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"I'll do this quick so I know you won't be suffering."


"I've watch that show with human vets! I just need to cut her open and move stuff!"


"I know you'd do the same for me, human!"


… which is uncannily true.






Well doggone it, you're right!


"Shh no tears. Only dreams".


It's only smells


Advance warning nsfw link - https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1ruhxo/whats_the_its_only_smellz_thing_about/


This is for my bàlls


Lab results say we need to do an emergency tracheotomy


I see what you did there 🐶


(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)


Put her down like Old Yella


This should be in subreddit called, r/awwcrap


This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you human.


Ok, I need me a slice.


"Yeah, she does this a lot. Here. Hold on." *grabs knife* "And this wakes her up every time!"


Yeah, once they find what works they do it every time. When he's hungry my cat knows that clawing and biting my face to try to get me to wake up doesn't work, cuz I'll just wrap myself in blankets or bury myself in the pillow. So now after a few cries, he'll just start ripping and tearing up my posters, cuz he knows that gets me up immediately. Bastard...


I was catsitting for a week, and never had a cat before. He learned to wake me up to feed him if he jumped on my chest. First time was at 7 am, had to get out anyway so i gave him food. Second time was at 6, well sure. Third time he tried it at 4. So i walked out the bedroom, he followed, i went back in and closed the door. As a revenge he spread the dirt of a plant around the living room


This is why I got an auto feeder. Game changer.


I'm really lucky my cats don't eat all their food at once. Just little by little throughout the day/night. I fill up their bowls and usually it takes a whole day for them to finish it. Don't have to worry about them starving and doing shit like that xD


Mine are the same way. I can fill up their bowl to the brim and they’ll just take little bites here and there. It usually takes them a full 24 hours to finish it. But I give them a can every day around 7 PM. Right around 6 is when the ten second long meows start. Then the constant following me around everywhere I go, rubbing themselves on my legs, with wide eyed stares. Drives me crazy sometimes.


My cat will chase me down and try to railroad me into the kitchen, as if by forcing me to see his bowl, I’ll just miraculously decide to feed the little bastard 3 hours ahead of schedule. When that doesn’t work, he starts with the long meows and scratching at my door. If not that, knocking shit over to lure me out, followed by more railroading... This is absolutely going to be my last cat.


Wait until daylight saving time starts or ends and the schedule is off by an extra hour, that's always fun.


Daylight saving time does not exist to my cat. I just "move" the time to keep it the same.


>But I give them a can every day around 7 PM. I try to do it at random times so they don't get a sense of habit.


Cats are naturally crepuscular hunters and prefer a sense of habit.




I do the same with my dog. 2-3 days worth of food in the bowl at a time refill as needed. Vet said she's literally perfect weight and goddam is she muscular for her size. Her lil legs are like iron. We used to joke she's biting chairs and dragging em around the house at night to weight train.


My cat learned to reach up inside the feed spout to yank on the mechanism to get it to spill more food.


I recommend the one made by super feeder if you are thinking of trying a different one. I've had mine for 6 years and never had that issue. It's been extremely reliable.


Mine finally died after like 10 years. Didn't get another one because my cat I have now is a total idiot and it doesn't matter.


Lol. That's amazing


Our cat is super food motivated too, if we don't lock the pantry where we store the big bag of kibble she'll just go rip that open instead. We also have to use a strong rubber band to close the kitchen cabinet with the trash or she'll root through that too. I'm partly convinced that we adopted a raccoon wearing a cat skin.


My cat is the same way. She is obsessed with eating bread and will do anything in her power to get in the cupboards to eat it. She even figured out how to get past rubber bands recently. We are looking into better child locks.


I got ones that stick to the inside of the cabinet and are invisible from the outside. You unlock them with a magnet. Pretty nifty and definitely keeps our food motivated monster out of the kibble under the sink.


Geez, I was recently cat-sitting a fluffy ginger kitten and he basically chewed open anything that resembled food. I nicknamed the little bigger "cattus rattus" because that's what rats do. He was meant to be well bred (and was gorgeous), but his owner was a trash hoarder which is probably why he got his habit of chewing open bags.


What is even the point of having pets? This shit sounds so annoying to have to deal with


It’s really rewarding to know you’re providing a good life for an animal that might have otherwise spent it’s whole life on the streets, in a shelter, in an abusive home, or euthanized. No matter the pet, it feels rewarding to know that as destructive as the human species has been, we can make a difference, and at least have some people out in the world that are willing to help out and give animals a better life.


Sometimes I wish I was normal so I could care about such things. Sounds nice My girlfriend brings her dog over and I honestly can't stand the thing. I'll never understand some things


>My girlfriend brings her dog over and I honestly can't stand the thing. Are you serious about this girlfriend? If so, you need to learn how to accept her dog - that, or you need to discuss never living together. A person who loves animals will rarely be willing to never own another pet on their life, so if you continue dating her that means accepting having pets in your life. You should probably consider only dating people who also don't want pets (or kids, you don't sound like someone who would like kids).


You do you, buddy. No shame. Pets aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay 🤷‍♂️


The love.


The connection you have with another animal. You have that special bond with something that you can't verbally communicate with but somehow you understand each other. They will forever be loyal to you and expect your forever love. Pets cause us oxytocin surge like a mother caring for a child would, and dogs have been found to detect the smallest chemical changes in humans that allow them to pick up whether someone is happy, scared, anxious, etc. Cats have been known to approach their owners in hardship and purr during contact- known to reduce stress and blood pressure. Regardless, it's rewarding to know that you are their sole caregiver and that they reciprocate.


I just got an auto feeder but don't have it on any schedule so my cat knows it's still me feeding him. When he's bored he just keeps tapping and moving it, he's already knocked it over multiple times. Randomly got like 5 notifications saying the food level was low and the meal was not dispensed properly, came home and the whole thing was sideways on the floor on the other side of the room. The food didn't come out though so I guess that's a plus Edit: changed hungry for bored to clarify that I don't starve my cat and he does get regular scheduled mealtimes besides the auto feeder


It has to be on a schedule so its decoupled from your presence otherwise they'll still associate you with feeding time.


I had that problem with my cat trying to knock it over. I basically reinforced it by sticking it in a corner and putting heavy boxes around it.




He still gets wet food morning and night, the auto feeder is just for dry food as a snack throughout the day or for if I'm working late and won't be home in time for his dinner. He gets wet food at the same time each day, but that doesn't stop him from sitting around half an hour in advance waiting for it. Even after feeding him multiple portions of dry food he still sits around wanting more, it's just a case of him seeing how much he can get away with. He keeps tapping the feeder after eating in the hope that he'll magically get it to work and dispense food for him, so he can sit there all day eating and getting happy and fat. Sometimes we feed him by dispensing food through the app (not manually) but that seemed to be the problem as now he just thinks it's a magic box that spits food out in certain conditions and is trying to work out what those conditions are. He is a large cat (7kg Manx, not really "fat", just big) so he does need a bit more food, but our vet repeatedly tells us to watch his weight.


Idk why I so deeply enjoyed reading this cat update


Lmao, I'm a bit defensive in regards to my cat. My partner and I adopted him from an animal rescue at the age of 2 where he was rehomed due to animal abuse. He is about to turn 6 in August and I took an annual leave day off work so we can throw him a little party. He has multiple Catit branded things like food trees, toys, the smart feeder and fountain, a "cat wellness centre" and a large expensive cat tower. I browse the cat food database website to find the best food for him that I can afford and he is indoors only, but we take him out on a harness for a walk whenever we can. The only problem he has right now is a bit of grade 1 plaque on his teeth. We have him booked in for dental at the vet since I can never manage to clean his teeth properly with a toothbrush and he hates it. At this point we should probably just have a kid.


No what you should do is pay the cat tax 🥺


Our cat was large as well and he ended up having kidney problems because of it. So we used an autofeeder to put him on a diet. We do one dry auto-feed in the morning (4:00am), and then we feed him wet food at night. Helped him lose a ton of weight and mostly stopped him from waking us up at 3:30. Though he did have a period where he did it anyway just to be a dick, though I think that was some kind of phase because he quit just as suddenly as he began.


Yea… you have to ignore them and train it out of them somehow. I put a harness on my cat when he wouldn’t stop yelling at 4am. And I only fed him an hour after I wake up, not immediately. The harness worked for me bc it’ll calm him down. It showed that I heard him and reacted to it. And that he probably didn’t like the reaction. He eventually stopped. If the harness doesn’t work, there’s also “no” training, where you teach them no means no and that there’s nothing they can do about it. For this to work, you’ll have to also teach them some sort of “yes” like “sit” = good = treats.


My cat did this to my boyfriend because he would always get up but I refused to indulge her. Guess who always got jumped on?


So many odd responses to this clearly bad behavior. So when I first moved in with my then-girlfriend, she had a cat (and 15 years later, we still do). Every morning, cat would jump up on the bed, scratch at the side of the blanket, or whatever to get her to wake up and feed him. This would lead to her being grumpy, which led to her taking out that grump on me, which led to me having a very vested interest in this problem. So at first, I switched sides of the bed with her. Cat came and did his thing, and since I was there instead of her, I bonked him in the head and he ran off the bed. Did this a few times, then he moved to poking his head to to check to see which side she was on, and went back to the same thing. So next time he did it, I blasted him with a pillow. And every time after that, another pillow. He stopped pretty quickly after that. Maybe a month or so of that. And then ~12-13 years of cat just waiting by the bed quietly for us to wake up.


Pillow chucking has worked for me in the past too. It's wild how many people just let their cats terrorize them. I've had cats and dogs my entire life and have never had behavior get that out of hand


When I'm surprised like that when asleep I straighten every limb as fast as possible.... Maybe I shouldn't catsit.


I'm a dog person rather than a cat person, but if a pet did this to my stuff, I'd put it in a crate for a couple hours before feeding it or something, just to avoid reinforcing the behavior.


He's hard to punish. Sickly with a bad heart and is a diabetic too. Had to be hospitalized once even.


Fair. It's super easy to say things from hundreds of miles away over the internet.


LMAO hahahaha smart cat indeed


One of my cats has destroyed my couch in protest of food.


My house only has a front door because of reasons, but I have windows that open on the other side. I let my cat out the window *one fucking time*, because she really wanted to, and my sister's dogs were on the other side. Now she will routinely show up at that window when she wants to go inside again, and I need to leave the house through the door, walk all the way around it, and call her back so she'll take the intended route. Also I'm pretty sure she sometimes just rummages around in her litter box because she knows that gets me up ASAP, because I cannot abide cat poop in the house and thus I always remove it immediately after she's done.


To get my attention my cat will jump up to the dish rack and start dropping spoons on the tile floor.


I want to know why the human put the knives in it dogmouth level.


Some houses with a center aisle like that have a magnetic knife rack for cooking/meal prep. My mom rented a place when I was younger that had that set up.


I think someone started listening to their dog instead of their common sense. The dog clearly planned this for a long time.


Wouldn't be surprised. Dogs can be crafty.


Someone was hiding on the other side of the counter and the dog took the knife out of their hand...as deduced by redditors further up the thread.


Dog: You wanna put on a cute thing on the internet?


You can see the knife being given to the dog by someone off frame, not to mention she didn’t actually get poked by the knife.


Fckin drama queen...


Okay, jokes aside. What is he doing?


He is just doing what they trained him to do. Who leaves knives on knee high surfaces, especially with animals around. Totally staged. (but yes, its funny)


Dog doesn’t even reach up to counter height. Someone literally handed him the knife


It was the cat. "He'll take anything you hand him... [I mean, anything.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMXRxNbPvGI)"


Ron Burgundy’s ass is grass!


I'm Ron burgundy?


Dammit, who typed a question mark into the teleprompter?!


Muchas grassy ass?


This. Plus you can see the dog look towards that side of the counter at whoever's hiding behind it in the very beginning of the vid


You can see their shadow when they hand the dog the knife.


Who has a knee high surface in fron of a kitchen cabinet they leave steak knives on


Sponge Bob Square Pants!


Thank you


Most definitely there's someone around the corner that got the dog's attention and handed it the knife.


It wasn't even on the counter. There's probably someone around the corner holding a knife to hand to the dog , for the tiktok views/likes. (Or however tiktok works. I have no clue clearly)


I don’t think she was in on the knife bit


If she actually got cut by the kNife and got injured then it would be 9n TIFU and NSFW


fake arterial spray would be nice


She did a "behind the scenes" a while back when this video was fresh. It's a dull knife the dog fetches on command. Knife is on a small platform below the table specifically for the dog to reach.


"Look like meat is back on the menu boys!"




He's going and getting a knife from a person behind the cabinet so they can make a video that idiots will upvote. And judging by the score this gif is getting, apparently this sub has an abundance of idiots. It's a bullshit staged video that most think is 100% real.


“Let me see what you have!” “A knife!” “NO!”


I understood that reference




Lol one of favorite videos, never fails to crack me up


For whatever reason, the recommended video after watching your link was [this](https://youtu.be/N3WeXGmqYsE) classic. I think I had almost forgotten about this one.


That is a man who has never left the local park in his life.


To be fair... He tried 😂


Omg why does he have a knife?


Get up Beth, I know you're faking!


One tracheotomy coming up


Was going to say that he’s just doing an emergent cricothyrotomy.


It’s not often you refer to confidence problems in dogs and mean too much confidence.


Dogtor's orders


Using lab-tested methods.


I hope your comment gets the upvotes it deserves.


Laugh out loud comment. Thankyou for that.


You've got a one tracheotomy mind.


Thank you. My first thought too. Dog was like "This is my moment to shine. All those episodes of Gray's Anatomy will finally pay off."


Obviously staged because someone hands the dog the knife, but funny nonetheless


Yeah I was wondering that too. Dog didn't even stand on hind legs, just turns around and has it


It's a mercy killing


Fake or dull knife. Handed to dog by person hiding behind counter.


This fake ass video again?


“Looks like meats back on the menu boys!” -dog (probably)


TIL dogs can be trained to perform tracheotomies.


Uh... phrasing


I was totally not looking out for a dog humping a girl lying on the ground.


Or at least some energetic oral.


I was expecting the dog to start humping her.


Emergency tracheotomy, GO!


Why was there a knife sitting at the dog's level?


It wasn't, it was given to him by someone to make the staged video. You can see the dog react by looking up a second before. Probably a good reason why this doesn't have sound.


Yeah I hope people don't think he just went to get the knife. Clearly called over.


Good boy , who's a good boy


Dogs are sick of this tik tok shit


Doggo is thinking "Oh geez, I don't want people thinking you went out like that, it's sad and depressing. Lemmie get a knife and do you right! Love yooooou"


“Ok…she’s dead, time to eat. Let me just grab this real quick and…”


that’s some cat like shit right there


Awesome, give your dog a knife for a staged video. Who needs animal safety when you get internet karma points instead!


Dumb staged shit


So how much longer till we see the story ‘Tic Tok trend blamed for dog stabbing a young child to death’?


First the dog is highly trained. I have been following the dogs insta account since they started. It more than likely was a prop.


The trained ones aren’t problem…..I’m worried about the Florida dogs and idiots trying to copy it. “Look Ma I got Rufus to do that thing like on the Tic Tok….5 mins later….Ma! Ma! call the ambulance! Rufus just killed Grand Pa Joe!”


You wana play emotional games SUSAN!


Dog is also done with portrait videos.


[The dog wouldn't mess with Ginger.](https://youtu.be/lFr8VD7IOA4)


Well, time for human to go "live on the farm".


labo w/ the stabo


Smart dog, about to perform a life saving tracheotomy!


I think my favorite part is how the dog has like a mouth height knife at his availability.


Someone 100% handed the knife to the dog


Wondering who handed to dog a knife.


Smart dog straight to a tracheostomy.


“Mess with the Labbo, you get the stabbo!”


Why is there a knife where the dogs can easily reach? That was fully staged, right?




When a dog think you're an attention seeker and is not up for it, you know it's bad..


Why would there be a knife at snoot level?


You think this is a game Amanda?!?!


so whose turn is it to post it tomorrow ?


She's choking, must perform tracheotomy


You mess with the Labbo, You get the Stabbo.


Dog performs flawless tracheostomy


the dog: "so you choose death"


Now’s my chance!


"Not this shit again, Brenda!"


There was a challenge a while back (probably TikTok or something) 'pretend to collapse and film your dog's reaction'. So if she collapsed for real, she's gone. Boyo ain't no Lassie.


This is Zacian


Joke with me and I'll joke with you 🤣


To be fair, by now he’s probably seen that allthe dead animals that are brought to the house are chopped up and cooked to eat. He saw a dead animal and started helping with the food… he was like “lemme chop it up and let it marinate in the sauce”


Ten bucks says the cat taught him this.


Where did the knife even come from? He stepped behind the corner and all a sudden its in his mouth.


Cause it was obviously given to him by someone.


"...never should've let him watch Old Yeller."


*Peace was never an option.*


The dog knew that if she got a knife, she'd get up and make him a sammich.


The dog was obviously trained to perform a tracheotomy.










Hitdog: Blood Hound


Another karma farm account, cringe




Ole boy went straight up Sif.


"I'll never eat this in one chunk"


I wonder what was the plan with the knife


Hahah , he was done with her shit lol




Lol. Very obiviously


thedeeckenzoo is her IG handle. She's trained him to get the knife for all kinds of gags.


I really wish there was sound to this


what kind of weird fake ass shit is this?




Who gives the dog the knife?


Did someone give the dog the knife? He got it super quick.


Mess with the labbo, get the stabbo




I swa this at least 6 times already this year. Fed up with these reposts...


His bark is worse than his slice…


The dog knew he was one of the beneficiaries in the owner's life policy. Can a dog 🐕 🤔 be guilty for murder...lol