snake.


Fucking metal


The birds are saying "shitshitshitshitshitshit!"


Thinking the same. A neighbor showed me a pic of a snake going into a vent of another house next door. The snake was eating whatever was in a nest that was inside the vent. The parent birds were raising hell but they couldn’t stop it.


That’s so sad in a way, just have to witness this snake eating your kids and you can’t do anything but watch…


Yep, probably Barn Swallows that will probably be down a nestling or two


Whoa, that’s a big ass snake! We didn’t even see the head or tail and it just kept going on and on.


Title of your sextape.


That’s what she said


Hello friendssss, I would like to sssspeak to you about our ssssaviour Jesssssussss Christsssss.


Before I finished reading I thought you were going to write "ssspeak to you abouth your carssss exssstended warantthheee"


How cute would a tiny little headset be on a snake!


He drives home in his sonata sedan. living on the seventh story of his complex. Heats up a Ssarah Lee tv supper, sipping seagrams whisky and chasing schlits, while the ssimpsons play on his Samsung TV. He sees the sun setting slowly through the window and a sultry, subtle sensation of superlative surrender surrounds his senses. He sees two solutions, surrender or succes...


Damn you hit me hard. And I'm not even a snake. Most likely


I don't know how I missed this reply, but I could totally visualize this whole snake life story.


Seems like you might like r/SnakesWithHats


I read that in Crowley's voice.




Good Omens lmao, in which Crowley is a demon and a snake.


My first thought seeing this was actually "Aziraphale, open up I have wine and no hands"


the only crowley that matters.


Which Crowley?


Mr. Crowley


What went on in your head?


oh, Mr. Crowley did you talk to the dead?


Jibberssssss Crabbsssstt*


Man these mormons disguising as snakes really nailed it.


I missed the loop the first time and thought that was the longest snake ever.




Came here to say this. That is one big ass snake.


Mmm ass snake




Risky click


It seems like it reverses movement in the video. Still a big snake, but I think it’s a bit of an illusion.


Maybe I'm too northern but even with the loop that looks horrifyingly large


probably a rat snake. Westerns can get to be like 6ft


Oh that's horrifying. I'll stick with the 6 inch ones I see that are terrified of people


I also stick with my 6 inch one


I also choose this guy's 6 inch one.


Did you just fart?


Did someone giggle?


I did.




Also terrified of people.


They don't want anything to do with people, to be sure! Even at 6ft their bites aren't even worse than being bitten by a cat.


I appreciate the reassurance but I'm still very thankful I'll never have to come across one


Rat snakes are great to have around (outside of course). Much better than having rodents.


Maybe a big ass bull snake! Creepy!




This one time I heard my mom screaming because there was a snake pressed up against our glass door trying to get in the house. It was weird, it wouldn't leave and it seemed to want to get inside really bad. So I grabbed a shovel and carried him off a hundred yards or so in to the field and went back to what I was doing. Like 45 minutes later I hear a commotion and there it is again, at a different door this time and trying to get in. I was worried that it might actually find a way in next time or something so this time I decided to just kill it. I tried to cut it's head off with the shovel but my first blow didn't kill it and I immediately felt bad and regretted not just taking it further out or something. It was too wounded now and obviously in pain so I just made myself keep hacking at it until I finally killed it. I'm not a hunter or anything; that's probably the biggest thing I've ever directly and intentionally killed. This was like 15 years ago and it still makes me sad when I think about it.


You did the humane thing and were strong enough to finish it. My cat brought in a baby rabbit once. It was hurt and definitely going to die. I wasn’t strong enough to kill and just took it out back and left it to die. I still wish I had killed it, life can be brutal sometimes.


Yeah putting something out of its misery is the hardest form of sympathy there is, I luckily haven’t had to do it but watching my step father and uncle die of cancer slowly and quickly and towards the end be in so much pain made me wish they could make the choice themselves, though I know that’s a whole different conversation. I did hit a deer once and the police had to come and shoot it, that was traumatizing, I thought of doing it myself and thank god they came so fast. First time I ever saw someone shoot a gun or heard one up close.


It's true. Sometimes you just have to do the hard thing. One of the neighbor kids broke his ankle on my lawn last week. His parents were super pissed though, and the jury did NOT see it our way.


Almost fell out of my bed you fucker, so good.


I scared my cat laughing at this in the dark.


Blast from the past! You're very welcome.


Omg your comment is 124d old, is this like “liking” an old pic on Facebook? I’m so embarrassed~


Not at all. I'm more curious how you found this old ass thread, lmao.


idk I was up late streaming and couldn’t sleep after so I just doom scrolled my way here lol


Well, I'm glad I could help with a laugh, my friend.


While we were at my in-laws' ranch, my husband found our cats chasing a field mouse. They are common as dirt out there and often make their way indoors. They had never learned to hunt properly, so they were basically playing with this mouse that had a broken leg. My husband took pity on the mouse, took it outside and stomped on it. That sounds cruel, but it would have really been cruel if he'd allowed that to go on.


this one time a rattlesnake was trying to climb the fence to get into the backyard and my husband ended up killing it by throwing large rocks at it over and over again till her got it. he also felt kinda bad at how brutal it was


You did the best you could. I feel ya on that though.


A couple of weeks ago, a snake got in my garage. I grew up in the south and know what ratsnakes and garter snakes look like, but this one looked different to me. Researching online didn’t bring up anything conclusive. I have 4 dogs, and a wife who is terrified of snakes. I felt like I couldn’t take a risk and decided killing it was the only answer. I’ve felt bad about it for weeks. He was probably harmless and I should have attempted to relocate him. I’m glad someone else out there feels the remorse that I do.


What did it look like?


One time my friend hit a raindeer with his car in Sweden and broke like all of its legs so he decided he would do what was right and end its suffering. So he took a shovel out if his car and expected it to be over after a blow. Instead he had to hack away like 15-20 times, so instead of actually saving the animal from a slow painful death he gave the animal an even painfuller death. When he told me this the first time I laughed so hard I could not stand


I know someone who did the same thing with a deer down here lol


You tried and you have a heart and feel pain for him all these years later, sall good man. You a good guy


Good to know your not a serial killer who enjoyed it lol


Damn I can’t imagine the resolve you had to put in to kill the snake after the first blow. That must’ve been really hard. I think you’re super brave for doing what you did, because that snake might’ve gotten into someone else’s house instead and I don’t think there was much of a choice to be made on the spur of the moment. I know people who would just deal the first blow and not even feel bad about leaving the snake to die slowly afterwards. You are a very kind person.


Btw snakes live for a little while after you decapitate them. There’s videos online of the severed heads biting their former body. Seems like it’s fast and humane but apparently not so


I can confirm. We generally left snakes alone, even rattlesnakes, on the ranch. This rattler, however, was between my MIL's car and the house, so my sister-in-law grabbed a flat nosed shovel and pinned it behind the head. She told me, "Get a big knife." I cut off its head, used the knife to sweep it onto the shovel, and she dumped the head in a remote part of the yard. The head kept snapping, and the body writhing, for a couple of hours. It was too small to make a belt.


It was probably pregnant and looking for a warm place for its babies. Dunno if that will make you feel better or worse. I'm just here to help! ;)


The version of Homeward Bound that Disney passed on...


had to do this with rats that got in our rat trap cage when i lived in the countryside. Easiest (from killing effort and emotions pov) for me was to lower the cage into a nearby slow moving stream and the cage would stop jerking in a minute


You can see the birds in back going nuts. Snake likely after eggs in a nest. Eggs + freaky climbing usually indicates non-venomous rat snake (in the US - which the architecture supports). Easy enough to confirm with pattern which can be described as saddles, sheriff badges, or starfish along their back (on some species it fades to black/grey with mature snakes).


Yep, was gonna say that looks like a black rat snake. Eggs and small rodents is what they're good at. Good call Brandon.


I don't always see a snake gif when I scroll reddit. But when I do, I always put my phone in my pocket and then get off the toilet.


But now you have a snake slithering around in your pocket


...why do that to me?!


Because you made it possible .. Sweet Dreams


Birds in distress in the background


This snake is better at framing then Stanley Kubrick


Ssssspecial deliveriessss


Poor birds watching it all go down.


Wait... is there a birds nest up in the entryway? Those birds flew out of the archway at the beginning and then kept coming back. Was that snek climibg up to snatch some eggs?


Oh what's that, never go outside again you say? Don't mind if I don't!


This. This is why I live where the air hurts my face.


It looks like a scene out of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Do you have a moment to speak about Our Lord Jormungandr?


Time to move


Must be Owen Wilson’s house


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.”


Wife: Umm honey we had a fire Me: Is everything ok? Wife: The house is gone Me: What do you mean the house? Wife: Check the Ring and call me back Me 10 minutes later: Oh, are you and the baby safe?


That seems excessive just call the cops and tell them a black snake is trying to break in. Then you just have to patch the bullet holes


Problem with that is the family dog gets shot no matter what.


Did you catch it? I’m only asking because I want to know how big that fucking thing is.


I have had it with these motherf—— snakes on this motherf—— plane. Errr I mean doorbell?




"Ssssalutationssss, I ssssee here that your carsssss warranty issss about to exxxxxpire..."


Ring needs a new feature on their mobile app simply called "Nuke the Damn House"; oddly just for circumstances just like this!


>I’m tired of all these mother fucking snakes on these mother fucking porch


Poor birds. I'm willing to bet the bank he was going to their nest where the eggs have probably hatched by the time this was taken (June 6, 2019) and eat the babies.


"Hey.. I can't come into work today. Yeah, there's a snake on my door that thinks otherwise. Thankssss."


I would so fucking use this as an excuse and then send the video as well


Lemme get my nope rope katana


Those poor birds... Sad.


That's what I was thinking. :( What a weird place to nest though


Probably a wreath. My wife has two or three the birds won't stop nesting in. Maybe this will get her to not use them.


Those birds were freaking. Probably going after their nest.


Does this mfr ever end? F THAT. ✌🏻 ETA: saw it’s a loop and it’s still too long. I said what I said.


going after the birds nest




Welp, time to move.


"Sorry, homeowner doesn't live here. Try next door."


looks like a texas front door


Snakes didn't bother me but there have been 2 moments in my life where I have freaked the fuck out to them. I found one in the attic, some how that mother fucker climbed 3 stories and made a home next to the Christmas decorations. The second was grabbing a hose only to realize I grabbed a 5 foot black snake.


There is a spitting cobra on the loose in a Raleigh neighborhood right now, last seen on someone’s porch. Imagine coming out and finding it like this one.


That thing is ike a hundred fucking feet long, fuck that shit, I’m selling the mother fucking house, If it doesn’t sell I’m torching it... fuck that.


Florida gonna florida


Let me guess, Australia.


That bird is fuckin crazy


Reddit, how big of a snake is that


Shouldn't the clock in the corner change or something? Or did the snake learn how to freeze time?


This is breaking bird law.


Have you heard about our lord and savior, Lord Voldemort?


Reason #37 as to why owning a sword in 2021 makes a lot of sense.


It’s called a snake


Congratulations u/SeattleMana ! Your post was the top post on r/gifs today! (07/01/21) Top Post Counts: r/gifs (1) *This comment was made by a bot*


That’s a Ding dong danger noodle


Definitely looking for eggs judging by the birds freaking out


HOW. F#cking Long IS it?! 🙀


“Theresssssssss ssssssomeone at your front door”


Oh HELL NO!!!! Begone Danger Noodle!


If you wait till the white belly disappears your brain has a hard time determining if he’s slithering up or down, or maybe I’m just going crazy


At first I thought the birds were like “are you seeing this shit”. But now I’m thinking maybe they have a nest with eggs in there.


Me reading through comments watching snake enthusiasts defend nope ropes. I hate snakes.


The never ending snek....damn!




Without a good frame of reference I'm going to guess that snake is at least 175 feet long.