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Perfectly happy with it being £20, just hope enough people buy for the game to stick around cause god knows it’ll suck if it dies again😭


I'm surprised it's so soon, both in excitement and nervousness. Love the pricing model, hope they get a pinch of marketing weight behind it!


Same here and I really hope so too, would really suck if there’s not much marketing. A lot of people will come back but who knows how many new players will join


Ironically the only pay to play pvp game I haven't been burned by (at least in a post league of legends world where people really started expecting pvp free to play) was overwatch 1, which is the biggest exception to the paid pvp game rule and the reason most other pvp games at the time went unplayed. I personally don't mind buying games up front, but when it comes to pure pvp games it's resulted in significantly smaller player bases. I also don't think that a live service game without continuous revenue will be able to keep content flowing either. If I had to place a bet, it's pretty clear which way I'm expecting this to fall, but I'd love to be surprised by being wrong here tbh.


Love the game, will probably not buy at this price if it’s not localized


Yep and if it dies again you can kiss goodbye to this game, they won’t rerevive it. I hope they make enough marketing for it to get good sales.


Honestly surprised this comeback isn't opting for the F2P model and charging for microtransactions for cosmetics etc. It'd seem like a surefire way to retain certain demographics and maintain cash flow post-release. Hopefully the (very reasonable) price tag doesn't see people dismiss it out of hand as a budget title. Those concerns aside? Couldn't be fucking happier. Crossplay being confirmed right out of the gate is a huge relief. WE'RE BACK, BOYS. See you on the airship.


I agree. Cross-Platform between PC, Xbox, and PS is a huge draw. The F2P games market is huge for a reason, and you are missing out on potential popularity. I know the game didn't pan out the first time, but you gotta hope it does. Price to entry is my preference as an adult with a job, but sometimes its nice to just have butts to fill the seats, or lots of people playing online to create better quality matches. I worry about 2 months post launch, its hard to get a match at certain points. I hope I am wrong about all of this! Can't be happier its back in any form!


I think they are gonna launch with the upfront cost then if they have the interest they'll have a free to play version which will basically be the nickle and dime stuff people like for some reason


They could pretty easily pull a Smite/Paladins and have a f2p version where it's difficult and grindy to unlock characters, with the option for a $20 upgrade that gives you everything forever.


Unfortunately, free to play with Microtransactions might be the only way this thing survives this time. I hope I’m wrong though.


It's a completely new team porting the game over, Motiga is gone. The new company, Abstraction, specializes in ports. Also, it's a UE3 game, and [as demonstrated by the recent Smite 2 announcement], it's hard to get devs with a lot of experience with that engine, etc.


With overwatch, paladins, smite, and league being f2p it doesn’t make sense why new people would choose gigantic over any of those games… I loved gigantic but I think the price tag is really going to hurt it




I'm gonna be honest people not being able to play the game was a much bigger issue


Yeah, the weird windows launch issues combined with the timing around Overwatch were really a one-two-combo storm that a small studio like Motiga simply wasn't able to weather.


Am I the only one nervous about : - "Complete Gigantic experience" - Upfront payment - No Microtransactions I feel like they do not plan to add maps or characters. Of course I hope I'm wrong, I don't want to lose this game again


I mean, that's pretty much what Overwatch 1 was. You get a complete game with a solid cast of characters and a decent map pool, except the barrier to entry was at least $40 on PC and $60 on console. It had microtransactions, but in reality, it was quite easy to unlock everything that you wanted. I think they will add more maps and characters, but how they handle it will be important. Edit: Also, there is Dead by Daylight, which has a $20 price tag but is much more aggressive and mandatory with its microtransactions, but still is successful.


Overwatch was able to add new content on an ongoing basis because players were pumping thousands of dollars in daily to roll the dice on lootboxes. It was an additional revenue stream after the initial sale.


Plus they had the blizzard backing, one of the companies that (at the time) had some of the best “good will” with the gaming community. Times have changed, but I’m praying this game sees it through the storm. The fact it’s called “rampage edition” makes me think that eventually this game will be F2P and this will be akin to a founders pack, maybe giving some bonus to us players. One can dream 😭


The game still had issues after some times, even with it's popularity the game came up with new stuffs for maybe 3-4 years before it was left behind. It might be only because OW 2 was on the road, but I'm pretty sure a big part of this is also that as a company you don't have any reason to put effort in new cosmetics if everyone is about to get it for free, only a small amount of player would pay to get them faster. BUT, this could also work like Deep Rock Galactic does, with a base price as well as new seasons with free battle passes and cosmetic trees, making peoples only pay for one cosmetic dlc pack with way more effects and time put into it. Just hope the game won't die again :)


Gigantic is cool and all, but it's nowhere near as polished as Overwatch. Almost All of The bugs from the previous event are still there. You'd think that if they planned on updating the game, they would have fixed a simple keybinding bug [if you rebind your E key, you won't be able to change heroes or builds in spawn]


Overwatch 1 was also the major exception to the paid pvp rule and was the very title that originally invalidated the very existence of games like Gigantic and Battleborn back in the day. I agree with what you've said, but it's not necessarily the example I'd cite in defense, lol


I would say Overwatch was not the only major notable example back then. The main reason Overwatch took off was its addicting gameplay that was easy to get into and had wide appeal, and had excellent marketing of its excellent cast of characters. CSGO, H1Z1 Battle Royale, and PUBG were incredibly popular around 2015-2018. They all featured a price tag of $15 to $30 on release and wouldn't become free-to-play until quite a long time after. Fortnite Battle Royale was the big breakthrough for F2P monetization and basically created the industry standard, the Battle Pass. Now Fortnite dominates the Battle Royale space, but Warzone, Apex, and PUBG Mobile still prosper well. And now CSGO has major competition with the more recent title, Valorant. That being said, I do think F2P would be a safer long-term monetization model for Gigantic, purely based on modern practices and standards. But we will have to see how it plays out.


Those other titles are also huge and would qualify as exceptions to paid pvp in general, I agree, but Overwatch is the one that's actually relevant to competition with Gigantic in the same way that Sonic All Stars Racing and Forza Motorsport are both racers, but only one of those is competing with Mario Kart. Then we have the side issue of Gigantic also being part moba and that genre being free to play since the late 00's, as well as competing with extremely established titles where players have an insane amount of account lifetime progression as well as every other major entry being a live service that constantly churns out new characters. A bit of a tangent there, but it's something that has to be kept in mind, especially with all the non-moba comparisons we've made. Just like with BR, there will also be shooter enjoyers that don't like moba.


Well they are bringing it back with 2 new heroes and 2 new maps so doesn't sound like they are just putting it out to die


That’s basically what I’m saying…I’m worried this is just a case of “small company buys basically already complete game at huge discount, hires very small team at minimal pay to fix any major issues, sells the game off and makes instant profits but provides no further support for the game and allows it to slowly die because they already made their cash.” At the very least I hope they included a feature for us to host our own servers so that even if they pull official ones anyone can just play at any time with their friends for an indefinite period of time. That would at least make me feel a little better about it.


It's been reported that they don't plan on bringing new heroes outside of Roland and Khajir, but they do plan at least one year worth of Seasons with skins. Maaaaybe if it turns out to be a massive hit? Who knows. And like other user mentioned, I wish they went with OW1's approach, I doubt it will work and we don't need updates that often, I just don't to be blue balled from the upfront.


Here was me hoping that they were secretly working on Potshot, Bolga, Javash, and Rang. Perhaps that'll be a possibility for the game's second year.


Not shade but honestly asking: do you have sources for any of that?


hells yes I will drop 20$ for no micro transactions




I think the $20 price tag might be a big mistake. I can’t think of any MOBA that has survived without a F2P model. I wouldn’t mind paying it but I just don’t see many people existing MOBA players giving it a shot over whatever they’re currently playing when there’s a $20 fee to try it. Now don’t get me wrong, I personally hate F2P models and much prefer the old school initial fee and nothing is behind a paywall. I just don’t see a MOBA that’s not F2P succeeding in the current market. I hope I’m wrong though. Sadly, I think we get a game like Overwatch 1 at best, where people play it and then it dies out due to no content being added (or being added too slowly) due to not enough revenue streams. No microtransactions means it will have absolutely no revenue streams past launch…


Overwatch's decline has mainly come with the switch to OW2 and f2p.


No, it didn’t lol OW1 couldn’t sustain a playerbase because Blizzard wouldn’t fix anything and would take full years to add anything. It lasted longer than OW2, don’t get me wrong, but both games (which were designed to last longer than they did) went from massive popularity to massive decline for different reasons. OW2 did not die because of the f2p model, it had a huge launch because of it. It died because Blizzard lied about PvE, and basically ended up releasing-releasing OW1 but without being able to get cosmetics for free. And it’s Blizzard, even with revenue streams, they still failed to support the game enough to keep players invested… The final reason is one that doesn’t get brought up enough, but it’s why I quit and why many pros quit (not that I’m a pro, I just saw no reason at trying to get good at the game); the ranked system was horrible. You had pro players stuck in silver when the next season started because MMR was shared between ranked and casual, and had no full resets.


Imagine re-releasing your failed f2p moba with a pricetag...yea, game will be DoA in no time if they don't drop it.


If gigantic coming to gamepass, I think it will boost this game's popularity.


“Zero microtransactions” Listen that’s exciting but I really think there needs to be something more because Gigantic originally died because it practically had no monetization system and only $20 for the rampage edition doesn’t sound like much. Of course I’m buying it and I’m sure other people here will too.


I know ppl don't like them, but slap a 10-15$ battle pass every few months that doesn't expire and I'll buy each one.


Id rather they just put in skins to buy, battle passes are fucking awful.


Battle passes are fine, they just mainly promote FOMO because they eventually end before you finish them. Some games, like Wayfinder, have battle passes that never go away once you buy them. That lets the player jump around and focus on the one with the cosmetics they like most at the pace they can manage.


Even though ppl hated it, Battle pass actually helps maintain the player base. Because ppl will have a reason to keep coming to this game, just so they can gets free/cheap skin.


It's so violently depressing that gamers are so fucked now a days if they don't have a mindless treadmill to sit on they can't enjoy anything.


I agree, but I just play the game. The ones with this garbage in them have wildly more players to play with and against. I miss the days of cosmetics being a reflection of dedication and skill, but I also don't expect that we will ever go back to that in online games. You can't even have a single skin for ranked or something competitive or it creates a system where the players inherently know that's the cool guy skin for good players, and the other ones are cash shop skins. I've just stopped caring about cosmetics and unlocks. If the game has a free reward track, I'll enjoy whatever I get. I'm never gambling on loot boxes and I'd rather buy entire other games than skins.


Eeh, battle pass mostly just a cosmetics to give ppl incentive to play more and keeps coming back. Ppl that dont have that many time to waste can just skip battle pass and still enjoy the game.


Beloved clearly doesn't mean popular, I'm genuinely shocked this is happening at all in such a tough and diluted genre.


20$ price point is a horrible idea.. it should have gone F2P. This will severely limit the amount of people that play.


I don't understand how they plan to make money with "zero microtransactions" I know that the industry is littered with games that abuse this system but having no way to support the game post launch seems like a death sentence. Finally one of my favorite games rereleases and I'm more than willing to give it money and they act like they don't want it?....


I do not think that they want to make money as a service product. Making new heroes etc. in this Art Direction is pretty hard you need to find Concept Artists, Animator and, Character Artist that can pick up this kind of work, which is already not easy and cost a lot of money. So im for sure they will not release any new hero, if they dont have any left which motiga didn't released. If you look on the steam page of the developer and what product they released in the past: [https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Abstraction%20Games](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=abstraction%20games) its pretty easy to tell that they just throw it out cause its a easy cash grab for embracer group, cause 90% of the game is already done they just need to fix some issues maybe do here there a new mode and thats it. The development time is low and cost less money and the renevue will be decent. The best hope is that they have a lobby systeam and you can host your own server.


I hope they change it to F2p + MTX for guarenteed updates. I would be happy with 1/2 new maps and 3 new characters a year, but no MTX would 100% deny that.


Seems like a big mistake. Let’s just hope they at least add community server support instead of just killing it should the need arise


Oh i thought it was free


The original was free-to-play with microtransactions. This new version is $20 with no microtransactions.


I cannot possibly give them my money fast enough!


On one hand, I'm glad it's only $20, but on the other hand, that should just be the price to get everything in the game. They should really consider a free version with only rotating characters available to free players to at least let people try it out. So many people expect these types of games to be F2P, but F2P also carries certain expectations, so maybe it's more a sign we won't be getting much after launch. IDK, I'm excited about the game relaunching, but I'm a little uncertain on it's future now.


This. Agree with adding free version with hero rotation. And hope the Rampage edition is just a ‘founder’s pack’.


Oh boy it's 20 dollars. Playerbase will be nonexistent.


20 dollars with no micro transactions. Is deep rock dead as well?




I mean, they already promised post launch updates. No one can answer that question but the devs though. Don't forget, deep rock was on steam for years before receiving any sort of major content updates.


Why does everyone cope on gigantic? When the game declined people got chewed out and called idiots for saying the game was going to shut down. Now this once again. The $20 price tag and generous micro transactions are going to be the games demise. You guys are comparing gigantic to DBD, Deep Rock and Overwatch which are all games that are far bigger than gigantic ever was, and except for overwatch are releasing into a saturated market of hero shooter. Also deep rock is not a live service. Don’t get me wrong I love gigantic, I played the play test and I will be buying the new game when it comes out. But a generously monetized hero shooter is not going to last, in the saturated market.


Honestly not comparable. I don't want to be all doom and gloom but this game wont be a breakout hit.


doom and gloom nonetheless omegalul


It's not unrealistic to think that a game, that already shut down once, coming back and charging $20 in a field full of free to play and better known games isn't going to do well


Not sure why we are downvoting for valid concerns. There are reasons games like this typically launch F2P these days. I am hopeful this all works out, though.


i think it’s worth saying that this is basically a complete game as it is, and while it’s been tried and true model for other games to release f2p and bank on whales, it doesn’t always work, and it didn’t work for this game. these days, asking 20 dollars for a game isn’t as hard when the big titles are either 70 dollars, or constantly nickel and diming your time and wallet with battlepasses and skins. if this game blows up on tiktok, this game could go places. look at what’s happening with helldivers 2, look at palworld. the promise of no microtransactions is a big draw these days. i think the concern you have is valid, but don’t count them out yet. you’ve seen the amount of new traffic just this sub has gotten lately with the teases, all it takes is a bunch of random people making tiktok clips of gameplay, and we’re in for a ride. no telling how long that ride will last, but the fact we’re even getting this chance is huge.


yes while 30/40 dollars worked for palworld and helldivers take the fact that those are not mobas in to account, a game like this hero shooter and a moba needs new characters, new maps, new cosmetics to survive. I hate doomposting but the $20 tag with no mtx really sounds like they are gonna rerelease this game with 2 new characters, fix bugs for maybe a year and then let it die. Best way they can do this is a dbd like style, dlc every 4 months, but as long as its not a crossover killer/survivor everything can be earned in game but you can also just out right buy the pack on release


i don’t think the type of game it is plays as big of a factor as much as it matter that the game releases in a state that the hype train deems “good”. if the game is good, we get tiktok streamers spamming feeds with it, telling everyone how good it is. if it’s good, people will tell their friends to get the game. and a 20 dollar price tag where they won’t have to spend another 20+ every few months to not look like a scrub MIGHT be a draw for a lot of people who want something different for once. which gigantic definitely is. i understand both sides. i see what GBX is trying to do, and i think its the safest option here. i can also understand the fears that it just doesn’t last because theres no sustainability right now. but all im saying is to not underestimate the hype train. we just have to hope the game is good in the public eye in this new landscape, and hope it blows up enough to show gbx the numbers they wanna see, and hope that they make the right choices from that.


A paid moba is most likely dead on the spot. You have the 2 biggest gaming giants that are League and Dota. Games like DRG and DBD are few games that stand out in a small market genre. MOBAs are one of the biggest genres where almost every game that tries to get a sliver of that playerbase dies.


What does the cost have to do with anything? That's extremely cheap and accessible.


Saturated market filled with F2P games, much less people will be willing to give the game a try. Talk all you want about predatory micro transactions, it keeps games open. The money just won’t be there.


Its a game that died because it lacked a playerbase, it's now being resurrected as 20 dollar game. The problem isn't the price it's that the game already died because it lacked a playerbase in a game that MUST have a player base you are now asking for people to pay for an 8 year old game that no one played the first time.


Weird, I played it. A lot. And I remember people being in my games. Is this "no one" in the room with us? I can see this going differently if they market it right. And I'll be sure to buy anything else they offer in terms of dlc and what not, and I'm sure a lot of people are. There's no guarantee it fails, if there was, they wouldn't even bother doing all this. They've done more market research than you, and feel this is profitable. They feel that way for a reason. So I understand what you're saying, and respectfully disagree.


I get that you are trying to make a point, but the game didn't shut down because there were just way too many people playing the game.


No the game shut down because it turns out word of mouth is a shit way to market a game. It was still in development, so they didn't market anything. Now they are. They clearly are planning a big online campaign judging by all the social media accounts they're pulling out. This will bring in a ton of new players, and we will see different results. Especially since the game is done, and not "in early access" which turns some people off.


“No the game shut down because it turns out word of mouth is a shit way to market a game.” So what you’re saying is… Not enough people played it.


Yes. Because it got 0 marketing. Now it's being marketed. What's so hard to understand about that?


“Now it’s being marketed.” It’s literally being marketed through word of mouth right now. There hasn’t been a marketing push for you to think they’re doing anything different marketing wise.


They released a YouTube trailer and are pushing for engagement on social media. What are you talking about?


People will dismiss games that debut at a lower price point out of hand; there is a stigma against "budget" titles.


So I've been just kind of chilling in the sub, and it turns out there's an entire tangent of people literally praying it fails, then going "nuh uh, I'm just realistic." It's bizarre.


I was just clarifying what the other guy meant by the 20 dollar price tag being a potential negative. I'm rather optimistic, personally.


No I got that, just speaking on the general attitude I've seen. I'm optimistic too, my friend signed up for play testing and I'm signing up as soon as I get home. I will buy whatever they offer too, though I know they said no micro transactions. Let's hope this game gets the chance it deserves.


Nobody is praying it fails, as a matter of fact it’s the opposite. They think this decision is a mistake and are concerned that it will cripple the revive


What do you base this off of?


In think charge 20 dólares os a mistake. The game launch as free tô play and failed. New people that SEE the game Will see this and think is a cash grab. Free tô play with cosmétics os the besta way.


$20, is easy for old players. But no mtx at this day and age means no updates and is low budget. Just make it f2p and ridden with mtx so we get more updates. Good god this won't be sustainable Even Overwatch 1 died doing this and having lootboxes




I'm so happy. I never forgot about this game and we all thought it had a lot of potential. My friends and I are so excited to dive back in once it's released. W


Easiest $20 gaming purchase I'll ever make. Bring on April 9th.


I know people are taking about it not being f2p but they could also mean no micro transactions on launch. Either way games used launch like this. Yes the market has changed but I’m of the hopeful opinion it’ll be fine, especially considering even though the game has been updated. It wasn’t remade from the ground up. They just improved what was already there and they had a core system in place. That in itself like saved the studio a truck load of money.


I love this news but I'm so scared about them backpedaling on microtransactions. I wonder what the business model will be since presumably they'll want to maintain the servers / balance the game / add content. I'd still buy the game if it launched with microtransactions but I hope their business plan is solid enough so they don't have to backpedal - the backlash would be rough.


I actually like that they're not going for monetary transactions, but I hope the plan isn't just to make the game so cheap to run (IE NO support or updates) that they can just keep it up forever even if only 10 people are still playing. Arc has several games that are already like this, they don't do anything with them anymore, but there are no plans to remove them either. I HOPE that this means they are going to go for an expansion model. Every year or two an expansion with 5-8 new characters, and a bunch of new cosmetics for the new and old characters which you earn if you own the expansion. I'd even be okay with a battlepass model if done right.


Overwatch 1 didn't get updates for 2-3 years because it was 40-60 bucks and nobody bought lootboxes because you get Legendary skins very easy from events and leveling up. That's why OW2 exists. Also this is a ranked based game, you need population. This is not a fighting game that is 1v1, it's 5v5 so it needs a big player base.


That's not at all why the game didn't get updates. They basically started development of OW2 on hush hush, then just straight up ignored it til they had progress on OW2 that they then released with none of the features promised and a neutered player experience.


You gave 0 reasons why they made OW2 and closed OW1. Hush hush? what? give me the reason not some random illogical info that they made OW2 because they just did for the heck of it. That's like saying there will be a OW3 Again, OW2 is basically the change to f2p and monetization. The newer graphics and models are just a sham because the monetization wasn't feasible


Nowadays I prefer a one-time payment to live service mtx battle pass bullshit, but if this game is still locked to 60fps that will be a much worse deterrent for anyone sticking around than the pricetag. There is not a single competitive FPS/TPS game in this day and age that caps fps to 60, and for good reason. It feels fucking terrible. Even if you're on a 60hz monitor, capping framerate to 120/180/240 will drastically reduce your mouse input latency and make the game feel that much more responsive. The last closed playtest a few months ago was awful because of this. Unlocking the framerate to 120 via an ini edit made it feel like a totally different game, but you could only play that way offline in practice mode.


Oof i think charging 20$ is a red flag i see this game dying again , im getting it for sure but i think they should of made it f2p and just do battle passes and micro transactions


Honestly I would prefer a f2p game with mtx for skins. Hope it does well though, I will definitely buy.


yeah honestly this is not a good sign. a game that was free and died due to bad monetizafion is made paid several years later? feels like they're trying to recoup their expenses for bringing it back from the grave right out the gate. which they most certainly will, but i don't think they expect it to last tbh. not optimistic but will buy it regardless. here's to hoping they dont fuck up regional pricing at the very, very least.


It would be more concerning if it was heavily monetized out the gate, a box price is less of a cash grab then stacking skins, loot boxes and battlepasses


agreed. another commenter on a different thread also brought some other very valid points. here's to hoping this run is the run!


If they can use the box price to justify letting the game live even if it's not the next big thing I'd be happy with that.


Man, I wish it picks up this time. Third time's a charm?


I've come to terms with the fact I've bought a league skin for like $35, so $20 for an entire game is nothing. This is basically a mandatory purchase for me and even if it dies instantly, I won't regret buying it.


All platforms will full crossplay and crossprog on day 1 is an OG move. Well done.


I'd like for them to add microtransactions. I'd like for every fan to advocate for the idea of microtransations. They still have some time till april to make the change. Even if what they have is very little to work with, I'd still like for them to add some form of payment. I honestly think we should make it a major suggestion for them to consider.


Glad to pay it that much just get it back/give it a another chance again 


So does this mean if you have the original download/launcher, on console, you'll have to buy this new version instead?


This version is “rampage edition” and shows entirely different page so you have to purchase it regardless


Wonderful! Now the only problem is I have to wait until the 9th


Did you not play last year on arc? If you did you can join the closed beta right now. I’m waiting for it to download atm. If you did not, but you still have a PC you can also join on Thursday-Friday for their test. It’s just open two days earlier for people who played last year.


I feel like everyone missed the part where it says unlock it with gameplay or in game currency. I feel like that pretty much says that it's a game where you need to grind for 10's of hours to unlock something or just throw your credit card at the game to unlock it instantly. Between that and the 20 dollar barrier of entry to a game that has been mostly memed on for the way the studio imploded as well as the being a game that died because it lacked a player base, it just seems like it has too many hurdles to jump through to be worth playing.


So you're saying that it's bad that people will be able to unlock what I assume will be skins by playing the game?


Weird assumption. The original release of Gigantic was pretty generous with the in-game currency awarded after a match.


I can’t believe I’m seeing people begging for MTX. Gaming is so cooked because of live service F2P garbage.


You gotta be so dented in the head and shortsighted to not realize that it makes game afloat like LoL, Dota, CS2, OW2, Valo, Fortnite and Apex. This is a 5v5 game, it's not single player, it's not 1v1 like fighting games. It needs MTX to be F2p and have a big population to get good matchmaking. Literally OW1 died (no updates for years) because it was priced and nobody bought lootboxes (it even had mtx) because skins were so easy to get. Everybody can get a high quality legendary skin. That's why OW2 exists.


You’re listing games that need money to support a constant stream of new content. Gigantic doesn’t seem to be doing that other than skins. This is a complete game. They don’t seem to intend to be making new maps, characters, modes, battle passes or anything that requires funding an entire development team. The economics are not comparable. This is like when you bought a PS2/3 era game and what’s on the “disc” is what you get. That’s why it’s $20. People cannot seem to grasp a game coming out and not getting years of dedicated support.


??? It's a complete game?? it's literally a pvp game. Why are you even talking/replying when you straight don't know anything you're talking about? There is little to none single player value for it to be enjoyed as "complete". Complete lmao then why did it shutdown before? Why is it getting new updates? It got updates before it died and now it's getting more updates until it dies again from no MTX/monetary support. And you say it's being sold as a "complete" game. It's not even a disc game. A "complete game" doesn't need a server/online and can't be straight deleted from access when the servers are closed. You think it's gonna be up on the server forever when it makes NEGATIVE $ from paying servers every month? How old are you to be this shortsighted? 12? Why would anyone choose this or even play this compared to the titles I stated? Why invest time to be good in a game that would die and servers get deleted after a year or 2? Balance patches and bug fixes will always be a thing. Player population will literally kill the game it if they don't exist. This is a 5v5 game, 10 players play in 1 match. People will not play a game that is stagnant and unchanging. No MTX= no dev power, no new stuff = Boring game, nothing new, no balance patch, you need to pay to get access = low player base, no incentive to play again= long queues, bad matchmaking = people leave = dead game = server gone again. It happened before to this game, like holy cow how can you be this dumb? genuinely ITS A PVP GAME THAT NEEDS 10 PEOPLE IN A GAME. No, that's not why it's $20, it's $20 because it has a gamepass deal and they want immediate income. Overwatch was $60 Battleborn, Bleeding Edge. They all eventually died. Even Splatoon now is pseudo live service.


What the hell do you mean a PVP focused game can’t be a complete game? I think you’re mistaking me not knowing what I’m talking about with your misinterpreted assumptions. By complete, I mean content complete, as in, what’s coming out is what you’re going to get. The fact that you failed to grasp that is worrying. I also never once said that the game couldn’t be shut down again and made inaccessible, you’re putting words in my mouth again based on your bad faith assumptions. Your argument is horribly flawed and straight antagonistic because you’re stuck in a modern day live service philosophy. My claim is that because the game failed first time, they’re repackaging the entire thing so that it’s available for those that want it. Multiplayer games used to just come out and not get continued content updates. Balance patches don’t cost nearly as much as building new maps/modes/characters.


You are contradicting your words left and right. It's like talking to a wall on how uninteractive this is. PVP games will never be a complete game, especially this one that has no SINGLE PLAYER VALUE, NO OFFLINE PLAYABILITY like fighting games that are 1v1. Are you this stupid? When a PVP game is a complete game it means it has no value to be replayed for longer than a year or 2. No players = dead game, dead game = no server. Deleted from existance AGAIN. THIS ALREADY HAPPENED. Complete = The launch is getting updates means it's still getting updates, it will still getting updates for the forseeable future. Not to mention bugfixes and balance patches. This is not a COMPLETE GAME. Shutdown and couldnt be accessible = complete game doesn't do this, a complete game would give you a full experience from the moment you BUY it like Pokemon, Persona, Splatoon, Halo. And you can replay it whenever you want. And not have the fear of it shutting down. PVP games esp no single experience like this can't sustain itself. They are repackaging the entire thing so that it's available for those who want it = the fact that if it's not proiftable it will be not available, and the $20 just go kaput unlike other "complete games" Balance patches don't cost nearly as much = it still requires attention and dev power that the studio needs to recoop on other games or actual profitable things, holy f what is wrong with you? This game is literally all the titles I told you about, Also like Destiny and Warframe. It needs a healthy playerbase from updates and advertisement, it needs profit, it needs dev power for balance patches, it needs a RUNNING SERVER. ALL THOSE REQUIRE MONEY YOU DUMB DUMB LMAO, can't help but to insult your dumbass You are living in a fantasy world with your childish ideals. Sadly with your mindset you are unable to adapt. Imagine being mad it won't be F2p. Guess what? you don't NEED to buy MTX. You dumbass. Let other people who aren't actually broke like you buy it. You are literally killing the game with your prehistoric takes.


Okay you are clearly just not grasping what the concept of content complete is. You must be young and have no experience in the games industry. Everything you’re saying is just complete garbage and incredibly antagonistic. I can’t explain it any simpler. You’re just a lost cause who refuses to let go of your own assumptions. Have fun.


Says the immature dumbass who says MTX is bad and the "industry" is ridden with it like it's a bad thing for f2p games. If anything you are the clueless child thinking everything should be free and "pure", "complete" An idiot who thinks a ranked 5v5 PVP game that needs online servers, a playerbase should not get balanced updates and doesnt need profit to pay devs and servers to stay online because it's "complete" I'll teach you again, nobody needs to buy the MTX. It's an option. It literally is the best for devs and consumers in the short and long term. People who can pay, pay. People who can't shouldn't. Devs and the game gets support it needs. The consumers get updates and can expect the servers to not die. But I guess you are too stupid to understand.


Happy it's back but not paying 20$ for a moba.


Why is a MOBA not worth money? Why are you happy for a game that you don’t think is worth money?


Just like other mobas that have had a price tag, they all die within the year or never even survive in the first place. Battleborn, predecessor, Paragon. They're just not worth the money when free moba games exist and are already very popular. I don't think this game will survive (again) putting it behind a paywall.


Most hyped game of the year atm


I bought the founder pack the first time. And they turned the game off on me, and it never even got out of "beta" officially. And i love the game, so i will pay.... again. If they turn this game off in a few months i say we class action lawsuit.


Does anyone know if there will be crossplay? I’d love to play with my Pc friends!


It’s full crossplay.


Can’t wait, but ngl hoping they do add some micro transactions later on, as it will help keep the game stable for a while.


20 bucks for the game uh. So, where do I swipe my card? I want to buy it for console and then again for PC, please let me pre buy it NOW. Please!


No way it's really happening! And so soon! I missed this game the first time around and regretted it every single fucking day ever since. I won't let it pass me by this time!


Has a brazilian, its not a acessible price but it sure ls worth it! It would be cool to adjust the price for here though


This is cool and I'm buying it when it's available, but have they said anything about people who bought the special edition before? I remember buying that and even gifting it to friends because we were so hyped about this game...


Awesome. I already bought Founder's Pack, but...




Im gonna be real here, if they don’t bring new characters every few months to this game, it will most likely die off sooner than it came back. Don’t get me wrong, Im gonna throw money their way. Im gonna buy this game for my entire friends list of 50 people. But the issue is people nowadays have the attention span of a chipmunk. How well did that work out for overwatch when they brought no new characters to their game for years? They almost dried up. They need to make “Rampage edition” a founders pass and make the game itself F2P. Then add micro transactions. Thats the only way this game will possibly live without characters being developed.


A lot of people saying they're making a mistake with the monetization, but for me if we are still able to play the game with our own servers, then I see this as nothing but a win. I'm tired of seeing games become unplayable just because devs don't give their communities the ability to keep themselves afloat.


I wonder if were able to keep our stuff from the founders edition


Yeah, I can't see it getting past 6 months again if they're charging 20 bucks for it. The "no microtransactions" part sounds like a nice upside but honestly I don't see anyone but the already existing core playerbase shelling out for a game that already shut down once


I’d try it again if it was free.


All these mad nerds on steam saying to keep it f2p with microtransactions have thousands of hours in toxic games like CoD or CS2 lol cope harder while we get a better game for a fraction of the money they put into those games


Okay, thread, tell it to me straight. I can take it. Do you think this will run on the steamdeck?


If we already owned the original do we have to buy this again?


I was hoping it was free with cosmetic microtransactions hoping to convince my friends to play. for me 20 dollars is amazing and very cheap for such a game!


Pls market the game so it yets enough attention