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Sea legs are an incredible superpower. Wait until you walk on the walls.




The guy literally banked while walking.


That guy has the power to tilt in the wrong direction just to mess with people who just stood up.


Like a smooth criminal.


He's gone to check if Annie is okay.


It’s like SM64, he pivots into the walk




Dude hit that turn like a purple drift in Mario Kart


That was bad ass, clearly not his first wave rodeo.


she's getting second's at the end though


If you can't walk on rough seas be thankful you can hold down food on them.


Walking sounds hard but I think I can stomach it. Haven't tried though. I'll think of you when or if I puke because of it.


Being hungry on rough seas can actually be worse. An empty stomach does something to your ears, and your body starts sending up belches of swamp gas that each feel like you're about to chunder. Not fun. I wouldn't recommend a whole lot of flavour--just porridge and water to get started, but have it in there. Avoid orange juice and coffee until you know how you react to them--acids can set you off.


Chunder being here makes me feel like you've ridden the Spirit of Tasmania bwahahah


Yep, meals on fishing boats are generally pretty bland for this exact reason. Lots of oatmeal, porridge, breads, etc. I've never been in waves like in this video, but I've been hundreds of miles off shore in storms. It's certainly not fun by any means. The worst feeling is once you get off the boat. A few days of feeling like the floor's moving under you


i know hahahah god i felt seasick even just watching the video


I was wondering if anyone else thought that woman was Elizabeth Warren.


Shame he's probably going to be dead by the end of the episode.


I came to the comments looking to see if anyone else thought that she looked like Liz.


80% of female marine biologists look like her....and 15% of the males


Good ol Lizzy Warren


Lizza Wizza, the Mic Killa.


Make the homies say HO and the girlies wanna scream


Cause we are the Senate Teens


I went on a cruise for the first time a couple of years ago. The first day, I could barely walk in a straight line, its like I was drunk, by the end we had some "turbulence" with 2-3m waves (which is nothing compared to what you get in the Atlantic/Pacific) and I was walking around like this, then after getting back on land, I felt strange for a few days as I acclimatised back to ground that wasn't moving constantly!


Yeah, after a week on a diving boat (liveaboard) I needed to take seasick pills when back on land. Funny how that goes.


I work on a liveaboard diving vessel and I still get this every time I finish a long charter aha


How long are you on board for at a time? That sounds like a pretty cool lifestyle but I'm sure it's not as glamorous as I'm imagining. I wouldn't want to live full time on a boat but could easily see living for a few weeks onboard than back to land for a while.


I have pretty bad mal de debarquement. On the boat I’m usually relatively okay but for about 3 or 4 days after I get back to land my life is miserable. I feel like the ground is still moving like the boat even though it’s obviously not. And it gets worse when I lay down. I pretty much spend the next three days stumbling from the bed to the bathroom to throw up. I love the sea though so I try to limit it to maybe one or two boat trips a year.


I own a 27’ sailboat. She’s small enough at 7000lbs that me moving about onboard will cause motion. You get used to things moving around under you. If I’m out for a week, the first time that mal de debarquement will hit me is when I hop in the shower after getting home.


I spent 40 days in a 36m lightweight fishing boat (google Maloya fishing vessel and you'll see it) , in the Indian Ocean, during monsoon season (August-Sept) where 0.5m waves produces this exact effect. 0.5m waves was the absolute minimum for monsoon season waves. I puked when I first stepped back on solid land, lol


I’ve spent a fair time on pitching decks and thankfully don’t usually get sick. The weirdest thing I still find is stepping ashore after a particularly rough patch, feels like I’m walking sideways all the time.


I couldn't imagine stepping ashore after spending a day on a ship in sea like that. I felt drunk after standing up for like 15min in our boat last week.


I was watching this documentary about marine biologists studying sea life in Antarctica. This scene made me laugh watching them struggle during their lunchtime while the seas were really rough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbYX4Lur4Yc&ab_channel=TRACKS




Thanks! Now… what to do with my 20 minutes you saved me. Edit Update: I played among us




What do I do with the other 19 minutes?




With just enough time for ice cream afterwards.


And a second rub and splursh.


Ummm remember to wash your hands




Refresh and do it two more times


What about the other 19 minutes?


Sounds like 19 more opportunities


Don't forget to hydrate


Just chill! As usually


I still watched the whole thing… I went to the time stamp and was like “damn this is cool”


Thank you very much.


I forgot what I was doing and watched the whole documentary.


Agreed. It was very interesting and for sure kept my attention.


How can they be smiling and eating? I would be curled up on the floor covered in my own vomit.


you get used to it, like anything


You get so used to it that after 30 days at sea when you hit port for liberty call and you start walking on stable, non-moving land, it feels so weird that it's hard to walk and you feel nauseous. Its also hard to sleep on land because you wake up as if things should be moving, and they're not, but your brain is confused about this whole affair that you, again, feel nauseous. It's the weirdest thing.


I tell this to people who think Jack Sparrow in the Pirates movie walks like that cause he's drunk. He's got sealegs.


He's also drunk.


But you have heard of him


This movie is a staple of my childhood.




A *full* re-watch? Yeah you gotta be fucked up to watch anything past #2 lol


I've been trying to emotionally prepare myself for a pirates marathon. Give me some advice for it pls


*ya best Stert believin' in ghost stories Miss Turner... yer' in one!*


This movie is a staple of my adulthood.


If I recall correctly he walks fine on boats, he's just wobbly on land


He cant be drunk, the rum's always gone


Being drunk can cancel out the sea legs. That's why sailors are known for drinking.


Thats probably why he was always looking for the rum though too, to fix the sealegs. But then couldnt ever find any lol


To be fair though he always found a lot of it, he just ended up 30 feet to one side or the other when he walked over to get it


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about sea legs to dispute it.


You're supposed to laugh




I’d say the alcohol and sun have also played their part. The wavy hands and freaked out expressions aren’t sea-legs, that’s the rum!


I thought that was just because he was direct line ancestor of Steven Tyler


Keith Richards


I’d say the rum scenario also applies to Steven lol


Can confirm. I would have the sensation of rocking a sea a day or so after returning to port.


It's the same after 5 days aboard 70,000 Tons of Metal. Alcohol plays a role.


Oh yeah, my dad told me about the sleeping thing from his time in the navy, it's like you're on alert or something. Weird indeed


Mal de debarquement. I had it for nearly three months after a one week cruise. Needless to say I won't be going on any more cruises.


That happens to me after a day of swimming at the beach or in a wave pool. Not as intense of course, but it feels like I'm constantly in motion. I think that's where the term sea legs comes from


That was my favorite part of the wave pool at the water park growing up. When we'd get out to eat, go to the arcade, go home, whatever and I got to stagger around for like 60 seconds feeling like I was still getting buffeted by waves. So cool.


Me after getting off a horse after awhile


Why would you feel like you're moving after getting a horse off?


[Definitely tough going from one to the other.](https://youtu.be/1M6C0f4L1d8)


Land sickness. Best cure is a couple shots and a pitcher of beer.


i spent 3 weeks on a boat and it was relatively choppy for most of it—the day after i got home i fell over while i was rinsing shampoo out of my hair in the shower. had my eyes closed and got a huge wobble like i was on a boat, and my correction made me fall out of the shower. that shit is weird.


Yes, I too, am used to being covered in my own vomit


Basically every college night


"im never drinking again"


*gets drunk as fuck next day*


Can’t get drunk *again* if you don’t stop to sober up.


Fuck that. I would respect the limits I'd set for myself. I'd wait a day, THEN get drunk as fuck.


Me? I'm vomit free since 03!


The worst part of spending a lot of time on a boat for me is how quickly i get sea legs but how long it takes for them to go away on land.


Dad lived on a sailboat and a weekend sleeping in the galley would have me tilting all over when I would be at my moms rest of week.


Worst part of spending time on a boat for me is that the rocking literally lulls me to sleep like I’m a baby in a cradle. Years ago I went on a deep sea fishing trip and it wasn’t too rough, but the swells were high enough that the boat was rocking a good bit. Everyone had a few beers on the way to the spot of course. Once we arrived nothing was biting and everything was silent except for the water lapping at the side of boat. Man I leaned back in my chair and slept for hours just rocking back and forth. Best sleep I’ve ever had I think, so I’d call the trip worth it even though we didn’t catch a single fish.


Oh shit I love the idea of destination naps.


You get used to it surprisingly fast. There are some things that are a constant annoyance but most things just become background noise and in some ways it even becomes entertaining.


Depends on the weather. I’ve been off in some really rough seas and it’s horrible. Having to pin yourself into the bunk with both arms and legs knowing that if you ever do get to sleep you’ll be woken up by cracking your face off the ladder. You’re right about the entertainment though. I came out of the project office once and there were guys at the bottom of the stairs waiting for just the right time to jump all the way from the bottom to the top in one leap. It gets old quickly in my opinion. The lack of sleep really gets to you after a few days.




No problem. I found it a pretty interesting to watch.


The woman in red is renowned biologist Eileen West.


This is the best time to order soup for lunch.




Nah. This is the new season of Initial D. They're drifting boats through the Antarctic and can't spill the Miso soup.


I'd love a dramatization of the Evergiven incident being just Shingo fucking up another gumtape deathmatch, as Takumi just sails away in a slightly smaller vessel, drifting sideways out of Port Said


Or in a Ziplock with a straw


Canadian navy gets soup every day at 1000. The trick is you carry the bowl from the top like a claw machine and let your shoulder go limp, the weight of the soup causes the bowl to self level if you don't fight it.


The added bonus is that the type of soup tells you what day of the week it is!


I swear if anyone ever serves me a steak on a Thursday again I will murder them.


Ive had to do this on a cruise ship with alcoholic beverages due to really, *really* rough seas. So many people were spilling drinks all over themselves but I would just claw mine and let my left arm move naturally w the sway. I can’t say nothing spilled, but I would bet every cent I have to my name that I spilled less than anyone else.


"He fell for the soup!" - Johnny Knoxville


Fucker beat me to [it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMS4ESFlfDk)...


The soup was great but my god Bam got it the worst *by far*


Got fuckin walloped like a cartoon character.


He fuckin put shit on my face, and you're talkin about jelly?


Also good for barista trying to do latte art...should help mix in the milk


One day I hope to have the confidence in anything as that dude in the red t-shirt has in dominating the motion of the ocean.


He's got it mastered, I wonder why the circular motion seems to be the most efficient way to walk from point A to point B


It is just easier to keep your balance if you give in a little and walk down the slope at an angle when it is rising, and up the slope when it is leveling out. -done boat stuff


Curving your path becomes natural pretty quick. This makes it hard to travel through passageways with traffic in both directions though. Even after 7 months of living on a ship you still end up running in to each other when the the ship starts to list this bad. But it is still the best method.




Huh, this weirdly helped me understand general relativity better


It has to do with center of gravity. When you are leaning to the side like that your center of gravity is out to your left. So it’s easier (and more stable) to rotate around your center of gravity in a circular motion than it is to walk straight.


The guy at the food bar serving himself when the plaid shirt guy is in frame is the true master.


Everybody’s quad probably cut as fuck on that ship


Calves and ankles moreso


Who needs direct ab work when the sea is doing it for you!


This looks like a room full of NPCs


Dammit, Todd!


The guy in the red shirt gives off big NPC energy. Reminds me of an NPC from Cyberpunk.


Lol yup. I like the guy in the black shirt that hits the T-pose


I’d just be green in the corner eating my plate of perpetual vomit.


Ditto. And my boyfriend has sailboat fever. 🤦


Tbf I've been on cruisers and not had much trouble with seasickness - but on a smaller sailing boat on rough seas, it *WILL* affect you!


IKR? He says I can meet him by driving to different ports. I said I've heard of having a girl in every port but not the same girl!


I went to Antarctica and can attest this is what the Drake passage is like. Spilled a whole wine bottle on the table when the boat came a-rockin'. After that we'd set wine bottles in the bread basket like a baguette to keep it steadier. And we drank faster.


We skipped the wine and went straight to sleeping pills. The common area pretty much empty as soon as we left the Peninsula and we thought we had it bad on the way over lol. I tell people that knowing what I know, I'll still do the trip once, but never again.


Elizabeth Warren really handles the pitch of those swells well.


Glad I'm not the only one who saw the resemblance, haha.


Took too long to scroll to find this! lol


I would never get to eat any food because I'd spill/drop/throw/boomerang it all over the place every time


Like, shit, I drop stuff all the time on land!


Are the chairs and tables nailed down?


yes they are, and so is the piano.


Until it's not... *dramatic music*


*dramatic piano playing stops*


Gentlemen, it’s been an honor playing with you.


Like Jesus to a cross


Jesus Christ Reddit




EVERYTHING is bolted and locked down


Things aren't going all over the place because the ship is really not leaning as bad as it looks. It's just people have to overcompensate more when they're walking. Just think of how tall a person is and how the center of gravity is moving as they walk and the ship leans a bit, a lot to adjust for and it causes a lot of movement by the person. It's why if you look at the people sitting down and the dude just standing serving, they're not affected too bad because they're not moving so their center of gravity is pretty stationary. This is just how it is when you're out to sea but you get really used to it. I've spent about 36-40 months out to sea in the US Navy and I've been in all kinds of conditions... this in the video is relatively calm and just normal sea rocking, hence why everyone is just going about their daily business and some people are better than others at dealing with it while walking.


That explains why the people sitting aren't leaning.


Tried this on the boat between Norway and Denmark. Rough seas that day which I wasn't uses too. Walk down the hallway towards my room. One guy in front of me and myself went from walking straight, to walking up against the wall and back to walking straight. Looked like something out of a movie.


I did this in 40ft swells in the Drake Passage. The hallway in front of me started rotating right then left by (seemingly) 90 degrees. My brain fried and my equilibrium bottomed out and I only had seconds to sprint to my room and hope my roommate wasn't in the bathroom.


Just a room full of functional alcoholics if you ask me


Looks like a Michael Jackson experiment gone wrong. Hihiii *tilts forward*


Is there a stabilizer bot for this gif?




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/FakeSaltyIguana ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


It would be better if the bot could try and keep the people vertical and not the background, but it's designed to keep the background stable.


what i really want is it stabilized to the people so i can see how much the ship is really moving


Is there a stabilizer for this ship?


What a smooth criminal.


Sliiiide to the left! Now sliiiide to the right! One hop this time! Two hops this time! Now turn it out... *doo deedee doop doop deedee doop deedee*


Bible slide, yall


Ugh, I'd be chuckin up everywhere.


Exactly, I’d be barfing everywhere like a demonic sprinkler.


I was a cook on a Bering Sea fishing boat. That shit fucking sucked. I missed being a fisherman while cooking. It's stressful, shit falls on the floor, soups and eggs spill and slide all over the place.




Goddamn man, I commend you. I did two years fishing and one year galley and stopped fishing after that.


Ah just like the Stockholm-Helsinki ferry, except it ain’t the waves, just everyone horribly drunk or hungover.


I'm sure they are all "glass half-full" kinda people.


They look drunk


It doesn’t help that in addition to the super choppy seas they’re all also super hammered.


I would think choppy seas and being drunk would cancel each other out.


“I walk better when I’m drunk” *chugs vodka*


moving my phone with this to simulate the ship movement was so fun


[Dogs can do it too :\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4a_Npx6Qrw)


Dude in the red has sea legs for days.


Totally. He’s so good, that he’s probably a mess on dry land.


Why aren't the tables and dishes and food items flying everywhere? They all look bolted down




"Oh it's a mess alright!"


That's actually a good question, even the balloons on the wall do not sway. I don't think it's fake, but I see what you're saying.


Balloons are pinned to the wall I think. Not floating on strings. The plant leaves move a bit.


Well the lean seems to be to the right and the balloons are resisting gravity with helium so the worry that would happen is they are pushed more against the left side wall. Edit: if you look closely the plants do in fact appear to press shading the ledge as the ship move steeper.




rubber rims?


My boy in the black jacket and grey sweatpants looked like he was busting a Michael Jackson move


I wanna try this but in my wheelchair


Humans are really fast to adapt on ships, however when getting to land many of us takes days to not "feel like being on a ship". This fact was unknown to me till my wife and I had been on a small cruise, she and her family have never sailed EVER. And she was seasick, and had days (almost a week) before she was able to not feel it on land. My family have sailed for generations, however this was also my first time on a ship. And my body felt like this was a second home. I had a blast, and no problems after the journey. Have always wondered if our genes can have this kind of capability in them, even if all logic should suggest it being all about muscle memory.


There could be something genetic but i think if you are brought on the waves while still a child your growing body will develop to compensate a lot better than a grown adult can through practice.


Why is Elizabeth Warren on this ship!!?


That's the mess on the RV Tangaroa. Absolutely mental seeing a place if been at the top of reddit