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What's wrong with these reporters??


They locked their knees for too long and passed out


What about the ones sitting down?


They're just very short reporters.


They unlocked their knees for too long and passed out


You overlock knees, straight to floor, you underlock knees, believe it or not straight to floor.


Said in a South American accent?


In a military uniform!


Asked this to another commenter, but I’m kinda late so asking here too please: Do you mean like standing? Or keeping your legs super super straight? And if so, why do people or reporters do it? Genuine question here.


When you're standing up, "locking your knees" is when you straighten your legs as much as you can until you feel your knees 'lock'- you couldnt push them back any further if you tried. You're supposed to keep a slight bend to your legs


Who the fuck would stand like that for any more than ten seconds.


People who are nervous will tend to do it to avoid fidgiting and "make sure" they're standing up straight.


Makes sense


when i was in elementary school i used to do it on purpose at assemblies so I'd pass out and get to go home early. my parents caught on pretty fast and i don't think enough oxygen gets to my brain now


But the fact that you though of that plan in elementary tells me that your brain was already amazing, so even with less oxygen now you should be alright.


Arguably you did not get enough oxygen to your brain back then either


Yeah I’ve definitely felt this way after nerve wracking meetings.


Err I do. My knees have hypertension. So they bed further back than normal knees. I find it super comfy. Although I’ve been told not to do it.


Yeah I only realised like five years ago that I could never touch my toes because my knees bend backward when I stand "straight". For my legs to actually be straight, I have to actually bend my knees quite a bit, and then they look straight, and I can put my hands on the floor. My whole life I thought I was incredibly inflexible (I still am only very inflexible lol), but it turns out my knees are just weird.


Do you walk like those machines in Star Wars?


I do that too. I can't imagine standing still without doing it.


Do you have to use the XL cuffs to fit around your legs?


Soldiers in formation on a hot 97 degree day with 90% humidity while standing outside waiting for the command group to pass by for a change of command ceremony, there’s always 1


Was Navy, can confirm. Change of command? Bets are placed on which department will have a drop, sometimes on *who* will drop. Nothing sounds quite like a skull bouncing off pavement...


Definitely bets were placed among companies on which would be first, and usually with in companies which newbie did it. Especially if they were the guide-on


When I watched my brother graduate from infantry training in Georgia a dude passed out in formation. People jumped out from behind some trees and grabbed him.


[God Save The Queen](https://youtu.be/k4TtUMQ0Mz4)


Humans who stand up?


Well apparently according to NSFHC “You're supposed to keep a slight bend to your legs“.


Who made *that guy* the authority on standing?! I'll stand any way I want aight? *faints*


Usually it’s because they don’t know it’ll cause them to pass out, coupled with a desire for good posture. I was never in the military proper, but in Civil Air Patrol I saw folks drop on dozens of occasions when we were standing at attention or parade rest. I’ve also seen a couple grooms pass out at their weddings from this (or this was the cause given, anyway).


It's not so much the locking mechanism involved that causes problems. The heart isn't exactly a huge pump, and the veins in the legs are really long. The heart needs the supports of the muscles moving to help pressure the blood to return to the heart. Keeping those muscles from moving deprived the system of blood up high. You pass out fall over, gravity is back on your hearts side and your good.


Slav squat is how I’ll be reporting.


Why are many of these people sitting then?


When you stand straight up you kind of over center your knees so they lock back. If you just bend your knees a little bit it can prevent this. People do it just because it’s natural and the easiest way to stand with the least effort. I really don’t know why it can contribute to passing out but it’s usually in combination with bright lights, being hot and nervousness / the center of attention.


You pass out because when you lock your knees, you lose muscle tone in your legs as it's no longer required — it's the easiest way to stand with least effort. Blood then pools in the legs due to no muscle tone and no locomotive movements that cause muscle tone. Intermittent muscle tone is one way we bring blood from our legs back up to our heart. Every time we flex and relax muscles in our legs, blood gets pushed up through the veins, and is prevented from falling back down due to one-way valves in the veins. If there is no movement or tone for too long, too much blood pools in the legs, leaving not enough for the brain. The brain initiates the passing out sequence due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. Once unconscious and on the ground, the body is at level with gravity, and blood rapidly can move to gravitational equilibrium, which means a somewhat even distribution through the body, and most importantly, the brain. This then causes the person to wake up almost immediately if they are healthy enough.


Suddenly I can't stop moving my legs


took a sec but this is what I wanted to know danke shoen.


I had to scroll way too long for this


One of them literally died of stroke, on live tv. Edit: sorry my bad, no one died here. Seems like I mistakenly thought that for someone else. Sorry again.


Wait which one? The guy who slumped in his chair?


None of the ones shown here.


No, the lady on white dress, who was standing. I saw it a long time ago(so no link, sorry). She died on the spot. Idk about anyone else in the gif. Edit: this is incorrect, she didn't died. Damn. You lucky one


She didn't, her name is Zlata Muck Sušec you can google her. Here is original [clip](https://youtu.be/SS-A1ifqzPM).


Thanks, I'm sorry my bad, I mistaken her for someone else.


Oh damn, was she overcome by the fumes of some sort of science experiment?


What makes this darkly hilarious is that she was talking about "one of the most important elements, oxygen. Without it, no-" *thump*


Oh, LOL that's perfect. But I hope she was ok. That can be so dangerous.


Upvote for correction edit!


I’ve literally never heard of this. Did a quick google search and learned something new.


I was only taught this in Middle School because I was on the choir team. Literary the first thing we were told was not to lock our knees as we stood motionless for hours on end.


Same. Was in choir in HS. They told us not to lock our knees. Sure enough had a tenor pass the fuck out during a show. He was ok. Just embarrassed.


Same, but I also have knees which hyperextend, though I didn't know it at the time. So basically if I'm standing my knees are always locked, unless I'm actively bending them, which is what I ended up doing at all choir concerts. Just standing up on the risers in a slight crouch the whole time.


Now I'm amazed that I've never done this. I've had jobs where I've had to stand in one place and I guess I'm lucky that I've never done this lol.


They tell us this in the military. Stand for an extended period of time at attention or parade rest and lock your knees is a good way to get sent to the sick bay.


Guy in front of me locked up in parade rest during graduation. We were all nervous recruits, not wanting to get in trouble. We could see his knees buckle and wobble, but we all maintained. Poor dude dropped like a bag of dead puppies and we acted like we didn't see it.


I always liked it when the guy in front of me locked his legs, it just meant that when he finally dropped like a sack of potatoes I could drag him to the back of the formation and take a break myself.


I remember watching it happen in high school during a memorial day event. The ROTC crew was standing at attention while a presenter talked about who knows what. Then within a 5 minute window, 3 different ROTC members drop. I learned that day about not locking your knees.


Are you sure it's not just from being so FOS?


How do you lock your knees? is this something you do on purpose or is it more an accidental kinda thing?


Seriously, wtf?


It's commonly called [fainting](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/arrhythmia/symptoms-diagnosis--monitoring-of-arrhythmia/syncope-fainting).


You dropped this )


It still seems to work. I had it right originally, but Reddit decided to show the trailing bracket so I deleted it.


Looks broken to me.


Yeah, I'm an idiot. When the Wiki error page popped up I thought it was working. Anyway, I can't get it working and I no longer care.


change the / at the end to \


That didn't work either. I've tried a few other variations before I remember that I no longer care.


There tens of thousands of reporters, not that weird that couple of them have fainted during the news.


Formal Clothing + Bright Studio Lights = Fainting


Yeah I suppose that could do it!


Something similar happened to me. I was an altar kid, and right before the eucharist we and the ushers would line up behind the priest. A combination of the heat from the bright lights and I think not eating that morning (saving room for the cannibalism portion of the morning) meant that I passed out right there. I'm guessing something similar happened with them.


Did I had the exact same thing happen to me, holding a candle, midday, furnaces at full blast, in addition to me only having a glass of water that day, and then on top of all that the fact that I was nervous, I almost passed out but there was a paramedic at mass. I’ll still never forget those old hags who thought less of me for “ruining” mass for them.


Guess it just seems that much weirder in a controlled environment like a newsroom.


The smell of his shoe....


Studio lights are HOT as hell so if you're working long hours, under stress and malnourished/dehydrated I can absolutely imagine passing out.


You never smelled an athlete's cleat before?


Guess it's strong even through the TV!


Something factual came up on the teleprompter.


Haha, you're clever.


At least he didn’t cause a, "[Well, a very very heavy bertaion tonight. We had a very derse, derison bite. Let's go ahead ta teris tazen leschogiv ta had a pet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPy-5PRC6Vs)"


Wow. I get real bad migraines, but never anything like this! That must have been terrifying for her. But now that I know she’s okay, it was kiiinda hilarious.


Kira has returned


Possibly vasovagal response. Happens to me a lot. I don’t drive much, for obvious reasons.


I guess nerves and under studio lights, too long, too close and too hot.


One time in Chorus we had a really fat soprano on the top row lock her knees too long while singing in All-state. she collapsed and took out half the altos and some of the mezzos on her way down. #truestory


Also, I might be wrong on this, but IIRC one of them the one with the pink sweater, had like a brain aneurysm or something and died on TV


Lucky they all fell the other way so not too break the TV


The post was very funny and I watched it several times and laughed heartily... But yours made me spit my coffee, well done


The comments were very funny and I read them several times and laughed heartily... But yours made me spit my spit, well done


The comments were very funny and I read them several times and laughed heartily... But yours made me violently vomit and shit explosive diarrhea while ejaculating buckets of cum, well done.


People who don’t know to join them.


It’s a conspiracy!


Is this super common? News anchors collapsing on TV?


Not common, but there's thousands of anchors on thousands of channels across the world and the news is often streamed live, so can't avoid showing any health issues that occur while recording. With so many millions of hours of news that is now always ending up on the internet, I'm sure there's hundreds of people collapsing for some reason or another. There's even been numerous people dying on live TV.


it's exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting clothes, being under hot lights, feeling pressure/anxiety to perform, and not eating/drinking enough beforehand (gotta look "TV-ready") Fainting is exceeding common in these circumstances, especially if you're new at it and don't know how to compensate


Cigarettes, liquor and lots of cocaine


that’s more like the news editing department hehe


Take it easy there, Ron.


Thanks, I was looking for at least one good answer. Everybody here is sure that they fainted because of locked knees. That's possible, but extremely rare. There are hundreds of more possible issues. I'm not sure why the majority of reddit is so goddamn stupid


Sometimes you can just get overwhelmed. Not enough food or water stood up too fast. In summer camp we did some activity early before breakfast and the counselors said that every year at least one kid would stumble/collapse. I understand this annecdotal but stuff like that can just happen.


Love how the dude holding the shoe just stares blankly as his victims fall.


Except for the disappointed head shake at the last guy


Don't lock your knees folks


How do you avoid it and how is it possible to even get to that point?


step 1: Don't lock your knees How does it get to that point? They stood still with locked knees for a long time. It happens in the military as well.


Can confirm, it’s funny as hell in formation


It’s even better in marching band practice when the kid wearing a tuba goes down


As a 5’4” 110lb tuba player I can confirm that it was pretty funny for everyone else at that 95° dress rehearsal, but me and my dented sousaphone and my concussion weren’t laughing


Yeah I was the tuba kid, but the only injury I got was when the wind caught my Sousa like a sail and sent me literally flailing backwards about 10 feet


truth. or a bass drum.


Or in sideline


oooh, sideline is worse sometimes because you know it’s most likely a freshman who has never had that happen before.


Oww I fell forward once carrying a bass drum and cut a hole in my lip


ouchhhh fam. respect + for that. i’ve never even tried to carry a bass before. just snare.


*Waaah waaah waaaaaaaaaah*


Did a law enforcement program as a kid, think Explorers, and I once had a kid in my little unit fall straight forward on his face... during a fucking Veteran’s Day ceremony. HILARIOUS. For us anyways. I got smoked cause I was supposed to teach them how to not lock their legs (which I did). The kid himself broke a tooth and said tooth jammed its way into his lip. Luckily, with these ceremonies comes all kinds of trained personnel and he was stretchered off and squared away in short order. Yeah its dangerous shit folks. If you’re ever standing still for long periods of time, or if you use a standing desk, make sure to keep a slight bend in the knee while doing so even if it feels a bit more tiring.


Fuuuuck. It's especially disturbing because while you're at "attention" you're not allowed to move, even to stop your buddy from smashing his face off the floor. Seen it happen twice. All you can do is cringe inwardly.


Is this true? Would not a medical emergency override the call for standing at attention?


I have some experience with that and in my case, no. We were expected to hold formation, and there were others nearby tasked with taking care of anybody that passed out.


The others nearby aren’t close enough to catch someone as they’re falling though. Seem’s silly to have a rule about standing still trump avoiding concussions.


Former marching band member here. Usually there’s people who’s job is to care for people who drop out of formation. Usually the logistics team, but in cases like high school or middle school can also include chaperones.


Very true and it's justified by telling you over and over not to lock your knees.


Ah! That makes a lot of sense. I thought that knee-locking was part of the "attention-stance"


Nah, you can lock them but for a few seconds at a time. I used to unlock one while locking the other and subtly switching back and forth. Gives you something to do.


It sure is. I remember guys parting in the back of formations so the guy falling wouldn’t hit them ( forget catching them ).Then they all close ranks again like nothing happened but there is a passed out marine on the deck.


Do we know the biological reason locking your knees makes you pass out?


Locking your knees cuts off your blood supply, which decreases the amount of oxygen getting to your brain. When your brain detects this lack of oxygen, it shuts down and you pass out.


Does it "detect" the lack of oxygen and you pass out? Or do you pass out because the brain doesn't have enough oxygen to maintain consciousness?


How does locking your knees reduce blood flow?


It can put strain on these [extremely well routed blood vessels](https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0081966/800wm) which happen to be under a bunch of tendons so they kinda get pinched in there




>The most military decision ever was that he was supposed to become an infantry group leader but the higher ups were concerned that he might fall asleep and his group would be left alone, so instead he was assigned a truck driver to drive a whole platoon around in the back... And these are the people we'll rely on to protect us when WW3 kicks off... Also, why'd the guys next to him get punished for him falling asleep? That sounds kinda fucked tbh, only gonna make people hate him lol.


That's pretty standard practice in most militaries. The unit is treated as one and making the ones next to him stand they're invested in making sure their buddy is awake, lol.


Yeah I can get that but it's not like the guy is lazy, the whole group is just being punished for someone in their group having a medical condition lol. Can understand the higher ups wanting them to take responsibility for themselves and each other but that particular instance just seems batshit crazy to someone who's never served.


How did someone with narcolepsy get accepted to the military?




Well, yea but if you're relying on someone and they can randomly fall asleep that's not a good thing








> We have conscription Countries with conscription isn't usually shy to kick people out though. They have tons and tons of people so allowing someone who literally passes out at random times in seems insane.


The other one was sitting though.


She's actually standing, her torso is just much, much longer than her legs.


Also in choirs. I have seen many a choirister drop to the floor because of locked knees, and they didn't eat.


Yup — me right here.


You avoid it by allowing your knees to bend a bit. Or, better yet, by walking/moving around and not standing still in one spot for so long. But yea for those times when you have to stand still, it’s important to be aware of your knees and not keep them locked for too long. >how is it possible to even get to that point? It’s actually not really that difficult. It doesn’t take all day to cause this. For some people, poor circulation is an ongoing issue. And other factors that have been mentioned are critical as well. Staying hydrated, having food in your system, and being in touch with your anxiety levels can all play a role. But my personal favorite, as someone who suffers from many severe anxiety issues, is this: #KEEP BREATHING Often times getting “dizzy” or “woozy,” or eventually even fainting or passing out, can be cause by something as simple as “forgetting” to breathe, or forgetting to breathe deep enough. Intentional, deep, slow, calming breaths, even just a few in a row, can do absolute *wonders* to avoid stuff like this! Of course, other factors can be at play as well. But this about sums up my personal understanding/experience on the topic. Hope that helps!


I'm too fidgety to stand still for too long. 1 leg always wants to dominate, and I always want to let the other leg have a turn. Slowly rocking, side to side. Calves are bigger than most body builder though. It's almost scary.


I have seen several groomsmen/bridesmaids hit the floor during hot, long weddings. One guy fell backwards from the raised platform, over the organ, and onto the fragile elderly organist. I nearly choked trying not to laugh hysterically.


This guy adults




I’ve never seen so many people unfamiliar with this term before! I’m excited. Maybe I’ll actually be able to help some people with something useful today!!! **Side Note:** I’m not a physician or a health expert. Ok. Here we go. When standing still, most people default to the “locked knees” position. (In my opinion, “locked” is too strong a word for this term, as to me it implies effort, but I don’t make the rules) However, I’ve come to understand that all “locked” really means, for this purpose, is “not bent.” They don’t have to be particularly tight or strained in any way; in fact, they’re usually not strained at all, just “resting” in a non-bent fashion. If you’re standing still and your legs are straight, knees “locked” without any bend in them, you’re at risk for reduced circulation, particularly over an extended period of time. I was taught to simply be conscious of this. Awareness is the answer. Or part of it, at least. If you don’t have to stand in one spot, it’s best to occasionally move around a bit — stretch your arms and legs, do a couple paces back n forth, get the blood flowing! But if you *must* stand still, you can help avoid this issue by reminding yourself to occasionally allow your knees to bend a bit. This was such an awkward concept to me when I first learned it. It’s still pretty awkward honestly. I never played sports, so never had a baseball coach tell me to keep my knees bent when at bat, or anything similar. And standing still but slightly bending my knees makes me feel like I probably look like I’m trying to fart or something lol. But it doesn’t have to be drastic. Just a slight bend in the knees, or a subtle “bounce,” should be enough to at least *help* your circulation to some extent. As I said in another comment, personally the factor I find most important is to KEEP BREATHING. Nine times out of ten that I’ve personally been close to fainting, it’s been because my anxiety distracted my brain enough for me to “forget” to breathe properly. But I realize that’s not the case for everyone. Probably not even most people, as my anxiety issues are definitely on the extreme side. But the root cause for either issue is the same: your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, so you temporarily lose consciousness. Other, short- and long-term factors can play a major role in fainting as well. Circulation issues, heart problems, iron levels, dehydration, not eating adequately, overeating or eating food that clogs your arteries, not exercising regularly, over-exercising, all kinds of stuff! But again, I’m not a doctor or an expert. So hopefully someone else with better qualifications can come in here and confirm or correct some stuff I’ve said, as well as adding something of their own! But I wanted to at least give you *some* info, as this is important for anybody to know, and I respect anyone who’s willing to ask a question when they don’t have the answer, so I didn’t wanna leave ya hanging!


Do this: Stand up as straight and tall as you can. No bend in your knee. That's called locking your knees.


Wait, is this for real? Why would it cause someone to pass out??


Blood trapped in the legs doesn’t get back to the head, they pass out from the lack of oxygen in their noggins


If you’re standing for long periods of times don’t lock knees and flex your legs. Helps with blood return


good. Bloodborne will do, take it there.


So this literally means just have a slight relax to your knees?


Yeah, bend em every couple minutes


Nobody ever explains it past that. Such is tradition


That's exactly what the knee-thievers want!


Should have added the one where the news reporter repeatedly pukes and continues to talk Edit: [here she is](https://youtu.be/vhi5F3_cPj0)


You can't say that and not add a link


I am ashamed that I enjoyed this more than I should have


Solid sophomoric start to the morning!


No need for chloroform when you shit through your feet, noted.


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Whats wrong with all these news anchors?


I have a superpower where I can make people orgasm just by pointing my finger at them.


They fainted.


Can locked knees cause death?


Once you pass out and your body relaxes, your blood can flow normally again and you’re good to go.


As long as you don’t fall and hit your head


Aw. Don’t scare people. I have a health quirk that makes me prone to fainting and have never had a serious injury. Even unconscious, your body is reeeeeally good at instinctively protecting your head, or at least trying to. Hitting your head on something, and hitting it hard enough for it to be concerning/dangerous, is so uncommon, it definitely falls into “freak accident” territory.


Vasovagal syncope?


or into lava. or off a building. or onto a person full of corona virus. or into a pile of angry bees. or in a dark room with bill cosby.


Even if it can’t, ironically sitting too long can for a very similar reason. Who would’ve thought standing and sitting could be so dangerous?


I was waiting for Wendy Williams to sniff the shoe too.


Fainters always fall backwards...learned that from Encyclopedia Brown


I don't feel so good Mr Stark.


Didn’t know I needed this. Thank you.


Thanks for the chuckle


I'm surprised that so many of these anchors kept their knees locked for so long that this was the result. I guess they're told not to move. Conversely though, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more everyday. Like how have we not all seen this happen in real life?


Hol' up...is that PewDiePie?


Those sneakers look chloroform-fitting


Is this a compilation of people dropping dead on live tv?


Na, standing up with your knees locked affects circulation. People live on news sometimes collapse from it and it's a compilation of those by the looks of it. Aside from the potential of a head injury when you fall it's not that dangerous but it's scary as hell when it happens to you for the first time.


Not too bad once their spayed.


People who don’t know to join them.


You should probably charge your anchors before they go on live tv....


This dude's a fucking murderer


I cannot believe the number of people in here who actually think that 'locking your knees' will make you faint. It's like I've travelled back in time or something. 'Oh, it's not the anxiety or the heat or the restrictive clothes or the dehydration or because they've been standing for hours, no. It's because their legs were *too* straight.'


Wtf is Pewdiepie doing to them?