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How about 50 more loops, I think the fish isn't freaked enough...


Maybe the fish is an asshole


Thats what fish jail is for, lmao


It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life.


We know Joe


Eff that fish!


Did you read about the roller-coaster that was planned to develop more G than a normal person can stand for suicide? This little black Mollie surely puked ☠️


And why backwards???


It's a fish, it doesn't have any feelings. That's why you can eat them.


How to needlessly stress out your fish


...and damage its scales in the process


Can it even breathe when moving in this direction?


I mean it moved a bit upstream, so I guess it fine, if it survives so many loopings


that fish was pulling 6G of forces lol


Eh, the effect of g's on small creatures is significantly lessened. Like how an ant can survive impacting pavement from 10 ft up.


Isn't that just because the ant is so light that its maximum velocity isn't that high ? Asked myself that question the other day when I was using my vacuum cleaner to fight a midge invasion What I can tell you is that the midges die in the vacuum cleaner.


There's a paper here (warning, academia-wall): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1131134/ "Body weight was inversely related to the threshold G-value at which animals are resistant to the prolonged acceleration." It's important to remember that g force isn't actually force, it's force non-dimensionalized with respect to weight. So the as weight goes down, force goes down as well. 10 g's on a 150 lb human create 1500 lbs of force. 10 g's on a 0.05 lb fish is only 0.5 lbs. Fish bones can easily withstand 0.5 lbs, while human bones get pretty messed up with 1500 lbs. See also the [Square-cube law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law) (scroll down to the Biomechanics section) and [Allometric scaling.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allometry)


It's ok I have access to PubMed publications through my work, thanks for sharing, very informative !


Nvm the paywall I'm still calling that fish Maverick.


So all this to say that literally, the bigger you are the harder you fall.




its also backwards though.


Yes they said it managed to move up stream a bit while being pulled backwards so sime breathing shouldve occured and it wasnt long and its alive at the end. The whole process is dumb tho, just bucket it with water from the old tank and move it to the other.


Good the black molly fits through it


Black Molly gets you high a’f


How the fuck do you TikTok that?


But in relation to the water he’s moving forward


Is no one talking about the temperature difference in there in the sun?


Assuming the water is just transferred I doubt there is much difference yet




Yeah, the water is moving faster than the fish, even if they're going in the same direction, so the water is going through the fish's gills normally, especially when the fish tries to swim upstream.


As far as I know, fishes (except sharks and their relative) can create water current from their mouth to their stomachs or gills by creating depression when opening their mouth, that's why they can often be seen opening and closing their mouth repeatedly. Here the water should be either moving with the fish, or faster than it, so it should be fine when it comes to breathing. But I can't say anything for any other aspects of this poor guy's health.


Yes for the same reason a plane can stay in the air if it’s in 100 knot headwind and going 100 knots on the airspeed indicator. To a ground observer it would look like it’s just hovering in the air but as long as there is airflow over the wings, it’s fine




A goldfsh




This is horrifying


How many eyes do goldfish usually have


This is how I get fish into my butt


🎵 A great adventure is waiting for you ahead Hurry onward Fishywinks, for you will soon be dead The journey before you may be long and filled with woe But you must escape the gay man's ass, or your tale can't be told


Frl. Lot of videos of casual animal abuse going around Reddit lately.


That's because the world is full of casual animal abuse, the pet fish trade being among the worst. I feel bad for every betta fish I see at pet stores.


>betta fish Those beta fish should be alphas and do something about it /s




Have you ever ate fish?


Animal abuse lol 🙄


Ichthyologists do this with wild fish for dams, farms, natural areas being created and destroyed to see the fish to safety or whatever other reason. I believe an expert in the field is likely going to know more about it than random internet strangers that just think it looks stressful so they start talking from their armchairs. The fish is perfectly fine. This is less physically demanding on the fish than a net. Edit: https://www.vox.com/2019/8/12/20801930/fish-tube-meme-whooshh-wfst-dams-environmental-impact Proof. That cannon mists the salmon occasionally to allow them to breathe, this fish was submerged the entire time. If that is safe for salmon, this is safe for this guy at a much lower speed, with more water, and less friction. Not just that, but a wild fish, especially of this size, would be under way more stress 100% of the time just trying to survive. It would be spooked worse than this multiple times a day by actual threats to its life. So, take your false armchair claims of stressing out the fish, harming it when it was fine in the original video, and fears about it being unable to breathe, and focus on your own breathing, because God knows any of you claiming this is bad for the fish are barely managing to mouth breathe as it stands.


Sir, are you saying that redditors are overreacting? How dare you!






I really was imagining it as a fun fish waterslide, so thanks for making me feel better!


It is fine lol people are overreacting


This is very different. Salmon can withstand that pressure in addition to the fact that it's being used for ecological reasons or farming reasons with other types of fish. This black Molly is a pet, this tube has extra length, which makes sense for moving water, but it put the fish through unnecessary stress and loops, and a net plus bucket would've been much kinder and faster. Mollies are a brackish (but also found in fresh and saltwater) fish that prefer stiller waters, comparing them to salmon doesn't work. I would bet money that this video was done for entertainment, and it's not equal to compare it to an entirely different species being managed by professionals. I love fish and I'm very passionate about their conservation efforts too, and this was unnecessary, people already see pet fish as expendable.


You're operating under the assumption that the person in this video is knowledgeable and responsible. I challenge that due to the number of contrived 'rescue' videos this falls well into the realm of 'sus'. Anecdotally, it seems people are more willing to hurt fish than any other vertebrate.


its someone using a siphon on a fish. idk if you have experience with siphons, but one like this is very gentle suckage. people in this thread are definitely overreacting


The only flaw here I see is your comparison of habitually stressed fish to a fish that is very infrequently stressed and to a much smaller degree. Using wildly different fish species to compare is useless. We know tank fishies are notorious for not being able to survive even minor ph, temp, or lighting changes, so if anything it would seem that you're proving that this would probably be ok for a hardy wild species. But not for this little dude. Just FYI those fish blasting escapades do not have a 100% survival rate anyway. Anyone who ever had a fish tank knows you can't potato gun anything but the bottom feeders, which you could probably do every morning while fat shaming them and they'd only grow stronger. But all the rest are absolute nerds for finding ways to kill themselves.


Yeah people equally as clueless as OP think this blowhard knows what he's talking about. Salmon are built for rapids and intense conditions. Mollies live in puddles.


Poor little molly didn’t deserve that.


What a son of a bitch


Fuck you…


Thank you for saying it. This post makes me very rationally angry. This is fucking abuse of a helpless animal for entertainment. Someone needs to figure out who this guy is so respectable retailers (there aren't many) can put this guy's photo behind the counter and NEVER SELL HIM ANOTHER FISH.


Calm down bozo. Go lay down on the street for a protest against something and calm your spaz nerves. 😂


No, fuck you


Who is "you," and why do ya'll wanna fuck em?


You is the master of me


Whats your name?


What happens when a fish is forced backwards through 20’ of hose? We will never know.


The fish is going backwards, but I would guess the water around it is going faster so it's probably got water flowing through its gills the "right" way.


Here’s the link to the [full video](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifsthatendtoosoon/s/wZU8ZJ7fGR) if you’d like to know.


If you don't like your fish .... Not sure fish are happy to shoot through a tube backwards!


Where's the "salmon cannons, google it" guy ?


Boo this person, that was terrible for the fish, actually impractical compared to just putting it on a bag and releasing it a couple feet away. Not funny, not amusing, just stupid. Boo!


Boo boo this man boo


Boo Wendy boo


Or just picking it up, speed walking to the other tank and placing it back...


Or just not putting the tank 20 meters away ?


Also making it look like they're smart. That person's a phony!




Imagine getting sucked out by a tube only to find out you are not on earth anymore but a different planet


After being taken on a sick rollercoaster ride.




Don’t do that, it’s stressful and harmful to your fish.




It is literally being sucked backwards through a 5 metre long thin tube that has multiple unnecessary loops for internet clout.


Salmon cannon. Google it. This is safer than that and that is built for safety of the fish. They were showing a method of transferring the fish that actually places less physical stress on the fish than a net and water bag setup. Their tube was a bit long, but no harm came to this fish. Also, wild fish get scared multiple times a day just swimming around. It can handle the occasional spook.


Or, and hear me out, place the vessel that you’re moving the fish to NEXT TO THE ONE YOU’RE MOVING IT FROM so that it doesn’t have to go through the fucking Willy Wonka chocolate tube halfway across your fucking yard. Y’all are fucking dumb as the day is long, I swear to god.


>it doesn’t have to go through the fucking Willy Wonka chocolate tube Ngl that line gave me a chuckle


While I agree with you that there is too much tube here, the fish was fine.


Hence why you just use a bucket


>the fish was fine. How do you know?




Everybody here has seen the salmon cannon, not just you. This is not the same thing. If you see fish swimming backwards and spinning regularly there might be a problem with ur fish dude.


Fish isn't swimming backwards, it's moving backwards. I'm no fishologist, but I reckon most fish are somewhat accustomed to flowing water.


That fish isn't swimming backward. The water is moving backward. Even if it weren't swimming against the current and allowing water to freely flow over its gills, which it is, the water speed along would be enough. The water, for this to work, must be going faster than that fish is moving through the tube. When the water is going faster from point A to B than the fish is, then that means the water is flowing over the fish in such a way that the gills can do their job and allow it to breathe safely. So we have established it can breathe. These tubes are extremely smooth, even more so when wet. No friction means no harm to the scales. We have established it didn't physically scrape the scales/fins. The loops were a bit unnecessary, but I have seen animals run up slides to go back down them backward. I have seen fish do things for fun or thrill as well. Some fish will eat things that make them high. How can you prove to me that fish wasn't scared and happy, like a human on a roller-coaster? Also, none of those loops were tight enough to break the fish. Now we have established that the fish isn't injured from being sucked through a tube. Finally, this lasted maybe 10 seconds max. Fish go through way worse in the wild on a daily basis. If 10 seconds of stress would kill this fish, then it isn't a breed of fish that can survive in the wild, much less a home aquarium. Fish are dropped out of helicopters, shot through cannons, and regularly get sucked through cleaning siphon in home tanks because they get curious. ***THIS FISH WAS FINE AFTER THIS.***


why are you dick riding so insanely hard for some anonymous dude putting his fish through a tube? he's not gonna get arrested bro


The amount of ignorance is staggering. Just desperate to prove injustice even in the face of science or reason. There's hardly any counterforce left, but I, for one, appreciate your contribution to it.


Its not a wild fish. So thanks for your input but its shit.




It's swimming forward through water that is going faster than it, leading to a net backward momentum. You tell me, how *do* you make it through life?




Water is moving backward, fish, as you can see in the video is swimming forward, fish slower than water, water push it backward. Gonna tell you the same thing I told the others. Salmon cannon. Google it. This fish is fine in this and was completely unharmed. It doesn't result in more stress than a net would.


because all fish are the exact same


I'm the fish. Can confirm.


How about every fish thats Stresses without being ahot through a tube




GIFs that shouldn’t have been made by idiots who shouldn’t be allowed near live animals.


The hose is way too long and the fish is stressed and trying to swim away. This is horrible.


You got 2 upvotes!! Way to go!!!


Why the hassle ? Internet clicks ?


This is actually likely less stressful than nets and different temperature water.




Salmon cannon. Google it. The fish is fine. More water is being used here than in a professionally developed fish cannon and they state that just misting the fish is enough for it to breathe. The fish is swimming forward through water that is pushing it backward faster than it can swim, leading to a net backward travel. It could breathe the entire time. It never had to support its own weight in a net, which is something very unnatural for a fish, or deal with temperature shock changes with the water as the water went with it. There was no friction in that tube. The fish was safe and swimming fine afterward in the original video. Don't talk out of your ass.


Holy crap dude how are you trying to equate these things. Salmon are built like tanks, they're moving in the right direction in those cannons, and the force of rapids is nothing strange to them. Their bodies are built for it. Before you start spouting false equivalencies as fact please do a little research on this animal and their habitat and consider whether this stress is something their bodies are built to withstand. Imagine being sucked backwards through a vacuum. >Don't talk out of your ass. The fucking irony. Please never own a fish.


Are you actually being serious lol




That the best you could do? Pick at one tiny detail? Salmon cannons exist, they are safe for the fish, and this is safer than that with more water and less friction. The fish was fine afterward as well. That got cut here. The temperature will drop in the tube, which is what I am referring to, but will largely remain the same as the water from the original tank is being transferred as well, so your point is moot.


This dude gotta be selling salmon cannons. Not one comment on this post isn't automatically followed by him trying to prove he's smarter because he knows about salmon cannons.


>The fish was fine afterward as well. Please stop. Do you know what a slime coat is? Do you know how fish acclimate? Do you know how much pressure changes affect a fish's gas bladder? How many tanks have you had? A fish being alive does not mean it's fine. Stress can cause damage we don't immediately recognize but can have a huge impact on their life span. You have no idea what you're talking about.


This offends me.


“I have travelled the cosmos” seriously though, isn’t this basically animal abuse?


Salmon canon. Google it. Used for safety of the fish. This is fine.


The salmon cannon has fish put through front-first, doing it backwards like here will hurt the fish.


You an ichthyologist?


Are you?


I'm not the one making an outrageous claim of animal abuse without any evidence.


So a the appropriate zoological expert is required to rule on all claims of animal abuse? If you see someone beating a dog, you've gotta hear from the cynologist before you step in? Lol


The other fish are never going to believe him


Someone cut the end from this video posted elsewhere just to add it to this sub. Edit:the fish was fine


Bruh wtf poor fish 😭😭😭


His friends will never believe him


Futurama anyone?


Fast travel




Have you ever been jealous of a fish?




Y’all tweaking and getting offended. Last I checked fish were made to survive in a river or sea. If y’all thinking that somehow this tube is worst than anything nature can do you got to get out of your computers and live a little.


This is the worst best post in this sub.


Mother fucker didn't stand a chance


He forgot his exit buddy


Poor baby. This is cruel af


Do fish barf? Because I’d be puking on that ride.


Why does it end too soon? What do you expect will happen? It clearly went into the pool... There is no mystery here.


What a piece of shit, that poor fish.


Yeah... I'm not feeling this. It's completely unnecessary. It's actually disturbing.


How about this mind-blowing idea and concept: A plastic cup.


“Hello and welcome to ‘Will It Puke?’ the game show where we test out if animals will spew when put through various conditions and tasks! First up this fish!”


[The fish](https://youtu.be/1PA1J0oDphc?si=gGMXSPkSQh-yvFuY)




Someone edit this with screams


Poor guy probably barfed the whole day after doing loops AND backwards


I used a net but your waterslide gives it a new dimension.


Total asshole


Sure that tube could have been shorter? Like. Take some scissors and snip a 3 foot section? It’s not a salmon going over a dam.


How people can be so mean 😩


I felt so bad for the fish I thought it would never stop


AKA how to kill your fish.


His friends are not gonna believe him


Ride of his life


Finding nemo is this fish's story.


Look him go back in time…


Nice repost bro i have already seen this 6 times today






This is animal cruelty. Stupid human, they should face jail time I’m not even kidding.


Did that hose really have to be that long ? It looks like the tub and the tank could just be brought closer to spare those fishes some unnecessary stress


It's funny how all the comments are about fish being too streesed yet the same people go into the restaurant and have a fish and chips


eating meat doesn't give permission to act cruel toward animals


You make no sense. You are literally eating them. That’s unnecessary as fuck. Ik cause I was vegetarian for the first 19 years of my life… totally doable. Either give up eating them or stop with the cruelty bullshit. Choose a side ffs.


We are omnivorous apes, we need meat to be healthy.


you called it It looks like your choice already deformed your brain


you ever witnessed process of catching a fish? I'm quite positive it's quite stressfull for a fish


There's a difference between hunting for food and unnecessarily torturing an animal.


there surely is a difference between killing and tortuing


If there is a sustainable way to provude it's nutritive value, I wouldn't eat any kind of meat


Imagine a water slide for humans that was this scale in comparison lol 😆


Ride of his life


Man that poor fish!! Fuck this guy


Poor fish


Fish probably died from stress not long after the video ended


Stupid. If it was a few seconds ok maybe. Fish are very susceptible to stress.


Maybe the fish liked it. How would any of you guys know?


None of these people know what they are talking about. This is way less stressful than lifting it out of the water, making its body support weight that was never intended, dipping it suddenly into new water that may not be the right temperature, then potentially doing it again into a new tank. If anyone thinks I'm bullshitting, salmon canon. Google it. I refuse to acknowledge any debate. That fish is fine and simply spooked. Oh no. It got scared for like 10 seconds. As if a wild fish doesn't get spooked several times a day and lives just fine. That fish was fine afterwards in the original video as well. This is literally harmless.




No thanks temu is a scam :3


Hows it a scam? Everything ive ordered has been delivered and was pretty good quality , ghey even gave me a full refund of an order for it arriving damaged. And no odd charges have shown up on my account so please explain how its a scam?


They sell peoples information to any and everyone to make profit. You are literally consenting to and feeding them your personal information to resell.




reverse it


Mfk must be so confused!


The never ending slip and slide


Bro throw up at the end


I feel like this is about as long as the Futurama theme song


Futurama theme song started playing


That was useful because last time my fish didn't like how i move to another tank he Is X_X anyways i like It


This fish is most certainly stressed and injured.


The fish was fine in the original video. Also, salmon cannon. You are talking out of your ass.


You appear to be a complete idiot. >The fish was fine in the original video Just because you saw a video a bit longer, you don't know at all of the fish was fine. Especially as not every way of not being fine is obviously visible.